A Contract Is a Promise
Caution! This chapter has some very Mature content, so proceed with caution!
Walking through the thick snow brought Midoriya all of these sensations. They never kept a calendar in the camp, so Midoriya had no earthly clue what day or month is was. All he knew was that it was cold, and he wanted to get to Japan as soon as humanly possible. Normally he would just get on a plane an call it good, but there were two major problems with that plan. One, buying the plane ticket would give his position away to Kenai, no doubt he was in pursuit of Midoriya after his little escapade. Tracking Midoriya at that point would be no problem for someone like Kenai, after all, what's the point in hosting an illegal organization if you can't pull a couple of strings.
The second problem was money, which Midoriya had none of. So Midoriya needed a plan of action. Coming to a stop Midoriya rested on one of the many trees that stood in the forest. Ever since he'd left the camp Midoriya had been in this camp, it had to have been at least six days since he'd escaped. Dropping to his rear, Midoriya leaned on the large oak tree. Pulling down his face mask, Midoriya let out a large exhale, simply watching the large fog that escaped his mouth. Bringing his naked hands to his mouth he exhaled again, this time in hopes of warming his numb fingers. He couldn't remain like this. Midoriya had to find warmth of any kind if he wanted to live, otherwise he was going to freeze to death. All that hard work, all of that training, scavenging he did at the camp, all of it was going to be in vain.
The forest seemed to go on for miles, not a sign of civilization anywhere. Midoriya thought about ways to get to the East. The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans both blocked Midoriya's path, leaving him with only to modes of transportation, plane or boat. He sat there brainstorming options, yet not one seemed it would work. Buying a ticket for a ferrie would be just as easy as tracking a purchase for a plane ticket, so the only way he was getting to Japan was illegally, not that it bothered him. The boy just killed three men a few days ago, being an outlaw didn't scare him, getting caught did. Midoriya didn't look forward to being imprisoned, not even a little bit. He just spent 9 years in what amounted to a penitentiary, so going back to one wasn't an appealing aspect.
Rubbing his hands together one last time, Midoriya stood up and put his face mask back over his face. Tightly tucking his hands back into their corresponding pockets, he continued his journey once more. He still had at least 14 magazines of ammunition, so mugging was still an option, but to mug, he would need people, something he saw no sign of anywhere.
The sound of a gunshot sent Midoriya into instinct mode, immediately jumping behind a tree and scanning the area for any possible guards that chased him out here. The M9 gripped tightly in both hands, Midoriya peered from around the side of the tree. Seeing nothing but the black night sky and countless trees, Midoriya relaxed. Maybe he had been out here for too long, the small amount of food and water he managed to scavenge starting to get to his head. After 6 days of barely surviving Midoriya's lips grew incredibly chapped, dried skin stabbing out every which way. Midoriya had been trained to survive in harsh conditions, but after escaping an illegal training camp, killing three men, having barely any water and no food, he was starting to reach his limits. The color in his normally emerald eyes had started to fade, leaving a dark black that threatened to go white near the edges, blending into his white sclera. Relaxing his shoulders Midoriya made his way out from behind the tree.
"Whoo! I did it man! First deer of the season right here!" a scruffy voice yelled from somewhere in the forest. The sudden noise threw Midoriya behind the very same tree he had just escaped from. There were people! This was perfect! With this, Midoriya could escape these hellish woods. Making his way from behind the tree once more, Midoriya made his way in the direction the voice originated from. Grasping onto his firearm with both hands, Midoriya readied himself for combat. The green headed assassin was always taught one thing, if you want something, you have to take it with your own hands. No one was going to spoon-feed you solutions, you had to make and take those yourself, otherwise you were dead weight, destined to die. Canon fodder.
Wait. What if they left before Midoriya could hitch a ride out? Were they going to leave him? Let him die in these woods, never to be seen again? These thoughts terrified Midoriya. Was he going to die? No! He didn't want to die! He wanted to live! He never even got to live a normal life, all he'd been able to do his entire life was train how to kill. Even his father, the man who brought him to the hell hole, hated him. He grew up with no parents. Love was a luxury Midoriya never got to experience. Sure, he might have had a mother back in Japan, but what did that matter? He didn't remember her, not in the slightest, so why even think about that?
Tears started to run down Midoriya's weak body, the small amount of heat they had felt like boiling water to the boy. He couldn't even remember the last time he cried, it was once again, a luxury he never had. He never got to go and complain to his parents that he was getting bullied. That he didn't like the camp. No, instead, he was whipped and beaten when he cried. He learned very quickly that keeping his feelings to himself was for the best. "No! Please! I don't wanna die! Please save me!" Midoriya cried in desperation. Gun still in hand, Midoriya ran. Hoping he still had a chance. Taking one hand off the gun Midoriya flailed his hands, hoping his arms would carry enough momentum to bring him to the hunters.
At the sound of an engine starting Midoriya got more desperate. These men were actually going to leave him. This forest would be his graveyard. As the sound of the vehicle grew quiet with each passing second, Midoriya dropped to his knees. Tears still streaming down his face, he pulled off his mask once more. His nose was bright red, with snot running down over his mouth. His tears stained his face, showing streaks of water on both sides of his face. Furious could not describe him. Those bastards just left him to die. Broken. That's what Midoriya felt right now. His only ride out of this forest just left, and now he was gonna die. Both hands submerged in freezing snow, yet he felt no cold. Midoriya brought his left hand out of the snow and simply pointed it away from him. Pulling the trigger of his M9, Midoriya riddled a large oak tree with bullets, sending pieces of wood in all sorts of directions. Finally bringing the barrel to just below his chin, the hot piece of metal stood zero distance away from his hand. Midoriya pushed the gun up against his head, he was sick and tired of this. Always being at the bottom of the barrel. Barely living. He hated it, more than anything. Why couldn't it all just be over? Why did all this have to happen to him? Midoriya screamed. He screamed as loud and ferociously as he could, until his throat became sore and hoarse. Then......... he pulled the trigger.
*Click* *Click* *Click*
Great. Now he couldn't even die when he wanted to. The world just loved to take every right away from him. Throwing his gun into his backpack, Midoriya stood up and steadily made his way forward. At this point it didn't matter. If the world wouldn't let him die, then he'd live. He'd live and show the world his power. It had it's chance to get rid of him, and it was going to regret it.
"Fine, if that's how it's gonna be then fine." Pushing his mask up to his nose one last time Midoriya stared daggers at the nothingness in front of him. "I'm coming Japan, and you better watch your ass."
Midoriya stared down the scope of his DXL-3. Resting on top of a skyscraper Midoriya put his crosshairs on the back of his targets head. "Found ya."
"You want me to kill the head of Make-Shift Industries?" Midoriya asked as he scanned through the pictures of a bald man surrounded by bodyguards. In each picture the man was barely visible, always in a crowd or lost in sea of guards who's job was to keep him safe. Nagasawa Hiroji was a man surrounded by the news. He had 20 articles posted about him this week! People all had different opinions on the man. He was the founder of a teen weight loss pill. The pill, on daily use, was supposed to make the user lose healthy amounts of weight without having to do any physical exercise, it was very popular. "I mean I don't have a problem, as long as I get paid I don't care. I just wanna know what your beef is. Is he some sort of business threat or...." Midoriya stopped his sentence, letting his client fill the blank with the actual reason, if there even was one.
"No! That's not it! That man's product got my little girl sick! She was perfectly fine, but then after she started taking his medicine, she got sick and died of organ failure. There were no available donors and she died in my arms." The bulky man said trying to hold back his tears. Midoriya's client, Kawashima Ieshige, was the owner of a metal prosthetic company. He made limbs for those who didn't have any, and each prosthetic had incredible reviews. Some went as far as to say it was better than their original limb. Kawashima easily towered over Midoriya by at least and entire foot. Each muscle in his body large in size. He wore one of his own limbs, an arm, with wires running all along the outside of the metal, something about it being the limb his own daughter made for him and him refusing to upgrade. One would say that it was a touching sentiment, not that Midoriya cared, as long as he got paid he would kill just about anyone. Teachers, Heroes, Villains, nothing was too dirty for him.
"Alright then, I'll get on it!" Midoriya cheered behind his black Neoprene face mask. He tucked his green curly hair under his hood, but there were small strands here and there that escaped the dark hood. It was never easy to tame his hair, and it never would be. As Midoriya opened the door to the dark shop Kawashima resided in, he was stopped.
"Wait! Jacket, if you ever get sick of this profession, you'll always have a place here. Stop by whenever you need, I own a bar down on 6th Street, so stop by whenever." Kawashima said while leaning over the counter. Giving a thumbs up and a nod, Midoriya left into the darkness.
"You'd think that for someone so important, he'd be a lot harder to lock down." Midoriya said to himself as he readied himself for the assassination. Taking a deep breath, and a long exhale, Midoriya casually pulled the trigger. The recoil pushed the gun at least two inches back, even with the stabilization Midoriya's shoulder gave. Looking back down the sights Midoriya saw the professional business man laying down on his desk in a pool of his own blood. "Well that's another job well done if I do say so myself. Though it was very anti-climactic." the marksman said as he stood up and threw the rifle over his shoulder preparing to leave.
Becoming a gun for hire, a contract killer, or whatever you wanted to call him, gave Midoriya a lot of money. People would spend crazy amounts of money just to have someone they don't like killed, and with each kill Midoriya became more and more ready for Kenai. In the year that Midoriya had been in Japan, he hadn't seen All Might once. He assumed that he was just fed crappy information and never thought about it again. Doing a few stretches Midoriya heard his limbs pop back into place. "Well I guess I should get out of here before He shows up." Midoriya said walking towards the door that led to the top of the building. He truly was on top of the biggest building in this district. The wind whistled loudly, leaving him no room to think or even hear himself talk. Looking down into the city Midoriya saw cars racing back and forth, with lights on every building shining. It was honestly a piece of art, truly beautiful to anyone's eye.
As Midoriya steadily made his way to the door, he saw the knob jiggle in place. Some one was attempting to reach the roof, which meant someone had found Midoriya, or some other reason. The chances of it being the latter were slim. The green haired assassin froze in place. Midoriya didn't just pick his sniping spot will nilly, he did research. He checked how often it was used, what position it would give him for his assassination, and other variables that might occur. This building rarely used it's rooftop, and there was nothing scheduled at this time either, so someone was probably here to catch him.
The doorknob stopped. Maybe someone was just making sure it was locked? Or maybe someone was planning some sort of romantic rendezvous, who knows? Midoriya relaxed his shoulders, letting the slump down and dangle in the light breeze that filled the city. Letting out a sigh of relief, Midoriya continued his journey towards the door only for it to fly open, revealing a group of Swat officers holding a battering ram. "Apprehend that man!" one of the soldiers yelled, causing a large number of defenders to rush onto the top of the building, slowly surrounding Midoriya.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." Midoriya whispered to himself as he crouched into a battle ready position. How did they find him? Did one of his clients sell him out? No way, why would they do that? Unless... Then it clicked. Who's to say they weren't after his bounty? Midoriya's existence certainly did cause a lot of trouble to the higher ups. Each were terrified that they would be the next on the infamous Full Metal Jacket's kill list, because if they were, they weren't gonna be on it very long. FMJ wasted no time with his contracts, Quick and Painful, that was his motto. It may have been gruesome, but it encouraged people to use him, and with the reputation Midoriya had, people new that he got the job done.
Deciding that, the longer he sat there the worse chance of getting out he had, Midoriya bolted. Before the last of the Swat could get behind the mercenary, Midoriya ran towards his rear. Turning a full 180 and bolting for the side of the building that faced the streets of Japan, Midoriya ducked under a couple of gunshots, and jumped. When Midoriya jumped, he did it with class. One did not jump off a two-thousand foot building casually, he had to do it with style, show off to the world and say 'Fuck you! I'm awesome'. Which is pretty close to what he did. Without a moment of hesitation Midoriya jumped off the ginormous building with a swan dive, extending his arms to each side as if he were going to suddenly replace his arms with wings and fly. As Midoriya fell the great distance bullets raced past him, each barely missing his body.
Giving his body a complete rotation and flicking his entire arm outward, Midoriya caught a Deagle that had rested somewhere in his surprisingly intricate outfit. Putting both hands on said weapon, Midoriya fired multiple shots. Seeing some of his pursuers fall off the building as well, Midoriya felt a strong sense of satisfaction. I mean, who else could jump off a 2000 foot building and shoot multiple trained professionals square in the face while falling? Midoriya, that's who, and he was completely confident that he was one of - if not, the only - person who could do that and not piss their pants in the process. Tucking the firearm back into a holster on his leg, Midoriya turned to face the bustling streets of Japan, growing closer with every passing second.
"Shit.... I did not think this through far enough." Midoriya said to no one in particular. He had escaped the horde of public defenders,yes, but now what? He scanned the streets for some sort of solution, but to no avail. "Crap, if only I had a Quirk- No! I can do this! Quirks are overrated and you know it Midoriya!" The falling criminal yelled to himself. Taking another look around the busy streets Midoriya let out a sigh. "If this doesn't work I'm fucking screwed." He said cursing himself for his immense stupidity.
Reaching into his sweater, Midoriya pulled out a metal string of wire and quickly wrapped it around his gloved hand. This was possible the dumbest thing he'd done today, second to jumping off a two-thousand foot building. Unfastening his knife holder from his calf, Midoriya tightly tied the wire around the handle of the jet black blade. With a strong pitch, Midoriya sent the sheathed knife at a building. The knife tangled itself around a flag pole and stopped Midoriya's decent, instead he was pulled towards the building and slammed his entire body into the brick wall. Dangling for a few seconds, Midoriya just sat there feeling the consequences to his actions. It hurt like hell. After falling at incredible speeds, hitting a brick wall didn't feel good in the slightest, but at least he wasn't dead. Trying to look at the positives.
With a long winded sigh and a grunt, Midoriya used his spare knife to cut himself free. He dropped about 10 feet and into the bustling streets of Japan. A crowd stood around Midoriya, giving him about 3 yards of space, staring in awe of his little display. Looking up Midoriya saw the group of swat soldiers that he had shot down, each one getting closer to the ground by the second. With a roll of his shoulders and sigh of exasperation, Midoriya bolted into the crowd, trying to remain unseen from other officials that might be in the area. Pushing his way through the thick sea of pedestrians proved to be quite the endeavor, people were really stubborn when it came to moving aside for others. Many yelled swears at the hooded boy, frustrated with his rude behavior, not that he cared, he kind of had bigger problems, like the pro heroes that were on their way, or the many swat troops that filled the area.
Sliding his face mask down below his chin, he let out a sigh of irritation, this was starting to become a huge hassle. Grabbing the strap that rested on his shoulder, Midoriya adjusted his rifle into a more comfortable position with a small hop to allow the rifle to be moved easier. With his free hand, the criminal slid his hood off atop his head, revealing his long hair that hung past his shoulders. Over the past couple of months he had gotten rid of his curls so that his hair would be easier to position and keep out of the way, yet it still jut out in certain areas, giving him a bed head look. The hair had grown so long and hadn't been tamed, so it covered his normal sized ears. From a certain field of view, Midoriya could be mistaken for a girl, if you were to see him from behind for example.
As he made his way into a narrow alleyway, Midoriya slung his large firearm off his shoulder and into a gun case, all with one movement. Closing the lid and checking his surroundings, Midoriya slid the rifle underneath a local garbage dumpster. Quickly pulling both arms out from his black shirt, and sliding his pants off from his waist, Midoriya stood in the alley way naked, safe for his boxer briefs. Reaching into the same dumpster, the naked teen pulled out a yellow plastic bag that had it's contents hidden by the pigmented plastic. "Fuck, I hate when I have to do this." Midoriya said aloud, trying to vent his pent up anger.
"Hey little girl, why don't you come hang out with some real men! We'll show you a good time, I promise!" a drunk man said to the damsel that was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Not right now please. I'm sure you guys are great, but I'm having a rough night, so I'd rather not." She replied with a beautiful smile. Her smile revealed a set of pearly white teeth, the smile held honest generosity, even though the thugs wanted her body - which she knew - she still replied to the group with sincerity and kindness. She wore a white long sleeved shirt with simple graffiti on the chest, accompanied by her blue skinny jeans that emphasized her tone legs and round behind. Normally someone would get defensive and scream at the perverted men, but here she was, as kind as a goddess. The graffitti her top bore brought attention to the small, yet ample breasts that she had. With all of these designs doing nothing but emphasizing her beauty, the men refused to back down and pressed harder.
Slamming his hand against the brick wall, the main thug cornered the sweet young girl. "Come on! When you wear something as slutty as this, you're practically begging to be banged! I'm really digging the green hair too!" The man said as the stench of alcohol was emitted from this man's very being. The young girl threw her hands up in a mock surrender. A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead as she mentally cursed herself for trying to peacefully deal with the situation.
Changing tactics, the girl pumped out her chest and leaned forward, revealing the slight bit of cleavage she had. "You boys really think you can handle me?" she flirted as her voice changed from innocent to one of a hot vixen. "If you think you're up to the task, follow me." She instructed putting a painted fingernail on the man's chin as she strut away, swinging her hips with each movement.
"Now that's more like it!" The thugs exclaimed in unison. This hot girl was voluntarily going to have an orgy with them! Voluntarily! Quickly falling in line, the small group of thugs steadily pursued the hot teen they had recently hit on.
"Hold it right there!" In the blink of an eye, the three men were trapped in a net that tangled in just the right way, leaving them immobile. "Don't tell me scum like you were planning on taking advantage of this innocent girl were you?" a loud voice questioned from behind the set of thugs. With their bodies pinned to the ground by the net, the group of men couldn't see their confiner, but the girl did, and by her reaction they could tell they were in trouble.
"Oh thank god! Thank you so much for saving me! These men were going to force themselves on me, so I tried to run, but they started to chase me! Thank you, you're my savior!" The green headed girl squealed as she raced past the stiff thugs and towards the presumable 'Prince Charming'. From the sound of it, this guy was gonna be animated. Coming in to save the damsel in distress, saves her, whisks her away into the sunset, and they lived happily ever after. Not on their watch! These men were promised an orgy, and they planned on getting one!
As the green haired maiden ran past the disappointed thugs, she made a huge leap for the 'Prince Charming'. Leaping into his arms she felt some of the best cushions she'd ever felt. Wait.... Cushions? Looking up to the source of cushions, she found a girl. She had black hair that was put up in a small bun. She was purely stunning. "Beautiful..." the previously endangered girl managed to say under her breath.
Using her left hand, the tall girl brushed a few stray hands out of the way. "Hello Miss. I'm sorry I couldn't save you sooner than I did. You almost had to sell your body to these barbarians, I apologize for nearly letting you commit such a vulgar act." the black haired beauty apologized with a deep bow. What was up with this girl? Why was she apologizing for something so stupid? The slightly shorter girl couldn't make heads or tails of this situation. First some thugs try to bang her, she decides to trick them, but before she could do anything this tall gorgeous woman showed up and saved the day. It all happened so quickly.
"I don't think so little missy! We were promised some entertainment! It's not nice to lie!" A deep voice hissed from behind the two girls. Of course. What were they thinking? There was no way a measly net was going to keep the group of full grown men, if they truly believed it would, even for a second, they were idiots. So I guess they were.
"Shit!" The greenette yelled as she turned in response to the voice. Barely seeing a hand being swung at her, the girl managed to react in time and quickly ducked, the hand inches away from her head. Jumping back to her feet she scanned the area. Within a few seconds, the three men managed to get out of the net, charge at the two women, and take busty teen captive with a knife at her throat.
"How about this, you let us bang you silly, and no one ends up dying. If you refuse us though, we'll slit her throat and settle for you." the leader of the group threatened. The other two thugs sat at his side, laughing like a group of idiots.
"Don't be stupid!" The flatter teen snapped. Did they really think they were going to accept these crazy conditions?
"It's alright!" the curvy woman yelled grabbing the attention of the three low lifes. "Surely I would be enough! My body is much more appealing than her small petite figure!" she tried to reason. The three thugs started laughing maniacally in unison. Looking at each other they sent multiple nods of agreement and found that they would much rather have the busty over the petite greenette.
Letting out a sigh of exasperation the greenette resigned herself to the brunette's offer. "Fine, whatever, if that's how you want it then have it your way!" With that said the greenette dismissed herself. Throwing her hands into her pockets she made her way out of the alleyway. Pulling her hand out of her pocket she waved the four of them goodbye, not bothering to turn around for this action. "Have fun!" Was the last thing she said before she finally left the group alone.
"Can't believe that stupid girl would give herself up for me!" Midoriya yelled to himself as he kicked a pebble down the busy streets of Tokyo. "I can take care of myself! Those punks were nothing, she didn't need to do something so stupid." Midoriya continued his rant, getting several stares from random pedestrians. He didn't really care though, I mean it made sense. There was a pretty fifteen year old girl yelling with the voice of a guy. Dressing up as a girl was one of Midoriya's least favorite activities. It was much easier to get through the streets without all of his weaponry, and the cops would never guess the infamous hitman 'Full Metal Jacket' was a girl, mainly because he wasn't, so why not combine the two ideas? Midoriya would always throw a bag of girls clothes in dumpsters near his workplace, which ended up being practically all of Japan. He wasn't restricted to just one district of Japan when doing his job, if he was he would never get any requests. Clearing his throat Midoriya resumed his faux voice. "Why do I even care about her? I don't even know her name! Yeah, so I'll just forget about her!" Midoriya said aloud, trying to convince himself to simple ignore that brunette. She had did it to herself anyways! She could've just let him handle it! But nooooo. She had to stick her big chest in and try to play hero. What happened now was her fault!
Kicking another stone done the road, the heartless killer remembered the young girl crying as she had a knife to her throat. She was obviously scared. If she had just kept her mouth shut she would've been fine. Midoriya looked up into the night sky, letting the wind catch his long hair and blow it every which way. "Stupid girl..."
(Mature content warning!!! SUPER MATURE)
"Well know she's gone, we can have some fun!" the biggest thug cheered, lowering the knife and staring at the girl's huge chest. They definitely scored big time with this one, and she had just handed herself over on a silver platter! Slipping the knife into his pocket, the man took his hand and firmly grabbed the girls breasts. The girl let out a loud squeal, but that was it. She had her eyes tightly shut, hoping and praying that this was just a dream. That a knight in shining armor was going to show up and save the day. She may have offered herself up, but if she could keep her virginity, it would be preferable. Resisting would end up getting her killed anyways, they were armed, and who's to say they didn't have lethal quirks to boot. All she could do was pray and hope everything would be okay.
"Aw, don't make that face. We'll make you feel real good, we promise." One of the thugs said as he wiped a line of drool that was making it's way out of his mouth, his eyes staring intently at her substantial breasts. These guys were creeps, there were worse words to describe them, but Yaoyorozu couldn't think of anything better. Releasing her from the choke hold she was previously in, the leader used his second hand to firmly grip her left breast. A boob in each hand the leader massaged them together, doing circular motions so that they would give maximum visual appeal. The third and most quiet thug had finally decided to join the fun, dropping to his knees he put a hand on both sides of the girls waist, and with a downward movement, he pantsed the innocent girl. With her pants now off her waist, she revealed white lingerie with pretty lacing on the ends that went throughout the entire underwear.
"SO HOT!" he yelled, his pants growing a small teepee in the groin region. Impatience getting the better of him, he pulled her underwear down too.
Yaoyorozu couldn't take this anymore! This was too much! Too disgusting! Too vile! "Stop! Please I'm begging you! Stop!" She screamed as tears rolled down her face. "I'll give you anything you want! If you want money I can give it! Please just leave me be!" She screamed even louder this time. Flailing her arms in legs, trying to rid herself of their grip. Her eyes stung with the amount of water that was escaping them, her maskera starting to run and stain the lower parts of her face.
"No can do! You offered yourself, so stick to your promises mi-Oof!" The previously quiet one responded, only to be interrupted by an unknown source. First he was right in front of her, on his knees, making his way towards her genitals, tongue out and all. He was truly revolting, and he scared the living shit out of Momo. Next thing she knew, a large object flew into his face and sent him flying down the dark alleyway. Yaoyorozu looked to her left, the direction the thug was sent, along with the other two scumbags. The object that made it's way into the man's face was the green headed girl from earlier.
"You bitch! You came back!" the leader of the group yelled, cursing the girl for ruining their fun. "You should've just stayed out of this and left he-"
"Shut the hell up!" the girl yelled back, but not with her previous voice. Instead it was that of a male's. Her shoulders moving up and down in the rhythm of her unsteady breathing. Every fiber of her being screamed pissed, but why? When she had left she couldn't have been more apathetic, not giving a single damn about what happened to Momo. But here she stood, on top of the creep that tried to have his way with Yaoyorozu, the heel of her leather boots dug into his cheek, while he was on the ground unconscious. The thug opened his mouth to yell more curses at the greenette, but before he could get a single word out the girl had turned around and was sprinting at him, moving at inhuman speeds. He must've had some sort of strength enhancement quirk, or one that merely increased his speed.
The thug reached into his pocket, fumbling for his knife until he managed to get a steady grip on it. The green headed savior was moving quickly, her entire body low to the ground with her hair shadowing her eyes. Frankly, she looked like some sort of speed demon. She gave off a terrifying presence, as if you were staring at death itself. Within the span of fifteen seconds, the girl managed to kick a man a distance of twenty feet, moving so fast you couldn't even see it happen, stand there for a good five seconds trying to vent, and then make it back in front of them with the speed of some unknown entity. She managed to use her quirk exceptionally well, utilizing it to the point she didn't seem human.
Now directly in front of both the brunette and the thug, Midoriya was ready to kill these bastards. It had been a while since he lost his temper like this, yet it felt good! It felt awesome! The amount of adrenaline that raced through his veins was exhilarating! It had been a long time since Midoriya had been in hand to hand combat, usually he would kill his targets with sniper rifles, far away from any sort of danger. There was just something about a brawl that gave Midoriya such a rush. As Midoriya lunged upward at the taller man he grew a large smile across his face. The man responded with a downward slash towards Midoriya's face, which Midoriya easily leaned away from, barely tilting his head to the side and letting it land where it may. As long as Midoriya didn't get stabbed in his head or heart, he was gonna be okay. With a strong a fast uppercut, the leader was out cold.
With two knocked out, Midoriya stood there towering over the brunette that managed to fall on her rear during the quick attack he just delivered. Looking down at her he put on a stoic face, glaring down at her, trying to intimidate her. She had caused him a lot of trouble... but he wasn't here to be mad at her. Quickly taking the thugs jacket, he tossed it onto Momo's lap to cover her most private body part. She stared at Midoriya, focusing on every small detail he possessed, not even fazed by his whole fight. She wasn't even worried about covering herself up.
Tearing his eyes away from the busty girl, Midoriya focused on the last and final thug. Slowly making his way towards the fat man, Midoriya pushed some hair out of his line of vision. He revealed his green irises that appeared to be glowing in the dark alleyway, reflecting the lights of the busy street of them and letting their green color illuminate themselves. The slightly obese man stumbled backwards, every bone in his body quivering in fear. Finally tripping over a stray soda can he fell onto his back, hesitantly leaning back up to stare at the terrifying Midoriya. Most of his body shadowed by the tall walls that surrounded him, while his eyes stood out like white on black, or in the case, green on black. "St-St-Sta-S-Stay away! Monster Demon! Don't kill me!" The man pleaded over and over, ye Midoriya didn't slow down. His pace was slow yet steady, he could clearly be moving faster, but he decided to terrify this man instead.
"Say..." Midoriya spoke, "Have you ever stared death in the eyes? Have you ever been pushed so far your body gave up? Have you ever experience to freeze to death and starve to death at the same time?" Midoriya questioned the man, crouching a few inches away from his face and letting his luminescent eyes stare directly into the other man's brown ones. The fat man couldn't see anything. All he saw was two green eyes floating in a sea of black, no body to host them. They didn't even blink.
reaching into the rear side of his pants, Midoriya retrieved a small revolver. Pointing it towards the sky he pulled back the hammer until it clicked into place. Slowly lowering the to the fat man's forehead he spoke once more, "Kind of hard to miss at point blank don't you think?" Midoriya questioned once more, pushing the cold barrel of the gun against the man's skull. Soon after doing this Midoriya a slightly warm breeze of wind hit his face, quickly smelling a stench he looked down at the man's crotch.
He pissed himself. The man was so utterly scared that he couldn't control his bladder. Quickly pinching his nose Midoriya stood up. Shooing with the revolver in hand Midoriya instructed the man, "Get out of here you piece of shit, and don't mess with me or her ever again." He hiss, not bothering to speak in his female voice. The fat man scrambled to his feet and eventually ran out of the alleyway, screaming and crying for help. Finally turning around, Midoriya stared at the awestruck girl.
"What are you looking at?"
A/N What do you think? 6,500 words today, I just couldn't stop writing this chapter. Frankly this book is my favorite to write, but I'm gonna update some of my other books next. Look forward to them!
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