Arriving at Gem's, Jimmy's anxiety worsened. Gem was a wizard, what if she found something they didn't? "Lizzie? Joel? What's up?" Gem walked up to them, the gem in her staff sparkled in the sun. "We need you to check Jimmy out." "Okay, what for?" "We'll show you inside." "Alright, just follow me."
Inside, Gem took a look at Jimmy's scar. "Oh dear, that's pretty bad. What happened?" "He claims it was the demon," "Hm, interesting. Give me a minute, I need to message Katherine." "Katherine? Why? Why do you need her?" "Lizzie questioned. "Well, she has more experience with the corruption than I do, and I don't think I have the right equipment, so I'm bringing her in." "Fine, fine. Make sure she gets here quick." It took almost an hour for Katherine to arrive, which annoyed Lizzie, but she stayed quiet. "Hm, let's see- oh, yeah, I brought the right stuff." Katherine pulled things out of her bag and started brewing something. A few minutes passed and she was done. "Okay, deep breath, this might sting." "Okay," Jimmy took in a sharp breath as Katherine rubbed the mixture onto the scar, Jimmy winced. "This was originally a potion I used to help my plants, but I turned it into a scrub so it was easier to use. Keep this and tell me if you experience aything weird," "So you don't know the precautions?" Lizzie quirked an eyebrow. "Like I said, I've only used this on my plants, not humans, so he needs to tell me if he experiences anything strange. Now go home and rest."
Needless to say, resting was not as easy as Jimmy though it would be. His scar ached like hell, and the scrub only dulled the pain for a few hours. He wasn't going to contact Lizzie since it wasn't that important and he managed to sleep after a while of restlessness. It felt nice to sleep, the pain dulled when he slept, which was a relief.
Tomorrow's meeting started with talk of trades and how to better produce them, the usual. Then it filtered back on to Xornoth, but Jimmy was ignoring the conversation, he had been staring at Scott since the meeting started, something about Scott was just so attractive, he was always mysterious and confident, something Jimmy definately wasn't. "Jimmy? Hello?" Lizzie's voice pulled him back to reality. "Hm?" "Jimmy, you had a run in with the demon, right?" Katherine asked, she was referring to his scar. Before he answered, he noticed that Scott perked up at the mention of the demon, he was now staring intensely at Scott, as was everyone else. "Yeah, yeah, I did." "Well, what happened?" "Um.. it stabbed me after yesterday's meeting," "Did it say anything?" "Uhh,, it said something about insulting it?" "Yeah, you hurt Xorny's feelings," Joey muttered. "Joey, your feelings for the demon should not be interfering with this meeting," Scott spoke, glaring at the blonde, his colorful feathers ruffled angrily. "Am I not allowed to care about Xornoth when you clearly don't?" "I never said I didn't care for my brother," "But you're trying everything to get ride of him," "Joey, you really think I want to banish my brother?" Scott growled. "You really think I don't care about him?" "Scott and Joey, that's enough." Jimmy stared at Scott, he'd never heard him talk this much at a meeting, especially when the topic came to Xornoth. Scott seemed angry, everyone could tell. "Well banishing your brother doesn't scream "I love my brother so much!" to me, Scott," Joey smirked, he thought this was funny. "Joey," Katherine warned, glaring at the two. "You know, Joey, if you weren't so dense then maybe you'd realize just how serious Jimmy's situation is," hearing Scott talk about Jimmy like that put butterflies in his stomach, and his Cod head weren't on, everyone would see him blushing. "Excuse me!? I am not dense!" "Clearly you are, because we all know this could be life threatening to the Cod Empire, but you refuse to see the truth because you think Xornoth really loves you," "Scott, calm down," "He does love me!" Joey growled. "News flash, he doesn't. He's just a selfish man who's using you to get what he wants, and when he does, he'll abandon you- or, better yet, kill you." "Scott!" Katherine shot up, her voice startled everyone, but not him. "One day you'll see the truth." he stood up and pushed his chair over to the table. "I'm done here, I need to leave." "Scott-" "Katherine, I'm leaving. I need to think." Then, the meeting was over. Everyone left for home, Jimmy flew home as soon as possible and checked for the demon, thank god it wasn;t there. He sat on his bed, rubbing the scrub on his scar. He thought back to what Scott said, how he brought butterflies to Jimmy's stomach by merely saying his name. Why did Scott do that to him, make him feel this way? jimmy suddenly began to cough, was he thirsty? No, a cold? No- the coughing turned into a coughing fit that ended with Jimmy coughing up a single red petal, his eyes widened, he stared at the petal on the ground. "Wha-" he began to cough again, another petal, then another, then another. When he stopped his throat was sore, he wanted to message Lizzie, but she would freak out. Maybe he was tired, he'd barely slept last night, maybe he was hallucinating. Yeah, that was it. Jimmy took off his elytra and went straight to bed. Maybe this was a bad dream.
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