"You're garbage you know that right?" Yaoyorozu asked the masked assassin.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say princess, let's just get you home and out of my hair." Midoriya retorted with no enthusiasm, one could even say he was irritated, a feeling he was very familiar with recently.
"I'm serious! What did you do to that poor girl? Did you harass her? Bribe her? Trick her? I can't believe you would go so far as to manipulate someone into confessing to you. There's no way she means it. Not with someone like you." Yaoyorozu said letting go of the driver and staring off into space.
"Uh-huh. Why should I even care about what you think? I haven't even known you for more than a couple of hours." Midoriya said taking another sharp turn. She was partially right though. What did he Midoriya do to that girl? All he did was help her because he felt like it. There was no hidden meaning to his actions, no motives, no ego he had to please. Nothing. It was an impulse, she reminded him of himself a couple of years ago, and since he was helped back then, he figured he would continue the cycle.
Midoriya felt no desire to help the public. He no longer had the dream of becoming an awesome hero, not like when he was a kid. If one looked at it a certain way, they could interpret him as a hero. His entire life up to this point was being trained on how to expertly eliminate someone, and his career choice did nothing but let him execute those skills in the field. People paid him to eliminate people they didn't like, it ranged from business competitors, all the way to petty grudges. After the job was done, the clients were always pleased, happy to see their money was put to good use. Yes, sometimes a client would have Midoriya eliminate an old friend that they had a fight with, maybe their girlfriend cheated on them or something, or maybe they had different views on a subject, but Midoriya always got the job done perfectly. Sometimes after the target was killed, the client would regret their decision and fall into a state of depression or anger, but that wasn't any of Midoriya's problem. Once someone was dead, that was it, nothing would bring them back. In the history of man, not one case of a quirk being able to revive the dead had ever been recorded, which is not to say it had never happened, but the odds were beyond microscopic.
Once someone was dead, that meant all of their organs, muscles, thoughts, everything, it was all caput. If a quirk was able to change the law of nature, it would be the same as being able pass on a quirk. Changing the complete understanding of quirks. After all, quirks were just physical abilities. They were parts of the body that had evolved beyond previous generations' anatomy. The thought of either of these quirks ever being able to exist made Midoriya laugh.
The moment Midoriya decided to be an assassin, was the moment his entire life was set in stone. No matter how much he wished for it. No matter how badly he longed for a normal life. It wouldn't ever be possible. It had happened multiple times, Midoriya thinking and wishing that he could just be a normal kid, a normal high schooler in a normal high school, with normal friends, with a nuclear family. It was just a dream though. It would never be anything more than surreal though. Always a fleeting dream, so no matter how many times he wished for a normal life, he had to convince himself that this was his only option. It wasn't that bad though. He had no bed times, no matter how silly that might sound to a teenager. He had no rules he had to abide by, after all, he was an outlaw. He was a wanted kid, a quirkless kid. In this modern world, not having a quirk was worse than just being an outlaw. If he had a quirk, he would at least have something in common with other teenagers his age, yet he was destined to always be different.
Everything about Midoriya was abnormal. People would walk the streets with reptilian skin, tails, wings, facial deformities, and even those with mental disabilities. Some people, if they were lucky, could level skyscrapers in the blink of an eye. A small handful were practically unkillable gods, being able to kill someone with as much as a thought. A few in the history of quirks could live forever, be immune to disease, and even cure others with no problems. Most were visibly different too....
But none of them were abnormal.
Everything about Midoriya was abnormal.
Midoriya couldn't do any of those things. He couldn't level buildings. He was invincible. He didn't have mutations. He didn't have any more than above average intelligence. No physical mutations. He was the closest person to human in this entire world! Yet he was still considered abnormal. The outcast. When he thought about it, there was nothing abnormal about him, but he was still the odd one out.
When it was first revealed that Midoriya wouldn't have a quirk, literally in the world turned against him. All of the supervisors at his daycare would talk about how sad his life would be behind his back. Every single one of his "friends" started bullying him, calling him names, physical abuse, and even mental abuse at times. Even both of his parents gave up on him. One had no faith in him and his dream, while the other simple despised him after hearing about the defect. Even at the training camp he worked twice as hard to make up for what he didn't have. He would train for hours on end, while getting next to no food or sleep. When he would lose a sparring match, Kenai would punish him. Making him run miles on end, while continuously giving the excuse of "It's the best for you." Complete lies. No one had ever had Midoriya's best in interest at heart.With his dad, it was all about becoming "Better than a failure.". With Kenai it was always, "To become the perfect weapon."Even Uraraka was too focused on herself than Midoriya. After their encounter, she "confessed her love", but it left Midoriya with nothing other than a foul mood, which confused him. The reaction he gave Uraraka was purely embarrassment. Midoriya never really had any experience with girls before, so it didn't take much to put him into overload. After being confessed to, Midoriya couldn't think at all and simply responded the nicest way he knew how. He didn't really have any romantic feelings for the girl, but the thought of shutting her down after such a bold confession was too harsh for Midoriya. Even when he was doing a job for his clients, all they cared about was their benefit. Yes, they rewarded him handsomely, but when he thought about it, Midoriya didn't really care about the money.Midoriya always chopped it down to "As long as I get paid, it doesn't matter", but even he didn't have his best interest at heart. Midoriya craved for something... Though he had no idea what it was.
It made no sense. Why did he have to go through all that pain and suffering? In the end, Midoriya had been alone.
"You don't have to be so rude either. I'm just saying how it is." Yaoyorozu said while crossing her arms with a pout. Midoriya hadn't been going nearly as fast as he had previously, so that allowed Yaoyorozu to relax a bit more and show a bit more emotion, or at least any other emotion than fear for her life.
Coming to a screeching halt, Midoriya rested his foot on the cold concrete, keeping the jet black motorcycle stood upright.
"Get off."
Every muscle in Yaoyorozu's froze. In the past couple of hours she had been scared for her life many times, the most frequent one being Jacket's driving, but this time it was completely different. It wasn't the doing of a third party quirk, nor was it a moment of surprise. No, right now every muscle in her body refused to respond, completely ignoring every command that she tried to make. Jacket was giving off an unspeakable atmosphere, it wasn't kind in the slightest. Instead it was as if he was mentally stopping every part of her body. Every thought. Every muscle. Every fiber of her being froze.
"C-C-C-C-C-Come o-on, I didn't mean to u-upset you. I was just t-trying to tell you what I thought." Yaoyorozu replied with the first excuse that appeared in her head. Honestly Jacket was scaring her right now. He hadn't done anything in particular, he hadn't yelled at her. He didn't curse at her. He hadn't even looked at her.
Yet she still couldn't move.
"I said get off my bike. I'm done playing with you. Like I said before, I've only known you for a few hours, and I don't owe you anything. Ever since I met you, you've been nothing but a pain in my ass. I spent a crazy amount of money to shut your ass up, and you're still bitching at me! I don't even know your god damn name!" Pulling an M9 out of it's holster, Midoriya turned and pointed the gun at Yaoyorozu's face. Moments passed. The cold barrel of the M9 pushed against Yaoyorozu's forehead. The seconds felt like hours to Yaoyorozu, while Midoriya got more impatient with each passing moment.
The harsh voice of Jacket caused the Creation quirk user to flinch backwards, throwing her off balance and off the bike. The instant Yaoyorozu was off the bike, Midoriya twisted his wrist as hard as possible, sending him and his bike zooming off at an incredible speed.
With Jacket now gone, leaving behind only some dust and burned rubber on the concrete. Yaoyorozu sat on the cold ground for a short while, it was already early morning so the traffic was nearly non-existent. She sat there, simply letting her thoughts consume her.
Why did he suddenly freak out like that? Did he not know that she wasn't seriously upset with him? Yes, she wanted to know what happened between him and that girl, but she wasn't genuinely upset with him. Which brought her to the next though. Why did she act that way around him in the first place? Throughout her entire life, Yaoyorozu had been taught that manners and kindness come before all else. When your family is a prestigious one like hers, making good first impressions and having all sorts of good etiquette was like second nature to Yaoyorozu. She had never raised her voice to anyone before. Yet today was her first time doing that, and he was a complete stranger. She had never fought with anyone before today, and today she had done just that, with that same stranger. She'd never ridden a motorbike before today, it was always limousines and bodyguards, but again, today she had done that for the first time. She'd never been chased by the cops, but she could do without that one. She'd never been thrown into a dumpster either, but once again, that was an experience she would've been fine without.
Though their last interaction may have been unpleasant, it left Yaoyorozu with no bad feelings. All she could do was sit in awe. That stranger had just opened up an entirely new world for her. She got in an argument. She raised her voice on many occasions. Hell, she even threatened him! She had threatened some stranger that had done nothing but help her, a stranger that defeated or escaped a Pro-Hero!! She still didn't really have any information on that part, but either would still be an amazing feat!
Something about Jacket had intrigued Yaoyorozu. His long green hair that was rough, yet messy. His emerald green eyes that were rarely shown. His freckles that were located just below each eye. All of those things were traits that were so generic and bland in this modern society, yet they stood out so much. His personality was a little rough, prone to cursing and yelling, but at times he was nice, no matter how rare it was. Throughout their entire time together they had done nothing but argue and bicker, and though it was irritating at the time, right now it felt... Good. It felt good that there was someone that Yaoyorozu was capable of loosening up around, instead of being uptight and high-class all the time. Though she'd only known him for a couple hours, she felt that he was one of the only people she'd truly have a good time around and it not be a facade.
On multiple occasions, Yaoyorozu's parents had hired other families to have their children socialize with Yaoyorozu. They were always so annoying, their entire personalities being nothing more than fabrications engineered to perfectly get along with Yaoyorozu. Even when they had an argument, they would quickly submit to Yaoyorozu's opinion in order to prevent any fights from occurring. Yaoyorozu loved her parents, their frequent antiques didn't change her feelings, but meeting someone so stubborn and hot-headed was more than refreshing.
Standing up and dusting herself off, Yaoyorozu made her way down the road and on her way to her estate. As cars passed her by every so often, Yaoyorozu had splashes of water thrown onto her due to the cars' incredible speeds, kicking up the water on the side of the road. No matter how frequently it happened, and no matter how many times drunk or stupid passengers would yell slurs or harassing words, she just couldn't stop smiling. Today she had made her first real friend, whether he agreed with her or not.
Midoriya laid on his back, staring at the stars, as if he was expecting something to happen to them. Midoriya was in a small field, miles away from any form of civilization, doing nothing but thinking to himself. His motorcycle was stood next to him, blending in with the pitch black around him. The only form of light for miles, was the stars, shining brightly. Bringing one hand on each side of his jet black helmet, Midoriya pulled off his helmet. Resting it gently next his bike, Midoriya sharply grit his teeth.
"Damn it all..." pulling off his gloves, Midoriya stared at his bandaged hand, watching as the blood still poured from his injured hand. Memories from when he first met that girl reappeared in his mind. "Guess I'm still too weak." Midoriya gently whispered to himself. Feeling a raindrop land on his non-bandaged hand, Midoriya stared back at the sky, scanning for a single cloud. There was nothing. Bringing his hand to feel at his face, he felt it. It had been such a long time, almost an eternity since it last happened.
Midoriya was crying.
Midoriya couldn't even think of the last time he cried, the punishment for such an action at the camp was too harsh to recall. Even trying to remember those times sent chills down his spine. With no one to stop him, or see him do such an action, Midoriya let the tears fall even faster. Not even trying to prevent the flood of tears from falling down his face. "Why?" Midoriya asked himself, as if expecting someone to answer him. "Why do I have to through all of this?" Midoriya asked slightly louder this time, still expecting someone to answer his weak calls.
It still didn't make any sense to Midoriya, and he had spent the past couple of hours trying to come up with a reasonable explanation. When Midoriya wanted some time alone, or didn't have anything better to do, he would come to this field, away from everything else in the world. Here was the one and only spot that Midoriya could really be himself. He didn't have any friends to talk to about his troubles. He didn't have any parents to cry to. He didn't even have his own home. Coming to this open and empty field always reminded him of this.
He was all alone.
If Midoriya were to die, right here, right now, no one would even bat an eye. For all the assassinations, all the times he'd risked his life to do something someone asked of him, still, no one would care. Back at the camp, Midoriya was surrounded by people he knew, and before the death of his best friend some people were his friends. Even after Achak's death, Midoriya was always around Kenai, and even though Midoriya hated him with every fiber of his being, he was always occupied, always doing something. When he left camp, Midoriya still had the objective of coming to Japan and finding All Might, the next stage of his goal. Even when he got to Japan, he'd spent all of his time fulfilling contracts and making a name for himself.
Coming to this field was a rare occurrence, Midoriya couldn't even remember the last time he'd come here. But when he saw that girl, Uraraka, try so desperately to help her parents it did nothing but remind him of his own solitude. Trying to become a normal kid was pointless. Some of the Pro-Heroes knew his face, and if one of them saw him walking down the streets, he'd be attacked by police, super powered individuals, and even civilians around him would know his identity. Being Full Metal Jacket was never an easy life, but it had always been eventful. It had always kept him entertained, never letting him sit down and waste his time thinking about useless stuff. Like he was doing right now.
Pulling down his hood and mask, Midoriya let his long hair drop to his back. Midoriya simply let the wind rustle his hair and sway it from side to side every now and then. Any thought that came to Midoriya's mind was not a happy one. Every single thing that you could possibly think of depressed him. Pets? Couldn't have one of those. Family? Didn't have one anymore. Friends? Once again, something that was simply out of his reach. That was when the biggest of them all hit him.
What was his name? The obvious answer was, Izuku Midoriya, but that answer didn't satisfy him. Izuku Midoriya was practically dead. Just a child that went missing eleven years ago and was snuck into America. No one had called him Midoriya in about two years! At this point, Midoriya was dead, and the only identity he held was Full Metal Jacket. The life of an assassin, someone constantly being chased. A wanted criminal. Midoriya was nothing more than that anymore.
Even that Uraraka girl would soon forget him, the donation he gave her was all she needed for from him, and now she had no reason to care about him. Even that fake confession. It wasn't real, there were no real feelings behind those words, only impulse. No one could convince Midoriya otherwise. After all, how could you "love" someone when you don't even know their name?
Laying his head back, Midoriya stared at the starry night. Letting the tears run down the side of his face, Midoriya closed his eyes. Then for the first time in a long time, Midoriya slept a full night with no interruptions.
"I wonder where Jacket-san is..." Uraraka asked herself as she clenched the pieces of paper that he entrusted to her. That man was her savior, and she was gonna marry him..... Or that's what she thought. Even thinking about her confession made her entire body light up in a dark shade of red. Every fiber of her being had regretted the whole thing. Standing out wasn't Uraraka's favorite thing to do, she wasn't shy in the least bit, but attracting unnecessary attention to herself was just pointless. Glancing over to her unconscious parents, Uraraka remembered every detail of their encounter. The glee he had as they floated out of the mess of the cars, the nearly childish voice that he had, the honesty and bluntness he expressed during their conversations. It was very obvious that he was trying to act like a tough guy, but there were moments where it showed how nice he was.
She went over their conversations all the way up to the moment when she stood atop the pile of cars and proclaimed her "love". Thinking back on it she realized when she said that it was completely impulse. Yes, she was thankful to him, and she still wanted to repay him, but marriage was kind of rash. Letting out a sigh, Uraraka soothed herself and let her muscles relax themselves. Then it hit her.
Who was that girl?
Would she know how to find Jacket? Leaning against one of the destroyed cars she pulled out her now cracked smartphone. Uraraka had been stubborn about receiving this device, yelling at her parents and telling them that they shouldn't be wasting their money on something like this and should instead direct their money to paying off their debt. Letting her damage body relax, she sat down and let her legs stretch out. Opening the search engine, Uraraka did some quick web searching. She had nothing to do and could hear the cops make their way to her and the other survivors, so she had time to look up something that had been bothering her for quite a while. Using both thumbs to type, Uraraka's sound sounded clicks and clacks with each letter she typed. Clicking the "Search" button Uraraka's phone thought for a second before showing an endless amount of websites and blogs about her subject.
"Hey?! Is there anyone that can answer me?! This is the Police, we're here to help!" A stray voice called out.
Letting a grunt of pain, Uraraka pushed herself out of her slouched position and yelled back a reply. "Yeah! Please hurry! Everyone is unconscious, but we should all be alright!" Almost immediately, a Pro-Hero with some sort of mutation quirk that allowed them to grow extra appendages that held incredible strength compared to the originals,threw a car out of the way. With the road block now in no one's way, cops and Pro-Heroes alike rushed in and immediately started checking on all of the injured. On instinct, she pocketed her phone and gently pushed the checks into her pocket.
Paramedics swarmed Uraraka and her parents, performing first aid as fast as their hands would let them. Quite some time passed, and the unconscious were hauled into ambulances one by one. With her parents now on a cot on their way to the nearest hospital, Uraraka was the last civilian in the entire area. Forcing herself off the ground with a grunt, Uraraka made her way to a circle of police officers and random heroes. She forced herself to make every step that led her to the authorities she was trying to reach. The large amount of blood that she had ended up losing made every action harder with each passing second, to the point where she was hunched over when she got to her goal.
Grabbing the sleeve of random officer, Uraraka grabbed the attention of nearly every person that had been talking. "I..... I have something to give you....." Uraraka weakly croaked. The effects of the steroids had been wearing off, leaving Uraraka with no energy. With every passing second she was closer to passing out.
"You shouldn't be moving around Miss. Paramedics! Come help this girl to an ambulance!" The cop said as he held Uraraka's shoulders, giving her a chance to slump into his arms. Bringing one up of her limp arms, Uraraka clenched the officer's forearm.
"...No.... Take this.... Please." Uraraka said while using her free hand to give him the correct check. Snatching the check from her hand, another cop read the contents of the piece of paper before giving her a menacing glare.
"Where did you get this?" He asked ferociously. He didn't yell or raise his voice, but his tone carried venom. Either someone pissed in this guys coffee or he just didn't have enough, because he was angry. Leaning in closer the man was barely a few inches away from her from her face. "I asked you where you got this check!" The man shouted this time, losing whatever was keeping him stable. His breath reeked with the smell of coffee, with a slight hint of alcohol. Underneath each eye was a shade of black that was pure evidence that this man hadn't slept a wink of sleep in a long time, or ever. He was pretty scrawny, which only made Uraraka wonder how someone as thin as him made it into the police force.
"Uh.... A man gave it to me. Why?" Uraraka responded as quickly as she could, only pausing at the beginning due to her unreadiness for the question.
"What's the matter Tsukauchi?" I booming voice asked from behind the innocent civilian girl. On instinct, Uraraka turned around to face the strange man. As she turned around, a shadow began to loom over her. It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the mysterious man. Finally giving her a clear view, she knew who this man was
It was All Might!
What was he doing here?! Why was the Symbol of Piece and Justice here?! Taking a look around at her surroundings, Uraraka noticed all of the totalled cars. All of the blood that had stained the concrete road. This was terrible! She had spent so much time in awe and curious about that strange boy. She didn't even notice how much destruction had been caused. Clenching her empty fist, Uraraka remembered her parents. How injured they were. How heartbroken they were having to drive her to her new apartment.
She remembered the conversation they had been having as clear as day - not that it was hard to remember, it literally happened an hour or so ago. They weren't talking about anything special, but it was their last peaceful moment before this happened. Looking around at the destruction once more Uraraka bit her lip as hard as she could. She was suddenly filled with so much rage she couldn't contain it! Whoever had done this to these people was evil! This person had to have been the worst villain that ever lived!
Thank god Jacket was there to help her and all those other people. She had to remember to try and thank him sometime. Not with marriage, but with something.
"A-All Might! Woah, it's so cool to see you in person!" Uraraka yelled with glee. His presence did nothing but calm her down and fill her with hope. With All Might here, she knew everything was gonna be okay!
"Hello young citizen! I'm glad to see that you're okay and good enough to walk!.... Or so I thought." All Might said showing concern for the young 15 year old girl before looking down to gaze at the girls injured leg. Tracing his eyes, Uraraka discovered what it was that the Pro-Hero was staring at. As fast as a bullet, Uraraka shifted her body to hide the injured appendage.
"I-I'm fine! Don't worry about me. P-Please cash in that check though and use it to pay for the damage." Uraraka said with a nervous stutter. The presence of All Might was reassuring, but talking to him was more intimidating than one would think. Giving her a stern look of disapproval, All Might spoke again.
"That is not something that should be ignored. If you refuse to leave us, then at least let me carry you on my back for a little while." All Might negotiated with a heavy sigh.
Giving another sigh in response, Uraraka conceded and allowed the pro hero to assist her. "Alright ma'am, I'll take you somewhere where we can have you looked at." All Might notified the lone teenager. Giving a subtle nod and hum of agreement, Uraraka rested her head on the pro's shoulder, closing her eyes and letting her body relax.
"I wonder what He's up to right now..."
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