Quirkless is Perfect
A/N Just a heads up, I'll be writing in third person omniscient for the rest of my books. Just thought I should let you guys know.
"I want you to be our Representative."
After hearing those words Midoriya froze in place, letting his feet dangle from the lone chair that sat in the dim and damp room.For a man who was in charge of an illegal organization that had enough money to build a twelve-hundred square foot boot camp to train mercenaries, one would think he had enough money to build a half decent office. Instead his office was a small trailer home that had all of it's walls torn down, leaving it with just a desk and chair with a light above both, leaving the rest of the room to be filled with a black void that is darkness.
"Wh-What do you mean R-Representative? This is the first time I'm even hearing that title." Midoriya asked hesitantly. Did he even want this title? What meaning did it have behind it? And why choose him, of all the other hundreds of kids, why him?
"Well Midoriya my child, our Representative has quite the reputation to uphold. They must excel at every subject we teach, they are the role model for the rest of the children here. If you were to take up this offer you would be more isolated from other combatants, you would be in your own training regimen, learning at much faster and efficient pace. Sadly we can not open this program to the rest of the students due to the fact it is still experimental." He said as a sinister smile crept onto his lips. The fact that the top half of his face was shadowed and kept from sight. The quirkless boy could swear that this man's eyes let off a menacing glare, even when he couldn't see them.
"I-I don't know, I'm pretty happy with where I am. I mean I see no reason in going the extra mile without much reason. Sorry Sir, I must decline your offer." Midoriya replied as he stood up and gave a respective bow. Turning on his heel Midoriya made his way towards the door defended by two guards, each parallel to each other. Reaching for the handle, Izuku's hands were cut off but two rifles to his forehead. "I-I-Is there a problem officers?" No response, "Sir, would you p-please tell your men to stand down? I would like to g-go eat lunch with my friends." The green headed soldier explained. Looking back to man in charge Izuku saw his head rested on one hand lazily while the other fiddled with a pencil, spinning it on his thumb multiple times before continuing the rotation.
The man let out a heavy sigh, focusing intently on basic mechanical writing utensil. "No, I'm sorry I can't do that Midoriya. You see, you have amazing potential. You've been here for just about seven years correct?" The man clad in black asked, already knowing his question was correct. Finally pulling his stare away from the pencil he shot his glare at Midoriya, "After just five years you have become the strongest youngster that resides here. I have spent the past two years trying to prove your father wrong. To show him that no matter what, he is useless, and by extension, you. I brought children from across the globe, each specializing in some sort of combat with quirks to compliment that strength, but you conquered them all. Defeating each and everyone of them with swift, precise, and powerful movements. That's when it hit me. You are perfect!" He shot up out of his seat, knocking his seat to the floor, and swung his arms out wide to punctuate his statement.
The commander brought his arms to his sides and wrapped them around his torso, giving himself comfort. " You are quirkless, yes, but that means nothing to me! Under my guidance you can- No! WILL become the perfect assassin. In this day and age being Quirked his completely natural, and being Quirkless means you're defected. That's why no one suspects you to be strong. Everyone, myself included, is arrogant. Arrogant towards true power! Your true power. Izuku, you are perfect in my eyes, your quirkless nature be damned, I will mold you into perfection!" He said while he licked his lips, thinking about corrupted things no doubt.
"U-Um Sir-"
"Please, call me Kenai, I insist." The man now name Kenai insisted giving a generous smile that - under the circumstances - was creepy.
"M-Mr. Kenai, w-why are you so eager to get me to do this training? I-I mean why is 'experimental'?" Midoriya questioned, the rest of his body subtly trembling from the recent speech that was just given. The man tightened his red tie and let out a sigh of exasperation.
"Midoriya, starting from now on, no more questioning me." the middle aged man said while he made his way towards the young child. Once in front of the child he leaned forward to look at him at eye level. "Perfection does not speak until spoken to!" He shouted, and with one swift motion he wound his hand back and slapped Midoriya across the face.
As Midoriya laid on the ground rubbing his cheeks, Kenai walked past him and opened the door, letting a cool breeze enter the room. "Now follow quickly, otherwise there will be consequences." He said putting his hands behind his back, just on his waist line. Complying to Kenai's order, Midoriya hurried out the door, careful not to bump into either of the emotionless guards. Walking through the muddy ground Midoriya brought his arms to his biceps and performed a rubbing motion in hopes to warm himself up from the outside cold.
"Midoriya!" On instinct of hearing his name, Midoriya turned to face the origin of the call, it was Achak. Stopping to quickly salute the Commander of their camp he then continued to talk to Midoriya. "Hey man! Today is Sloppy Joe! We gotta hurry before we miss it! You know how John can be, always hoarding the food to himse-" As the Native grabbed the wrist of his best friend, a gunshot echoed throughout the training camp. Midoriya's eyes widened as his pupils shrank from their normal size, now about the size of a pea. He watched in horror as the body of his best friend started to fall limp, a large quantity of some red substance flying out of his previously whole skull.
He had been shot.
Right in front of Midoriya's eyes.
Midoriya turned his head to the face the direction the gunshot came from, only to see Kenai putting a revolver back into it's holster, the barrel still emitting smoke from the recently used firearm. "Don't worry about that thing Midoriya. As our Representative, you can't be seen commuting with heathens such as that." Kenai sad putting emphasis on the words he used to describe the now lifeless body.
Midoriya's mind raced back to when he first entered this hell hole. The first time someone had tried to talk to him, to befriend him. Thanks to Achak and his quirk Polyglot, Midoriya had been able to learn multiple languages. Achak's quirk allowed him to understand each and every language that existed, though speaking them was a different matter, it still helped Midoriya become more comfortable with the illegal area he now resided in. With Japanese, English, and small parts of Spanish Midoriya was able to socialize with the other children and become more accepted. Midoriya truly owed Achak a lot... And now he was dead.
Anger, frustration, rage, resentment, vexation, but mostly sadness. Midoriya's tears carried all of these emotions, as his friends body laid in his arms, slowly losing its body temperature and the color faded from his face. " Sorry Midoriya, but you can't socialize with lowlifes like that anymore, it truly is for the best. Believe me, I will mold you into a perfect being, better than both the Quirked and the Quirkless combined!" He exclaimed, putting his hands on the distraught boys shoulders.
Gently placing his best friend on the ground Midoriya let out his last tear. It would be the last he ever shed. The emotions from back when he first came to the camp were the only things the boy could feel. In just a couple of seconds the boy's whole world had been shattered, but what could he do? Lash out on the creator of this entire facility? No. Midoriya wasn't a fool, even in his saddest times he could at least think. This entire facility was protected and secured by guards that wield lethal weapons and quirks. Attacking their leader and source of income was a dumb idea.
"Let's just go Kenai, I don't wanna be here any longer than I have to." Midoriya said walking ahead of the suited man.
"Good to know we're on the same page Zuku!" the man said with a cheery voice as he jogged to catch up with the greenette. The thought of this monster giving him a nickname disgusted Midoriya. After the man finally caught up to Midoriya he glanced at the boy's face. He could see nothing. His long curly hair shadowed his eyes and his mouth sat emotionless. One could mistake him for a complete robot, if they didn't see his steady breathing anyways.
As the two males trudged through the thick mud, the rest of the children gathered around the lifeless body. Many sat there crying tears of sadness onto the unfeeling meatsack while some stood there silently, mourning over their fellow comrade. All of their attention was directed to their 'ally', making his way across the camp, presumably to a special room designed for him and the scum that was their Commander. The same thing was in all of their minds.
What kind of person would simply brush this death off so easily. Especially Midoriya, the shy boy was obviously the closest to the local goofball, and he didn't even give a second glance. There was only one way ro describe him.
Several more bullets shot through the room. Still nothing.
"H-How d-do you expect me to do th-this?!" Midoriya complained falling onto his back, desperate to catch his breath. He was at his limit, he'd been trying to land a hit of any kind on Kenai, but to no avail.
"Aw come on 'Zuku! You can't be giving up already, at this rate you won't be able to take down a B-rated villain." Kenai informed him with a small chuckle. He truly did treat Midoriya like he was something special, ever since the incident with Achak several days ago Kenai had been acting like the nicest person in the world. Not that Midoriya hated him any less.
"Your quirk let's you turn bullets into water! Freaking water! How do I best that?" Midoriya shouted, not bothering to look away from the white ceiling above him. Letting out a sigh in response Kenai fell onto his back next to Midoriya.
"Hey, I wanna show you something."
"What is it?" Midoriya asked with a scoff. Midoriya may be training with this guy to get stronger than he already is, but his hatred never let up, not even for a second. Kicking up to his feet, Kenai turned to give Midoriya his gloved hand. Slapping his hand out of the way, Midoriya simply pushed himself of the ground and onto his butt, from there he got up like a normal person would.
"Look at my hand Izuku." Kenai instructed. The sudden use of his first name made Midoriya stare intently at Kenai's ungloved hand. Raising it in front of both pairs of eyes Kenai pulled a combat knife out of it's sheath on his calf with his spare hand. Pointing the blade at his open palm, only inches away from his skin, he thrusted downwards. The thrust was not so violent that it pierced all the way through his hand, but it did but open his skin. Normally someone would bleed after they just got their hand cut open, but Kenai didn't. Hesitantly the man covered in sweat peeled back the skin and revealed pieces of metal throughout his hand. "My quirk, Density Shift, is not all powerful. It is easy to forget that quirks are a part of you, when you throw a punch you deal damage, but you will also feel the pain in your knuckles. Quirks are the same way. When I change the density of something I have repercussions. Each time I use it, the bone behind the skin becomes more and more brittle. My right hand here has been the primary subject to this effect, so when I over used it to the point it would shatter after the smallest touch, I decided to cheat. I installed a robotic hand, but since my skin has to touch the subject I want to affect, I put it in place of my skeletal hand. Understand what I'm saying?" Kenai asked, making sure Izuku wasn't lost in the sea of information that he had just heard.
Quickly nodding in reassurance Kenai chuckled. "You look like a quirk fanatic kid." With a large smile Midoriya nodded in agreement.
"Yes! I think quirks are fascinating! The fact the human body could evolve to this level is just..... Inspiring!" Midoriya said with a giant smile and stars in his eyes. It had been a while since he last smiled, truly smiled, it felt wrong. With a peaceful and content look, Kenai stared in awe at Midoriya. Midoriya began his rant of quirks, speaking of all the potential this man's quirk held, pointing out pros and cons of this ludicrously powerful quirk. Now that Midoriya thought about it, this quirk was possibly stronger than that rumoured All Might. Midoriya had seen many newspapers about said hero. He knew that he used to idolize the Symbol of Peace, but with age came the loss of memory, there resided almost no information of this hero in his mind, at least not any more than the media told him. Midoriya did manage to memorize the quirks of all his fellow trainees from the camp. With not much else to do in his free time, Midoriya would just recite the name of peoples quirks and their initial purpose, adding his own ideas of what to do with them. Most of his ideas including how to most efficiently eliminate someone's existence the easiest or quickest.
It was easy to forget that he was in a camp for killing people. At a young age the staff drilled into everyone's head that they were there to learn how to kill. Midoriya had never done this himself, but he understood his purpose and presumed if it came down to it, he could confidently kill someone. Midoriya's thoughts were cut short when he felt a piercing pain through his left shoulder.
Looking over to the origin of pain he saw a knife through his shoulder. Turning his stare to the only other person in the room Midoriya saw Kenai with a sinister grin. "Don't get too comfortable 'Zuku! I told you didn't I? You're here to become the perfect assassin, and you can't be an assassin if you're too comfortable. Life is always gonna hit you when you're low, it's not fair or easy, but that's how it is. That's why I'm gonna face you with this challenge." With a snap of his fingers, a door opened and someone rushed in with a cart containing multiple boxes of first aid and multiple vials. "That knife is laced with a lethal poison, one that will shut down all of your internal organs down within maybe........ Four hours. So you have four hours to get past me and to that cart with the antidote, plus some first aid to clean up the bleeding. Now, let's begin."
Quickly pulling off his other glove Kenai rushed towards Midoriya's shoulder. Kenai's quirk was lethal, Midoriya knew that now. With a touch of his finger he could reduce Midoriya and his bones to a pile of mush. On instinct Midoriya fell backwards and threw his right hand behind him, using it to push him off the ground and fly back onto his feet, now several feet away from the insane trainer.
Bringing his recently used hand Midoriya tried to soothe the pain in his left shoulder, squeezing it tight in hopes of numbing the pain. Directing his glare back to his instructor Midoriya saw him charging at full speed. Deciding not to risk counter attacking and having his arm or body reduce to a sack of skin and muscles, inoperable, Midoriya turned tail and ran. "What the hell?! Didn't you say you wanted me? Planned on making me the perfect weapon!" Midoriya questioned the crazed powerhouse. It truly made no sense. Why would Kenai go through all this trouble, just to kill him? Sprinting to the other side of the room Midoriya quickly armed himself, throwing a Barrett REC7 with a sling over his shoulder. He grabbed a Ceska Zbrojovka vz. 61(Skorpion) slipped it into a chest holster and bolted away, not giving Kenai any time catch up to him. With one hand Midoriya checked both weapons, making sure the safety was off and other small details.
Pulling the knife out of his shoulder wasn't an option. Retracting it from it's current resting place could only worsen Midoriya's situation, causing blood to rush to the new gap and causing him to bleed out before the poison could get to him. Midoriya's condition was not ideal, not in the slightest. Not only was he fighting someone who could destroy something with barely any effort, he also only had one arm, two guns - that frankly didn't look they could do much seeing how bullets just turned to liquid before they could deal damage - also the guns....... Had no spare bullets.... Great!
"Yes I did, but if you can't overcome this situation, you're less than useless to me!" Kenai yelled while throwing his hand to the ground, turning the section Midoriya stood on into a quickly melting floor. Yes, Midoriya couldn't be in a worse position. He had next to no ammo, only one magazine each, a knife in his shoulder, one usable arm, was gonna sink into the concrete and suffocate, and had a time limit on his life if he didn't get out of this terrible situation.
Kenai was spouting nonsense earlier. There was no chance for Midoriya without a quirk. Once he was diagnosed Quirkless his life was over. He should just give up, let the concrete suffocate him, or her could let the poison get him. It didn't matter anymore. He couldn't be in a worse situation anyways.
It won't end like this!
I will avenge him!
He could've been a situation ten times worse than this! He could have no usable arms! He could have two guns with no ammunition! Wait, scratch that, he could've had no guns whatsoever! At least guns with ammo could still be used as melee weapons. His time limit could've been shorter than this. There is always a worse situation!
These thoughts pushed Midoriya to do his next action. Grabbing a solid hold on the knife, Midoriya ripped it out. Throwing caution to the wind he pulled it out without a second thought. He was right though. It hurt like hell, and now he was bleeding like crazy. Leaning to his side, Midoriya plunged the knife into solid concrete, using his upper body strength to pull himself out of the sink hole he was previously in. Within the blink of an eye, Kenai was in front of him, reaching for Midoriya's face. Quickly Midoriya rolled to his side as fast as humanly possible. Jumping into a crouch position, Midoriya rested the Barrett REC7 onto his knee and nestled it in his shoulder and locking the stock into position with his head. Pulling the bolt back and letting it launch back into it's original position, Midoriya was ready to fire.
With a deep breath time seemed to slow down. Kenai looked as if he was frozen in place, as did the rest of the world. A humming bird could be seen out the window, and Midoriya could count each flap of said bird's wings. With a slow and steady exhale, Midoriya fired. *Boom* *Boom* *Boom**Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*
Quickly firing off the entire magazine into Kenai's head. Not a single bullet missing it's target, but none of them penetrating his skull either. Kenai let out a hearty laugh, "Really 'Zuku? After all this? This is the best you can manage? I guess I was wrong about you." Kenai said while continuing his pursuit. Charging back at Midoriya Kenai saw he didn't even flinch. Instead, Midoriya pulled his Skorpion out of it's holster and rapidly fired of it's entire magazine into the same spot in Kenai's head, still no effect. The bullets simply fell into a pile of silver liquid, dealing no damage.
Without a second thought Kenai lunged for Midoriya's face, fully prepared to end his subordinates life. Barely even centimeters away from the mess of green curly hair, it just vanished. Instead all of Kenai's vision was blurred, the next thing he knew he was on his back. Hissing at the sudden blunt pain he felt, and then he saw black and only black.
Midoriya stood there victorious. In a desperate attempt to weaken the state of Kenai's skull, Midoriya threw all of his luck on his aim. Hoping, hoping he would land the shots, which he did, luckily. With his skull now so brittle, Kenai couldn't take the damage of being swept off his feet and onto his head, knocking him out. Midoriya was drenched in sweat, no energy to spare. However the large amount of adrenaline that was still in his system, he could manage walking to the other side of the room and administering first aid.
Quickly downing the transparent liquid that was labeled 'cure' Midoriya rested his back against the wall next to the cart. Slumping down onto his rear, he caught his breath. Every fiber of his being was exhausted, with only first aid left to be administered, Midoriya took a small break. Catching his breath from the insane experience he just had. That was true combat. And it was downright terrifying.
Once Midoriya had finally patched himself up, he simply laid against the wall... Thankful. Thankful for the power he's gained. Thankful for the fact he was still alive. But most of all, thankful he'll gain the chance to avenge his best friend. The fight he just had was one that would carry him through the rest of his life. Knowing that anything could happen. It taught him to never give up, that there could always be a worse situation. And this was proof.
It's been at least two years since Midoriya began his Representative Training, and it was paying off. Kenai pit him against people with some of the strongest quirks he's ever seen, some weren't even that powerful, the user was just that innovative. But he triumphed, he plowed through every wall that was set in his path, and he didn't just 'plow' through them, he obliterated them. Sometimes he would go as far as to cripple someone if they rubbed him the wrong way. If Midoriya wanted a chance against Kenai, he would have to become stronger than he'd ever been. Yes, Midoriya had bested him once, but Kenai started to underestimate Midoriya which was his own undoing. Midoriya knew for a fact he wouldn't do that again. Kenai was a man that learned from his mistakes, and after that first fight, Midoriya never won against him again. He still needed to become much stronger. Strong enough to not just defeat Kenai, but to wreck him. Midoriya swore he would avenge his fallen friend, but not just that, Midoriya came to hate this camp. Everytime he went to eat he would be beaten down.
The kids at the camp started to turn on Midoriya, striking him down each chance they got. He may have hated the camp, but not the kids in it. He didn't blame them, not one bit. They had to suffer the same as him, maybe even worse sometimes. He didn't blame them, nor did he hate them, but he was sick of the way he would be treated. If a kid so much as looked at Midoriya that The Commander didn't like, he would have a limb broken. After Midoriya suffered the first couple of beatings The Commander caught on, going so far as to give Midoriya bodyguards. It sickened him, that's why he would leave. Escape from this place and never come back, not until he was ready to take down Kenai.
That night Midoriya sat in his quarters doing random workouts; sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups. He was like a machine. Midoriya had tried to escape several times, each time getting caught at a different stage of escape, but not this time. No, this time he was prepared. On the first attempts Midoriya simply tried to escape wearing his everyday sleeveless shirt with his baggy cargo pants, this time he had stealth clothing. Piece by piece Midoriya had been swiping equipment. First he started with the simple stuff, a black T-Shirt,black cargo pants, a black sweater, he even managed to find a black Neoprene face mask which covered his face all the way up to his nose. Then there was the hard stuff. He managed to sneak one of the many M9's that the facility kept locked up. While in the armory he grabbed a suppressor and at least 15 magazines full of ammo.
After all his failed attempts the guards decided to implement a locked bar door, turning his room into more of a cell. As the expert assassin exercised his body, preparing for the big plan, the guards walked by and dismissed his behavior as normal, but man were they wrong. The time was now about twelve in the morning, the stroke of midnight, and the guards were to be doing the last of their rounds. Lifting his bed mattress Midoriya revealed all of the items he collected including a black one-strap-backpack. Midoriya stripped himself down to the nude, revealing his incredibly tone body, packed with lean muscle that was only emphasized by the sweat that ran down his body.
Now putting on his clothes, starting with the sports underwear he wore while doing his daily training, he got dressed. Raising the face mask to cover the bottom half of his face and throwing the sweater hood over his green curly hair, he was ready. Gently placing the last of his spare clips in his pack he then slung it over his head and let it rest on his shoulder.
Quickly turning off the lights for his room, Midoriya sat in the corner next to his door, cloaking himself in the darkness. As he sat there he heard the steps of the guards down the hall, getting closer by the second. They were now outside his room. "Midoriya? Hey brat respond so we know you're there!" The guard demanded hitting the steel bars with his baton. He couldn't have looked more like a prison guard if he tried, not that the profession was far off from what his was. Letting out a sigh of exasperation the man slung the door open, walking in to disrupt the supposedly sleeping Midoriya. The second guard sat outside the room, waiting for his friend to finish this tedious task.
"Damn it Midoriya, you're not making my job easy are yo-" His words were quickly silenced as Midoriya pulled him from the middle of the room into his Corner of Doom. Not giving him any extra time to think, and with one swift movement of his hand and forearm, he snapped the guards neck. Cautiously Midoriya sat the, now deformed man, against the wall, careful not to alert the other guard.
"Josh? Man are you okay? This isn't funny, come out of there!" The other guard demanded hesitantly shining a light in the room to get a better visual. Jumping out into the field of view, Midoriya whipped out his silenced M9 and shot the guard square between the eyes, letting him drop lifelessly on the floor.
"Well that's done. Now to actually get out of here." Midoriya whispered to himself as he scavenged the patrollers for their keys of the building. They were the last patrollers of the night, so they had to lock everything up to make sure no one escaped, until now that is. Finally finding the keys Midoriya clenched onto them hard, making sure they wouldn't make sound as he ran through the halls. Peeping his head out the door he double checked his surroundings, scanning left and right down the long lengthy halls. Finally, deciding the coast was clear, Midoriya ran down the halls. Taking lefts and rights, navigating his way to the backdoor of the building he rested in.
Taking the last turn of his route he found the door. It was regular push open and close door, nothing special whatsoever, perfect for escaping through. Fumbling with the keys in hand Midoriya finally got a solid grip. He had been so anxious to escape, and this was his time, he could barely contain his excitement!
After trying literally every key on the chain, it was time for the last one. Shoving the key through the hole he gently turned, careful not to snap it with too much force.
Hearing that click was like hearing someone unlock a lock that kept him in a cramped cage for years on end, which wasn't too far from what this was. Opening the door he felt a cold rush of air hit his face. It wasn't his first time being outside, but this wind had a different feeling to it. A feeling of freedom.
Finally pushing the door the rest of the way open he was met with a rifle barrel to his head. "Next time try and be more quiet with your escape. Okay Midoriya?"
He hadn't thought about the guards outside, not that it was gonna stop him. Instead of the basic human instinct - put your hands up and surrender - Midoriya dropped his knee and quickly shot the guard in a kneecap, causing him to fire a shot off instinct and sending the gun into the air. Quickly readjusting his aim, Midoriya shot the man square in his face. Now he was free. Dropping onto his knees Midoriya let out a hefty sigh. That was WAY too close for comfort, but he overcame it, and he was free, for real this time.
Looking up Midoriya found a ten foot cage fence with barb-wire resting on the top. This was the last hurdle, and boy was he prepared. Taking a running start Midoriya leaped at the fence, using his dominant foot he kicked off the fence and back onto the building. He repeated the process until he was finally over the fence, the barb wire almost catching his pack. Instead of landing on his feet Midoriya went straight to a role. He had too much excitement for this moment, he had been dreaming of this moment for months, and now it was here. With a singular movement, Midoriya went from role to sprint in no time at all. He was free damn it! Walking could wait.
"Next stop Tokyo. I'm coming All Might!"
A/N I DID IT GOD DAMN IT! IT TOOK ME A WEEK BUT I DID IT! God, I'm so sorry it took me so long to get this out. I had stuff going on all week and I finished the rest of my homework, so now I'm free to write the Christmas Specials the first one will be Be There btw so look forward to it. BYE!!!!
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