Ashton age 8
Luke age 10
Luke's POV
"Ash!" I whisper as I followed him outside.
"Why are they gone?" He asked as he stood in knee deep snow.
"What?" I ask.
"The flowers." He said as he fixed his rose flower crown on his head.
"Ashy its winter. They will be back soon though. Don't worry." I say trying to get him to come inside before we get in trouble. We aren't even supposed to be up for another hour.
"I'll make you a fruit bowl." I say knowing he loves them.
Within second Ashton was in the kitchen waiting for me.
"Strawberries and bananas?" I stated knowing his favorite.
After we ate he dragged me back up to our room. Mum had let him have a small flower box in the window. I frowned at how the flowers looked so lifeless.
"Will you tell mum if I fixed them?" Ashton asked.
"Never." I say smiling.
Ashton's small hand moves above the plants, green sparkles coming from his hand ,and soon the roses were alive again.
"I like roses." He said smiling.
"Ash ,we should probably get ready for school. It's the last day then it's Christmas break! We don't even have to wear our uniforms." I say smiling.
Ashton runs to our closet and pulls out a gray sweater with a mustache on it and a pink skirt. After he had that on he put on some pink boots and a gray beanie. As for me I just put on a power rangers shirt and jeans. When we got downstairs Ashton had taken off the hat and replaced it with his flower crown. Ben and Jack were about to leave so I grabbed Ashton and followed after them.
"Ashton we don't need anything. Let's just start walking to school." I say quickly.
I guess they didn't see us so we had to run to catch them.
"Luke, sorry we di- Ashton what are you wearing?" Jack said as Ashton and I walked between them.
"It's pretty." Ashton said smiling.
Jack shook his head and mumbled something I could hear.
"Don't call him that!" I scream.
Jack looked a little taken back at my response.
"I may be only ten ,but I know what a few things mean." I yell at him.
I glance at Ashton and saw he wasn't there. He was running down the street in tears. I saw a black van stop beside him and pull him in. Then as soon as it was there, it was gone and Ashton was gone with it.
"Jack. What have you done?"
*Time Skip 2 weeks later*
It has been two weeks since Ashton was kidnapped and they say they found him ,but he won't speak to anyone. My dad brought me into a hospital saying he might speak to me. I tried to convince him to let me bring some roses too ,but he said no. I have to ask Ashton some questions for him though.
I entered the room and saw Ashton was in a big bed hooked to millions of things.
"Ashton?" I ask.
His head shot up.
"L-Luke?" He asks.
I ran to him and jump in the bed beside him.
"I missed you Ash." I say hugging him and skillfully pulling him into my lap.
"Ash, I have to ask you a few things, from dad. He said if you don't want to answer you don't have to." I say pulling out the paper he gave me.
"How many people took you?" I ask reading the first question.
"Three. Three guys." He said
I wrote the number down quickly then went to the next question.
"How did they hurt you?" I ask sadly.
" They would hit me, k-kick me and call me what Jack did. They hurt m-me .............um down there." He said tears running down his face.
"Ash." I say pulling him into a hug throwing the questions on the nightstand knowing he can't answer anymore.
"Luke can you sing?" He asks.
I nod quickly.
Don't let what they say keep you up at night,
And they can't detain you
'Cause wings are made to fly
And we don't let nobody bring us down
No matter what you say – it won't hurt me
Don't matter if I fall from the sky
These wings are made to fly
Sad. Sad. Sad. :'(
Questions Of The Day!
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Winter or Summer?
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