Part 1!
Jessica saw a run down Pizzeria with weird animatronics in it. It was her 6th birthday and her twin brother Jin decided it would be fun to go run off with his friends leaving her alone.
*Flashback in flashback*
She ran into the forest,crying and running is all you could hear throughout the pitch black forest. She run for what felt like hours, nonstop running tired her out so she stopped. As she looked around, not finding anything she laid back on the ground. Taking deep breaths she got back up looking around she saw something in the distance. Moving a large branch "Owww" she cried. Looking down she saw she ripped open her hip, she carefully touched it "Owwwwwwieee" whimpering she ripped a piece of her shirt, putting it on the wound. Finally looking up she saw the gruesome "Freddie's Pizzeria".
*Flashback in flashback done*
She felt adventurous so she travelled into the pizzeria. Going into the pizzeria it was dark and creepy, but she didn't want to turn back and run into her 'baka' of a brother. She kept going and..... Saw a flash of purple! She thought she saw the foxes "Mangle", ballerinas "Ballora", puppets "Marton", and girl "Balloon Girl eyes widen. The purple light lead to box with purple, and black ribbon's..(What a con-winking-dink!!!) Her favorite colors. :-( She opens the box and a man jumps out, she screams out from horror, and surprise, he has a knife cover in blood. His glare she swear could look into her soul, his voice singing "Tag your it.. tag, tag your it". His voice so ruff it almost made her ear drums bleed. Closer and closer he came... "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screams, he got her! Her leg now dripping with blood, almost in pattern with the blood dripping from her hip. Her heart now beating 260 miles per hour, she ran and ran and ran and ran, her hip and leg killing her. "Help me, Help me!!" She cried. As she looked behind her she tripped, thinking she lost him she closed her eyes. Her breathing almost back to normal she felt....."AHHHHHH".... He ripped out a handful of her beautiful long black hair. He dragged the poor screaming and kicking 6 year old, whom has happened to leave bloody handprints on the door, down the hall. Her cries how ever die down from lack of food and water, now just remain as whimpers. He chains her to a table, first ankles, then wrists, now trying to gag her, he puts his hand near her mouth. Her seeing this as a opportunity to bite him tried, he seeing this coming grabs her tongue, laughing he ripes it out. Watching her bloody tongue and mouth, watching her chock on it all makes him rejoice, rejoice for what reason, the reason his master will finally be proud of him for killing a human being. Still dragging her across the hall, he stops at the box. He grabbed her by the rest of her hair, seeing her tear/blood stained face she cries. His Bright purple eyes looking into hers, she sees something she didn't before, He was her stepfather. He stabbed her in the stomach 2 more times, watching her puking up blood, he throw her in the bright purple and black box. Looking inside the box he slowly closed the lid. Her pleads to him were ignored. He fully closed the lid hearing her last scream. He smiled, she's finally the.......Marinette.
Hey guys see I promised to update and did. This chapter took forever with home life drama. Sorry so here it is. Bye guys, love you all~Marie!<3
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