Reddie (plus some Stenbrough)
Eddies POV
It was starting to get late when Bill, Stan, and I decided to leave the quarry. I knew my mom was gonna be mad but it was summer and I wanted some time with Stenbrough- even if they weren't together yet, they were in my head. The only thing that sucked was Stan was staying over with Bill, and since we were 17, Georgie was only 8 so they needed to get home to him.
I said my goodbyes to Stenbrough hugging Bill tightly and winking at Stan. I knew they both liked the other, but it wasn't my place to meddle in their love life, especially when Stan wasn't out and had never told me he liked Bill. I mean I would DIE if Bill told Richie I was in love with him.
"You s-sure youll be ok getting home Eddie?" Bill was always so worried about me. Especially since Georgie almost drowned a few years ago. If Stan hadn't found him....I shuddered at the thought before turning to Bill with a smile.
"Don't worry about it. It's still bright outside just sunset I'll be fine." I turned to Stan giving him a hug too and whispered in his ear, "Use protection..." I giggled as I pulled away watching him turn bright red and Bill looking at us in confusion. Stan let off a soft chuckle at the look on Bills face before I grabbed my bike and my fanny pack and waving goodbye to both of them.
I hopped on my bike, carful not to get my oversized light blue sweater dirty, and picked up the kick stand, turning back to see Stenbrough walking the other direction, Stan's arm "casually" around Bill. That's so gay... I giggled at my thought and peddled off towards my house. I loved the feel of the wind in my hair, but I had to admit, I missed Richie yelling his obnoxious comments to me about my "booty shorts" as I drove off. As much as I would never admit it to him, I loved when he called me Eds and his stupid your mom jokes... I loved him.
Not that he'd love me back... I mean he's straight
I was riding through the kissing bridge lost in thought when I felt my left peddle loosen. "Shit." I muttered before hopping off my bike, not taking the chance of dying for something like that. I looked over to the side of the bridge as I kept walking, still thinking about Richie when two initials caught my attention.... R+E. No. Stop it Eddie you know it's not about you. Richies straight and he wouldn't like you even if he wasn't. Get over yourself and get home. It's getting dark. Damn it Eddie, don't do this to yourself.... I quickly looked around before setting down my bike carefully and walking over to the marks, tracing my fingers lightly over the letters and smiling contently. I thought I heard something behind me so I quickly jumped up, grabbing my bike and peddling away
"Wait! Eds?" I called out after the beautiful asthmatic, wondering if he'd seen what I'd carved. The thought of it made my stomach drop
Eddie wouldn't want to be best friends with a queer like you. You need to be more careful.
shut up brain
you shut up, asshole
ugh whatever
I turned around walking back home. I thought I might catch Eddie at the quarry after I'd hung out with Bev since she was having problems with her mega crush on Mr. Haystack. Guess I'd been just a little too late. I hesitated thinking about going to Eddie's window, and hoping in his room, but decided against it since Mrs. K was probably already mad that he was late and he would probably be showering with that lovely eucalyptus and lavender shampoo.
I quickly changed my thoughts from Eddie in the shower, nearly slapping myself for having such thoughts about my best friend and somehow wound up not at my own house, but at Bill's. I shrugged knowing it wasn't too late and he was with Stan so I knocked on the door. I waited a few seconds shoving my hands in my pockets awkwardly and switching my weight from foot to foot. I heard the lock switch and was met with a surprisingly happy Stan with an eight year old Georgie giggling and swinging from his shoulders, poking his fingers into Stan'a noodle hair. Bill came up behind Stan, smiling brightly and a light blush dusting his cheeks.
"Hey R-Richie w-whats up?" I turned my head to Bill and shrugged my shoulders, pushing up my glasses after pulling my hands free from the jail that was my pockets.
"'m bored and Eddie went home" I mumbled sheepishly, slipping out of my normal joking self and looking down.
"You should come play with us Ree!" I smiled, looking up at Georgie, smiling at his common nickname for me.
"Only if it's ok with your dads" I winked at Stenbrough watching Bill turn bright red and slap me in the arm.
Stan just rolled his eyes, "shut up Richie." He glared, but his blush and smile said he didn't care quite that much. Bill moved to the side and Georgie clapped, so I walked inside. There wasnt much else for me to do while I was there, I just sat on the couch for a few hours laughing when a tired Georgie climbed from where he had been perched on my legs to Stan's lap, and closing his eyes with a smile on his face. By the time I went home, Georgie was passed out on Stan and Bill had fallen into a light doze on Stan's chest. Stan had his arm around Bill. I made sure not to leave without teasing Stan for his huge crush on Billiam, to which he responded with retorting on my deep fallen love with Edward Kaspbrak. Stan was the only one who knew I was gay... I had come out to him after his bar mitzvah, but he told me he already knew.
I smiled fondly at the memory before heading out the door, flashlight in hand since by now it was past midnight. I sighed as I reached my porch, but smiled at the note on the door:
Richie, you're lucky your father is out of town. He wouldn't be as forgiving for you being out so late as I am. You're lucky I trust you young man, oh and if you were with Eddie I hope you used protection ;)
My eyes widened before I let out a sigh. How my mom knew was beyond me, but she supported me, and it bring 2020 I wasn't surprised, but given the fact that only Stan knew, I was obviously in the closet. I snatched up the note with a smile on my face before unlocking the door and tip toeing inside, carful not to wake my mom.
My shoes ended up next to my bed in a pile as I peeled off my shirt and pants, flopping onto my bed and climbing under the covers, my lanky 6'3" figure letting my feet dangle off the bed. I shut my eyes and smiled, knowing tomorrow I'd see Eddie.
I squinted as I opened my eyes, slapping my hand over my alarm clock and rubbing my face. I let out a groan doing that weird leg stretch thing that the author doesn't know what it's called, before hopping out of bed. I knew my mom wouldn't like it if I took my meds any later an 7:30 on the dot.
I shimmied into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and my outfit on the way in before opening up the cabinet and grabbing my pill bottles. I set down my clothes, still folded, and opened up the bottles, sighing at the unsatisfying noise as the caps popped off. I quickly grabbed the four of them and dry swallowed them with a grimace.
I hopped out of my pajamas which was just my boxers and one of Richie's old shirts that he didn't know I had, and turned on the shower, making sure the water was nice and hot. I would say I didn't like showering right before bed and again when I get up, but I didn't mind, I liked to be clean anyway.
Once I was done my shower I brushed my teeth and dried my hair, changing into my red shorts and a light pink top and going downstairs to make my mom breakfast. I didn't have much else to do so I picked up my phone to text the losers
Me: Hey guys, any plans for today?
My reply came almost immediately
Richie❤️: Top o' the mornin to ya Edward
Richie❤️: and nah got no plans other than hopefully seeing ur charming face ;)
I rolled my eyes and smiled at his flirting. I would think more of it but he was like that with everyone and everything. It wasn't anything special
Mike: hey guys no i dont think we had any plans... wanna meet that the quarry in a few hours
Bill: hey, Stan and I just woke up. Yeah I'm sure we can leave Georgie home for a little while, my parents will be home soon I think.
Bev: Yo! yeah I'll be free in like two hours if y'all wanna meet at like Idek 11?
Ben: hi guys I'll be there just gotta finish this assignment
Richie❤️: haystack its summer....?
Stan: Give him a break, Richie. I'm sure he's reading.
Ben: ^
Bev: ^^
Richie❤️: Mike and Bill I swear if u do that too
Mike: nah man i will be chill
Me: Ok guys, I need to ask my mom, but I should be able to come
Richie❤️: woah eds don't /come/ without me u better wait ;)
Stan: Ewwwww, get a room.
Bev: 👏👏👏
Ben: ???? Wat
Mike: ^oh Ben you pure bean
Bill: I'm going to go shower I'll see you guys at the quarry
Richie❤️: ooooooo u and stan the man havin hot showe sex??
Me: For once, I agree with Richie. I'm going to ask my mom if I can come.
Stan: NO!!! Richie that's disgusting.
Richie❤️: well shell cum for me 😉😉
Me: Ewwwww RICHIE I SWEAR shut up.
Richie❤️: you know you love me Eds
Me: don't call me that.
Bev: Bye Reddie, I'll see y'all soon
Ben: bye Reddie
Me: "Reddie?"
Mike: your ship name with Richie 😁
Richie❤️: awww see Eds it's meant me be ;)
Me: Ew. Bye guys I'll see you in a few hours. Oh, and my mom said I can go.
Richie❤️: see ya then Eddie Spaghetti!
I rolled my eyes and shut off my phone, putting on my socks before sitting down on my bed and grabbing my journal. Only Ben, Mike, and Bill knew about it. Mike said it was a diary, but it sort of was. I grabbed a pen from my nightstand and started to write:
Dear journal, I know I like Richie but some days I feel like it's getting worse and I'll be alone forever. I thought it was just a crush a few years ago, but now I'm sixteen and it still won't go away. I'm trying to get over it, I really am, and sometimes I confuse myself with why I'm in love with such a Trashmouth, but then I remember his bright smile, and his caring moments, the way he holds me when I cry, how his fingers brush little patters onto my back and he whispers sweet nothings into my ear while I sob into his chest, soaking his shirt with my tears and letting out loud sniffs into him, breathing in the wonderful scent that just smells /Richie/. I try not to love him until I think about his big coke bottle glasses that show off his bright eyes and the few freckles that dot his face around them. I remember how I'll be on the floor laughing so hard I'm crying because of his jokes, and I'll remember how he'll scoop me up and run off with me when my mom is being an ass. I'll remember how when it's late I hear the pebbled plunking against my window and rolling my eyes fondly as Richie climbs up the tree next to my window and into my room. I'll remember how after Bowers will beat me up he'll give him his best punch and pick me up, taking me back to his house and use his lanky fingers to wash away my blood and tears. I'll remember how when he stays over at my house he falls asleep in my bed and I wake up in his arms, and I quickly scramble from the warmth, sadly, because I don't think he'd want to stay over anymore if he knew I was gay, and I don't want my mom seeing. I remember how when we stay over with the losers ant Bill's house he'll laugh and put his big, protected arm around me, sending electricity through my body. I'll remember how if he gets drunk he'll get even flirtier and pick me up, carrying me around, not knowing how much I love him. He'll never know how much I love him, and how when he flirts with me it brings half my heart up, and the other half down, breaking it in two and slowly ripping it to pieces.
I snapped out of it as a tear slid onto my page, and I checked the time. Shit, I gotta be there in twenty minutes. I quickly grabbed my shoes, slipping them on and running down stairs
"Bye Mummy!" I called quickly, stopping at the door and running back to give her a kiss on the cheek when she cleared her throat. I then turned around, running out the door onto my bike and peddling towards the quarry. I ended up there a few minutes before anyone else, other than Ben, who sat by the rocks. I walked over and sat down next to him.
"Hey Ben." I spoke, making him jump before laughing.
"Hey Eddie." He responded, "how are things? I haven't seen you in like three days?" He laughed at the end.
"I'm good. Same old same old. How are you? Anything with Bev yet?" I wiggles my eyebrows, and giggled.
"I wish... I'm just don't sure what to say, I mean I really like-"
"Really like who?" We were cut off when Bev jumped up from behind us, laughing as I jumped out of my skin and Ben turned bright red.
"Nobody important Bev." He laughed, lightly pushing her in the arm as she sat down next to him. We kept up will small talk waiting for everyone to arrive. Bill and Stan showed up, followed by Mike a few minutes later, so all that was left was Richie.
"Guys maybe someone should go look for him.." I mumbled sheepishly, worry striking through my voice. I looked up at them, seeing the five of them share a look to which I tilted my head at.
Bev walked up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder, "Eddie, this happens every time we hang out, Richie is always late, you always worry, and the rest of us all wonder how you're not together yet..." she spoke softly, but that didn't stop my outburst at the end.
"whAT? I DONT LIKE RICHIE! RICHIE? REALLY?? IM STraight...?" The last part came out as a question and Stan came over, Bev moved her hand so Stan could give me a hug, something he didn't so often.
"Hey," he whispered in my ear, "don't worry. I'm gay too." I hugged him back tightly, glad that Stan understood. I knew Stan liked Bill, but him telling me just made me feel like I wasn't alone. Bill was bi, and he was out, but Stan was out to me now too, and now they all knew I loved Richie. And now I think they might have know for a while. The losers surrounded Stan, giving me a big group hug, minus Richie who was still not here, and I mumbled into Stan's chest, "How long have all of you known?"
"Since about seventh grade, when I came into the group and you and Richie would always joke and pick at each other like you do now." I heard Mike say from behind me followed by Ben and Bev nodding.
"I've known since fifth, the way you smiled at him just gave it away. I know you pretty well." I smiled at Stan's response. Bill didn't say anything since I had already told him.
"You don't think Richie knows do you?" My stomach dropped at the thought.
Beverly laughed, "The boy might have straight A's but he can be clueless sometimes. Don't worry. I'm sure he doesn't know otherwise you would totally be together." I pulled away from their group hug and quirked my head to the side.
"Richie's straight though." I thought out loud. This has Stan doubled over in laughter to which I raised my eyebrow.
"Hahahahaha no. Richie is many things, but he is as straight as a rainbow slinky. " I shrugged at Stan's comment, not wanting to get my hopes up. Even if Chee was gay he wouldn't go for me. Maybe he has a crush on Bill if anyone. I mean have you seen Bill? He's amazing. I mean, in my opinion not as amazing as Richie, but I'm no where near Bill's looks. As if he knew my thoughts Bill pulled me into a tight hug silencing my loud head. I buried into his neck and tried not to think about being alone forever.
"Oooooo why we hugging?" I knew that voice and couldn't help the smile forming on my face as Richie walked up to us. I pulled away from Bill and gave him a thankful smile, turning to Richie.
"None of your business Assbutt." I stuck my tongue out at him, crossing my arms as he laughed and walked over, putting that protective arm around me like always. I uncrossed my arms, looking over at Bev with wide eyes and a blush creeping up my face.
"Ooo I like this mysterious Eds." Richie whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I picked at the side of my shirt, looking down to hide my sheepish face.
"Come one guys lets do something fun." We all nodded at Mike, Richie dropping his arm, leaving me surprisingly cold for summer weather. I shivered slightly and shook my head. snap out of it eddie
I knew we would probably end up swimming so when Mike suggested it I wasn't surprised, I was not however, ready for Richie to pull off his shirt. I tried to avert my eyes, but not before Richie noticed me staring at his pale, toned chest. He wasn't too muscular, but he had abs, that was for sure. It wasn't like I'd never seen him shirtless before, but every time my breath caught in my throat, and I felt like I needed to grab my inhaler.
"Like what ya see Spaghetti?" He quirked his eyebrows at me, a smirk across his beautiful face, making me fumble with my works.
"I uh wah nah who? Ya wah blah?" I quickly covered my red face with my hands, diverting my eyes from Richie.
"Awww don't cover up the beautiful face Eds." Richie whispered to me, suddenly so close I could feel his breath on my face, and i could feel my heart pounding so hard I'm surprised Richie couldn't hear it.
As if my heart wasn't going fast enough already, I felt two lanky, big, firm hands grip my wrists, pulling them from my eyes. I opened them weakly and looked up at Richie, who had pulled away with a smirk before walking towards the others. I stood there flustered for a minute before realizing I was still standing there and pulled off my shirt, running over to the others.
I watched Bev jump first, something she'd always done, since four years ago. I smiled, watching Ben jump next, always wanting to be the first one in the water after Beverly. Mike was next, followed by Bill, who slyly pushed Stan into the water from behind him, as Stan let out a yelp and grabbed Bill, dragging him down with him. I giggled before turning to Richie who had his hand reached out to me.
"Ready Spaghetti?" I rolled my eyes at the name before grabbing his hand as he fell backwards, dragging me off the side with him.
"Richie!" I yelled once we'd fallen into the water, and I splashed him in the face, making sure not to get any water on his glasses. He splashed my back, some water going over my head and hitting Mike who turned around with a gasp, splashing me full on in the face.
"GASP! SoMeBoDy tOuChiN mY sPaGeT!" Richie yelling from behind me, causing a full on splash war, while I ducked under the water to avoid direct contact. When I came up for air Richie scooped me up onto his shoulders emitting a loud gasp from me and another one from Bill as Stan did the same. I tried not to think about being literally on top of Richie's shoulders with his head literally against my dick, and yelped as he moved over so I could push Bill off of Stan.
"Oh i-it's on!" Bill yelled, pushing at me forcefully, but not before I caught his hand in the air with a laugh, pushing him right back. He gasped in surprise, grabbing onto Stan's noodle hair. And keeping himself up, causing Stan to shout, facing turning bright red as Beverly yelled "kinky!" From behind Richie. I used this to my advantage pushing Bill again, this time causing his to fall back into the water, quickly followed my Stan.
"That's my Eds!" Richie yelled, throwing me back over his head and catching me in his arms, and I blushed bright red, burying into his chest, to which he chuckled, rolling me into the water. We swam around for some more time before it started to get to sunset, causing me to shiver in the slightly colder weather. "Cold Spaghetti?" I looked at Richie, shrugging before looking over to Ben, who was already helping Bev out of the water, Stan already out, with Bill soon to follow. Mike was still in the water, looking for different what gems he could find. I turned to Richie again, nodding sheepishly, earning a smug nod from his as he swan over to the shore. Pulling me out from behind him and walking over to Bev.
We all sat down on the rocks, talking for hours about Mike's farm, Georgie, complaining about my mom, Richie making his "your mom" jokes, Rolling eyes and laughing, and Ben putting his arm around Bev some time through the night that I didn't remember.
"Hey guys! D-do you maybe wanna come over to mine for the n-night?" Then he turned to Stan looking sheepish, "I know you just s-spent last night w-with me so ifyouwannagohomeyouc-" his rambling was cut off by Stan wrapping his arms around Bill.
"I'd love to stay another night, Bill. Relax, I'll never get tired of you," he whispered into Bill's hair.
"Awwwwwww." Richie audibly ruined their moment, provoking a slap from me and a laugh from Bev, while Stan just glared and Bill looked anywhere but at Stan. Ben let out a laugh too and I quickly shushed him too, playfully rolling my eyes, earning a laugh from all the losers, even Stenbrough.
"I know I can. My mom guessed I would end up spending the night." Richie told us and instantly I wanted to go too.
"I can go. I don't need anything to bring so I'm sure my Grandparents won't mind." We all nodded.
"I can too, since you know.... my dad." Ben stopped Bev before she could go into details interrupting her, "I'll come too. I just gotta tell my dad," he smiled, Bev giving him an unusually grateful smile.
"I'll ask my mom," I mumbled. That was always my answer to questions like this. I sighed, pulling out my phone. Richie noticed my drop in mood and put his arm around me just like he had early. I automatically leaned into the touch, seeing Bev wink but playing it off since Richie did this all the time. He obviously didn't see anything in it like I did.
I quickly texted my mom, getting an immediate response, she was probably worried I'd died or something. She was fine if I stayed over, but only if I came home for my bag and meds before going. I rolled my eyes and quickly typed a thank you response before turning off my phone.
"My mom says I have to get my bag but I can stay over." Richie let out a whoop and Mike clapped before getting up.
"Let's go then. I mean it's sort of getting dark isn't it?" We all nodded and I turned towards my house.
"I have to get my stuff guys. I'll meet you there?" I was sort of hoping I wouldn't have to go alone but I knew Mike hated being out when it got too dark because of when his parents had died, and I wasn't going to break up Benverly or Stenbrough which only left Richie. I mean maybe he would though, I mean he is my best friend.
"I'll go with ya Eds." For a second I felt like he could read my thoughts, but just smiled at him, ignoring the nickname I secretly loved, and turned around, walking towards my bike and hopping on, Richie not fair behind to follow on his. I closed my eyes as I rode, remembering back to yesterday m, and slowed down at the kissing bridge, quickly glancing at the R+E before looking away and behind me to Richie, who was glancing at me questioningly. I just shrugged, letting it a giggle as he rolled his eyes playfully before riding off ahead of me.
Once we got back to my house I ran inside to see my mom asleep, and headed up to my room, grabbing my bag and filling it with what I'd need. I didn't even think when I grabbed Richies shirt but that is the author's way of foreshadowing.
I ran back outside, skipping the eighth step since it squeaked and locked the door on the way out. I stepped off the porch turning to smile at Richie with my bag in my hand. Then my stomach dropped. I can't ride my bike back with my bag in my hand, and it'll take so long to get back. Richie seemed to already have realized this though, and hopped on his bike, sitting forward so I had room to sit behind him. I looked around for a moment, confused before stuttering an "o-ok" and putting my bag over my shoulder.
"Hop on Spaghetti" I rolled my eyes and hopped on, trying to hide my blush even though he was turned around. Like five minutes after we started biking to Bill's was when Richie decided to go faster. A lot faster. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, burying into the back of his shoulders.
"CHEE! Slowdown!!" I shouted. This was fun but I didn't wanna get hurt..
"No way Eds. Not like we're on a Motorcycle or anything." He only peddled faster, causing me to yelp and grip tighter, not worrying about my huge crush right now.
Once we got to Bill's it was totally dark out, and my hair was going all different directions. I hopped off the bike and playfully smacked Richie in the arm, sticking my tough out at him.
"You went so fast. I think you broke records." I informed him. We could've died.
"Hey, that's what your mom said last night!"
"Ew that's fucking disgusting, Chee. Shut up."
"Make me." He smirked
"'s....let's go inside." I quickly ran to the porch to hide my flustered face. I burst through the front door only to be greeted with the five other losers sitting in what looked like a cult circle on the floor, and shot glasses between all of them. Richie walked up behind me putting a hand on my shoulder, startling me and making me jump. I turned around and glared as he chuckled.
Bev called me over and patted the seat between she and Stan, and I smiled, secretly sad that Richie would be sitting next to Bill and Mike, not me. I walked over, plopping myself down.
"So what's with the cult circle?" Richie asked, gesturing to the circle we were all in.
"We're playing truth or dare."
my stomach dropped and I looked over at Ben, who'd just informed me Of playing truth or dare, before turning to Eddie, only to find him looking back at me before quickly diverting his eyes. Weirdo, but he's my weirdo. Well not really but I love him, he just doesn't love me back.
Stan spoke first, "Ok I'll go first. Ben, truth or dare?" We all looked at Ben while he thought, slouched over with his face contorted in deep thought. "Ummmm truth."
Bev smirked and I knew that face. She was going to take advantage of Ben's pureness. "Would you sleep with anyone in the room?" Despite Ben being 17 he quirked his head.
"Well I mean ive slept with Eddie, you, and Mike before?" He raised his eyebrows in confusion as Stan burst out laughing.
Eddie decided to be nice and tell him what was going on, "No Ben, she meant have sex with them..." Ben rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled awkwardly.
"Right.... well Um yes?" We all erupted into cheers as Ben admittedly showed that he'd want to have sex with someone in the room. We all knew it was Bev which made it even better. "Right well uhhh, Eddie truth or dare?"
"Uhhh truth. " Eddie gulped, knowing this game could get hard core in the group.
Stan smirked and leaned over to whisper something in Ben's ear, he shook his head before rolling his eyes and nodding. Stan whooped before sitting back down next to Bill. "Top or bottom? I mean it's pretty obvious but which one?"
Eddie flushed, looking down at the floor and sighing, "bottom." He muttered, so quietly I almost missed it. But Eddie's straight isn't he. I thought he was at least. I tried not to think more about Eddie in sexual positions as Bill shouted
"I kn-new it!" We all laughed and Eddie punched Bill in the side, causing the boy to gasps, and over-dramatically fall onto Stanley. I wasn't worried about going next since Eddie knows I don't like truth or dare, he just doesn't know why.
"Bill, truth or dare?" Bill laughed and chose dare since no one else had and Eddie smirked. I noticed him glance at the shot glasses on the floor and smiled slyly, understanding what his idea was. "Take seven shots." Bill let his mouth fall open before shrugging slightly.
"You're luck to my p-parents went out again t-tonight, and that G-georgie is with his friends." He said, before reaching over and pouring seven shots, downing each of them with a hearty cough in between. It didn't take long for him to be quite tipsy after that, slurring his words and becoming quite more touchy with Stan. "Hey S-stannnnnyyyyy truth or d-dare?" He asked, hiccuping between some words.
"How about truth? I don't think you choosing a dare right now would end well." He smiled down softly at Bill, who was now thinking probably way too hard on his truth.
"Do ya wanna k-kiss me right now?" Wow. Ok Bill. So he lost a filter when he got drunk. Stan looked away, rubbing the back of his neck, and looking around the room instead of at Bill. Nobody knew he way gay. I mean I did but the group doesn't. I heard Eddie gasp slightly and I looked over to him, quirking my eyebrow. Maybe Eddie knows too?
Stan took a deep breath, and this time looked down, "Yeah Bill, yeah I do." Bill smiled widely, throwing his arms around Stan and pulling him into a big hug.
"I wanna kiss you too Stanny."
Stan's breath halted before he shook his head, "No Bill, you don't, you're drunk." I shook my head, tuning to mike and whispering 'amateurs' in his ear to which he laughed rolling his eyes and responding with a 'like you can talk. Most obviously person on Earth'. I lifted my eyes up in an unsure questioning. No way he could know about Eddie, and I'm not oblivious to anything? Before I could respond Bill made a humphing noise, climbing onto Stan's lap and grabbed his shoulders, kissing him full on the mouth. Stan's eyes widened before he kissed back for a moment, then pushed Bill off.
"Not now ok? Not like this...." he whispered, lifting up the Auburn haired boy and setting him back down next to him. Bill let out a whine, but complied turning to look down at Eddie, and fake mimic Stan, causing Eddie to slap a hand over his mouth to stifle his laugh.
Stan shook his head and took a deep breath, "Richie truth or dare?" I felt my stomach drop again and my pulse quickened lightly. I laughed dryly, trying to cover up my nerves.
"I ain't no chicken, dare." I gulped as Stan thought for a moment.
A/N: I've got a part two that I'm posting now. Thanks so much for the support.
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