Night terrors: part 3
Doc struggled to protect the four children from the wave of bloodthirsty zombies when there was only Chica, Freddy and himself to keep the kids out of harm's way. He used a branch from the fallen tree as a bat then whacked a zombie around the head and blood spurted from its mouth. Freddy smashed a zombie's head in with a crowbar and Chica had the deadly frying pan.
"This is just like L4D2!" She laughed at the cartoonish zombie face imprinted onto the metal pan.
"Yeah, and friendly fire is on!" Chuckled Freddy.
The rest of the zombies turned tail and ran. Freddy, Doc and Chica raised their weapons in triumph and cheered.
"Lauren!" A kid screamed. They raced over to the little boy with the hook wound who was pointing to the body of his friend. Doc immediately checked for a pluse. Freddy was extremely concerned.
"Is she...?"
"Dead." Doc finished. Freddy removed his tophat in grief.
Meanwhile, Bonnie and Foxy were being driven back and further away from the others, Bonnie still holding the hand of the little, crying girl. She sobbed some more.
"There's too many of them!" Bonnie called. Foxy didn't answer. "I hope the others are doing better." No reply. "Foxy?" Bonnie called. Foxy slit the throught of yet another zombie. He mouthed the words: 'I can't speak'. This smoke and ash was becoming irritating and it didnt help that the pirate was left behind a curtain to gather dust, no wonder he was only able to scream at the boy.
A zombie leaped towards the purple rabbit and he stepped back...
"Aaaahhh!" The bunny tumbled down a steep drop, grabbing Foxy's ankle. The fox dropped to the floor, being dragged across the rocky ground. He clawed at whatever he could and finally caught hold of a large rock. The zombies raced toward the pirate as he found it difficult to support both the child and Bonnie's weight. The beasts grabbed Foxy's arms and torso in attempt to dismantle him.
The fox thrust himself forward and gave the main zombie a taste of its own medicine. He bit down on the zombie's head. Blood squirted everywhere and all over Foxy's front. Then the rock came loose...
Bonnie, the little girl and Foxy all fell into the river below.
Doc and the others decided to keep moving forward as they agreed that Bonnie and especially Foxy, could take care of themselves. They made their way carefully down a steep rocky hill and came to a river.
"Look!" Said Matthew, gestureing to the zombies. They had returned.
"Can everyone swim?" Freddy called to the group. The little girl that Freddy had saved from the burning camp earlier was called Rachael. Matthew and Rachael nodded but the child that Foxy had accidentally injured shook his head. Doc stayed silent. "Doc, can you swim?" Freddy repeated. Doc was cut off as the zombies nearly caught up to them. "Into the river, go! Go! Go!" Freddy ordered. They all jumped in, Freddy helping the injured child.
Doc kicked and slapped the water as he struggled to stay above the surface. He coughed as he swallowed the murky river water. He couldn't swim.
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