A little boy sat still holding a bouquet of roses his blood red hair a mess his memorizing aqua green eyes shined in the dark he held the roses close to him "sister? Sister? Sister!?" his once clam face shaped into a worryingly one "SIS-" he was slapped forcing his head to look down tears were in his eyes Threatening to go down he looked up his aqua green eyes meet blank brown ones the girl looked pissed
"Furawāhantā!" She yelled "sister!" He tired to hug her put she pushed him away she let out a heavy sigh as the boy began sobbing then frowned and hugged the boy "mommy~ is sorry ok~" she said looking into the boys eyes as he wiped off his tears she stood up taking his small hand "let's return to the garden~ were you always be safe~"
"Sister, sister" a boy said sleeping in a king sized bed he rolled around he was having a nightmare he moved around still sleeping well not anymore the boy fell down hitting the floor head first "master Kameria are you ok~" a maid walked in her gray eyes had hearts in them while her black hair was in a ponytail he slowly stood back up and looked at the maid
A similar fake but kind smile made its way on his lips "ah morning~ yan-chan~" He singed sickly sweet yan-chan blushed putting her hand on her face "ahh!" she fell to the ground he looked almost disappointed 'creepy' he thought as he got dressed in a white dress shirt and black shorts with some suspenders he looked in the mirror he put on a blood red tie and dark red blazer he smiled at him self "I think sister will love this!~" he yelled to him self happily but something about it was off
the boy walked down the stairs brushing through his hair with his fingers after all today was the day that he would leave without sister he will come back but he has never been outside the garden without her the boys eyes light up like fireworks he couldn't control the excitement and any one could see that "sister!" he said running to her she quickly hugged him "Furawāhantā" she said in a serious and aggressive voice as the broke the hug putting her hands on his shoulders "yes?" He said innocently "don't worry your uniform will be here soon" she said venom in her voice she pulled up a picture of
A poofy yellow dress the boy didn't really like the color and thought it look disgusting not to mention he didn't like dress he was a boy but smiled at the girl anyway "I have to go now goodbye sister." he said his voice losing the innocence touch she shook her head while yan-chan open the door for him he smiled and looked at the maid "bye yan-chan" he said as he left the house that was surrounded by a garden like a wall he went to the limo
with a sigh of relief as the short male walked out the limo his eyes light up at his new school "ouran" he said to himself "hm why would they paint a school pink? Shouldn't it be white?" he thought out loud he has been there before even though his wasn't attending sister was always there but he never remembered it being pink he walked into the school not bothering getting a schedule he already knew everything
After all you all ways have to be prepared
he hummed with a smile throughout the hallways it was almost club time he was brimming with excitement he loved gardening he always has so he was happy too find people with similar interest as he skipped through the halls he noticed someone looking around they looked lost "do you need help~?" the guy turned around he had messy brown hair his hazel eyes were hidden by big glasses he didn't have a school uniform "yes do you know a place to study?" The boy voice was sweet like honey almost female but the shorter boy smiled at him "I heard music room 3 is abandon I can take you there! But I don't know for sure!"
The taller boy smiled "I'm haruhi Fujioka"
"Furawāhantā Kameria"
they smiled at each other "nice to meet you" "likewise" they start walking down the halls "Furawāhanta is a long first name" haruhi asked furawāhanta laughed slightly "I know my dads name was hantā and my moms name was something that has to do with flowers so they put them together..which means in English flowerhunter funny right?" he giggle awkwardly put his hand on his neck embarrassed "no I think it's nice that your named after both of them" the boys voice was soft and comfortable the shorter one liked it he smiled at him "o-ok...but! You can call me hantā-kun! Please?"
"Ok sure" they continue walking down the hall then the red head asked a question Curiosity getting the better of him "sorry if this is rude but isn't haruhi a girlish name?...can I call you haruhi?"
"Oh that's because I'm a girl" the boy looked shocked his face went pink with embarrassed "wha- what really- No sorry if that was rude!..I know gender shouldn't matter." he said the last quietly knowing that some people don't agree with that statement but the brown hair girl noticed "yeah gender shouldn't matter. Glad someone agrees with me" she said with a smile and a small giggle
"Oh were here" the boy said happily with an hit of sadness"hopefully no more blue blood are in here" she open the door with hantā beside her "ah watch your eyes!" He said blocking her eye because of the incoming rose petals could hit there eyes and well he didn't know what could happen "welcome~" six handsome males said haruhi take hantās hands off his face to look at the six males "are they gay?" hantā felt a slight buzz in his pocket
"be right back.. good luck" he said with a wink haruhi looked defeated hantā laughed and left he got out his phone that was ringing seeing the caller ID he frowned "ah hi sister-" "WHERE ARE YOU! Sister is crying!" the boy frown more at his younger sisters voice "tell her I'm at my school ok yuki?"
"Grrr fine! Asshole" yuki said and ended the call he rolled his eyes annoyed
He sighed at his sister "she should stop cursing all the time" he turned and went back to the room hoping to see that haruhi was ok "you will be our dog!" A tall blonde said pointing down at haruhi in his chair "wha!?" She yelled He smile "what did you do haruhi?" He asked at his friends confusion "I broke the vase and now I'm there 'dog'" she sighed he blinked twice "i can pay for it. After all I'm a blue blood" he said happily haruhi smile gratefully "are you sure hantā-kun?"
"Of course we are friends!"
"That will be a problem." A boy with black hair said pushing up his glass looking at the king they talked he only heard mumbles about how they could get more work done with haruhi as the dog and that they shouldn't let the boy pay it all off they soon turn to face everyone "sorry but you can't do that"
His voice was filled with fake it made him sick but a hypocrite hantā frown "ok well I miss my club...bye haruhi see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah" she said her voice drained of life "here" hantā handed her a piece of paper with his number on it and left before she could say anything "maybe I can give them flowers and instead of them paying the money will go to haruhi debt" he said letting himself have a real smile something that hasn't happened in a while "but that probably won't work" he said with a giggle "well I can try anyway!"
Maybe haruhi already made him happy
A lot more happy then other people
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