Part 4
Dren and Er's voices faded the farther he walked along the corridor. His muscles slowly begin to relax. The Merdin hovered high overhead lending him their illumination. They didn't descend and investigate his presents as they had before.
At the entrance to a bigger chamber he paused and looked up to watch them. They really were fascinating. They reminded him of the jellyfish off the coast of Puerto Rico . He had gone there four years ago on a trip with friends. He had spent three months there, most of that time had been under or in the water. He reached up to try coaxing one of the creature into his palm. He remained still but none of the tiny creatures floated down.
"They won't come down." He heard behind him. He turned his head and found a child staring at him.
"Who are you?" She asked him curiosity heavy in her childish voice.
"I'm James. Why wont they come down?" He asked as he let his hand fall to his side.
"They're scared." she said and glanced down the corridor behind James. "Er and the Dria are arguing down there. The Merdin don't like conflict." She walked closer to him and then circle him. Her little eyes took in every detail. She showed no fear but she was careful to not get too close.
"Were are you from? I've never seen anyone clothed like that before." She tilted her head but before he could answer she added, "You talk funny to."
He couldn't suppress a smile. Her honesty was endearing. Like his niece Kathy she seemed to speak whatever the though she had without hesitation.
"I'm from Arkansas. I'm pretty sure it's a long way from here." he told her as she stopped moving around him and stood in front of him.
"Ark-an-sau." she said as if she were measuring the taste of each syllable.
He shifted the pack and slid it off his back. The girl took a hesitant step back. He placed the pack on the floor and moved his shoulders in a rotating motion to ease the tired muscles.
The Merdin seemed to sense a shift in the atmosphere and floated down to join them.
Now the girl smiled. James watched the creatures as they glided close to the girls hair and face. She gave a tiny giggle and lifted her hands. Her attention was no longer on James but on the tiny creatures floating about in the air.
"Princess Drenodia and Er must be friends again." She told him solemnly with a smile.
The Merdin glided over to James and showered him with light. He felt the same sense of wonder come over him as he had before in their first meeting.
"They really are amazing." he said.
The girls eyes contacted his. "Have you never seen Merdin before?" she asked her small blond brows pinched together. "How come, they are in almost all the main cities. Is Ark-an-sau a drochlore? I've never been-"
"Evandylilii, where is Cila?" Er demanded as he entered. His voice was stern but there was no harshness in it.
The child spun and ran to Er, she threw her arms around his neck as he crouched down before her. She spoke in the native language as Er swooped her up as he stood.
Er responded in the same tongue. His adoration of the girl obvious. It transformed his features and made him seem less hostile.
James watched the display with a feeling he didn't quite understand. It wasn't anger or jealousy. He wasn't comfortable seeing Er so - likable. It was like watching someone else wear Er's face.
"Evandylilii, Er, we should speak the English. James doesn't understand the old tongue." Dren said standing in the entryway.
Evandylilii was now pushing her way out of Er's arms. As soon as her feet touched down she rushed to the princess.
"Dria, Dria, Dria, You were gone soooo long." the girl scolded clinging to Dren's waist. "Promise you won't go again. Promise me, Dria." She gave the pleaded demand, looking up at Dren.
Dren leaned down and enfolded the child in a hug. She knelt down, seeming unconcerned that she was getting more dirt on her clothes.
James watched as her eyes closed and she looked as if she were savoring the girls embrace.
"I have no plans to go anywhere, Lilii Bell." she said as she drew back and looked in the girls crystal green eyes.
"Good, because I missed you like a heart break." the child crooned snuggling closer to Dren her arms wrapped tightly around Dren's waist.
Dren drew the child close and looked sadly over at Er. James didn't understand the look but knew that there was communication in it.
Lilii drew back a little and looked up at Dren. "Chyralee had a baby, Dria. Everyone kept saying how cute she was was. But she wasn't." she shook her head like she just couldn't understand what the others found so cute. "It was all tiny and wrinkled; her head was pointy. It was covered in fuzz. Her face was all squishy."
Dren laughed and shot Er, then James an amused glance. "It's okay, Lilii Bell, that will change."
The Merdin seemed attracted to the happy humor. They were dancing all around them, the air thick and bright with their presence. Multiple colors flashed as some of the Merdin changed color from one to the other.
"Oh, yes. She looks much better now. But she was ugly, no matter what they say." Lilii told them. She looked over at Er. "Is that not so, Er?"
"Oh no, little one. I will not take part in this conversation. Chyralee is not one I wish to displease. You must find another."
Lilii scrunched up her features at him. She then gave a very dramatic sigh that James thought way beyond her years.
The child was very much like Kathy. He was sure they would become immediate friends when they met.
It took him a moment to realize what he had just though. Lilii and Kathy would not be meeting he realized. There was no way to tell how far away his sister and niece were.
"Will you come see her? I will show you how she looks now." Lilii asked them. She seemed to include James in the statement as she looked at each of them in turn.
Er spoke first. "I cannot, Little One. I have something I must do." He closed the distance between them as he spoke. He caressed the child's cheek. "I will see you as soon as I am able." He assured her. Then he left. The abruptness caused even James's eyebrows to raise. Dren and Lilii were however unfazed.
Lilii turned her head to James. "Can you come?"
She looked at him so beseechingly that he wanted to agree. He looked at Dren, asking with his eyes if it was okay. She searched his face for a short moment then she smiled.
"I think that we both can come with you." Dren told the child. The little girl looked happy as she scrambled to get out of Drens arms. Dren leaned down and placed the girl firmly on her feet as she laughed.
The girl took a few hasty steps towards the west corridor, turned, ran back to Dren, and grabbed her hand.
"Come on, mio nola." Lilii urged.
The child kept a running commentary as they walked down the corridor. She informed Dren of all the many things that she had missed while she was away. It turned out that Dren had missed a huge celebration, The Dragon's Flame Celebration.
James listens to the childs description of the celebration that she found so interesting.
There were skyworks, dancing, music, food and drinks. Lilii wasn't happy that she couldn't have any Dragon Wine. She complained that she was only allowed to have dragon nectar.
"Don't worry, Lilii Bell, you're already six you only have ten years left." Dren told the girl as she reached out and caressed the girls hair. "Besides, it's nothing like the nectar. It's not even sweet." Dren said with faked horror.
"Every grown up seems to like it." the girl grumbled.
"Trust me, kid, its not all that big a deal. You'll see in a few years." James said. He still wondered what it was. He figured it was best to play along and agree with Dren.
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