Jimmy woke up in an unknown place, but the flowers overhead then gave him a good idea of where he was: Katherine's Except, that was also scary. "Katherine?" he muttered, his throat hurt like hell, as did his chest. "Sit down, jimmy," she said simply, moving about the room. "Why am I here?" the blonde asked, leaning up against the wall. "Why do you think?" "Uhm.." "Scott found you in your house surrounded by poppy petals and blood. He then brought you here?" "Is he still here?" "No, he's back home." "Oh." "But that's not important. What's important is what you're suffering with." "Excuse me?" "As I expected, you don't know what's happening." "Yes, so enlighten me, please." "Jimmy, you're suffering from Hanahaki Disease." "Hanaha-whaty disease?" she shook her head. "Hanahaki Disease, a disease in which the victim suffers from unrequieted love." "Okay.." "The victim must get their beloved to reciprocate the romantic-and only romantic-feelings in order to cure the disease. However, if they don't, the disease worsens until you're throwing up whole flowers, and then you'll eventually die." Jimmy felt himself go pale, this could kill him!? "Of course, there is another option." "Yes?" "Surgical removal, done by myself, of course. However, your feelings for your beloved would disppeare, and possibly your memories." Jimmy's momentary happiness faded, he'd forget about Scott entirely if he did that, he didn't want to forget his amazing smile, his gorgeous eyes, his humor, his- Jimmy found himself coughing again, a single petal falling into his hand. "And you're thinking about them," the brunette sighed. "okay, look. I'm not sure how long until you begin vommiting flowers, but you have until then to get your beloved to tell you they love you. But, I'm always here if you want to remove it, kay?" he nodded solemnly. "Kay. Now, I want you to go home and think of a plan, okay?" "Mhm,"
Jimmy strapped on his elytra and thought as he flew. How would he ever get Scott to tell him he loved him? Scott would never love him, he's too classy, too cool- more coughing, more petals. "Okay, jimmy, stop thinking about him." he whispered to himself. He landed at his kingdom, almost instantly his people crowded him, asking about what happened the other day, he didn't how they'd fund out, but he assured them he was okay and that he just needed to think. They took his word and continued about their day while Jimmy returned to his cabin- while most of the kingdoms had castles, he had a cabin. He sat in his bed with a cup of water. He wasn't thinking of anything, not until an idea suddenly popped into his mind: he could take Scott on a date! Yes, perfect! He grabbed a paper and quill and began writing.
Dear Scott,
It's Jimmy, you probably know that- anyways, I wanted to say I'm alright, so don't worry.
I also wanted to ask if you would like to go on a date- as friends? Y'know, explore the server?
It's okay if you don't, though.
Cod's Blessings,
He hoped that wouldn't weird Scott out, and if it did, he wouldn't have been surprised. He tied it up and had a sparrow named Norman fly it to Scott's. While he waited on a reply that probably wouldn't come, he read a book about flowers. Why? He wasn't sure. Suddenly he heard a hoot that made him look up. A cream colored owl sat on his windowsill with a paper in its mouth. He took the paper and it waited, like it expected Jimmy to write a reply. He opened the letter, reading over it.
Dear Jimmy,
As strange as this sounds, sure, I'll join you on this "date." When would you like to meet?
Jimmy grinned to himself, his heart skipped a beat as he quickly wrote back.
Dear Scott,
Is today in about an hour okay with you? I wouldn't want to rush you, of course. Also, your messenger owl is very pretty.
Cod's Blessings,
He tied the letter and handed it to the owl who flew off into the sky. It was at least a twenty minute wait before the owl returned with a reply.
Dear Jimmy,
Yes, that would work. And his name is Orion. We'll meet at my place.
Jimmy didn't respond, he spent his time getting ready. Once he wa ready, he sent the owl off as flew to Scott's kingdom. He always marveled at Scott's building skills, he always made them look amazingly perfect, he wished he could build like that. He landed at the doors, waiting for Scott. When he came out, the first thing he noticed was the frost covering his hands.
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