This story contains much self-harm, many links to suicide, and many other things like mental disorders
No one cares No one cares No one cares. Slit! the flesh Blood drips onto the floor. I sigh the pain is back like it should be, I walk over to the first aid kit and rap my arm in the small bandage. Walking downstairs I see my empty house, quite ever since Misty and Jake became quite became dead, the two where the only lights in this dreadful world and now the lights have dimmed leaving me in the darkness of my own problems. I walk over to Misty whos freshly killed body laid on the ground motionless, tears run down my face falling onto my knees I cry out the names of my fallen siblings.
May 21, 1880
"PETRA!" I hear Misty call my name as I snap back into reality, Misty tugs at my arm "Petraaa come on it's time to wake up" she wines tugging on my arm once again, a slight stroke of pain goes through my arm
"Ow.." I look over to Misty that had taken at least 5 steps away from my arm
"Sorry!" she pleads, I stare at her for a few seconds and would sit up and smile
"It's fine, you just forgot that my arm hurts okay" she'd smile and nod
"Come on Jake already finished his breakfast, COME ON!" she'd dash out of the room. Rolling out of bed I walk over to the closet I own, get dressed, and go downstairs. Thank goodness the two made me something to eat mostly eggs in the basket but once in awhile just toast.
"Oh right, I'll be right there" I look around the kitchen spotting the knife, laying there with no supervision. I grab the knife and leave the room.
Moments later we got to the Bower's Bakery the big smiling dog stared down at the kids singing his cheezy song
"W-W-Welcome kids! Welcome To Bowers Bakery! Where the treats don't come rarely" The Monkey would say with its African accent I forgot how wired she sounded
"I WANT TO SEE VAL!" Jake winner at the closed curtains, I'd sigh Great I have to fix that rust bucket I'd roll my eyes
"Jake he will be in use soon, I just have to fix him... for the 20th time now" I mutter the last part under my breath
"BUT I WANT TO SEE HIM NOW!" he stomps his foot on the ground and making a temper tantrum, I'd sigh And I have to deal with him for the 80th time
"This is going to be very difficult"
"What?" ops I said that out loud I'd shake my head
"Sorry, I just need some time Jake, these things don't become overnight" Jake pouted crossing his arms and giving a scowl on his face
"Thank you now, go run off and find Misty she still needs some help moving boxes. And by the look of it, she has not started yet" Misty stands next to the large stage starting at the large animatronics with their large eyes and faces
"Okay" he'd sing as he would dash over to Misty tackling her onto the ground
"JAKE WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" her voice was heard from a mile away
"Because I CAN!" he smirks and helps her up "COME ON WE NEED TO MOVE THE BOXES" He does not need to flipping yell gosh dang it I'd sigh
"I'm going to working so you two better stop yelling at each other" I snap getting their attention
"Sorry, Petra!" They say in unison, their voices sound like they are in harmony. They both go running to get the boxes from the back room. As I start to get to work on the rust bucket named Val I noticed a sign in there 'Don't Lie' that's all it said I went back to work and the sing changed 'The Truth WIll Always Come Out' this one longer then the second one made me a little bit more queasy
"What the heck?" I walk over to the sign I look behind it to see if any kids were there trying to pull a prank on me, no one, no one at all just a black pen on the ground with a newspaper right next to it.
December 15, 1878
Why this year and date? This happened many of years ago, and why Is it in here? Questions swarmed my head I read the headline
'8 Year Old Boy Die. Missing Hand
Christof Greft the younger brother of a worker of Bower's Bakery, Lloyd Greft, was found murdered outside of the building with his hands for some reason cut off and his chest wide open.
"I have no idea who would even do this," Says the manager "everyone in the establishment loves kids and or have kids or take care of kids" There are some men and some women that are expected to have killed him.
"All I know of is that the killer used a knife, and whoever has done it is good at keeping quiet about it" Petra Sten says, she is an engineer at the establishment but she knows what the killer used. But the young boy did seem to be stabbed to death so we can tell that this fact is true.
The Murderer is still on the loses and we have no idea who it is. So stay safe everyone.
I remember this date, I remember this year, I remember this scenario, I remember this tragedy, Lloyd stops working here for a month after that, he's back now working in the office as the Nightguard only at night shifts. I grab the newspaper and shove it into my pocket that seems to be big enough to carry it
"PETRA!" I hear a familiar voice
"Yes, what do you need Lloyd? Also, what are you doing here?"
"It's Christof, He's back"
"I thought he was dead"
"I know I know, what I mean is his spirit!" Lloyd seemed to be stressed out and very serious about this
"Lloyd, no one can come back from the de-"
"BUT HE IS!" he stammered shaking at every word, his hands in a tight grip on the air
"Okay, Lloyd where is your brother"
"He's only here at night"
"So you saw him at your night shift?"
"So how am I supposed to see him and believe you..." I'd cross my arms and stare at the gay boy's worried eyes
he falls onto his knees and begs "Work my night shift, you can get the pay just do the night shift please!"
I stare at him for awhile "fine... but I better get paid the same amount that you do when it's the night shift"
"DEAL!" He held out his hand "Also plus my boyfriend sorta wants me at his place" he'd laugh slightly
"To do what?"
"None of your censures, properly just to watch a movie" he'd blush and shrug
I give a sly smile "Yeah right"
"I'm telling the truth, also your sister and brother got all the boxes!" he runs out of the building, goes into his car and drives off 'scaredy cat' I'd sigh and walk over to the siblings.
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