Freddy: I have heard of Mario, but what is Mario 64?
Everyone: *shrugs*
Vanny: *gasp* YOU DoN'T kNoW wHaT mArIo 64 Is!?!?!??!?!??!?!??!?!?!?
Glitch: *muffled screaming* VANNY! WHERE IN TARNATION DID YOU GO NOW!?
Pheonix: Um. That's my cue... *leaves*
Helpy: Wait. Why is she so scared of Glitchtrap?
B. Lefty: B.e-c.a-u.s-e h.e a-l.m-o.s-t k.i-l.l-e.d h-e.r.
Foxy: Yup. And I had to tell at ye for not doing nothin'. *points at Bonnie's lump of what not*
Freddy: Anyways. I do not know what would happen.
*Mario flies in like TA ballerina we all know he secretly is*
Freddy: WHAT THE F-
Helpy: YOU DARE QUESTION THE WORDS OF THE JESUS BOOK!?!? *flies in front of Mario and slaps him*
Mario: *pauses in mid air* Awhoopsie daisies *dies*
Helpy: *lands on TA ground unharmed or scratched*
Everyone: *jaw hung*
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