i have epic plans for this story >:]
"What?!" Katherine gasped, staring wide eyed at the crying Cod Father. "I wanna-" "Hold on, sit down," she ordered, the blonde took his seat on a stool. She came by with a rag, "Clean yourslef up, I'm messaging Lizzie." "What, why?" "Because she's your sister and she needs to be on board." Katherine explained, pulling out her communicator (i headcannon everyone gots a communicator thing that they type on they can either message the entire server or privately, but Scott is the only one who doesn't use it bc he too fancy). "She knows?" "Yes, and I think you need someone to talk to." "okay," Jimmy sniffled as katherine typed out her message to the Ocean Queen.
Lady Katherine : hey lizzie, i need you to come talk to jimmy
Ocean Queen : is something wrong?
Lady Katherine : he's thinking about the surgery
Ocean Queen : omw
Soon, Lizzie came running in, Katherine had made the rood higher for the 10ft tall queen. "Jimmy?" she called. "Liz?" "What happened, are you okay?" "I'm fine, i just wanna do the surgery," "Why? You know what could happen," "i know, but he doesn't love me, Lizzie, plus he's got a boyfriend!" "Jimmy, who is it?" Jimmy stayed silent. "Jim, please, who is it?" "It's Scott.." the blonde muttered, tears pricked his eyes. "I thought that if I could take him on a pretend date then maybe I could get him to like me, but I knew it was a failure when I remembered he was dating, then i got a little emotional." "Oh, Jimmy, I'm sorry." the pinkette hugged her small brother gently so that she wouldn't smush him. "I just wish it could be easier, maybe if he didn;t have a boyfriend then I would have had a shot," "But are you sure you wanna have the surgery? You could forget him entirely." "I know, i just can't take it anymore," "if you really want this, then alright." "Really?" "Yes, i can't stop you, but Katherine if you kill him you're dead." the brunette nodded as Lizzie stepped outside. She pulled out her communicator, she knew that if she message Scott on this then he would know it was important.
Ocean Queen : Scott, you are an idiot.
Scott Major : Excuse me?
she was actually surprised when Scott replied, she figured he wouldn't be near it, but that didn't matter right now.
Ocean Queen : i figured since you were last with Jimmy you'd know what I'm talking about
Scott Major : Are you talking about his disease?
Ocean Queen : Indeed I am, but it surprises me you haven't figured it out yet.
Scott Major : Figured out what?
Ocean Queen : Think about it. Jimmy. A disease where he coughs up flowers because he loves someone who doesn't love him back. He coughs up flowers before leaving your kingdom. It can only be cured by a surgery with many risks.
"oh." Scott dropped his communicator upon realizing what was happening. Jimmy was in love with Scott, who was taken, and now Jimmy was about to get surgery because of him. His heart sunk, what had he done?
Lizzie took Scott's silence as a sign that he realized what he'd done. Katherine had closed up her home, she was currently doing the surgery on jimmy and she needed complete silence. Lizzie wasn't at all surprised when Scott came flying up to her all frazzled. "Hello, Scott." "Where's Jimmy?" "You're about ten minutes too late," "oh gods," Scott breathed. "I have to tell him." "Tell him what? that you love him? Are you not dating someone?" "I-I know, i know, but maybe it doesn't have to be romantic feelings, maybe Katherine's wrong." "Katherine's never wrong when it comes to flowers, Scott." Lizzie felt sorry for the elven king, he was trying to do what he could to make sure jimmy didn't forget him, or lose his ability to love. "Lizzie, please, there has to be something, he could forget all about me!" "I understand, Scott, but there's nothing we can do, she's already started." "Please, I can't lose him, he's my best friend!" "Best friends wasn't going to save him, Scott, I'm sorry." the cyanette leaned against the wall, running his hand through his hair, he'd fucked up. He should have caught onto jimmy's feelings a while ago, now that he thought about, it was pretty easy to see Jimmy's feelings. But of course Scott had to go date someone that he thought was nice. Keyword being thought. Scott sat against the wall, his hand folded together as he sighed, he just had to pray Jimmy wouldn't forget him.
The surgery lasted a whole night, Lizzie and Scott had fallen alseep outside, finally, Katherine was done. A few hours after, jimmy sat up, staring down at the scar going down his chest. "They're gone, right?" "Mhm," Katherine sounded sad. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, just tired." she couldn't tell him, it wouldn't matter since he wouldn't know who Scott was.
im the evilest ever uwu
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