it's funny im writing angst at 2am
why do i keep uploading this its gonna be so shit im so tired
this chapter is actually a happy chapter i promise
Scott had locked himself in his room for a week, Callon had only tried to come to guilt trip him twiced, and he's missed two meetings. He'd gotten a few letters and messafes, mainly from Lizzie and Katherine, but he was too scared to see them, his powers had been out of control the past week, he was scared he'd hurt someone, he was scared he'd hurt Jimmy, every single thought he had always went to Jimmy in any way possible. It led to a lot of coughing fits, he worried about how often he thought about Jimmy and how often he was sat in his bathroom coughing up petals. He started to think it'd be a good idea to see Katherine, and maybe Gem, so he did.
"Hey, Katherine?" "Scott? What's up?" "Well, I've been coughing up petals." Katherine knew exactly what he meant. "Oh Scott, I'm so sorry," "I don't know what's going on with me, I'd gotten into an argument with Collon and I just coughed one up." "I assume that's why you haven't attended the meetings?" Scott nodded. "I'm scared it'd get gonna worse quick, I can't stop thinking about Jimmy," Katherine shook her head, giving Scott a look of pity. "But he doesn't remember me, so it'll be impossible," "Well, if he doesn't remember you, it might be easier for him to get to know you since he doesn't know anything." "But what would I do?" "Just try and spend time with him, but make it subtle, don't be too obvious about your feelings just yet." Scott nodded. "But, yes, I am worried it'll grow faster over the few weeks, so unless you can try to stop thinking about Jimmy so much, then I wouldn't count on being able to get to know Jimmy." "I understand. Thank you, Katherine. I'm gonna go see gem, goodbye." Scott left for Crystal Cliffs.
"Scott, how can I help you?" "Remember the ice thing I told you about?" "Mhm?" "Well, it's gotten worse," "Oh?" "You remember Callon, my boyfriend?" "Yes, you've mentioned him to me before." "Well, we had an argument last week and I yelled and some big ice spike came up through the ground right where he stood," Gem nodded. "and they've just been appearing around my kingdom, my people are scared, and I need help." "You've come to the right place. Of course, I can't help you in just a day, it'll take time. Can you do that with me?" "I will try, yes," "So, the earliest we can start is tomorrow, does that work?" "Yes, because I had something planned." "Perfect, see you tomorrow!" "Bye, Gem,"
When Scott came back to Rivendell, he decided to write to Jimmy, he never used his communicator.
Dear Jimmy,
I know you don't really know me, but I think it would be fun if we could spend some time to get to know each other. You don't have to join me, but I'd like to go goat horn hunting with you, it's quite fun as long as you don't get hurt.
I look forward to your reply,
Scott Major
Scott whistled for Oli, who flew right on to the windowsill and flew off with the letter. He sat at his desk waiting, he tried to keep any negative thoughts about what might happen during their get together, he didn't want to go with negative thoughts. Then, Oli came back with a letter.
Dear Scott,
You know, that sounds really fun, and I'd love the chance to try and get to know you. I've never gone horn hunting so it should be interesting.
When would you like to meet? I can meet you right now, if you would like.
Cod's Blessings,
A smile formed as Scott's face as he replied,
Dear Jimmy,
Yes, we could meet now. Make sure to bring a coat, as well, it's pretty chilly up in the mountains. Here are the coordinates. *insert coordinates*
Scott Major
Oli took the letter and delivered it while Scott put on his warm cape. He figured that Jimmy was either getting ready or he was already there since he hadn't responded, and he was right. When Scott arrived to the mountain, there was Jimmy flying over to him. "Hello, Scott," he grinned. "So, horn hunting?" "Yes, follow me." Scott led Jimmy to a spot where there were a good amount of goats. "So, how does this work?" "Well, I'll show you." Scott stood with his back against a stone wall, comepletely still, he then noticed a goat staring at him. As fast as he could, he jumped to the side, the goat bleated as it's horn cracked off. "Woah! It's that easy?" "Mhm. Wanna try?" Jimmy nodded, standing against the wall. Almost instantly, a goat ran for him, and he dodged. "Ha! I'm faster than you!" Jimmy grinned. "Oh, is that so?" Scott smirked and threw off his cape, going down to the wall. The goats seemed irritated today because they were going for them instantly, except Scott wasn't so lucky this time. The boat butted him right in the stomach, Scott gasped when a petal came out of his mouth, and stepped onto it to keep it hidden. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" Jimmy gasped, running down to Scott. "Yeah, I'm fine, it just hurts for a bit." His chest ached, he was trying his best to keep himself from coughing up more petals, or even worse, a whole flower, and he looked like he was in pain."You sure? That looks painful," Jimmy winced as he helped Scott sit down. "I'm sure, I just get winded quickly," "Do you wanna do something else?" "Like what?" "Umm.. ooh! Can you bake?" "What?" "Come one, let's go back down to your place," Jimmy smiled, helping him up, grabbing his cape. Scott smiled, Jimmy was just so kind.
Back in Scott's kitchen, Jimmy was teaching Scott how to bake a cake for themselves. "So, I want you to pour all the dry ingridients together, I'll get the wet ones," "Alright," Scott rolled up his sleeves, he had no idea what he was doing but he was trying. "Now, we're gonna mix in the wet stuff with the dry stuff, take the whisk," Scott began to whisk the wt and dry together, Jimmy was constantly telling him how good he was at this and that he was awesome, it made him feel good. "So, put the batter in the oven, I'll run back to my place and get some frosting." Jimmy strapped on his elytra and flew out the door. Scott leaned against the counter, smiling like an idiot. Spending this time with Jimmy made him feel good, but it was such a good feeling that he was able to keep himself from coughing up those petals, even if all he could think about in this moment was Jimmy. He came back soon and luckily the cake was done. "You wanna frost it?" "Sure," he handed Scott a spatula and the elf began to frost the chocolate cake. "And.. done!" Jimmy grinned as he finished putting sprinkles on the cake. "That looks good," Scott smiled. "Doesn't it? I'll get you a plate,' Jimmy grabbed a plate and sliced a piece for Scott, who dug right into the cake. "Oh, this is really good!" Scott gasped, this was the best thing he'd ever eaten. "I know!" jimmy agreed.
Sadly, Jimmy had to leave a little while later, but Scott was still left with a warm feeling in his stomach, and that wasn't the flower petals trying to come out, it was Scott feeling happy for the first time a while. He wanted this happiness to last forever.
finally a happy chapter ^v^''
if i make another chapter at 3 fucking am im gonna lose it-
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