hello and thank you all so much for so many askes and dares and thank you @GoldielSamazing for sooo many asks so let's get on with the introduction, shall we and you are all very welcome to ask and dare all of them.
in this AU, Freddy doesn't want Shadow Freddy near Goldie, cause Goldie's memories of Shadow had been erased for a selfish reason and Shadow Freddy has every reason to want to dismantle Freddy and toy Freddy since Freddy poisoned his mind to be scared of Goldie at all times which is why he stutters and asks about Goldie so much and since Shadow's plan failed to get Goldie onto his side and to get him to remember too but the plan failed but he will try again soon.
The Aftons: also in the AU of mine is that the Afton family is dead just in different deaths except Chris's death is the same and Elizabeth's mind has been poisoned by William to be horrible to her brothers, Michael has PTSD, anxiety attacks, apnea, and bradypnea when he is reminded about his father, which is why he has a special PEN to help him get back to breathing normally and go to the ER so much but let's all be honest here Elizabeth is a bit spoiled and hasn't been taught to be kind, sharing, caring, etc., Chris has PTSD cause by William and Michael but he forgives Michael but not so much of William since he was the first to see his father abuse Michael over his bullying him and Clara is a kind, caring, strict mother and is single cause her and William divorce early on when Chris was killed of the bite of 87 and William doesn't have full and legal custody over the kids since CPS had shown up at the house several times whenever Clara isn't home and she foundout about it very soon and that is why she divorced him right away and took Michael and Elizabeth and Chris away and the judge gave a huge court order that William moves out of the house and finds a house far away from Clara and the kids since Clara also filed for a restraining order against him too since all the evidence pilled sky high against William he couldn't win to have the kids with him and have custody too plus he lost his job too since the kids are still alive except Michael's friends old friends and William in this AU is a selfish, abusive, mind manipulating , homaphobic, jerk but for the rest of the AU.
the rest of the Fazbear gang: Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, the toys, mangle, puppet, and shadow, Freddy, Finn, Pete, and Dottie, Henry, and Mike, and Goldie lastly.
Foxy: in this AU he is a bit of a hot temper, but friendly pirate fox and is a teenager of 16 and pretends to be horrible to Goldie when Freddy is around since Freddy threatened him and have him that note of an order to follow which Foxy didn't like at all but Freddy knew his secret the secret of Foxy is that he came from another pizzeria but it was an abusive sexual toxic one I'll explain why Foxy's original owner was a woman and is homophobic and rapes Foxy every day when he first told her that he like like boys and rape him to like girls and she abused him every day too, to make some changes even giving him those scars on his eyes and back Foxy's original owner's name is Annabelle and when Foxy got rescued by Henry Emily who cares about animatronic's rights and cares for them like his own children, Foxy was first brought into the shop for some repairs and he was shaking when he sees women at the workshop and will be okay with guys since he has gynophobia ( the fear of women) and Henry understands why so anyways Foxy now has to listen to Freddy's orders or Freddy will tell everyone his secret and call his original owner to tell her where he is at to take him away and go back to that horrible life again so the only people who know this secret is Henry and Freddy.
Chica: in her 20's and she is a chill and mature woman chicken who won't take people's BC ( bullcrap cause it isn't potty mouth word) and is a bit of a mother figure and she has the same abuse as Foxy since they both have the same original owner as well and she tries her best to help Foxy overcome his phobia of women and she is the only one Foxy trusts the most since Annabelle was trying to abuse and mind manipulate her of her body figure and how she looks and acts which Chica learns not to take the toxic abuse and is quite the angry mama chicken when you mess with one of her friends and she can always see through people's BC and lies she cooks a lot and likes her body just the way it is even if she has Lipodystrophies which she knows she is beautiful no matter what shape and height she is ( and I love who she is as well) and she is straight but doesn't take Freddy's attitude and behavior very well but is chill and very smart too and she ignores what Freddy says to her.
Bonnie: he is a preteen of 14 years old and he was very young when he was rescued but he has no memories of his past and what happened to him which Henry thinks it's for the best since he was only 6 by the time and has a memory loss of it as his original owner sexually abused him and did it for a week before he was caught by a customer and was reported and APS ( it's like CPS but for animatronics) was involved and he is in jail for a long time since this wasn't his first time doing this but had gotten away with it several times but this time nope, Bonnie was finally brought into Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria when he was now a preteen and Henry knows his secret and won't tell anyone about it not even Freddy but he did tell Chica since he trusts her the most since he knows how protective and motherly she is and knows she will do her best to guide him off the right and wrong and keep him from finding out about his past.
Shadow Freddy: an old friend of Goldie and Freddy before he was locked away in a basement and forgotten since he knows Freddy erase him from Goldie's memory and he is very protective but before he was locked away it was him and Freddy at the pizzeria but had a different name of Fredbear's Family Diner instead as those two were friends before Goldie came along as they would have their own rooms and talk and play in the arcade room and when Goldie came, they would try to fight who would get to spend time with the small golden bear that was scared and confused but wears baggy clothes and Shadow Freddy will spend a lot of time caring and helping take care of Goldie but when it was almost showtime Freddy asked Shadow to help him with something in the basement which shadow went all the way into the basement but heard the door slammed and locked behind him including the vents before closed and locked as well and was now erased from Goldie's memories as he promised himself he would get his revenge of him no matter what the cost is and will get Goldie onto his side as well.
toy Freddy: 6 years old and a small bear who is shy, but a scaredy-cat, and follows all the rules and is an easy way to be kidnapped and be picked up like a stuffed animal as he stutters a lot and has a lot of phobias and has his mind poisoned by Freddy which who he calls Mr. Fazbear to show respect to ( I can't blame this cutie pie) and is afraid of Goldie cause of what Freddy told him and believes that lie, Freddy told him about Goldie and what he did but never told the whole truth of that it was an accident and Goldie was doing all this for attention and being loved again, but he is gay but never told Freddy about it yet since his crush is Toy Bonnie, his bandmate who plays the guitar.
toy Chica: is 7 and has a crush on Goldie cause she thinks he is the one when she was also like Foxy and Chica's abuse toxic situation but she has been toxic so much she believes that all boys like her the way she dresses and she thinks Goldie like like her even tho Goldie already has a crush on Bonnie, she is in denial saying that he is playing hard to get and she is still young but will soon learn that she needs to accept it as Henry has also told Chica about T.C's condition and needs to keep an eye on her just to be safe.
toy Bonnie: is 7 also like T.C but his attitude and he is always playing a tough bunny even tho he is actually hurting inside as he and T.C had an original owner but they were horrible to them in a toxic way as T.B don't like how it should work of being horrible to women making them do the chores, all that 1950's stuff as he is gay and likes toy Freddy but he doesn't know how to show it so he always says things like whatever lame-o you know all that stuff.
Mangle: is 12 and is non-binary as they don't know their own gender and likes to dress up and wear clothes of any kind no matter what except inappropriate clothes they don't like them and has the same owner as T.B and T.C only they were used for to help pay that owner's debt is by to ( for those who knows what I'm talking about and those who don't well they had to do the "it" yes the "it" on people to help by their owner's debt) and when they were rescued too they like to cover their whole body with long sleeve clothes.
puppet: is the same age as toy Freddy but is mature and very wise for her age as she was taken away from her adopted parent which was an overlord but was killed for cash, she is very smart and had been given the best education you can imagine for a child her age, she likes to stay in the box cause it gives her the safe feeling that she can go in and out without worry but she likes to stay there cause she hasn't met everyone yet but has met some of them as she acts as their therapist which she is doing an amazing job at and is very calm, gives advice, and enjoys conversations but she has a crush on T.C and knows it will take a while for T.C to accept that Goldie isn't into girls, she likes Goldie as a friend and a chatting partner as she doesn't like Freddy at all even if he tries to be friendly to her to have a chat but she sees right through his fake smile and knows how he tries Goldie
Finn: is the same age as Goldie is a runt, both have PTSD but with Finn, it is like with Foxy and Chica, he was forced to have "it" with Pete even tho he didn't want to and has been abused, neglected, sexually abused, and more and likes to stay with Pete even tho Pete has to pretend not to like him and Dottie he has a lot of scars all over his body like Pee as well but he uses makeup to hide all of them and wears clothes of a first mate pirate to hide the rest of the scars, he already told Goldie, his secret and knows it and not the rest but Henry knows and doesn't tell anyone even Chica cause he knows she has a lot of her plate at the moment.
Pete: is a big brother is the same age as Freddy, but he loves his siblings the same and will do anything to keep them safe even if it means taking their beating for them, Pete is a friendly rat nad pretends to hate Finn whenever "dad" is around but he loves them both and cares about the runt pup and has PTSD like the rest and has been forced to do "it" with Finn when it was mating season and he didn't want to but "dad" wouldn't give them the antie-heat pills so they had to and he wears makeup to hide the scars and bruises given to him every day as he has to clean the pizzeria by himself.
Dottie: is 9 and is "dad's" favorite child as he treats her like a princess and gives her the best of everything and never does any chores or gets beating even if she did something wrong, she doesn't know yet that "dad" is doing is wrong, abusive, and toxic she still watches Pete get beaten every day.
Henry: in his late 40s to early-mid 50s is a kind, caring, thoughtful, and father figure to all the animatronics and loves them all very much like his own children as he misses his real kids as they were killed by William and he fired him before he could do more damage as he adopts a lot of animatronics and cares for them and helps out and he is a gentleman too his wife died of brain cancer even the twins went missing and when Charlie died, he wanted to end it all but when he was about it the small bear cubs ( Freddy and shadow), had stopped him from killing himself and he promised to take care of them very much which is why he was the reason that APS was invented and he doesn't play favorites since he thinks it's unfair and not right since he loves all the animatronics he adopted all equally and doesn't like Freddy's attitude and his behavior either.
Mike S: in his 20s to late mid-30s worked at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria, is the nightguard is single and maybe gay not sure myself, he is very nice, calm, quiet, and easy to get along with everyone including the animatronics but he is most buddies to Goldie, Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica and sometimes toy Freddy, he tries to make sure Goldie doesn't cause too much trouble and including keeping him out of the basement.
Goldie: is 13 but looks like he is 9 but he is a mischief bear who likes to play pranks and likes to hang out with Bonnie and Foxy sometimes, he doesn't like broccoli pizza, bad friends, his past. Goldie had a very horrible life like Foxy but has been abused to pretend to be a girl and Goldie's body is a femboy figure so he could get away looking like a girl without an issue but he was taken away from that location of his old pizzeria and he thinks he is gay and like, likes Bonnie, he doesn't trust Freddy anymore since Frdeddy changed when he committed the bite of 87 and was locked up for 10 years and almost everyone believed Freddy over Goldie, but others believed Goldie as Goldie likes to dress up in secret and sometimes like to ask Chica if he could borrow her makeup bag which Chica is always chill with when asked for permission since she had taught him that well to ask before taking things that didn't belong to him as he does remember a bit of his past of before the bite happened but most of his memories were fuzzy and blurry but he always remembered a bear almost the same of Freddy but a bit taller whenever he asked Freddy about it, he would get ticked off and get dragged by the hair or ears to the closet and be locked in there for who knows how long till someone unlocks the door he has PTSD, and has little space but he doesn't want to admit it including whenever Freddy is around, he would like to go to the basement to have his little space there without being judge but since the party pooper incendent he was banned from going to the basement alone without a person with him, which just makes it hard to control his little space of those times, but he did tell Chica about it and she accepted who he is and knows the secret as it was just her.
okay, that is all, write in the comments of who I'm forgetting and I will add it to fix the problem so have a good night/day ^w^
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