🌺18 ~ Hits🌺
🌺Flower Showers🌺
~A Bakudeku Love Story~
18 - Hits
Word Count: 4,160
⚠️Warnings⚠️: Profanity, Alcohol Mentioned, Fluff, Explicit Scene,
Information: I was really nervous writing this chapter, keep reading and you will see why! <3
🌺Previously on Flower Showers🌺
Izuku was quiet for a minute before looking up at Katsuki feeling slightly guilty, "I'm sorry Kacchan. I hadn't realized you felt that way. I shouldn't have put the blame all on you, I contributed a lot on my part so I apologize. I've made mistakes too and I know I've been pushy at times. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel suffocated or tense. I know it's not all your fault," said Izuku.
"This is obviously affecting us in ways it shouldn't," Katsuki suggested.
"Yeah, definitely," agreed Izuku. "Maybe we should just take thing slow?" Izuku suggested.
Katsuki nodded his head and rolled his eyes as he yanked Izuku forward into a hug. Just then, they heard the door open and Inko saying she came back. The two laugh and Izuku replies that he was still home, and that they had a guest.
After Inko came back, the three had eaten together and it was nice. Inko had the bright idea of having a get together with the Bakugo's for old times sake. Izuku and Katsuki both tensed at her statement, and giving each other a glance. They almost laughed, but held it in for the sake of the tension.
Katsuki actually ended up calling his mother and had a heated conversation of when they would get together to have dinner. Mitsuki insisted that they come over for dinner that night. Inko was happy but Katsuki was pissed.
Izuku was beyond nervous and wanted to show his respect for Katsuki's family. They haven't even talked about their relationship, well, not exactly.
The two still hadn't said anything was official. The three headed over to the Bakugo's and Katsuki was sizzling, in more ways than one. Izuku was anxious during the drive but Katsuki bluntly told him to stop being so damn nervous.
The door opened and Mitsuki hugged Inko and Izuku. Inko seemed just fine but Izuku was in the middle of a bone crushing hug that had him begging for air. Katsuki pulled him out and gave his mother a smart-ass comment which she replied with a shout. Masura greeted them kindly and led everyone inside. "It's been awhile! How are you both?" Mitsuki asked.
"We're great! Lots of work going on," Inko said as they set their shoes by the door.
"And you, Izuku?"
Izuku looked up after slipping out of his oversized red shoes and setting his jacket away, "O-oh, me? I'm fine thank you! Just been working hard," Izuku says nervously and Katsuki scoffed to the side.
Izuku smiled, happy to know Katsuki still saw him as competition. "That's wonderful! I hope my brat of a son isn't bothering you too much?" she asked and Katsuki looked at her with anger.
"I'm not bothering the damn nerd!"
"BE NICE!" Mitsuki exclaimed as she roughly ruffled his hair, and Katsuki pulled away sharply. Inko giggled and talked with Masura about dinner plans while Izuku smiled. He loved Katsuki.
His face suddenly went blank with his thought. He loved Katsuki.
Sure, he's said it, but it has never felt so real before. Yes, it felt real before, but now? Whenever he looked at Katsuki, his world was him entirely. The way the blonde carried himself was like another entity on its own. Izuku loved harshly, and he loved Katsuki to bits.
He hadn't realized he was gawking and he hadn't moved from his spot. A hand rested on his shoulder and he looked up to see Mitsuki. "You okay kid?" she asked with a small smile. Izuku smiled and nodded his head as she led everyone into the kitchen. "You two can help set dinner when it's time, go entertain yourselves," Mitsuki said bringing out two wine glasses.
"Not too much fun please," Inko said and Mitsuki perked up. She whipped around to face Katsuki with a devilish smirk.
This was Katsuki's 'oh shit' moment.
"I can't wait to hear all these juicy details over drinks," Mitsuki suggested as Inko laughed and agreed.
"No! No, no juicy details t-to be told!" Izuku stuttered and Katsuki crosses his arms rolling his eyes.
"But honey, that's what mothers do. They drink and talk shit about their kids when they aren't around. We love you very much but damn you guys are a lot to handle," Mitsuki said and everyone laughed except Izuku and Katsuki.
"Have fun talking about shit not worth talking about!" Katsuki exclaimed walking towards the stairs.
"Watch that damn mouth of yours!" Mitsuki scolded and Izuku almost laughed. Izuku followed Katsuki as the distant sound of glasses being placed on an table and filled to the top echoed.
Once the two were upstairs he followed Katsuki awkwardly into his room. It seemed to be just as bare as Izuku's had been when he went home, and it made perfect sense. Everyone lived in dorms now, so they took everything they would need to feel comfortable.
Katsuki had sheets and pillows there, and a small desk. There was also a small All Might action figure sitting there and Izuku gasped running towards it, snatching it and shoving it in Katsuki's face. "What the fu—"
"YOU STILL HAVE IT!? HAVE ONE! OH MY GOD!!" Izuku exclaimed excitedly. Katsuki pushes Izuku back and scowled, wondering what the hell the boy was screaming over. Katsuki's eyes widened as he snatched the action figure and almost threw it out his window.
"This isn't even mine, it's your from years ago. I just never gave it back,"
"I have mine. I know this is yours! We had matching figures, remember?" Izuku asked as he leaned against Katsuki's desk with a hand propping him up.
"You probably forgot or something!" Katsuki says, clutching the figure.
"I would never forget which All Might figures I have!" Izuku retorted.
"How could you not?! You have a whole damn closet full of them you obsessed weirdo," Katsuki barked.
"I'm obviously not the only obsessive weirdo here!" Izuku once again retorted. Katsuki's eyebrows raised as he set the action figure surprisingly delicately on the desk. Izuku got tense and Katsuki walked very close to him getting all up in his face.
His walk was taunting and intimidating. Like a predator sauntering over towards its prey so casually, almost like the poor animal wasn't about to be eaten alive.
Izuku felt like that poor animal, but he kept his confident gaze on Katsuki, even if it almost scared him out of his skin.
Katsuki leaned close to Izuku's lips but moved to his ear and slammed his hands on both sides of Izuku onto his desk, setting off small sparks that would sure burn the desk. Izuku jumped slightly and halfway sat on the desk, not being able to surge forward due to Katsuki blocking any route for escape. Izuku had no exit. Nowhere to run.
His breathing increased and his blood cells rushed through his body, making him feel a rush of energy. His heart felt excited as it hammered in his chest. His breathing had become heavier and waited in anticipation.
"I am pretty obsessive aren't I?" Katsuki asked, moving his hot breath closer to Izuku's ear. Izuku held his breathed. "But it isn't with All Might," he said before taking his hot hands and lifting Izuku's thighs. Izuku was forced to sit on the desk but he certainly didn't mind it.
He actually liked it. He wasn't sure if he'd ever admit that out loud, but he would acknowledge it. He already knew how hot his hands could get, being burnt by Katsuki's palms several times throughout life, but using it like this was different. Izuku grabbed Katsuki's elbows and brought him closer. Katsuki looked up and their noses brushed against their own.
Katsuki kisses Izuku. It was long and deep, as they had come very accustomed to kissing each other. They hadn't really known how to kiss, only watched other people do it, and movies, but now they've got the hang of it.
The whole point was to stop thinking in on every little detail and let nature run the race. Izuku tasted something spicy, and of course it was Katsuki. He didn't realize that you could literally taste a person, but here he was, enjoying the heat that coated his lips.
Izuku tasted minty, considering he had mint gum awhile ago and tea was a highlight. Katsuki liked his cool minty breath on his hot spicy one. The two were opposite. One chill and calming, the other hot and vibrant, but they both burned. It wasn't always considered heat, but there was a burning sensation when it came to both substances. Suddenly there was the absent sound of something falling over, but the two didn't care.
Everything felt hot and the two felt nervous but good. Really good. "K-Kacchan..." Izuku says breathing hard with a slightly red tinted face. Katsuki kisses Izuku's head and then his cheek, slowly dragging his lips down Izuku's neck.
First his chest felt the tingles and then they started to lower down his body. Izuku didn't realized that he had been tugging Katsuki's hair and the back of his shirt. He wanted Katsuki's body closer to his. He craved for his touch. Izuku scooted closer to the edge of Katsuki's desk and met with his hips.
Izuku wanted it. Izuku just hadn't been this intimate with anyone. Neither had Katsuki. Being something new was scary, and exploring was even more thrilling. But with the thrill always comes the adventure. An adventure that the two would soon find themselves on since the beginning.
Izuku's face was pink and his cheeks were red. He had tears in his eyes. He wasn't exactly upset, but there were so many emotions running his body that his mind was shoved aside. His chest went up and down heavily and you could hear the breath flow out from his nose.
He felt Katsuki remove his hand from his mouth and softly took his chin, helping their eyes meet. "You okay?" Katsuki asked as he was catching his breath a bit.
Izuku nodded his head and tried to keep a tear from falling from the corner of his eye. Katsuki had a concerned look on his face and stepped back a bit. The sudden rush of cold air was felt when they were separated enough to feel it. Katsuki took Izuku's hand in his and squeezes slightly, firmly.
"Tell me when to stop," Katsuki says and Izuku met his gaze curiously. Katsuki rolled his eyes and stepped closer, taking Izuku's other hand in his. "Tell me when you aren't ready. Tell me when you don't feel comfortable. Tell me when you want me to stop. I'll stop. I'm not pushing you and I never would. Not with anything like this. Tell me," Katsuki truthfully stated.
Izuku nodded, shifting uncomfortably to subside his arousal. Katsuki laughed and Izuku flushed. "I-it's not funny!!" Izuku exclaimed, crossing one leg over the other, holding his palms close in his lap. Katsuki kept laughing.
"Have you never been turned on before?" Katsuki asked with a quirked brow and a smirk. Izuku looked off to the side avoiding Katsuki's gaze. Katsuki's smirk grew and he walked closer. "You have? When was this?" Katsuki asked.
"It was awhile ago, i-it doesn't matter a-anymore!" Izuku says as he couldn't really move.
"This is important to me, I want to know,"
"But it isn't important to me and it's my body. I don't need to say when I got turned on," Izuku says with a small nervous smirk. Katsuki smiled. Not smirked but smiled. He liked it when Izuku fought back, even when he was scared. It was something he actually envied about the boy.
"You're probably lying anyways. It was probably in middle school or some shit, you and your pubescent ass!" Katsuki said as he laughed. He was shocked to see Izuku with wide eyes and avoiding his gaze. "OH MY GOD I'M RIGHT!"
"S-SO WHAT?! It's n-not like I can help how I feel!" Izuku says sanding up, with a cute little scowl on his face.
"Nerd, calm down," Katsuki says nicely as he chuckled. "You're fine," Katsuki says as he kissed Izuku's forehead.
Mitsuki walked up the stairs and opened the door. Izuku was sitting on the desk as a shirt flew in his face. She turned and looked at the culprit. Katsuki had given Izuku a shirt. "Hey lovebirds,"
Katsuki looked at her and scowled. He then tossed a towel to Izuku who caught it effortlessly. "What do you need?" Katsuki asked trying to not sound as mean as he usually did.
"Just saying dinner will be ready soon. Izuku, honey, there is a bathroom across the hall and to the left," she said smiling softly at him and giving Katsuki a 'don't try anything' look.
She winked at Izuku before walking out and he nervously laughed as Katsuki groaned in annoyance. "C'mon, I'll take you to the bathroom" Katsuki says and Izuku hopped off the desk and followed him.
As they walked through the hallways, Izuku saw pictures of Katsuki's family. Him and his parents, and surprisingly some of him and Katsuki as kids.
"Okay, those are my soaps. Use them," Katsuki says pointing towards the bottles of soap collected in a corner. "I'll help you study tomorrow too. That's when you go back to the dorms," Katsuki instructed.
All Izuku could manage to do was nod. Katsuki then closed the door and Izuku heard faint footsteps walking away. He felt nervous, and especially about being in someone else's bathroom. He knew Katsuki, and his parents were okay with him. Obviously. But Izuku still felt out of place.
He shrugged it off and proceeded to strip down to take his shower. He looked at the handle and his first thought was; how the hell do I turn this thing on?
After a few minutes Izuku managed to turn on the shower and set it to a warm temperature. He grabbed Katsuki's shampoo and opened it. It smelled like caramel. Izuku almost laughed. If his nitroglycerin sweat-like substance wasn't enough, then the soap was.
Izuku scrubbed it through his hair and it felt so nice. It was almost a home-like feeling to Izuku.
He grabbed the body soap and rubbed his hands together before lathering his body with the smooth substance. Izuku couldn't help to where his mind traveled. As he scrubbed his arms, he couldn't help but think about Katsuki's hands doing the work for him.
Those warm palms calmly, and slowly dragging down both his arms. A soft breath of air near his ear, partly on his face. A hand traveling up his calf, all the way to his thigh.
"Dinner is ready!" a muffled yell that was drawn from outside the door and downstairs.
Izuku forgot all about the announcement in minutes before he felt the hands again. They traveled up his chest and down over his back. Right down to—
Knock knock.
"Deku, hurry up! Dinner is ready and I refuse to eat down there alone," Katsuki warned.
Izuku smiled and then laughed, "What's wrong? Don't want to eat with the family?" he shuts off the shower and steps out.
"Hell no! I'm going to be eaten alive!" Katsuki exclaimed and Izuku laughed as he quickly dried himself off.
"Are you scared?" Izuku asked with a smirk. He pulled his pants up and grabbed his shirt.
"Hell no! Don't say that shit! I'll kill you!" Katsuki shouts and Izuku laughs once more before opening the door. Katsuki grabbed his hand and dragged him downstairs. Izuku hadn't had enough time to protest because they were already downstairs.
"Welcome! I'm so glad you two took your time," Mitsuki says. Katsuki rolled his eyes and huffed as he sat down. Izuku sat down next to Katsuki and his mother. He felt pretty comfortable. "So, how have you two been holding up?" Mitsuki asked.
"I'm fine," Katsuki says as he took a sip of his drink.
"I'm alright. Still recovering from my surgery," Izuku says as he started to eat.
"How are you feeling?" Inko asked her son.
"I'm feeling good! But I still have pain here and there, but that's inevitable,"
The conversation shifted to some lighthearted memories and embarrassing moments. Izuku laughed and then covered his face when embarrassment controlled the table. Katsuki had scoffed and yelled at his mother. And she yelled back. Obviously.
It got late and Katsuki had to head back to the dorms. His mother offered to drive and he almost declined but she scolded him and he complied. "Hey, mom, is it okay if I tag along with them?" Izuku asked as he got his mothers attention.
"I don't know honey... are you sure? It's okay been a short while," Inko said concerned.
"I'm going back tomorrow anyways, and then I'll be going back to school,"
"Right... that school..."
This was Izuku's 'oh shit' moment.
"Mom wait! I know what you're about to say. The reason I was in the hospital wasn't even the schools fault. It was technically mine..."
"Honey, you can't help how you feel. Feelings are something you can't just control on a whim, especially when you care about someone so deeply," explained Inko.
"I know, but the school is good. And I'm finally becoming what I've always wanted to become. A hero."
"I know honey, I just worry about you. You know my heart hurts whenever yours does,"
Izuku smiled and hugged his mother. "Alright, you can go. But text me when you get there, and be safe baby," Inko demanded before she gave Izuku a kiss on his cheek.
Katsuki had been waiting for him the whole time, almost knowing that Izuku would go with him. Izuku smiled as he slipped on his shoes and grabbed his coat and slipped it on. He zipped it up and walked out. His mother following behind. She had gone her way and the three on theirs.
The car ride wasn't bad, and it wasn't too late to get back inside. They luckily weren't breaking curfew.
They finally arrived and Mitsuki was on her way, wishing the two the best. But before she left she yelled, "Use protection please!"
Izuku and Katsuki's mouths dropped and she drove away cackling. The two had their faces bright red once they walked in. "Midoriya!"
"You're back!"
"Are you alright"
"SHUT UP!" Katsuki yelled. "Bombarding him with questions when he just got back? Are you trying to make him go insane right after surgery?!" Katsuki bellowed.
Everyone shut up.
"Sorry about that man, but how are you feeling?" Kirishima asked as he walked closer. The two hugged briefly before Izuku answered the question.
"I'm feeling alright. The only pain I have is the healing process so it's okay," Izuku says and Kirishima smiled happily. He felt relieved that Izuku would be okay. He really did care about his classmates.
"Thats good to hear. Is there anything you need?" Todoroki questioned suddenly. Katsuki seemed to become more angry, but only Izuku notched because he was the closest to Katsuki. Kirishima noticed as well but decided not to put him in front of everyone, finally knowing the situation.
"Sleep," Izuku says. "I need sleep. I'll be back in school Tuesday, but I won't do any exercises with you all,"
Izuku heard some aww's in disappointment, and some hmms, understanding the situation. Everyone was really nice about it, and they didn't push him. Izuku felt how much they cared, and it almost made them cry.
Izuku said goodnight to everyone and walked to his room. As he walked the halls he felt tiredness creep up on him. And then a hand touched his shoulder firmly. He flinched and turned around. He smiled. "Hey,"
"Hey, you doing okay?" Kirishima asked once again.
"Yup! My surgical wounds still hurt a bit, but I just have to take care of them and I'll be good," Izuku says.
"That's good. I got really worried there..."
"No no! It's totally fine! You couldn't control that. It wasn't your fault in any means. I'm just really glad you're okay!" Kirishima exclaims. Izuku smiled and laughed a bit. He thanked Kirishima and wished him a goodnight.
Izuku walked into his room and it was dark. There was no light and he really didn't remember that he actually took down some All Might valuables from his room. There were less posters and action figures, as they were hidden away in a box.
Izuku walked in and closed his door, turning on the light. Izuku was walking over to his bed when he stopped. He kicked something and it was his trash can. He looked in it and almost threw up from pure fear. There was dried blood and dead petals resting at the bottom.
He pushed it carefully into the corner of his room with his foot, and took his shoes off. He felt better.
He thought it best to just get some sleep. He turned his light off and walked to his bed feeling his phone buzz.
10:38 P.M - Kacchan: Where are you?
10:39 P.M - Deku: In my room, why?
Izuku suddenly remembered to text his mother, so he did. He got a reply and smiled. Not seconds later was there a knock on his door.
He opened it and Katsuki walked in. Without permission.
"Are you okay?" Katsuki cut in. Izuku was a little surprised with the question.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Izuku asked, clearly confused. He really was.
"I was just checking," Katsuki said.
"You had to come all the way to my room to check?" Izuku asked, a small smile forming on his face.
"YES!" Katsuki exclaimed. "Just... call me, if you need anything. Goodnight, Deku," Katsuki says as he kisses Izuku's forehead. He lingered there for a bit, before releasing his hold on the boy.
"Goodnight, Kacchan," Izuku whispered. Katsuki still heard it and pinched Izuku's cheek before leaving, hearing a groan of annoyance from the nerd. He laughed as he walked out, closing the door.
Izuku sighed heavily, now being able to go to sleep satisfied. He walked over to his bed and got under the covers carefully. Making sure he wouldn't hurt his wounds. He closed his eyes and went to sleep. That's the thing about trauma. It hits you when you least expect it.
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