Chapter 3: Finn in the asylum
I was asked if I could continue this on AminoApp and thank you @PF for who the next document file is and who is in the asylum next thank you very much so sit back and relax and enjoy ( and I meant to posted this earlier on thanksgiving)
Name: Finn the Beagle dog
Age: 5
Birthdate: unknown
Height: unknown
Illness: Transient global amnesia
Grade: orange
Observation: needs to be on meds to help him stay calm and for safety for other patients and staff members, muzzle needed for safety
Date: 4/18/1999
Finn was brought in and just seems to be the same as our other patient Golden Freddy Fazbear but just like Goldie, he was crying and freaking out about what happened, and well he had been diagnosed by Dr. Peter of he has Transient global amnesia so he has been not remembering things of what he had told us that he has blackouts so we may have to keep him in our asylum for a bit and the high director had to want us to put him in Grade: Orange, level: 10 almost the same level as Goldie, his manager was very cold and didn't seem to want him back anytime soon even his siblings, but we will make sure he is comfortable and he was a bit hard to put the restraint jacket on him and put a diaper on him since Level: 10 doesn't have toilets so he will have to wear on and he got him to calm down by Nurse Milly, she coated him with Lavender and peppermint on a stuffie for him and he calms down and didn't have the muzzle on yet, but Nurse Milly is doing a really good job calming him, he is quite a snuggle pup like Goldie, he may not be a big problem for us for now but we will do everything we can to help him along the way.
-Dr. Polly Y.
Statement: 11/20/2011
Finn has been doing better and is on meds and he is talking a bit but not as much he is quite a stutterer but he is doing better tho and is Nurse Milly's favorite person like Goldie, but he is still a snuggle pup and is quite a napper too, causes when naptime hits he naps hard and has his stuffie with him which is a light blue bunny he really likes it and will whimper when it has to be washed but Nurse Milly has brought it back and gave it the same smell which Finn really likes and it really helps him stay calm and he has been given some hand freedom for the day cause he was in a coloring mood and he is with Dr. Peter today.
-Dr. Sarah K.
End of Log.
Finn was coloring while listening to Dr. Peter as he smiles liking Dr. Peter really like a buddy to Finn as Dr. Peter asked Finn to draw or color something of how Finn felt and how the meds have done and well Finn did a good job drawing and coloring what he was feeling he even wrote something to it to make it a bit easier for the doctor.
Dr. Peter: okay Finn may I see?
The beagle nods as he hands it to Dr. Peter with great care and gently gave it to him as Dr. peter looks and reads what Finn wrote and smiles liking the improvements of the writing and it was easy to read it with the lovely drawing
Dr. Peter: good job Finn this is really nice
He said smiling as he looks at his watch and sees that it was time for Finn to go eat dinner as he signals Nurse Milly to come to take Finn to the asylum cafeteria to go eat with the rest of the group, Finn sees Milly and goes to her smiling and his tail wagging as he still holds his stuffed light blue bunny in his arms and takes his other hand to give it to Nurse Milly who happily took it and takes him to the asylum cafeteria which was pizza night, soon when they got there Finn was put in a special chair and was sitting the with a tray just like Goldie but he was not a huge fan of being hand-fed he seems to want to do it on his own and well he had the long sleeves so it would get messy so he didn't have much of a choice ands since he has been diagnosed that he had also a growth problem cause he was still the same size as 8 years old so it was imossible to even tell he had gotten older, soon after dinner Finn and Nurse Milly go to his room and Finn had been given his meds to help him sleep due to sleeping problems and nightmares after he took his Melatonin and he gets his diaper changed as well to a night time diaper and he got his night time other jacket on only this time it was more comfy and he was tired already as Nurse Milly reads to him a book of Harry Potter the first book as she does the voices for the characters too, as he listens smiling and soon after a while he soon fell asleep with his stuffed bunny in his arms still and Nurse Milly smiles as she tucked him in and kisses his forehead and left closing the locking the door behind her and soon went home herself, the next day Finn was up and yawning still sleepy and soon sees someone in his room and it was shadow Freddy but he was quiet and lays down and stays out of sight of the staff members as he slept on the floor in Finn's room.
End of chapter 3.
( I finished this at 9 at night a few days ago)
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