Creepy teddy
Having had a decent night's sleep, Tony flung his bed covers over his feet then slid out from his comfortable, warm bed and rubbed his face. He had no pyjamas and his combat uniform was uncomfortable to sleep in, but at least he didn't freeze. Putting his bulletproof vest on and slinging his utility belt around his waist, he came downstairs to breakfast. Eating his pasta and an oat biscuit, he was ready to go.
"Hey, Doc!" Chica greeted once Tony stepped out the door.
"Morning, guys!" Tony returned giving a small nod to Freddy, Bonnie and Goldie. "More foraging today I'm afraid." They were lucky to even find a box of crackers in this wasteland. A zombie strode towards them that Goldie spotted through the corner of his eye and shot, not breaking up the conversation for a millisecond. Zombies were now seen as more of a hazard when crossing the road than as a deadly, cannibalistic enemy.
They set off on the day's journey; searching for food and if possible, a more bomb resistant shelter. They had been rationing out their food for days and it was quite common to hear one another's stomach growl in hunger.
Each house they came across was searched for survivors and food. This house in particular was rather interesting, so Freddy knocked on the door and there was no reply. This lead to kicking the door in and searching the house. There was a strange little hallway with a chair at the end below the window with a small plush greenish-yellow rabbit sitting upon it. The next room had two doors by which Bonnie went through one door and Chica the other. Freddy checked the bed just in case any survivor had taken a nap before the animatronics broke in. Goldie checked the closet and found a headless Foxy plush. Picking it up, the golden bear called to the others;
"Guys look at this!" He exited the closet showing his findings.
"I found one too!" Said Freddy hugging a plush version of himself.
"Us too!" Chica giggled playing with a plush of herself like a little girl while Bonnie's eyes sparkled with childish excitement holding his own. A pair of white eyes locked on Goldie; these eyes were just like his, black with a white iris and steadily following Goldie's movements across the room.
"...That's so darn creepy!" Goldie finally noticed the Fredbear plush staring.
"Guys! Over here!" They followed Tony's voice to an entrance to the underground. "We gotta get the others, this place is perfect!" The animatronics nodded in agreement before starting the long walk home.
They'd be back by nightfall and travelling at night when the bomber planes were least likely to hit.
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