🌺01 ~ Petal🌺
🌺Flower Showers🌺
~A Bakudeku Love Story~
01 - Petal
Word Count: 2,700
⚠️Warnings: Profanity, blood, hallucinations⚠️
Information: none
The sun was shining through the window and blue curtains as his head started throbbing once more. He almost forgot about what happened last night. There was something definitely wrong with him. He threw up blood for crying out loud! He didn't know how to react. He just knew he wanted to be alone and rest up. If it got to the point where he needed help, he would seek it, but there needn't any time for that this moment.
All he did was lay on his back staring up at his ceiling. Hard to say how long he did that, he definitely fell back to sleep at some point. He doesn't remember waking up though. His heart has been racing once again, and panic finally settles into his pores, giving off a feared aura. Was he dying? Was he internally bleeding? Izuku for some reason feared to tell someone. He knew he should, because what he was currently experiencing was definitely out of the ordinary.
He didn't feel like seeing anyone today, he just wanted to be in denial about whatever the hell this sickness was. After all, people would believe him if he said he was sick. Which he was. But he really just wanted a day to himself. He loved his friends, they were like family, but he wasn't feeling up for anything. Not even getting food. He knew he should though, so he braced himself for the big odyssey.
Izuku stood up and swayed a bit before finding his balance. He glanced at his clock. It was 5:23 in the morning. No one would be up at this time in the morning. Izuku walked into the common room, and then into the kitchen. No one except Katsuki f-ing Bakugo. Izuku cringed when he saw Katsuki. Not because he looked bad, Katsuki always looked good. Izuku just wasn't prepared for the onslaught of emotions that berated him. Katsuki was sitting on the couch watching the T.V.
"What the hell are you doing up this early?" Katsuki asks.
"I could ask you the same thing," Izuku retorts. Katsuki's scowl grew. He noticed Izuku was shivering a bit. It wasn't cold, it was actually pretty warm inside. Warm enough for people to wear t-shirts and shorts if they wanted to. Izuku was also slightly sweating. He looked... well, sick. He appeared to not be feeling well and it showed this time.
"Did you need something?" Katsuki asks in a less threatening tone, but still in a jackass-type of way.
Izuku nodded his head and walked to the fridge. He placed a carton of milk on the counter. He didn't notice Katsuki had discarded his spot on the couch and walked over to where Izuku was. "I'm making pancakes. So if you wanted some, you can wait down here, fuckin' nerd..." Katsuki remarks. Izuku nodded and waddled his way to the couch. He sat across from Katsuki's previous spot and was then attacked by something warm and fluffy.
A blanket.
Katsuki had thrown him a blanket, and it was Katsuki's. Izuku almost fan-girled but the nausea stopped him from doing so. Izuku still managed a small smile that creeped its way into the corners of his mouth. He was content, especially with this blanket. He knew Katsuki was an ass, he was the first to know, but he's gotten so used to everything Katsuki's put him through that he doesn't worry much.
Izuku wrapped himself in the blanket and collapsed to the side. Luckily, there was a pillow placed there. Hmm, there didn't used to be a pillow there...
Izuku then thought he woke up in the most precious way he has ever woken up. Katsuki was moving the hair out of Izuku's face, and lightly grazing his fingers across Izuku's soft tender cheeks. Katsuki then placed a soft hand onto Izuku's cheek and drags his calloused thumb across Izuku's freckles. The touch was so tender. So gentle. His hand glided through Izuku's hair, so peaceful. The light was brighter and his eyes were filled with concern and something else that was unreadable.
Izuku smiled until he felt a shove. He was pushed off the couch but he landed on his feet. "Wake the fuck up. I made your breakfast ya' damn nerd!" Katsuki growls and Izuku sighed. He knew that day would never come. The day where he'd wake up next to Katsuki and have Katsuki's vicious fingers be so delicate with his.
Izuku sat up and dragged the blanket with him. He sat down and looked up towards Katsuki who has been making himself a plate. Izuku was given a plate first...
"Arigato, Kacchan," Izuku thanks Katsuki as he cuts his pancake.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You're welcome."
Katsuki watched as Izuku went over to the same couch he was previously sitting on. And he rolled his eyes before fetched a blanket he left in the common room. He made sure nobody touched it because of how warm it was. He picked it up and tossed it towards Izuku. He didn't intend on it hitting the nerd, but he was certainly amused when it did.
Katsuki went back into the kitchen and started getting the ingredients. He glanced at Izuku and he looked really exhausted. Katsuki grumbled and placed a pillow down for the nerd and once he turned around he whips back. He heard a puff sound and Izuku had just fallen asleep onto the pillow.
Katsuki goes back and starts turning on the stove, he gets two plates out not wanting to fetch them right before the pancakes were done.
He kept cooking and after some minutes, he finished Izuku's plate. He grabs the plate at the side and adds three large pancakes onto the plate. He then adds a good amount of syrup. After, he placed a small piece of butter in the top. He then adds two strawberries at the side and smiles. Izuku had always liked strawberries with his pancakes.
Katsuki walked over to Izuku and he couldn't help himself. He reached out and grazed his skin tenderly with his fingers. He moved the hair out of Izuku's face, and traced small circles on his freckles. Katsuki even smiled. Until he fought himself and Izuku smiled. Katsuki didn't know how to react. He let out a raspy breath and shoved Izuku. A little too hard than intended.
Izuku almost fell but he just softly giggled. "Wake the fuck up. I made your breakfast ya' damn nerd!" Katsuki growls and he walks back to the kitchen to make himself a plate. He placed a cup of orange juice down next to Izuku's plate. He watched as Izuku waddles with the blanket still wrapped around him. He looked adorable, but he also looked hurt.
Katsuki ignored his feelings, and started getting more irritated with Izuku in the room. He was about to make a remark but Izuku started coughing. Katsuki turned around and Izuku was facing away, covering his mouth. Katsuki was about to say something but Izuku walked away and people started walking in. It was already six in the morning, why were people up so early?
Katsuki groaned and picked up his blanket. He slapped Kaminari's hand away when he tried to pick it up. Katsuki drags the blanket into his room and throws it into the laundry basket. It somewhat smelled like Izuku.
Izuku started coughing and the smaller amount of blood stained his arm. He got up and headed towards the bathroom. Some people were heading in. He quickly said hello and kept speed walking. He was hoping no one was in the bathroom. Fate always made life difficult for him.
Kirishima was in the bathroom and he saw Izuku looked pale. "Hey man, you okay?" Kirishima asks and Izuku shakes his head heading into the stall. He closes it and coughs sharply. "Midoriya, are you sure you don't want to get checked out?" Kirishima suggests as he dries his hands with a paper towel.
"Yeah, if it gets any worse then I'll go to Recovery Girl. But... I-I think I just need to rest the entire day.
"Alright, did you need anything?" Kirishima kindly asks stepping closer to the door.
"N-no thank you. But, thank you for your concern, I appreciate it."
Kirishima nods. He hesitates to leave, and turns his head back at the stall hearing slightly more coughing. It was probably best for him to leave Izuku alone and throw up in peace. He understood how embarrassing it can be. Kirishima slowly heads to the common room while Izuku continued to throw up blood.
Throughout the day, Izuku just stayed in his room, ignoring anyone who knocked. But a few hours later Kirishima knocked on his door and Izuku felt compelled to open it. He opens it slightly and smiles when Kirishima brought him a cup of noodles and some water.
Izuku thanks him as the two sit down on his bed. Izuku removed lots of his All Might posters and boxed some of his action figures. "How ya' feelin' man?" Kirishima asks as he hands Izuku the water and places the noodles on his nightstand.
"I could be better... I guess I just have a stomach bug..."
"Well, I hope it gets better. And if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask!" Kirishima says and Izuku nods. Kirishima then ruffles Izuku's hair and Izuku smiles happily. The contact made him feel a little better. Kirishima was always a good friend. Very supportive and outgoing.
Kirishima leaves and Izuku locks his door. He plops down onto the ground and looks at his hands. They were slightly stained red and they were dry. He hated feeling this way. The day was half way over with and he still doesn't know why his on and off again cycle of pain keeps happening. He didn't want to go to anybody because he thought he was fine.
Oh so wrong he would be...
Later in the evening, Izuku felt much better and he walked out and greeted some people in the common room. He sat down and watched the news with some other students. Izuku was dreading Monday. He didn't know how he would feel later, and right now he was feeling fine.
All of a sudden, Katsuki and his crew walked in and they were bothering him. One by one they all took up a place on the couch. Another movie night with everyone. As everyone gathered round, Izuku found himself sitting closer to Katsuki. He couldn't help the flutter that danced around his chest. It was a pleasant feeling, until...
It wasn't.
Izuku's chest hurt and he almost cried out in pain but as quickly as the pain was there it vanished without a trace. The lights turned off and everyone played the movie.
Many hours later, people were falling asleep and some were heading to bed. Katsuki didn't seem as fazed as Izuku was, and Izuku couldn't help but think about Katsuki the whole time. Especially this morning. What had happened this morning? Did he really dream all that stuff? He's been seeing things so, of course he would of thought that wasn't real. But something about it felt real.
Katsuki's hand touching his cheek. Moving the green waves out of his face. The soft rubs on his freckles as he felt calm and slightly better than he has been this whole week. That whole scenario made him feel tranquil. He even felt less sick, which surprised him the most. He wasn't aware then, but when he thought about the actions that took place, he can feel how much better he had felt. The smallest of actions really had an impact on him.
Iida turned off the movie and many kids had groans of protest. "Sorry everyone, but it is about time we head to bed. We also have a big day tomorrow!"
"What are you talking about? You do realize that tomorrow isn't Monday, and that some of us would like to sleep in?" Kaminari suggests and some students laugh.
Izuku got lost in thought and all he did was stare at the screen that had been turned off. Suddenly, blood dropped from it as vines and flowers started to sprout and bloom. His eyes remained unfazed and his gaze never left. His heart was screaming at him to look away but he couldn't. His eyes blurred at they filled with tears. He was scared.
Who wouldn't be? He has been acting weird the whole week, especially Friday. He isn't entirely sure what happened Friday. Especially keeping the secret he was. He was sick. And he knew it. He just didn't understand how or why. What had gotten him sick?
His first thought was tuberculosis, but thats an air-born disease, and if he had it, then someone else definitely had it. But he seemed the only one to be sick the way he was. He contemplated internal bleeding, but he would be in much more pain, and the other symptoms never showed up.
Izuku has no way of knowing what was wrong with him. But he would soon find out. "No, I don't. Now stop asking me about that nerd. I don't care about him and I never will. I hate him and everything about him," Izuku knew that voice. He knew those words. He knew who they belonged to. Even though he's always heard them, they just didn't sound the same in that moment.
They were more hurtful. And Katsuki indignantly forced those words out of proportion. Izuku felt his eyes water and the pain in his chest increased ten times. His eyes went white for a minute before he got up and tried to walk to the bathroom without fainting. He stopped midway and thought it best to just handle the sickening feeling in his room. He had a trash can, so it would be fine.
He walked to his room as his heart pounded. His cheeks flared and his eyes spilled. Katsuki hurts his feelings. This wouldn't have been the first time. But oh, so this hurt much worse. Katsuki's words were hurtful, and a lot of the time his bark was much worse than his bite. And this time, he bit down hard.
Izuku was mad at him. Furious. But he couldn't help but know that's just how Katsuki was. That's how he acted and he's always felt that way, even if Izuku had not. Izuku closes his eyes as the remainder of tears fell down his cheeks, staining the ground.
After some distance, he made it back to his dorm room. Izuku opens the door and shuts it. His room was dark and quiet. And he rest his back in the door and slid down. He lets out a quiet sob. His voice cracks as he slides down, completely giving up in all trust of his leg support. His body was so tired. He was so tired. Izuku just felt pitiful at this point. The tears stained his cheeks and even more fell now that he was behind closed doors.
Just when he thought it wouldn't get any worse...
The feeling of a sharp stabbing pain came forth and ripped through his chest. Izuku gasped and his chest felt tight. He grasped his shirt and clenched where his heart would be. He breaths in but felt like something was clogging his airways. He gasped and coughed harshly. He tired to make it quiet but that option was swiped off the table the minute he breathed.
Izuku crawls on his hands and knees to his trash can. It would be really nice if everyone had their own bathroom...
Izuku cries out in pain as his body pushes him forward and he pukes. Sticky crimson metallic substance. It tasted horrible, and that alone made him was to vomit once more. His wish was granted when he felt the familiar push. He surged forward and threw up. Finally feeling something come forth. Only... it wasn't something he expected.
A petal.
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