Yandere Freddy and Elizabeth being taken away pt 8
okay, I had an idea cause it just popped into my head on my walk while listening to the Stalker's Tango, and well it gave me an idea for the next random chapter soooo yep I hope you all enjoy a good scare cause I know I'm going to scare myself when writing this ->- also warning there will be a scare and blood so for those who can't stand it please read ar your own risk. ( this drawing is by @nongying on DA)
No One Pov:
Goldie was in his room asleep as he was sleeping in his floor bed cause his once shelf bed had to be taken down due to one too many....ouchies so Goldie sleeps in a much comfortable bed which was on the floor as Goldie doesn't mind but what he did mind was that it was a bit...childish almost everything in his room was childish as he was 16 right now and he didn't like the way his room is but he didn't want to hurt anyone's feeling including his brother, Freddy Fazbear and of course, his bedroom was close to Freddy's for some reason, as Freddy was a yandere a brother one to be exact, he always made sure no one hurt his little brother even if it meant going down that path ( to those who love their siblings very dearly I think you know what I mean by "That" path) Freddy made sure no one dated Goldie, not on his watch that is, as he loved Goldie very very much maybe too much to be exact, as he made sure Foxy never laid a hand or hook on Goldie which he gave him a new order of protect Goldie, when he wasn't around as Goldie wakes up to the sound of knocking on his door. ( the bedroom)
Goldie's POV:
I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door and knew it was Freddy since I could remember that light knocking sound as I get up from my childish bed which the bed was big a Queen size really but everything in my room is childish, I put on my hoodie that Bonnie gave me and go to the door and open it seeing Freddy right there smiling at me, he always smiles in the night when he wants to hang out with me as I just rub, my eyes and Freddy of course, he hugs me purring as usual he was being more clingy then normal today I wonder what got him in a good mood today oh well I'll ask when I get into the shower and get ready for the night and text my secret boyfriend, Pete to see if he can hang out with me at the new Cafe that just opened up and for couples only which is why I want to go there after getting out of Freddy's hugging of course -^-
Goldie: hey Freddy...can you let go I need to get into the shower.
Freddy: sure Goldie I'll see you on stage I got a surprise for you.
he said smiling as I look at him and wonder what kind of surprise but I know he won't tell me so I better get ready anyways I go to the bathroom that me and the gang share these days since we didn't want to waste money on getting everyone their own and complain about someone turning on the water or something I don't know really...I get into the shower after getting my clothes ready and I'm making sure Freddy doesn't see them I don't know what is going on with Freddy these days but he has been getting weirder and weirder by the day and nosey too, I don't know why is his problem of me being interested in dating and boys...could be a big brother thing maybe? I don't know anymore but I'm glad I can go on a date with Pete without Freddy being on my tail since I think Foxy wants me to date someone anyways...I finished washing up and go to my room and locked the door to change in peace and see some clothes set out for me and the way the clothes are I think Freddy picked them out...he always picks out something childish I'm not 8 anymore I'm 16 now the right age to date and why is it so bright colors?? ( Freddy's clothes he picked out for Goldie to wear)
( clothes Goldie picked out for his date with Pete they are a bit....goth he is going through a phase)
I got dressed and put my hair in a ponytail man I'm going to get a haircut after this, I get out of my room and go see Freddy which like he said he would be at I go over and Freddy sees me in my clothes but not the ones he picked out for me.
Goldie: hey Freddy sooo what is the surprise?
I asked and Freddy nods and pulled out a box and pats the stage for me to sit down which I did and he puts it on my lap and well I knew I had to open it so I did and see it was a toy car the one I wanted as a kid but...I kind of outgrew them already but I didn't want to hurt his feeling again so I just smile and hug him as he hugs me back soon I see it was almost time for me to go on my date with Pete which we agreed to meet each other at the new Cafe as me and Freddy talk and Foxy soon calls him over and just like planned I go out and have my phone with me just in case, * time skip* I got to the Cafe and there was Pete as he looked like he just got there and I smile as he sees me and smiles back hugging me.
Pete: you look nice today babe * chu*
he kisses me on my cheek which I gave one back.
Goldie: thanks babe same to you * chu*
we both go inside and it was a bit crowded but we found a seat and talk for a while as I felt like someone was watching up but it could just be me who thinks so I should enjoy my date with Pete anyways.
Freddy's POV:
I came back when Foxy finished talking to me and I see Goldie was GONE!!! I look around the pizzeria and I had a feeling he was out alone in the dark street well don't worry Goldie big brother is coming to save you, I get my stuff ready and my trusty knife which I carry around with me at all times and soon I go out but it didn't take me long to track Goldie's phone and he somewhere just 20 miles from here well I better go see what is stopping him * times skip* I got to the location and it was this new Cafe that I heard Bonnie and Goldie were talking abo- oooohh * quack* NO!!! no way Goldie and Bonnie are in there but I can't get in without having someone with me since this is a couples Cafe dang it!!
No one POV:
Freddy waits outside and gets out his knife but sees through the window was Goldie and Pete as anger and hatred for Pete filled him up and his yandere side was getting the better of him as he had a plan right away of how to get rid of the grey rat as he waited in an alley near Pete's pizzeria as he has his knife ready to attack. * time skip* after a while Fr4ddy sees Pete coming back and covered in black lipstick which was Goldie's as he growls and waits to attack him by surprise soon as the rat got close enough Freddy came out as this made Pete jump when Freddy just showed up all the sudden.
Pete: umm hi there is there something wro-
he was going to ask but felt a sharp pain in his stomach as he started to cough up blood as he looks down and sees the fazbear had stabbed him in the stomach as he looks up at the fazbear whose eyes were glowing as he felt next to the knife being taken out as he was going to try to call for help but it was too late Freddy started to attack him stabbing him over and over before bashing his head on the brick wall off a building * time skip* Freddy has finished the job as he grabbed the lifeless body of Pete and drags him by the furnace as he opens it up and started it.
Freddy: no one takes my little brother EVER
he said smiling which was creepy and he puts the lifeless body in the firing furnace and closed the door behind it with a smile as he walks away without being seen as he wipes the oily blood from his cheek.
Freddy: now to go back home and make sure Goldie is in bed don't worry Goldie big brother is here to protect you
he said and left walking back to the pizzeria without his knife
meanwhile at Afton's house.
Elizabeth had continues to chase the ask bot which was flying for its life as it found a safe spot and hide there as Elizabeth growls but was tired of chasing it around and went back to her plan of getting ride of Chris as the ask bot checked to make sure she wasn't around and soon flies as fast as it can to Clara who was hugging the now asleep Chris which he was back to normal as she strokes his head and soon sees it and smiles as she starts to read the question as she was confused.
@catsaresoooooawsome: Clara, Eli is up to something
Clara sighed as she thought so as well since she hadn't heard anything from Elizabeth as she carried Chris to his room and soon lays him in his bed and covered up as she goes over to Elizabeth's room as she was going to open the door she stopped and heard Elizabeth say something.
Elizabeth: yes once I get rid of Chris, I will get all the attention back daddy would be so proud of me!!!
she said almost laughing like a manic as she smiles and Clara felt so much fear coming over to her body as she goes away but grabbed the key to Elizabeth's room and closed her room quietly and locked it as she goes downstairs and soon picks up the phone still all shaky as she called a child asylum and tells them everything and she hung up when they told her they would be right over right away as she goes to check up on Michael and Noah but before she could she open the door and soon see who was at but TERRANCE she covered her mouth and tears rolling down her face and she cups his cheek to see if he was real and sure enough he was and she hugging him crying as Terrance cries too.
Clara: Terrance my son I missed you so much I'm so so sorry for letting this happen to you!!!
she said still crying as Terrance just hugs her and forgave her knowing William did it when she wasn't at home and soon she got Michael and Noah and well they hug her too and they all have a group hug as Noah and Michael were crying the most and Michael didn't let Terrance go at all as Noah and Michael see the ask bot come to them and Noah's face was all red of blush and so was Michael's
@catsaresoooooawsome: Noah kiss da Michael!!! 😏
Noah just too deep breathes and soon kisses Michael on the lips and Michael was all red with blushes and Terrance smiles softly as he hugs the two and they all sat down and Terrance tells them everything and Clara just kept crying more soon they all go to bed and Terrance, Michael, and Noah all go to the same room and go to sleep * time skip* soon it was morning and Chris was the first to wake up to asylum siren as he goes over to his window and sees Elizabeth in a restraint jacket and Muzzle on her and being put in the van as he was confused as he was about to go out of his room but got stopped by 2 ask bots as he reads the questions.
@catsaresooooawsome: Chris cutie what do you see Noah as?
Chris: I see Noah as another big brother and Michael's boyfriend too but don't tell him okay?
@catsaresooooawsome: Chris kisses your bubba's cheek
Chris giggles softly and tiptoes to Michael's room and sees Terrance but doesn't remember him as he kisses Michael's cheek quickly and ran downstairs to see Clara by the door and he goes to hug her leg and she sees and pets his head
back at the pizzeria.
Goldie was still awake as he was curious to see what was in Freddy's room as he knows Freddy was on stage at this time as he goes to Freddy's door and slowly opens it to find it unlock as he looks inside and it was dark as he turns on the light after closing the door behind him and soon when he turns on the light to his disturbing shock discovery he found pictures of himself with red hearts on him and everyone else crossed out all except Freddy and Goldie too shock just looks and soon found all the old exs that was Goldie's he found disturbing photos of them all their dead body all brutally murdered and there were all the same words " They don't deserve my little brother's love, he is MINE!!" Goldie's eyes shake with fear but he soon found a new picture and saw it was Pete he hit the wall behind him all shaky and slowly slide down with tears rolling down his face as he hold his breath hearing footsteps as he had hit the lightswitch off and stays hidden some desk as she shakes and soon sees the lights being turned back on and see Freddy's feet and Freddy has some kind of bag as Goldie was too scared to see as he stays where he was hiding as he peaks a little and sees Freddy throwing away some of the papers and pictures of his trophies as he slowly gets out from his hiding spot and slowly goes to the door but he turned off the light and ran out and went to his room and hid under the blanket and was shaking more than ever before as he heard Freddy's footsteps coming into his room as Goldie closed his eyes tight and praying inside his mind that Freddy would go away.
Freddy: oh Goldie I know you are awake you know how much I told you to not go into my room but I guess you know my secret but go to sleep, my cute little brother tomorrow is a great night.
he said kissing Goldie's cheek feeling him shaking as he left him there and closed the door before hearing it being locked and Goldie just stayed there too scared to even more as he had slowly gone to sleep * time skip* Goldie wakes up at night and knows he had to call the police as he goes to grab his phone he found it gone as he panics look for it before he hears the door unlock and sees Freddy come over with food as Goldie looks away at Freddy not wanting to look at him as Freddy grabbed Goldie's face after putting the tray of good down and smiles which made Goldie shake even more.
Freddy: oh Goldie no need to be scared big brother is here to protect you and keep you safe.
he said as Goldie had tears rolling down his face before he built the courage to ask him something.
Goldie:w-why did you d-do all of this w-why did you kill them why did you, k-kill Pete??
he said as Freddy chuckles softly and kisses Goldie's forhead.
Freddy: oh Goldie they were not good enough for you they were going to take you away from me and they never understand you as I did and they were all lousy they never cared or loved you like I do
he said with his eyes glow not a purple but a red as Goldie was shaking more as he struggles against Freddy now and pushed him even tho his door was closed but it was a sad mistake as Freddy chuckles softly before pushing Goldie in his bed and grabbed his legs but holds his muzzle as Goldie was scared and confused before he felt a sharp pain in his leg as he screams muffles and tries to get Freddy's hand off his muzzle but before long he passed out from the pain as Freddy did the same with the other leg mostly breaking them as he kisses Goldie's forehead and tucked him in after bandaging him and left him there to sleep.
Freddy: good night my berry bear, big brother will protect you...Forever!!
( this will be it for today I'm going to make myself some food now I'm hungry and I warned you all but anyways thanks for getting to the end dare and ask away light nuts)
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