12 AM, June 26, 1973
As I walked through this shitty restaurant, I looked at all of the walls and decorations. Drawings of those stupid mascots EVERYWHERE! It sickened me to see all of this pieces of garbage! But no matter; by the time I'm done with this place, there will be more to worry about than the drawings!
I held up my remote control and pressed the big red button. If my frequencies were correct, then only one of those stupid things should be moving right now. Sure enough, I heard one start playing its damn recording.
"Huh-Hey, Kiddies! It's your old pal Freddy Fazbear!"
God, I hate that thing. But that's all the more reason I'm going to enjoy this next part... I then pulled out my walkie-talkie, which was linked to the overhead PA system, and held it to my mouth.
"Hey!" I shouted into the radio. "Freddy FuckFace! You suck!!"
"Uh-Oh! Looks like we got ourselves a pottymouth over here! We don't like those here at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!"
"Oh, yeah? Well, come and find me and just TRY to do something about it, you ugly piece of shit!"
"If you keep being naughty, I'm afraid we'll have to tell your parents about this!"
As the hunk of metal said that, I could hear it slowly walk off the stage. I then put my mouth away from the radio and shouted, "GO AHEAD! JUST TRY AND STOP ME!!"
I then smiled as I heard the thing walk closer and closer to me. I made sure I was in the room completely, first, just to be safe. I then finally saw it turn the corner and see me.
"Well, hey there, Kiddy!"
"Oh, go to Hell, you robotic asshole!"
"Uh-Oh! Looks like we got ourselves a pottymouth over here!"
It then walked towards me as it kept talking about how they don't like pottymouths at this damn restaurant. Well, you know what? I don't give a shit about what this place thinks! I never, ever, EVER did!!
Finally, it was right in front of me. It was about a foot away from touching me! But, it didn't. Before it could come any closer, it just stopped and backed up a footstep. A second later, it stepped towards me again, but again, backed up. It then kept repeating this process over and over again. I just smiled.
"Oh, what's wrong?" I asked in my most exaggerated concerned voice. "Are you stuck, little guy?"
"Huh-Hey, Kiddies! It's your old pal Freddy Fazbear!"
"Oh...you can't enter this room, can you? No?"
"I hope you enjoy your stay here with me and my buddies!"
"Gosh, it would be a real shame if I did something and you couldn't stop it, would it?"
"Our pizza is absolutely to die for!"
"Yeah, maybe if it was something tragic, like...THIS!!!"
"Let's strike up the ba-"
I smacked the brown sack of shit right in the head with a spare pipe! It toppled over backwards and started spazzing out.
"HuH-hEy, KiDdIeS! iT's YoUr OlD pAl FrEdDy FaZbEaR!"
I walked out of the room and swung the pipe again. This time, I made sure it landed directly in the giant black nose of his!
"i HoPe YoU eNjOy YoUr StAy HeRe WiTh Me AnD mY bUdDiEs!!"
I hit it one more time and it stopped moving. I deeply exhaled and looked at the busted robot. It stopped moving completely. I smiled and reached down towards the animatronic.
"Looks like the show's over for you, Freddy," I told him quietly.
I then stood back up and turned back around towards the room and smiled.
"What did you think of the show?" I asked.
No response except some loud muffles.
"What was that?" I asked as I cupped my hand around my ear. "You thought it was amazing?" I then laughed as I replied, "So did I!"
I then walked back into the room, still wielding the pipe.
"Now," I continued, "Which one of you lucky saps would like to help out your old pal Freddy Fazbear? Hm?"
I didn't get much of a verbal response; just muffled screaming and crying.
"Hmm...no volunteers..."
I then looked over the group, trying to find a good candidate.
"Ah!" I finally said as I pointed to one of them. "You look like you want to help Freddy!"
She responded by squealing loudly through her gag and shaking her head violently.
"Oh, no need to be shy," I replied as I bend down to her level. "He'll thank you for it; I know he will!"
I then held the pipe up above my head. She started screaming even louder, as well as the rest of them.
I then looked my chosen candidate for Freddy directly in the eye. Her blue eyes were watery and her tiny face was red. I smiled as I looked at her.
"I hope you enjoyed your stay at Freddy Fabear's Pizza," I told her calmly.
I then swung the pipe down.
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