Letter 1
Who knew that butterflies were more annoying than beautiful?
Nobody would say that no?.
If they were disgusted, I would understand it, because the other day I read that there are butterflies that eat corpses, still, they seem beautiful to me.
Anyways, butterflies are very annoying bugs! And I can confirm it.
However, I don't mean normal butterflies, I'm talking about the butterflies that stay in your stomach.
Have you ever felt them? I asked my mother! I asked if I had swallowed some butterflies as a child, but he just looked at me annoyed and sent me to my room, so I looked it up on the internet.
I got many results, such as the curious fact of before, but then one appeared to me that said, "feeling butterflies in your stomach means you've fallen in love" and then I was like WHAT! And I wrote to my best friend.
He asked me who I was in love with, I told him I didn't know.
Today I felt them again, that's why I became so attached to everyone, the last one I approached was you, and those butterflies revolutionized a lot, at first I didn't believe it, but ...
Akashi, I've fallen in love with you.
And now I don't know what to do, because you have a girlfriend, and you won't feel the same and just thinking that you will streak me already depresses me, so I do not want to tell you but at the same time I want to because I don't want to hide anything from you, but I don't want to ruin anything because I love you very much and you are the one who supports me and encourages me even if you don't know it.
In conclusion, it would be a disaster if you find this out.
So I decided to write it in letters when I'm about to explode, like today! If I dare to confess to you I hope you still have each of the letters.
After all, according to the internet, or you forget the feeling, or you release it, so I guess I'll tell you soon?
Probably the last day of high school, so if we split up, I can think it was because of the university and not because you don't love me, but there is still a long course left.
Do you think I'll put up with it?
Akashi, please don't ever leave me, yes?
- Your secret admirer
Akashi kept his eyes wide. He had received a love letter!
Who could have been? How did they know he has a girlfriend? Well, fake girlfriend, but still, did he have a stalker?
No one could answer this question, but the owner seemed to be very afraid of him founding who he was...
This didn't have any sense why will someone write him a love letter. He wasn't that popular, was he? And why would they be scared?
Akashi didn't really know how to react to this fact. Who could it be? Was it some kind of joke?
Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by the scandalous greeting of his real crush.
- Hey, hey, hey! What's that Kashi?- The owl-looking man questioned while signaling the letter in his hands.
- Actually, I don't know, I think it's supposed to be a love letter, but I think it must be some type of bad joke.
- Why would it be a joke? It might be serious!
- Yeah, I think I will keep it in case I receive more, but I don't really know if this really is a confession from an unknown person.
- They didn't sign?
- Yes she did, but only with "from your secret admirer"
- Wait a second. How do you know is from a girl?
- I don't know, I thought only girls confessed by letters, but now that I think so... you're right, it could have been a boy.
- Okay, now we don't have more time for this, be always open to all options when it comes to love Kashi. We must go to practice now, hurry up!
- Going.
Akashi looked once again at the letter putting it inside the precious envelope only to realize the strange pattern on this one, putting his thoughts aside and the letter inside his bag to study the design once he gets home.
After practice, Bokuto asked Akashi if he wanted to go home with him, receiving a negative answer, he had to keep his facade anyway by going with his girlfriend, also, he needed some type of advice with all the letter thing.
They spend all the way home talking about how cute his manager is and then, she convinced him that the letter wasn't a joke and needed to wait for the next one. She also thought keeping them in a box would be a great idea. However, she also thought the envelope was flabbergasting and that he needed to look at it carefully so he didn't miss any detail.
The conversations with the two were always chill and gay, but what could we do; I mean, the lgtbq+ community will someday dominate the world (diabolic authors laugh).
When he got home, being the responsible person he is, Akashi did his homework, then, he took dinner, and finally, with a lot of nerves, he started analyzing the letter and the envelope.
There wasn't a lot to analyze in that card, he couldn't compare the letter because it was made on a computer. Nonetheless, the envelope was interesting to break down, it really expressed a lot. The front part was full of the same hand-made pattern, and in the back, there was a sole flower with his name perfectly write in beautiful lettering, so beautiful that it seemed as if the person had learned to do it just for him.
The front pattern consisted of an arrangement of gardenias and begonias with butterflies in between. In the back, his name was accompanied by a lotus.
He then remembered the poster he has with the meaning of the flowers and went immediately to see if the flowers were chosen consciously or not, discovering that, in fact, they did have meaning.
Gardenias meant "secret love" and Begonias meant "cordiality, shyness, innocence, loyalty in love, and dark thoughts."
And the star of the night, the lotus, meant "mystery, truth, spiritual purity, obliviousness, and distant love."
Knowing all of this, Akashi felt his lips crawl into a smile, after all, it wasn't a joke, no one would put that much of an effort into a joke.
With that happy feeling, he went to sleep unaware that a few blocks away an owl boy was writing a second letter.
A.N: I feel this chapter is more like an introduction to the letters plot, hope you like it.
In letter chapthers i will put a photography of the envelope.
(If I have time)
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