we got angst besties
No, it wasn't a bad dream, it was a nightmare. He woke up with a terribly sore throat and more red petals sat on his pillow. And the only thing to make this worse was another meeting at Katherine's about manners and alliances or something. Jimmy couldn't be bothered to care, he just wanted whatever was happening to him to go away, maybe he should talk to Katherine after the meeting. He threw on his usual outfit and used his Codfather head to hide how tired and miserable he looked, maybe he cold get away with not talking the whole meeting, he never talked during them before.
The meeting went slower than usual, Jimmy just wanted it to be over so he could talk to Katherine, but she was busy arguing with Joey about his actions during previous meetings. "Katherine, I was just standing up for Xornoth!" "I understand that, but you can do that in simpler and more appropriate ways." "He said I was dense! I'm not gonna be nice to someone who called me stupid!" "Respect, Joey, that's the golden rule." "I'm not a child, Katherine," the jaguar hissed. "You certainly act like one," Scott mumbled. "Scott, if you'd like to contribute to this, then speak up," Katherine glared at the elf. He looked away in surrender, the others didn't speak once, although Sausage looked like he wanted to speak. "Fine. I'm done with this stupid meeting." Joey stood up and left, followed by Sausage. Katherine sighed. "On a simpler note, let's talk about trades, hm?" everyone lightened up about that, chatting about trade routes, new possible alliances, the usual. Jimmy would speak maybe two or three times, but that was it, and no one seemed to care. Oh, but someone did.
Finally, the meeting ended and everyone left. Jimmy stood outsidde, waiting for everyone to fly-or swim-away so he could speak to Katherine without anyone hearing. The fish suddenly realized Scott was standing in front of him, he must have zoned out since Scott was waving his hand in front of the blonde's face. "Jimmy?" "Huh? Scott?" "Finally, you've been standing here for like ten minutes." "Oh." Jimmy's cheeks reddened with embarrassment, of course the Codfather head hid that, god he loved his Codfather head. "Yeah. Are you alright?" "What?" Scott stared up at the fish boy-well, he was looking into the eye holes of the Codfather head- with a strange face. "Are you doing alright? You seem off," "Oh. No, I'm fine." there was a rasp to his voice, he hadn't spoken very much. "Hm. You're sure? You've been a lot more quiet, in case you forgot, you always talked during meetings." "I did?" that was not what he remembered. "Mhm." Jimmy was worried, was Scott onto him? Was it so obvious that something was wrong. "Jimmy." "Hm?" "Are you absolutely sure you're alright? You keep spacing out like an idiot," "Oh, yeah, I'm sure." he didn't want to keep talking, it hurt his throat too much, had he been coughing up petals all night? "You know what, I don't believe you." "'Scuse me?" "I don't think you're doing fine." Jimmy's heart started racing as Scott went to grab his Codfather head. "Scott, whar are you-" he was interrupted by Scott pulling off the Codfather head, revealing Jimmy's eye bags, his messy hair, and tired face. "Jimmy, didn't you get any sleep? You look terrible," the elf spoke, examining Jimmy's face, turning it in hand, Jimmy's face reddened, not even Scott's naturally cold skin did anything. "And your clothes look like you slept in them, have you been taking care of yourself?" Jimmy's heart began to flutter, did Scott care about him? Is that what was happening? "Jimmy, go home and sleep." "Huh?" "I said go home and sleep. I'd take you home but I have more important things to do than worry about another ruler," Jimmy's heart sank, why did Scott do this to him? He made him feel so great, then he'd break him. Jimmy started coughing, and coughing more. He was scared, what would Scott say if he coughed up more petals. There was no time to think, a petal landed in Jimmy's hand as his mini coughing fit ended. "What the hell." Scott stared at the petal in the man's hand, jimmy was silent. "I'm getting Katherine." "What?" Oh no. "Katheri- Jimmy, wait!" Jimmy threw on the Codfather head and flew off on his elytra as fast as he could, away from the Overgrown and away from Scott.
//dunno if anything in this paragraph in triggering in a way, but i'll put this warning here just in case ig//
His heart was racing. Oh god, Scott knew about the petals, he doesn't care about Jimmy, he just cares about his empire. The coughing started again , and Jimmy wanted it to end, but the pain of the coughing combined with the pain of Scott's heart shattering words made him want to cry, and he couldn't stop himself, he was practically bawling by the time he returned home, ignoring every villager that asked any questions. Why did he think Scott scared about him? Why would he, he has an empire to run, he has better things to think about than some stupid fish man who can't even build a propper house. The coughing intensified, Jimmy nearly fell over, but he already felt weak, like he's just drank a weakness potion. Why was this happening right now? Right when he thought about Scott. Any smart person would realize there was a connection, but Jimmy was in too much a state of confusion to realize. He tried telling himself to stop, but he couldn't. He felt lightheaded, he'd barely been able to catch a breath since he returned home, he was scared, was he dying? The fear had driven him to tears again, he didn't want to die, not alone, not without someone to help him. Finally, he caught a breath, and the coughing ceased. He looked at the red petals scattered around him, what was wrong with him? The sudden dizziness returned as he stood, he collapsed unconcious the floor, his remaining tears trickled down his face, then to the floor.
so imma research a bit on hanahaki disease a bit, just so i'm not bein a complete idiot, but hopefully this was enjoyable
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