yandere toy chica part 3: the shadow rescue or not?
so I had been rushed yesterday cause it was time for me to sleep but anyways feel free to ask and dare yandere toy chica anything also I hope you enjoy this chapter also warning there maybe be a bit of TLAB in this chapter and some gore so read at your own risk please and thank you
as A.P Toy Chica gently shook Goldie to wake up from his nap, she looks and felt he wasn't breathing, she panicked and took the blanket off and found that Goldie wasn't there and there was a voice recorder next to the baby monitor, the toy chicken was now angry, she grabbed her knife and a leash to connect to the magic block collar, and goes looking for him which didn't take long for her to find Goldie was in the closet but asleep hugging a plushie of Bonnie, she growls and took him out and took the plushie and starts ripping the plushie and stomps on it in anger and looks at Goldie and puts him on her bed and waits for him to wake up to punish him, but the door to the room was kicked down which spooked Goldie awake and startled A.P Toy Chica, who was it that broke the door down but shadow Chica and shadow Bonnie, the toy chicken growls and already starts running to them and was ready to attack them with her knife, but neither stayed in the way for it to let it happen, they both got out of the way and shadow Chica fights the toy chicken as shadow Bonnie took Goldie and ran out as Goldie was shaking and crying as he being helded by shadow Bonnie, and taken to his room and put on the bed, the shadow bunny locked the door and gets on the bed and tries his best to comfort the golden bear, which worked, Goldie had calmed down but clings onto shadow Bonnie not letting him go just too scared and thinks he was finally rescued, but that wasn't the case at all, as for shadow Chica had almost over powered the toy chicken, but was caught off guard by the sudden slip on her leg making the shadow chicken go unbalance and fall backwards, but stops the knife from going inside her trying to hold back the toy chicken
A.P toy Chica: you can't stop me and Goldie from being together we were made to be, you shadows are getting on my last nerves, I will make sure this is quick and scrap you as I did to that shadow Freddy
she said growling and almost stabbed her in the chest but was caught off guard by a cloth on her mouth and nose, she got up and slams whoever was on her back against the wall and does it repeatedly but soon everything went black for her and she dropped on the floor unconscious and who was it that was on her back and didn't let go, was shadow Foxy, he was badly hurt but he gets up whimpers on the way and goes to shadow Chica and helps her up, the two shadows go to shaodw Bonnie's room and knocked on the door, the shadow bunny took a while to unlock the door, the two shadows were confused about why it took so long for him to unlock the door but when they open the door they saw why now, Goldie was asleep and clinging cuddle shadow Bonnie, the shadow bunny wasn't please about it being clung onto, both shadows tried not to laugh to wake up Goldie, the shadow chicken takes Goldie out of his arms after trying to ungrip him of shadow Bonnie and took him to a room and lays him down on a bed, covering him up and left him there, shadow Foxy was getting fixed up as much as the shadow bunny could since shadow Freddy was gone for good, there was no one to fix them now as well as shadow Freddy, so they had to be careful of what they do, as for Goldie, wakes up in a few hours and bolts up seeing he was in a different room, he shook in fear thinking toy Chica had put him in there for the next punishment since the punishments toy Chica had become more and more weird but scary, the last 2 months toy Chica punished him by making him only wear a diaper and put in time out, and the next 2 months was spanking or a knife on the back scrapping on words which hurt a lot, he still had them on his back which was " toy Chica's property do not touch or else!", it had pretty scared him and he haven't bathed these few months so he stank a lot, he looks around and sees he was in some kind of cage but looks up and figured out right away that he was in a crib and looks around seeing the room was very princessly and pink like the last one he was in the princess bedroom that he shared a room with toy Chica ( like this)
the golden bear tried to get up but remembered his legs were gone so he had stumbs instead, he stands on them and tried to climb out but failed every time he got frustrated and started crying as he sat on the mattress and sobbed giving up already not knowing someone was in the room with him
Goldie's mind: I'm never going to escape her and her crazy love for me, I want to go home, I want Bonnie to hug and cuddle, I want this to be all just a nightmare...* sob* I'm never going to escape am I?
the golden bear continues to sob, as a shadow figure comes in and scoops him which spooked Goldie and he started to cry even harder covering his face, but instead of what he feared his head was gently placed on a shoulder, and he looks a bit still crying a bit and sees it was shadow Chica, at this point, he didn't care he clung onto her for dear life and the shadow chicken chuckles at Goldie's clinging onto her and had gently pushed his head back on her shoulder and carried Goldie to the changing table and changed the soaked pull-up and change it into a diaper instead it was pretty thick of a diaper it forced Goldie's thighs to spread, but Goldie whimpers not using his words too scared that this may just be a dream he was having like many nights he had, but when he rubbed his eyes and sees it really was shadow Chica, he was already and put in a tub as the thick diaper he was put in was a water diaper, he was washed and cleaned up by the shadow chicken who was surprise that Goldie didn't start fighting him, Goldie just stays still and looks at the bath toys but doesn't touch them, he was soon picked up and wrapped in a soft towel, Goldie starts to purr snuggling into the soft towel, which made shadow Chica chuckle some more and picks him up and carried him back to the nursery and lays him down and changed the water diaper to a thick diaper that made Goldie's thighs spread more but sees Goldie had fallen asleep, she could understand a little bit of why, she quickly puts him in pink oneises and brushed his hair, after giving him a trim and brushed it, soon taking him to a living room and lays him down in a playpen and sits down herself on a reclining chair and relaxes before falling asleep completely starting to saw some logs ( the playpen but not my art this belongs to toddlergirl on www.furaffinity.com please go check out their art from there plus this comic as the only thing I could find of what kind of playpen it was =w=)
as for Chica and Foxy, they were given permission to check the basement with Mike with them of course, the three looked everywhere in the basement and found a secret door, and opens it, they saw a living room and shadow Chica asleep in the reclining chair and as they kept walking but quietly they saw Goldie asleep in the playpen and snuggling a plushie caterpillar ( like the one in the comic), the three tiptoe and grab Goldie but they were stopped by shadow Foxy and shadow Bonnie, the three instead of being kidnapped were kicked out and the secret door was locked from the inside so they couldn't come in again ( also the onesies that Goldie is where is this)
this left Foxy, Chica, and Mike all confused about what just happened but figured the shadows were guarding Goldie against something or someone, they went back upstairs and went to tell Henry what they discovered, as for Henry, he was doing his best of fixing Bonnie but his memory chip had been damaged the most, as he sees Chica, Foxy, and Mike come in the workshop but sees they were empty-handed meaning Goldie wasn't in the basement either or so he thought, the 3 told Henry what they saw and discover, with toy Chica, woke up from her long slumber and sees he was on the floor and gets up finding her knife was gone which she cursed under her breath and took her phone out and took out a GPS app, she follows it leading to the secret door, she tried to open it but found it locked but this didn't stop her, she found some tools and started to pick the locks but failed, she starts to jiggle the doorhandle in anger and knows the other shadows had Goldie behind that door since the GPS tracker said so, as for shadow Chica woke up to the door handle being jiggle and figured out that toy Chica had found them already, she gets up and picks the sleeping Goldie up and took him to the nursery, and locked the door from the outside for safety and goes to the kitchen grabbing a knife and goes to the door handle being jiggled and unlocks it ready to fight the toy chicken, and sure enough the toy chicken attacks her but the shadow chicken was fast and stabbed the yandere toy chicken in the arm and pinned her to the wall
shadow Chia: ENOUGH, think about that golden bear's feeling, he is terrified of you and all for what, to have him all to yourself and force him to love you....he doesn't like you he likes that purple rabbit and he is gay you idiot
she said but toy Chica didn't want to hear the truth but shadow Chica knew she was in denial, so she unpinned the toy chicken to the wall and shut her down quickly, and starts to take the upgrades away and put her back to her original body to make sure she couldn't hurt anyone ever again and puts the shutdown toy chicken in the closet but before she could the toy chicken rebooted herself and grabbed the only thing close to her and stabbed the shadow chicken on the chest making her go into shock
toy Chica: hehehe you think this will stop me from having Goldie to myself and he will love me
she said and left the shadow chicken there to bleed out and goes to find Goldie humming as she goes with a wire cloth hanger in hand that she had grabbed, as for shadow Chica was rescued by shaodw Foxy and was taken to be fixed up and stop the bleeding, as for Goldie, he woke up and looks up still sleepy but snuggles back on the plushie caterpillar, and goes back to sleep but heard a door open, he jolts up and sees toy Chica had gotten in the nursery but saw she was back to normal and thought to himself that he was finally going crazy, the toy chicken just smiles and took him out but got stabbed in the back by who but shadow Bonnie and he took Goldie and puts him to sleep and took the toy chicken somewhere and locked her in an empty room so she couldn't find anything to help her escape or kill someone with since it was proven she was too dangerous, the shadow bunny goes back up on Goldie and sighed in relief that he was still asleep, and goes to check up on his shadow chicken friend, as for shadow Chica, she was being fixed up and had the bleeding stopped, she was back up on her feet and goes to check up on Goldie and made sure, he was okay as she sighed with relief also, as she picks him up and thinks of something but knew he would need to go somewhere far away and so she called someone from the other side and explain the situation to them over the phone as she holds Goldie in a baby sleeping position, soon after a bit a portal open and a shadow jester comes out, her name was Spade, shadow Chica had things ready and hands Goldie over to her and let her take Goldie for his safety and away from the yandere toy chica, Spade took Goldie and puts him in a room and already made an appointment with a therapist ( she looks like this)
( the idea was given to me by VirusX on Amino please go check them out of their awesome work)
as Goldie woke up and found himself in a completely different room again, this time he was calm but was scared too, he heard the door open and sees the shadow jester and backed away completely is shock, soon after a while, he had calmed down and Spade explains who she was and who send her, Goldie was in shock even more that he was now even farther away from home, he started to have a breakdown and cries, Spade hugs Goldie to comfort her and took him to his therapy appointment, Goldie had fallen asleep in the car on the drive there in a booster seat since Spade thought it would be for the best to keep him in one as she drives, * time skip and therapy appointment later* Goldie was given some meds and had been diagnosed of an anxiety disorder (hypochondria) and was given meds and told about little space to help him since Goldie told the therapist everything that happened including of his fear that yandere toy chicken, soon Goldie was taken back to the mansion of Spade's ( looks like this)
and was taken to his room to rest while she cooked dinner, and to also process all this info that he had been told these past few days, he slept as he thinked but something was in the room with him and.....
what do you think was in the room with Goldie, and what does it want, will toy Chica escape and find Goldie again or will she finally be at defeat?
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