The Reveal
Holding his breath, Virgil glanced around at the other sides with anticipation. "Well?" He asked, wishing he still had his sweatshirt on to hide in.
"I-I-" Romans started but couldn't seem to finish.
"Kiddo..." Patton gasped, hands covering his mouth.
"They truly are quite impressive, Virgil," Logan stated, being the first to break the silence. The logical side's hand reached up to adjust his glasses. "I do hope you'll be taking questions now." He continued. This seemed to shake the others out of their shock enough to speak.
"They're beautiful Virgil!" Patton exclaimed, jumping off the couch in excitement. "I love them!" He continued.
" is..." Roman took in a breath, "Wow," he finished.
"I-Thanks," Virgil said, looking down. "You-" He started, yet cut himself off. Taking a deep breath, the anxious trait started again. "You don't hate them?"
"Why would we ever hate them?" Patton asked, concern and confusion laced in his expression.
"Be-because they aren't normal," Virgil stated, tears started to well in his eyes. "They're different. I'm different." At this, Viril's wings seemed to come around him, sheltering him from the outside world. Told you this was a bad idea. His thoughts began, seeming to laugh at his distress. They hate them and they hate you, and now there is nowhere to hide.
"Virgil." Patton's stern voice cut through the haze that was Virgil's head. "No matter what, you will always be a part of this famILY." Patton said, putting an emphasis on the 'ily' "Nothing could make me stop caring for you. You are my dark strange son, and nothing could change that" The parental side said, standing up, and starting to walk towards Virgil. "You're wings make you extraordinary." Patton finished in front of Virgil, arms open for a hug, which the winged side gladly took.
"Thank you," Virgil whispered into Patton's chest, some tears beginning to fall, "" Patton couldn't stop the big smile that broke out on his face.
"Of course kiddo," Patton said, pulling out of the hug and wiping Virgil's tears away.
"Patton is quite right, Virgil. While your wings may differentiate you from us in a small way, we would never just abandon you due to this fact." Logan said, stepping closer to Patton's side. "You're wings are incredible. As I said before."
"Yes, they are!" Patton exclaimed, beaming.
"Indeed. Now, questions Virgil?" Logan asked, summoning a notebook and a pencil. "Because I have quite a few."
"Oh yeah, I have questions too!" Patton said, raising his hand. Sensing Virgil's discomfort, he quickly lowered it. "But you only have to answer what you're comfortable with." He reassured. "If there's something you don't want to answer, you don't have too. And I'm right here if you need a hug." The moral side added in.
"Um, ok." Virgil responding, coming out slightly from behind his wings. "I can do that."
"Excellent. How long have-" Logan began, only to get cut off by Roman, who stood up very quickly.
"You have wings." Roman started, pointing at Virgil. "You have wings!" He exclaimed again.
"Yes Roman, we are well past that point. Have you even been listening?" Logan stated, looking mildly annoyed to have been cut off. "As I was saying-" He tried to continue, only to have Roman cut him off again.
"Wings!" Roman said while waving his arms to emphasis his point.
"You're so observant" Logan deadpanned, crossing his arms.
"Logan, be nice." Patton chimed in. "Let's not let our head's fly off our shoulders now." He said, stifling a giggle.
"A pun, Patton? At this time?" Logan sighed, shaking his head. In the background, Virgil let out a small laugh, and Patton smiled wider in seeing that he could make Virgil feel better. Roman continued to pace.
"We need to try and stay two feet on the ground" The fatherly side responded, laughing into his hand. A groan was the only response he got from Logan.
"Anyway, as I was trying to say, How long-" He attempted to start one last time, before being interrupted once more by the creative side.
"How long have you had wings!?" He asked, pushing past Logan, to get right in front of Virgil.
"That's what I've been trying to ask, Roman," Logan said, glaring at him.
"I-I've always had them." Virgil started hesitantly. "They've been a part of me for as long as I can remember." The anxious side said, looking down, and beginning to fidget with his fingers.
"Interesting," Logan muttered, writing this down in his notebook. Virgil shifted his wings to see better.
"Lo-Logan?" He asked uncertainly.
"Yes, Virgil?" Logan asked, pausing his writing.
"What is for?" Virgil questioned.
"My Journal? Well, it is to keep track of all the information revealed from the questions answered today." The logical side responded, adjusting his glasses. "Since you are the only side we know of with wings, I find it vital to record this new information." He finished. Virgil simply nodded. Logan began to write some more. "Excellent. My second question is, when, or how did you learn to fly?"
"Well," Virgil began, wings coming even further down, "Thomas was around 12 when I learned how to fly. It took a while but I did get it eventually. As for how, that's a discussion for another time." He finished, examining all the other sides faces. Roman began to wave his hand in the air.
"Virgil," The creative side began, hand in the air still waving to get all the attention, "You mean to tell me you successfully hid your wings for 29 years, and probably would have continued too, yet something possessed you to tell us now?" He questioned, growing more agitated. "And aren't you scared of flying?" He inquired.
"Oh that was my question," Patton added in. "In one for our videos, you mentioned that you hated flying. Does that mean you don't use your wings unless you need too?" He asked, adding onto Roman's question. Logan appeared to be taking frantic notes.
"When it comes to flying, I don't like it if someone else is doing it to me. I also am not keen on heights. This is why I took so long to learn to fly. I know I can always catch myself if I fall, but when someone else is in control of my flight, such as on a plane, or even flying but not with my wings, I seem to forget that. But when I fly, like only me, it's super relaxing. When it comes to heights I trust myself most, I think? Forget it, it's stupid." Virgil said, hiding his face in his hands.
"No it isn't kiddo." Patton reassured Virgil. He got a shy smile from the anxious side as a response. A small gasp from Roman got their attention.
"Zazu." Was the only words out of the creative side's mouth.
"What?" Logan asked, becoming exasperated again.
"Virgil's like Zazu, from Lion King," Roman said, almost daring the others to challenge him. Seeing their confused faces, he went to explain. "Zazu is a bird, hence wings. Virgil, wings," He started, pointing to the wings that came from Virgil' back, "and Zazu likes to worry. He also is a sarcastic bird. Virgil is a ball of nerves and sarcasm and wings! He's like part bird. And both mean well. Hence, he is Zazu" Roman finished, a proud smile on his face.
"Gee thanks Princy." Virgil muttered.
"See? Sarcasm. I rest my case." Roman said. "And Virgil," He said standing up, "One day you have to show me how they work. Emphasis on the have because you do. And they are quite dashing." The romantic side said with a bow, which earned a groan from Virgil.
"Thanks, Princy." He said sarcastically, yet Roman knew he was secretly grateful for the compliment.
"Virgil, if you're ready, I have multiple other questions." Logan chimed in.
"Could we, maybe, stop here?" Virgil asked. "Soon we can answer more questions. I just want to take a 12 hour nap, and then another 12 hour one."
"Virgil, I think that's a coma," Logan said, slightly worried. Patton made worried dad noises. "And if you feel more comfortable with tabling the questions for another day, then that is what we shall do," Logan said, snapping the book closed.
"Oh, we should watch Lion King!" Roman said, already running up to his room to get the DVD.
"What is it with you and Lion King today?" Virgil called after him.
"I think a movie would be a great idea, kiddo," Patton said. "I'll go make popcorn.
"Impromptu movie night it is," Logan said as Roman reappeared, with the movie in tow.
"Let's do this." Virgil sighed, plopping down on the couch and stretching his wings.
"Got the popcorn!" Patton called, bringing in a large bowl full of popcorn.
"And I, the movie!" Exclaimed Roman, hitting play on the remote. Both came to sit, one on either side of Virgil. Logan soon joined them.
"I'm proud of you, kiddo," Patton said before the movie started.
"What, Why?" Vigil questioned. "All I did was tell you I had wings."
"It was a super personal thing for you, and you still found the courage to tell us, even though you must've been worried about it," Patton stated, turning to face Virgil. "I think we all are proud."
"To be fair, I don't think I would have told you yet, but Logan walked in my room, and saw me with my wings out. That sorta sped everything up." Virgil mentioned.
"Logan! Knock next time." Patton chided.
"The door was unlocked. I took that as an invitation. And speaking of your room, what was that place you were in?" Logan questioned. All he got was a smirk.
"Later, Logan." Was the dark side's response.
"Guys, shhhhh! The movie's starting." Roman said suddenly, pointing to the screen. It became silent as the movie began, every one cherishing the moment spent with the others.
It wasn't that bad. Virgil began to think. Despite everything that could have gone wrong, it still went good. A smile crossed on his face. Today he would rest, knowing everything was all right, and that they didn't think him a monster with his wings. His smile turned defiant. Suck it. He thought, attacking his bad thoughts. My famILY will always be there for me. And with that thought he let the movie take up his mind.
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