"So to be clear, Mr. Cawthon," the officer concluded as he looked at his notebook, "you pretended to go missing for about a week, when in actuality you were staying at a motel?"
"Pretty much..." Guy replied as he rubbed the back of his head.
"And, Mr. Cameron, you decided it would be a good idea to block all of the exits in the establishment Mr. Jefferson was in?"
"Well...I suppose so."
"And you claim the fire started because of faulty wiring in an old animatronic robot?"
"We believe so, yes."
"Well, we still have a lot to look into about this whole thing. Stay in town until we can figure out what exactly happened."
"Of course, Officer."
He then tipped his hat and walked towards his car. I then slowly looked towards the attraction. I suppose it's a real relief that the outside miraculously survived. You honestly would never expect a giant fire occurred inside.
The fire department was still firing their hoses into the doorway, trying to extinguish whatever flames remained. Guy and I haven't been allowed inside yet, but I'm not sure if I'd want to go in, anyway...
"Dude...we fucked up big time..." Guy said quietly.
"I know...but how were we supposed to know about that damn robot?!"
"We weren't, I suppose..."
I continued to stare at the building. All this money and time put into the business...wasted. We lost a lot of things in the span of an hour, including our friend's life! To say I felt guilty was an understatement...
"Excuse me, gentlemen."
I turned and saw what appeared to be the head firefighter walking towards us.
"Yes?" I replied.
"I have a short list of things that survived the fire," he told us as he pulled out a clipboard.
"What made it?" Guy asked.
"Well, as I said, it's a short one. All we found were a few bobble heads, an arcade cabinet, and a white clown-looking mask."
"That's all?"
"Well, that and..."
He then pointed behind him and I looked past him. My eyes widened as I did. I could see paramedics rolling a stretcher across the parking lot towards the ambulance. The stretcher was covered with a white sheet, but I could see an unburned human arm hanging down!
"You mean...Eric's body...?"
"Call it a miracle, but he was completely untouched from any burns or ash! They're taking him to the hospital to perform an autopsy."
"I see..."
"I think we should be done extinguishing the flames," he concluded as he turned back towards the building. "If you wish to head inside, you may."
"Thank you," I replied with a nod. He then gave a nod back and went to the firetruck.
"What do you say, Man?" Guy asked. "Wanna look inside?"
"...sure. Why not?"
We then went to the entrance and walked through the doorway. All we could see was black and gray for a perfect outline on the floor where our dead friend was lying.
"How did he not get burned...?" I asked quietly to myself. Guy remained quiet. Not that I expected him to know the answer.
I then walked along to the next hallway, where the only thing that wasn't black and crumbled was, as the fireman said, the Prize Puppet mask. A bit weird how THAT survived, too.
Finally, we got to the arcade, where all the other cabinets were nothing but collapsed metal and wire. However, the only cabinet remaining was at the far end. I recognized it as the newest one we found. The one that worked. The one that...was currently on?
I walked to it and looked at the screen. I could've sworn there were 3 games on this why do I see a 4th option called 'Happiest Day'?
I selected it and instantly found what looked like a small gray figure in some sort of party. There were tables in the background with a few people wearing what looked like animal masks. They didn't look like any characters from Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, though.
I scrolled the character to the left a bit. It was still nothing but tables with people wearing masks. What the hell is going on in this thing?
Finally, I came across a table where there was only one person. It was gray, as well, and it looked...sad. Next to the table were 4 more gray people that were wearing masks, only these ones were recognizable; it was a bear, a bunny, a chicken, and a fox.
I moved my character towards the table and towards the crying person. When it touched the table, though, the character stopped, and a giant cake appeared on the table!
Suddenly, the crying person seemed to open its eyes and look at the cake. Then, out of the blue, a mask appeared on its face! It looked like a bear, as well, only a lighter shade of gray as the other one.
Then, all 6 gray figures disappeared, with colorful balloons replacing them and floating away. The only thing left of them besides that were their masks, which fell to the floor. The one that got my attention, though, was the one that appeared in place of my character. It looked like a familiar white mask with purple stripes and a giant smile...
Suddenly, the cabinet sparked and shut off! I backed up and screamed when it did. I then looked at the machine. It looked like it was broken for good now.
"C'mon," I told Guy. "Let's keep going."
We then continued down the hall, looking at all the burnt artifacts along the way. All of these things are irreplaceable. And now they're gone. What a waste...
Finally, we got to the office doorway and saw everything was charred except for the 3 figurines on the desk. It's truly devastating seeing all of this destruction.
We then walked outside through the exit and looked at each other.
"What do you think is going to happen to us?" Guy asked.
"Well, the worst I forsee is getting attested for manslaughter."
"You asked."
I then rubbed my eyes and shook my head. I can't imagine what Eric went through. Was he thinking about us in his final moments? Did he suspect that the blocked doors were our fault?! Were his last seconds of life spent in anger for what we did???
"Uh, Chuck?"
"Do you see this?"
I opened my eyes and looked in front of me. I think I know what Chuck was talking about: 5 little kids who seemed to appear from out of nowhere.
The one in the center had blonde hair and freckles, and he seemed fixated on me and Guy. Then, a small smile emerged on his face.
"Don't worry," he told us. "We made sure he was safe."
I stared in confusion at the kids. What was that supposed to mean?
"We thought all grown-ups were bad," he continued. "But now we know they're all not. Even though we couldn't save your friend from the man that hurt us, we made sure the fire didn't get him."
I continued to stare at him. Was this really happening right now?
"I know you probably don't understand," he told me. "All you need to that he'll forgive you eventually."
Then, in the blink of an eye, they all disappeared. I kept blinking; they were still gone.
"You...saw that, too, right?" Guy asked.
"Yeah..." I murmured.
I then looked up towards the sky. The sun was blaring bright in my eyes as I stared. Was that child serious about Eric? That he'll forgive us...eventually?
All I know for sure is that we have a hell of a lot to go through still. I just hope it goes as smoothly as possible.
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