no collar but, no escape Part
hello, my beanie weenies I hope you all are having an amazing and safe week, and yes I have been busy that I didn't have time to write this book but anyways this chapter is going to be a bit...random of course, so sit back, relax and enjoy.
Terrance Pov.
I was watching Mikey and Chris struggle a lot since I was killed and pronounced missing thanks to "father" he was the one who killed me cause I come out to him that I was gay and I was just turning 18 so I can finally leave that nightmare of a home but I know I would have to get custody of Mikey and my sibling but I guess that will never happen I'm glad mother finally realized what a horrible man he is...I'm sorry Mikey that I had to leave you, my little bud, bubu is here for you even if you can't see me, I love you all very much. I look and see an ask bot there waiting for me to read it so I did.
@catsaresoooooawsome: Terrance are you around do you know how you can get back to Michael and your family, Terrace if you are here are you there?
Terrance:* sigh* I wish that was easy but I'm dead and yes I'm here but I wish I could go back in time and save myself and get my siblings out of that toxic life for good, and maybe work with uncle Henry....I wish I could hug Mikey and tell him, how sorry I am for leaving him and that I broke my promise *sobs*
I cried for who knows how long even knowing how much it hurts to break a promise that I broke of Mikey's, I continue to watch over him and am happy that my little brother is happy and is with his boyfriend now I wish him the best to him...I'm sorry Chris for not being there for you when your nightmares came and Little Lizzie, I'm so sorry that you don't understand but you will in age bur for now little sis rest.
no one pov.
Terrance watches over his siblings all night even when he can't be seen he checked on his mother and felt sorry for her for marrying such a horrible man in the first place as he hugs her and went to the place where he was killed....the basement the place where he was murdered by his own father cause he couldn't accept him for being gay and to get out that William had a gay son and Terrance was going to tell Henry everything including the shortcuts he did at the pizzeria to save money and how he abused his power as a vice manager and made everyone do all his paperwork for him and more as Terrance went to his dead body and lays there going to sleep * time skip* it was morning and Elizabeth was the first one up and she ran downstairs and turned on cartoons not caring that everyone was still asleep as Chris comes down next to have some breakfast of cereal as he goes and sees he had an ask bot waiting for him as he goes and reads it, yawning since it was just 7 o'clock in the morning and he reads it not sure what the dare was waiting for him.
@catsaresoooooawsome: Chris your so cute* Le poof Chris is a toddler for 7 ask*
Chris soon turns into a toddler and looks adorable as he looks around and looks for Michael as he tots his way upstairs and goes to Michael's room and well he got Michael by surprise and he giggles on Michael's face.
Michael's pov.
I woke up to rotting I haven't heard it in such a long time and see Chris as a toddler again and he was giggling, he was too cute and I missed his giggles when he was younger *sigh* I better get him into the right clothes and a diaper * after getting him dressed and diapered* I forgot how hard it was to get him into the diaper-
Chris: mama!!
I forgot about that, mom was sad for a month of that incident let's hope she doesn't ground me again =-=. I picked up the giggling toddler as he cuddles me...BE STILL MY BEATING HEART!! >w<. I look and see I got an ask bot waiting for me as I read it and smile like it.
@catsaresoooooawsome: Have fun Michael.
I smile as I know I'll have fun as he holds this adorable precious child with me but I better keep him away from Elizabeth, I know how jealous she gets and how she will do anything to get attention and her way as I kept him with me.
no one pov.
Michael did just that and explains to Clara who awes at toddler Chris as he kept calling Michael mama all day as Noah comes out with bedhead of his ginger, thick, curly hair looking tired as he was wearing a white t-shirt and sweat pants as he drinks coffee along with Michael as Noah looks and see the ask he got and blushes reading from the ask bot.
@catsaresoooooawsome: Noah have you ever seen Michael without a shirt on?
Noah's pov
I just woke up and drank coffee with Michael and his mom and got my ask from ask bot and I didn't see that coming yet I was blushing read.
Noah: umm maybe but once T^T.
Michael: well next time knock before you got smacked in the face by mom's spoon.
Noah: I said I was sorry tho
I said as I try not to bring that subject up but of course, Clara had to as I look again and got another ask from ask bot and read it.
@catsaresooooawsome: Noah do you do things with Chris when Michael is busy with work?
Noah: we play and color for a bit and then we have lunch and mostly nap time
no one pov.
Chris was trotting around and cuddling Noah's leg as he does as he giggles and goes to sleep tired as Michael carried him to his old room.
at the pizzeria and in the basement.
Shadow pov.
I was busy trying to get Goldie to wake up to get him to talk about where he hid my hat cause this little cub may be cute but dang it! He is too clever for his own good as well this little stinker is going to be the end of me I swear by it. I see an ask bot and roll my eyes and read it anyways and growls.
@BlueMarshmallow121: Shadow Freddy: What do you think of William Afton?
Shadow: of course I do, he was the man who hurt Goldie in the first place and sold him to those horrible people.
I was reading the question I didn't even notice the stinker had gone off already and woke up * takes deep breathes* ERKHEIFERIFUBDEFVBDFIEWG DANG IT GOLDIE GET BACK HERE!!!!
I went looking for Goldie to get my hat back.
Goldie's pov.
I woke up from my nap and didn't think I was in the basement I need to go find the others if only I can get this *beep* collar off I look up and see an ask bot and start reading it and felt the collar off of my neck YES FREEDOM!!
@catsaresoooooawsome: Le poof no more collar Goldie bun get away from them go to foxy or chica
I nod and tried but I couldn't it was like I have regression so much I didn't have my powers yet and when I tried to get up and walk I fell backward on my tush which crinkle made me cringe as I just crawl away and kept shadow hat hidden so he couldn't do what he was going to do to me and I better find the others and tell them what shadow is going to do to me or something
on one pov.
Goldie tried but when he got to the stairs of the basement to the door he tried to climb but couldn't much as he kept trying but fell backwards and hit his head hard as he felt dizzy and soon he passed a figured heard him and went to him and it was...
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