@auroraborealis: look at my baby... just look at her... I cannot believe... my own child...
@leoh: I really like looking at her tbh
@auroraborealis: @leoh LEO YOU SCOUNDREL
@leoh: was that too forward?? I am so sorry. oh god.
@queenlydia: @leoh I mean I'd probably like looking at you too if you had more than just one blurry ass picture of you on your page
@leoh: @queenlydia as you wish, here is a picture that clarity took outside of Quincy
@queenlydia: oH
@queenlydia: wait if you live in Boston does that mean you have an accent????
@queenlydia: I'm trash goodbye
@leoh: @queenlydia you are not trash!! you are treasure!!
@sarahsmiles: daddy af
@leoh: @sarahsmiles I am not your father. I do not even know you. What is happening.
@auroraborealis: my pure smol
@leoh: @auroraborealis I'm over a foot taller than you
@auroraborealis: you do not have to be small to be a smol
@queenlydia: the cutest cutie in cute town @auroraborealis
@auroraborealis: LYDIAA
@auroraborealis: I only sent you this picture because you promised not to post it I hate you
@queenlydia: @auroraborealis you love me
@auroraborealis: I know ):
@isaisanerd: my child I'm crying
@isaisanerd: @auroraborealis also help me change my user back I hate you
@auroraborealis: @isaisanerd shhh it's okay go eat your man cookies
@isaisanerd: im
@scottmccall: @auroraborealis it's like every time I look at you you get more beautiful
@scottmccall: @auroraborealis with or without makeup you're the most stunning girl I've ever seen
@auroraborealis: @scottmccall you dork come over I want to cuddle and watch Scooby Doo
@scottmccall: @auroraborealis on my way
@christianleave: so have you guys fucked yet or
@auroraborealis: @christianleave WATCH YOUR PROFANITY
@liyum: XD
@christianleave: exposed for the trash I rly am
@leoh: this I agree with. you are trash.
@christianleave: @leoh WOW LOVE YOU TOO FAM
@auroraborealis: HAVE MY CHILDREN
@christianleave: @auroraborealis OKAY DADDY
@claritymarie: ^^ that doesn't even make physiological sense I'm so over you guys
@alliargent: @claritymarie are you over me??
@claritymarie: @alliargent nah, I'd much rather get under you (;
@stileswayne: help I've fallen and I can't get up
@christianleave: @stileswayne was that a pickup line (;
@stileswayne: no I actually fell off my bed
@stileswayne: it's okay though I'm just gonna lay here
@stilewayne: and cry over this picture
@claritymarie: shoutout to the dude who photobombed my selfie, hope you're doing well
@auroraborealis: IM MELTING
@claritymarie: @auroraborealis bc you're the wicked witch of the west and some kid just threw water on you?
@auroraborealis: yes and also because you're a goddess
@claritymarie: @auroraborealis oh true
@alliargent: you are adorable
@claritymarie: @alliargent adorable as in you want to tuck me in to bed at night or adorable as in you want to furiously make out until you're covered in hickies
@alliargent: maybe a little bit of both 😊
@scottmccall: I asked her where she wanted to go for dinner and she just made this face I don't understand @auroraborealis
@celeste.lune: it means she wants Italian, obviously
@auroraborealis: ^^ SHE RIGHT
@auroraborealis: @celeste.lune wait who are you cutie
@stileswayne: @celeste.lune babe you're in the wrong story
@celeste.lune: oh. sorry guys. this is awkward. I'm just gonna... go
@queenlydia: @celeste.lune WAIT BABY BEFORE YOU GO
@queenlydia: @celeste.lune team steleste or team cisaac
@isaisanerd: ^^ yEAH
@celeste.lune: @queenlydia im team there was never any intention for a love triangle and the things happening now are to show growth and character development
@isaisanerd: ...
@isaisanerd: I'm just gonna take that as team cisaac
@stileswayne: @isaisanerd bOY
@celeste.lune: jinkies
@celeste.lune: also I ship Stiles and Christian okay byyyyeeeee
@stileswayne: even in other universes, my girlfriend insists on shipping me with other guys
@isaisanerd: @stileswayne not your girlfriend yet
@stileswayne: @isaisanerd IF YOU DONT
@christianleave: @stileswayne okay but I ship us too
@stileswayne: LDBAKSBDKA
@claritymarie: what the hell even just happened
@lydiasmartins you're welcome
16 likes|14 retweets
@msstilinski and one for you
18 likes|8 retweets
@allisonargent and for you cutie
24 likes|12 retweets
@roseaurora: I am a god among men
62 likes|44 retweets
cute filler chapter bc back to real stuff in the next and also I don't have my laptop so this is the only story I can actually update
much love and stay hydrated,
-belle xx
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