Chapter 3.
Emily lay in her bed examining the rock candy.
Was it Ave? Nah, it was probably one of the nurses.
I wonder why Ave is in a wheelchair...
Emily sighed.
Would those two ever stop arguing?
Why did they even get married in the first place?
Were they not happy before Kade came along?
Just then her little brother began to cry as the loud yelling woke him up.
Emily got out of bed and walked over to the babies crib.
"Hey there" she whispered while picking him up.
"It's okay, you've got me." Emily began to cradle little Artemis in her arms.
"Shh now"
"Dah!" Was his only reply as he looked up at his half sister.
Just then the door bust open.
"You woke him up didn't you!? Give me my son!" It was Kade. No surprise there.
He only wanted to play father when it was convenient for him.
Emily walked over to him and gave him Artemis before trying to head back to her bed, key word being: "tried".
"What do you think you're doing? Get out of here! This is my son's room!" Emily slowly left the room as Kade slammed the door shut behind her.
"It's my room too." She muttered while making her way to the small closet by the exit.
Emily put on her jacket and shoes, texted her mom she was visiting her grandma then left.
It was rather gloomy outside with the grey clouds and stinging wind but Emily's Grandmother Alice had taught her to see the beauty in all things.
As she bent down to get a better look at a small pink flower by the bridge leading to the hospital she heard some music coming from behind her.
She stood up and looked for the cause and spotted an old street musician playing a red accordion.
As she approached him the music helped brighten her mood again.
All thoughts about Kade, Mom, Grandma in a hospital bed, school, bullies, etc. all dissolved into thin air.
Giving the old man what few coins she had left in her jacket pocket she then began to dance and had a middle aged woman join her.
Soon laughter filled the air and the man's hat was full of cash.
As the music died down and the crowd began to thin, going back to whatever errands they had previously been on their way to do, young Emily happily skipped the rest of the way to the hospital.
"This Little Light Of Mine!
I'm gonna let it shine!
Yes, I'm gonna let it shine!
Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shiiiine!"
"Emily please! Sing elsewhere! There are patients here trying to sleep!"
"Oops!" Emily giggled as she stopped belting out the lyrics to This Little Light Of Mine while skipping down the hallway .
She didn't know all the lyrics exactly. But that had never stopped her before.
The nurse shook her head and sighed heavily.
Almost everyone in the hospital new Emily.
Then again, it's kind of hard not to notice a hyperactive 15 year old with a main of curly hair constantly bouncing off the walls.
"Young lady..."
Emily looked over to see a woman in her mid forties dressed rather fancily.
"Yes ma'am?" Emily skipped over to her with an infectious smile on her face.
The lady smiled back, small wrinkles forming around her eyes.
"My nephew is about your age and could definitely use some cheering up. Would you mind visiting him sometime? He's on the floor just above this one."
"Of course ma'am!" Emily beamed and skipped off towards the steps completely ignoring the free elevator.
Then she paused realizing something "Uhm... What's his room number again?" She asked rather sheepishly.
The lady chuckled and pressed the elevator button.
"Come. I'll go with you."
Avery sat in his wheelchair while looking out of the window with a sigh of relief.
That lady tended to worry way way too much.
Just then he heard footsteps, Avery groaned.
"Auntie I said I'm fine." He swiveled around in his wheelchair expecting to see his aunt.
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