I sigh as i sit down and sigh and check tje cameras. I was wearing my outfit. I look through the cameras as Bonnie pokes ny cheak and scares me. "HELL!" i shout and drop the tablet. Bonnie starts to laugh as i growl. "I scared you~" Bonnie cooed. "Shit... your fucking bitch." i grumble. Bonnie laughs and picks me up. "PUT ME DOWN!" I growl. Bonnie talkes me to the room where they perform. "WHAT THE HELL?!" I shout as he puts me down. "Lass did he capture ye again?" foxy laughs. I cross my arms over my chest. "Bonnie ye girlfriend poutin'." foxy laughed even more. "Yea, shes pissed." Bonnie said. "IM PIASED BECAUSE OF PEOPLE!" I shout ad head back to the office and oh hell did a girl scare me.
"Hello." shes says. "Im Mingle." she says. "Are you another one of the animatronics?" i ask and she nods, "YES MORE GIRL FRIENDS!" I shout as bonnie walks behind mr and hugs me. "Oh, you must be (Y/n). Bonnie's girlfriend, am i correct?" she asks. "My eyes widen and i look down and mumble, "Yes." Bonnie kisses my cheek and i feel him bury his head in the side of my neck. I can feel his breath aginst my neck. I blish and close my eyes, "Bonnie..." i mumble. "Mingle, go please." he says and i hear Mingle's feet shuffle across the floor and she leaves. Bonnie kisses my neck and blush. He bites down softly and sucks on the same spot. I know now he's try to give me a hickey. "Bonnie!" i growl and he pulls back and looks into my (E/c) orbs. "What?" he wined. "Did you give me a hickey!?" i ask. He smirks and nods. "OH MY GOS IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I shout as i turn around and face Bonnie.
I growl and sit down in the chair. "Go." i growl. "Try to kill me, its 2 am i want to see my skills." i laugh. "No!" he shouts and i roll my eyes. "HEY EVERYONE TRY TO KILL ME!!! I WANT TO TEST OUT MY SKILLS!" i shout and i got as a reply, "OK WE'LL GO EASY!" The others shouted. "Go bunnt Boy!" i shout and Bonnie growls. "You cans stay but you cant help." i snicker and look at the tablet. "Ok fine. "Bonnie saus and picks me up and sits me on his lap. I looked yhrough the cameras and seen Toy Bonnie in front of the camera, chicka was in the vent and Balloon boy was in his usual spot. I check the stsge and now toy freddy is gone. I run through the cameras and then i look up and jump. I cover my face and toy freddy laughs. "Its a mask!" i shout and i hear the clanks of his medal feet across the floor.
"Bonnie?" i ask as i go through the cameras and wind up the music box. "Mhm?" he replys. "How do you change like to humans?" i ask. "Well, we just think were out of our suits and we magically become human but, we dint stay human everyday because we live here and we have to stay a robot." he says and wraps his arms around my waist. "Oh..," i mumble and i see Mangle in the vent where chicka was now. "OH MY GOD!" I shout. "TOY BONNIE MOVE!" i hear Mangle start to laugh and i look ok the camera to see her laughing historicaly. (??? Idk if thats how its spelled) I look up and see chicka and i cover my face and she laughs. "Your mask?" she asks and i nod. I hear her medal feet walk away and then i see foxy fight in front of me "SHIT!" I shout and jump slightly earning Bonnie to laugh at me. "Did i scare ye lass?" foxy laughs and i nod. "GO NOW PESENT!" I shout and laugh and foxy rolls his eyes and walks away and i smile. It was 4:58 am, no scratch the 5 am. I smile and laugh slightly. "One more hour...." i mumble.
I was winding up he music box and Toy bonnie scares me. "SHIT!" I shout and drop the tablet. "Awwww!" i shout and bonnie picks it up and hands it to me. "You would have dies." Toy Bonnie states. "I know but Luckley its just a game we're playing." i smile. "Yea." toy bonnie nods and walks off. "UGHHHH!" I shout and yawn. "When i get home im taking a nice shower and going to bed." I say and rub my eye. "Its 5:30. Just 30 more minutes." Bonnie says and i nod. "Im tired though!" i whine. I lay my head back on Bonnie.
I closed my eyes and i fell asleep but woke up to 'DING DONG!' it was 6 am and i hot up and left. I walked home a.d i felt like i was being watched but i shruged it off. I walked.through the fromt door and locked it behind me and went to my room and jumped into a shower. I walked.out and got dressed into my pajamas. After that i layed down and went to bed.
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