Forgotten voices
They returned to their home and Tony knocked on the door. Soon everyone had packed their bags with only the vitals ready to move to the house that had been found that morning.
Foxy's eyes flickered to life and his frost coated joints clicked as he stood once 12am had struck and they were just over half way there. He had been dragged all this way due to his joints locking up in daylight hours.
"We haven't been down there yet, but it looks perfect for a bomb shelter." Tony kept saying.
A yowl startled the group and most of them didn't even know why they started running until one of them at the back started shooting the massive hoard of zombies that were right on their tail. A few of the group with the heaviest bags had fallen behind. Chica grabbed one of the woman's wrists and was practically dragging her forward in the race for safety whereas Foxy simply took the heavy bag and told the guy to get a move on. Freddy and Goldie at the front kept shouting commands and directions to the house they were heading for. Bonnie took hold of a gun that was going unused and started shooting at the zombies some more.
"Come on, we're almost there!" The chicken cried, spotting the house in the distance. The young man with the infant upon his back tripped on his laces and faceplanted the ground scuffing up his hands and face. Chica helped him back up and they both continued on their way.
One by one, they each dove into the underground to safety. The elevator taking them down had barely enough space for everyone and no one wanted to touch anything that looked even remotely like a keypad in case it triggered anything. A recorded voice sounded making some of the group almost jump out of their skin as it explained that once the elevator had come to a stop, the doors would open once someone pressed the bright, red and obvious button. The elevator stopped and Freddy pressed the button, opening the doors and revealing black and yellow tape that indicated danger.
"Well this is just grand." Tony joked.
"Everybody stick together. No one is to go anywhere alone and don't forget to check behind you. I have no doubt that most of you have seen the films where those at the back get picked off first?" Freddy's voice usually soothed everyone, and he didn't fail to do so even now. Wherever they were was dark and eerie. Freddy's eyes automatically set to glow lighting the way.
An odd voice, a girl's voice whispered to them;
"Who are you?" This whisper was closely followed by the recorded voice they heard before.
"You are now in the Primary Control Module."
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