~On Call~
"Lloyd want me to do his Night Shift tomorrow..."
"Why didn't you say no?" Hans would sound like he would be drinking something
"I don't know, he's your flipping boyfriend, what would you have done if he was fucking flipping out?"
"Properly the same thing you did, but still, all he's been talking about his dead brother lately..." He'd sigh and would fumble the phone around
"Well, that's strange because I'd think he'd want to hang around his brother..." I'd put a finishing touch on the newest Flowet
"Done! Now I have to fix the old rust bucket..." I'd sigh
"Yep, 20th time" I grumble, as I walk over to the robot who stand tall looking downwards and not moving
"Geez, that poor robot does NOT want to stay together"
"Very much, also speaking of Val, when is the new version of him coming?"
"Valentine 2.0? He's coming in two weeks" when he is talking I cut myself if a part of Val's metal
"Dang it" I'd growl
"You okay?"
"Yeah, just cut me, that's all..."
"I better go, I think Lloyd just came. Talk to you later?"
"Yeah talk to you later."
~Call Ended~
I'd sigh and would go and grab a band-aid, I look around the room seeing no one is there except the darkness of the backroom, I don't even know why we keep the first aid back here. I start to laugh, my arms begin to shake and my laughter becomes more violent. I could feel like a madman who made their first kill, I take my knife out trying to cut my arm to calm myself down, but then I hear footstep coming back I try to stop myself, I take the knife that I have in my hands and cut my arm that causes me to stop laughing but make me hiss in pain, I try my hardest to be quick and to banged myself up
"Petra? OH GOD PETRA!" Madeline, the manager's daughter enters the room she stares at my arm, covered in blood and the knife in my hand
"I-I can explain!" I stand up, the bandage halfway wrapped around my arm
"You better Petra, or I will have to report you," she says as she glares at me
"I-I-I, I'm having problems keeping myself in control and that's the only way how I can stop it, sadly. I really want not to cut myself but I have to, so I don't hurt anyone..."
"What do you mean by hurt someone?"
"Punching, kicking, ect." I say in shame as I stare at the ground I feel Madeline's warm hands on my shoulders
"I understand Petra, you may do this. Just make sure no one sees the cuts" Madeline would smile, her glasses would be crooked
I start to tear up "THANK GOD MADELINE!" I hug her tightly
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you"
"Yeah Yeah, you're welcome now let's just get you cleaned up now" Madeline grabs the bandage and finishes rapping my arm up. She smiles at me and takes off her jacket
"Great now its all bloody, you got to buy me a new one" She'd smirk
"Yeah yeah, maybe...." I'd wave as I see her close the door, I odimatically leave the room and start the drive home.
"Petra!" Jake groans as we drive home
"What?" I say as I stop at a traffic light; I turn around and look at him
"I want Mcdonalds!"
"We are past it Jake, we have a Subway close by though..."
"Okay, let's go there!" Misty would yell and would smile, I love her smile, It's calming but hipper
"No buts! To Subway!" Misty would point forward, I'd chuckle and continue driving
"UHHHHHHHGG!" Jake groans and pouts in his seat. Minutes later we arrive at Misty's heaven. As we exit I see my brother glace over to my arm with the bandages on it
"What happens to your arm?"
"I got cut a lot that's all"
"Oh, how?" I stood there outside of the building thinking
"Val's parts were very sharp, so I got cut a lot..." I walk in Jake still looking concerned, I already see that my sister is in line ordering her sandwich, I walk up behind her and order me and Jake's sandwiches.
"YUM!" Misty would smile and chow down the 1-foot sandwich, Jake just stared at her in disgust
"Ew..." he groans and would pick out a tomato
"I didn't want tomatoes" he would groan again
"Well, you got them, stop complaining..." I snarl a bit, Jake's skins shivers
"Thank you" I'd huff as Jake comps down on his sandwich. After we all finish and Jake's many of complaints about the tomatoes we leave with me dragging the "dead" brother.
"Night Misty, Night Jake" I kiss both of my sibling's foreheads, I stand up and head for the door; Jake looks at me and sits up in his bed
"Where are you going?" his matted hair stick up, he rubs his eyes so he'd stay awake. I stop and look back at him
"I don't want you to hurt yourself..."
"!?!?" Ho-How? How does he know?
"Jake, I won't I promise..." I walk back over to his bed and sit down next to him
"Do you Really Really promise?" He looks up at me with his large eyes, I see a tear roll down
"Yes, I promise..." I smile and put my hand on his shoulder
"Your hands are cold... Petra, why do you do it?"
"I can't explain it, well at least right now. Just go to sleep okay?"
"Yes, Petra..." Jake lays down and falls asleep, I sigh and a loud snore coming from Jake
"Heh..." I kiss his forehead and leave the room.
The dead body again lay on the ground, Jake now seeming to be more beaten up. I fall on my knees hugging him tightly. Tears run down my face, why is this happening to me? WHY!? Streams of tears drip down from my face, I look at Jake's face covered in blood his black hair stained in blood and his clothes too. I look around the room, and see, more, more people, Hans, Lloyd, and Madeline. I jump to my feet, cradling Jake in my arms.
"Why did you do it?" a small voice comes from behind me
"HUH!? WHOS THERE!?" I look around seeing two piercing white eyes staring at me along with a smile.
"You killed me, remember? Lloyd's brother? Christof." his smile got worse, I couldn't
"NO NO I DIDN'T! DON'T LIE! I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!" I hold Jake closer to me, my legs shaking pain curls up on my legs in casing my legs in pain. I can't run
"Petra, Petra, you were always secretive; and I wondered why..." He'd chuckle
"You have Bipolar right?" he walks out of the shadows, he is wearing a brown shirt with tattered sleeves. Missing hands. He had a mask on with a smiling face, it seemed to be infused to his face making every face a human could. All I could do was nod, still holding Jake in my arms I look down
"I promised you something Jake, and I will keep it..." I kiss his forehead.
May 22, 1880
"PETRA!" Misty sits on my bed stand, my alarm clock must be broken. I sigh and wake up with a smile
"My guess I am going to be late?"
"YEP COME ON!" She grabs my arm, I hiss in pain
"It's fine, let's go..." I stand up and start heading for the door.
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