the little dance and tickles part 3
thank you for so many ask and dares I will try to not die of adorableness that you suggested in one of the dares but sit back, relax, snuggle your stuffie and enjoy =w=.
everyone was busy getting the pizzeria ready to be open since Covid had hit everyone hard that the pizzeria being closed till the pizzeria can open as everyone was excited even the toys, as Goldie was napping and waking up excited to be in the nursery which meant he could be around kids but also babies even if he doesn't like being a size of a toddler but being a runt so looking like he is a few months old as he does a wiggle dance of excitement as he squeals which was heard by everyone as everyone looks up and sees they got an ask bot waiting for them all to read as Chica went to check up on Goldie to get him too as she did she got him dressed for the big day as he was dressed in play clothes looked adorable with long sleeve black and wight and overalls with cartoon or an animal on them as Goldie looked so adorable in it as he was put in a walker for the time being since he will be needing his walking legs to do his new job* ( kind of looks like these)
as everyone started to read the question they got.
@BlueMarshmallow121 asks: Everyone, what's your favorite anime? If you don't watch anime what's your favorite t.v show??
Chica: mmm I say Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists.
Bonnie: Pete the Cat.
Freddy: mm anime mmm I say 10 Combatants Will Be Dispatched.
Foxy: aye me be Black Sails. it is a good show.
toy Freddy: s- Sesame Street.
Toy Chica: little Ellen.
Mangle: iCarly.
toy Bonnie: eh Johnny Test.
Puppet: Blippi but I like the brain show.
Finn: Sesame Street.
Dottie: Odd Squad.
Pete: mmm the way of the househusband.
Henry: I don't really watch TV these days it just makes me anxious.
Mike: Dragon Goes house-hunting it's a good anime.
Goldie: I'm not alluw tu watch anime I have to watch baby shuws fat evewyune puts un su I say Awfew, Hawwy fe Bunny, Wuwd Wuwld, Sid fe Science Kid, Daniel's Tigew's neighbuwhuud.
he said as he was using his walker to get used to the feeling when he works at the nursery and using his walking legs again since it has been for a few months since he walked it was always crawling around to get to where he wanted to go or being carried around as Goldie looks and sees he got a dare as he giggles reading the dare and thought it was cute.
@BlueMarshmallow121 dares: Goldie, when you wake up, do the bop bop dance- (A dance me and my friend made up) you basically just bop up and down!
Goldie: utay ^w^.
he tries to do the dance in the walker as he giggles and everyone watches as Pete and Freddy melt into the adorable dance.
Pete's and Freddy's mind: that is so adorable I wish he could do that often.
as everyone watches the golden bean do the dance giggling in the walker as Chris, Elizabeth, Michael, Clara, and Noah see the ask bots as they smile.
Elizabeth: Sailor Moon!!!
Chris: Daniel tiger's neighborhood.
Elizabeth: wow you still watch that baby show still =^=
Chris: it's not a baby show.
Elizabeth: yes it is you, big baby!
Chris: NO!
Elizabeth: YES!
Clara: Hey, hey stop it both of you and Elizabeth that isn't every nice no ice cream for you if you keep this up.
Elizabeth pouts as she goes back to eating her dinner of Mac and Cheese but not eating her vegetables and steak.
Michael: mmm I say Spirited Away.
Noah: same here ^w^.
Clara: Mabel Thomas on 'What's Happening!!
as they talk about their shows as Noah and Michael look up and smile.
@catsaresoooooawsome says: Noah keep trying you'll get the hang at it.
Noah: thanks kiddo and I am getting the hang of it I made pancakes this morning but they were still goopy on the inside =w= but they were still good tho.
Michael: hehe yep they were you're getting better Noah.
the two smile at each other as Michael looks and sees he got a dare and thinks it is best to do it when dinner is over as he reads the dare first.
@catsaresoooooawsome dares: Michael I dare you to tickle Chris.
Micheal smiles at the dare glad it was something harmless, unlike all the other dares he gets but were hurtful and not appropriate including sexist which he shudders of the thought of them, * few minutes later* everyone finished eating dinner and ate everything on their plate all except Elizabeth, she didn't eat her vegetables and the rule was that you eat what is on your plate or no dessert or snacks as Elizabeth pouts not wanting to eat her veggies and steak since she didn't like to try new foods as Clara sits there to make sure Elizabeth didn't throw it away as she done before the past few nights, as Michael goes to Chris and tickles him as the little boy giggles and squeals of laughter as he was being tickled as he got an ask.
Chris: hahaha XD
Michael: rawr the tickle monster got you rawr now I'm going to eat you rawr * eating noises and more tickles*
@catsaresoooooawsome asks: Chris why are you so cute?
Chris: no I'm not cute >////^////<
Michael:* hugs Chris to let him catch his breathe* but you are.
while they are doing that let's go check on the gang since it's midnight now, the gang was exhausted but smiling as they enjoy seeing the kids again as Freddy goes to check up on Goldie, who was asleep in a jumper sucking on a pacifier since it was a long day for him as he takes the small bean out of the jumper and lays his head over his shoulder as Freddy looks and sees he got a dare as he reads it and shakes his head no of " Don't you dare!" look on his face.
@BlueMarshmallow121 dares: Freddy, sorry but- *Turns into a kid for 24 hours* get a taste of your own medicine!
all the sudden a loud *POOF* was heard and Freddy was the kid again as he holds Goldie still as he pouts and glares at the audience
Freddy: you jerk face >:(
he said clearly not happy being little again as he takes Goldie and tried to put him in the crib but had difficulty doing so as he just holds Goldie and another ask bot came and Freddy reads it as he sticks his tongue out just clearly annoyed.
@BlueMarshmallow121 says: Goldie, *poofs an extremely warm and soft blanket* the small deserves the B E S T
a poof as a blanket was put over on the small bear cub as Goldie snuggles into it purring as Freddy purrs right back and just lays Goldie on a naptime mat since it will have to do for now as Chica was in the kitchen making food for everyone as she looks and sees she got a lot of ask bots waiting for her to read their questions.
@BlueMarshmallow121: Chica, How are you? How's life?
Chica: I'm doing good and eh it's okay but with Freddy being off his meds and Goldie being a toddler but the size of a few month old baby and someone trying to take him, it's okay tho.
she said as the next ask bot comes over as Chica reads it carefully as she cooks at the same time.
@catsaresoooooawsome asks: Chica what do you think about Goldie?
Chica: Goldie is a cutie pie and a bit misunderstood sometimes * sigh* but I don't like Freddy treats him including when he is on the booze too * mutters to self* I swear if that Fazbear comes back with another bottle of booze and hurts Goldie again I'll hit him so hard that I will tie him up for good and keep him like that till he doesn't want to drink it again and is sober, too, if he was a child again I will make sure to- * takes a few deeps breathes* but Goldie likes to be my little helper out in the kitchen.
she smiles and went back to cooking food as Foxy was on his way to check up on Goldie to see how he was holding up and sees Freddy there and is a kid as Foxy smiles as he comes over and sits down as he watches Freddy struggling to get something as he takes Goldie and carried him to his cove to wait for Freddy to react as he holds the little cub on his chest and blows a bit on his ear to watch it twitch as Goldie wakes up a bit with of bedhead as he snuggles more wiggling a bit and sees he an ask bot waiting for him to read the question and yawn squeaks a bit as he stretches.
@catsaresoooooawsome asks: Goldie what do you think about chica?
Goldie: she is utay tu be awuund and she cuuks deliciuus fuud.
he said yawning more as he rubs his eyes as he looks around and as he was goes to snuggling under the blanket as he jumped at Freddy's screaming and everyone heard as they run into the nursery but Freddy was gone as a note was in its place as Chica picks it up and reads it.
note: dear Fazbear gang I have kidnapped your leader if you want him back and in one piece you give me the golden bear NOW or else your precious leader will get it
-Shadow Freddy.
everyone started panicking as Chica wanted to get Freddy but thinks it will teach Freddy of being off his meds and more as everyone was trying to figure what they should do as Goldie already teleported to the door to the basement and waddles to the door and knocks as it open as Goldie goes inside the door slammed behind him shut and locked which scared Goldie, but it didn't stop him from going to get Freddy on his own but someone was behind him and picked him and it was S. Chica and she rolls her eyes and takes him down the steps and threw him to a wall which made the small golden bear go unconscious as S. Bonnie frowns at the shadow chicken and goes and picks him up and takes him to where Freddy was being held captive as he was tied and duct-taped up to not make a sound as he muffled as he growls as he heard the door open and Goldie was put in a crib as Freddy was in a kennel as he tries to kick it open still but it wouldn't budge as the shadow rabbit kicked it hard making the kennel shake and him hit his head and was out like a light as he check and left as the shadow bunny left and went to tell S. Freddy that they both were in the room but...
( another cliffhanger sorry my brain died so this is where it will stay at for the time being)
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