Liz Hemmings POV
His name is Ashton. He lives in the flowers ,Mum!"
I look down at my over imaginative six year old as I was baking cupcakes in the kitchen.
"Luke, your imagination is getting the best of you again." I say placing the chocolate cupcakes in the oven and setting the timer.
"But he does mummy! He likes all the flowers we planted! Even the roses! And those have thorns! " He argued with me as he pulled at my flower patterned apron.
I glance and saw the cupcakes had twenty more minutes.
"Since we have time. How about we go talk to Ashton." I say taking off my apron.
His eyes lite up as soon as I spoke. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the backyard. He dragged me to the rose bushes and let go then whispered to the bushes which made me think if I should take him to a psychiatrist.
"Ashy, you can come out it's ok."
I almost screamed when a small boy crawled out from under the bush. He stood up and I could get a better look at him. He looked about four and had dirty blonde hair. The thing surprising me the most was he had a flower crown made of roses and thorns on his head. He had a pink shirt on ,that was ripped in a few places and a pair of jeans shorts with flower designs on the pockets. Then I saw he was barefoot. He had a few cuts on his face and legs and looked really skinny and pale.
"Ash? Are you ok?" Luke asked as I stood there in shock.
The small boy just looked up at me then back at Luke then spoke.
"D-D-Did you t-t-tell her?" Ashton spoke.
"No Ashy." Luke said.
Ashton was shaking as Luke pulled him into a hug.
"Ashton do you want to go inside?" I ask as He pulled away from Luke.
He slowly nods and I pick him up. He flinches a bit then wraps his arms around my neck. When I make it back to the kitchen I place him on the counter then saw I had to take the cupcakes out. I quickly take them out and sit them on a cooling rack. I then walk back to Ashton and was surprised when I saw the cuts were gone.
"Luke can you go get some clothes for Ashton." I ask then turn back to Ashton as Luke ran to his room upstairs.
I reached to take off his crown ,but he flinched away.
"N-No." He whispered.
"Ashton please, You just have to take it off for a few minutes. Then you can put it back on." I say
He slowly removes the crown and sits it beside him as Luke comes running down the stairs.
"Here Mummy" Luke said handing me a pair of baggy jeans and a black top.
"W-What are t-those?" Ashton asked as he tilted his head to the side.
"Luke brought you a change of clothes." I say handing them to him.
"B-B-But th-they are s-so dull." He said running his small hand across the black fabric.
"I can get you some colorful clothes later. How about you just change your shirt and then you can help me decorate cupcakes." I say smiling.
His eyes lite up and he quickly pulled his shirt off. I spot a small rose tattoo on his shoulder which made me really confused. The pink roses were small ,but I could still tell they were there. Why does a four year old have a tattoo? I know what I'm doing when my husband gets home. The perks of your husband being chief of police. When Ashton is done changing I lift him up and place him on a stool beside Luke. As soon as I sit him down he whimpers.
"C-C-Crown." He said softly.
I quickly grab the crown and place it on his head.
"It didn't prick me." I say really surprised.
"It only pricks people I don't like." He whispered.
I ignored the comment and walked over to the pan and picked up two cupcakes and put them on plates and then placed the plates in front of them. I pulled out some icing and sprinkles and sat them in front of the two boys. Ashton quickly grabbed the pink tube of icing and carefully put it on his cupcake as Luke carelessly put random dots of icing on his. When they finished Ashton pushed the cupcake away as Luke ate his.
"Ashton you know you can eat it." I say cleaning the pans.
"N-No." He said shaking his head.
"What do you want then sweety?" I asked.
"A-Apple." He studdered out.
I give him an odd look before pulling out a small red apple from the fruit bowl and handing it too him. Then I heard the door swing open.
"Honey, Me and the boys are home." I heard through the house then I heard a crash and someone grabbed on to my legs.
I look down and saw Ashton was hugging my leg as he trembled.
"Sh, Ashton it's ok." I say picking him up.
"Andrew!" I yell as I tried to calm the small boy down.
"Sorry, Honey the boys knocked over a -Who is that?" He said entering the room.
"I don't really know ,but Luke found him and it's a really long story." I say sadly.
"Let's take him down to the station, I'll call the babysitter." Andrew said taking the phone a few minutes later sixteen year old Sara Johnson was at our door step. I began to take Aston to the car ,but Luke grabs me.
"I am going too." He said.
I know he is stubborn and won't take no for an answer so I took his hand and lead him to the car with us. By the time we got to the station Luke and Ashton were asleep.
*Time skip*
It seemed like hours later when I heard the question that made my heart drop.
"What foster home or orphanage would you like to send Ashton to?"
I glance at my husband then spoke.
"We want to adopt him." I say.
We filled out all the paperwork and soon we were back home. It was a about two hours later when I went to go check on them. I stood out side the door when I heard them talking.
"I'm scared Lukey, What if they come after me?"
I could tell it was Ashton so I waited for Luke's response.
"Ashy I'll keep you safe don't worry."
"Lukey can you sing?"
I smile as Luke began to sing on of his favorite songs.
Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound
First chapter :)
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