Chapter 26
So, like, here is the thing with how Joshua drives. It's all fun and games at first. He'll stick his head out of the window and yell "I'm going to kill everyone in this car!" then random speed up or slow down. How the police don't notice it, I don't know. Though we do live in Houston where people go on 90 on the freeway. But at the end you just feel dizzy and nauseous and you just begin to question your life choices after just 1 car ride.
So we reached the airport and the hassle already begins. But despite all the things and prep work you have to do at the airport it is actually one of my favorite places in the world.
So first thing we do is get the car situated. We had to go the the free parking lot and had to 2 entire rounds before we found a spot. We parked the car and did an entire search to see if we left anything important behind. Once we finished checking we grab our stuff and Greyson locks the car, putting the keys in his pockets.
We then had to find the shuttle. There were the signs around the lot that told you where the shuttle would stop at but it was night time and there were barely any lamp posts out so it was hard too see. Dani eventually found it. She has the best vision out of all us, 20/20. The shuttle came in about 10 minutes and we got situated. As the shuttle was driving to the airport all of legs were bouncing. Dani was the only lefty here, the rest of us are a righty.
Finally we made it to the actual airport. The line was a starting to build up. It seems as though everyone had a flight to catch on January 24. We quickly shuffled in line and stood around. There was the usual chaos at the front. People were opening bags to get rid of some weight and there were some people yelling over documents. We were getting nervous thinking we would miss our flight. Luckily we found our solution. Greyson found one of those self check-ins kiosks near the door. Being so accustomed to going to the airport he did everything in a flash.
Next was security. This has to be my least favorite part of the airport. There's the security guards yelling about how we better not have explosives or any sharp objects in our bags, which makes your anxious and overwhelmed brain think you did accidentally pack explosives even though you didn't. Then you have to take off your shoes and belt and all other accessories that took your outfit to the next level. I don't know why people tend to wear nicer things to the airport. Like your Gucci jacket is reserved for the airport. The thing that seems unnecessary is wearing gold, literal gold, to the airport. It will only make you struggle more.
I walk through the x-ray machine and have to suddenly fight the urge to laugh hysterically. I really have a very serious problem; I laugh at the wrong time all the time. Like last time this happened Joshua's dog, Bessie, died. When I heard the news I literally had to excuse myself from the room. I went outside and started laughing so hard that it made my stomach hurt. I was so sad that Bessie died, she wad the closest thing I had to an emotional support animal, but all I could remember doing was laughing till my core hurt.
We thought we were scot free until a security officer held Dani back. They thought something was in her bag. They pulled her to the side as we were putting on our shoes. She came out after a couple minutes, perfectly fine but a bit grumpier. She gets stopped about 70 percent of the time she goes through airport security. We all know why but we, sadly, can't do anything about it. But still, thank goodness, she had a blue passport. A stranger once told me that even though the United States has its flaws be thankful you have a blue passport. Life is so much easier with it. So many people, even royals (except Queen Elizabeth), would die for their passport to change colors.
Once we were ready to go we realized that we barely had anytime to get to our gate. And when we checked our boarding passes we realized that our gate was at the end of the very long and tiring hallway. So course we did what any sane person does in this situation: Race each other and the clock to make it to our gate.
Greyson, who still plays basketball with his gym friends, got there first. He even had so much time that he was able to get us snacks for us and a meal for me. I forgot the promise I made him earlier. We barely sat down when they started boarding. We still had about 10 minutes before we could board though.
Greyson unwrapped the sandwich and gave it to me. I didn't want to eat it. It looked way to heavy to scarf down. I tried giving it back to him but he didn't take it.
"You didn't eat anything either," I said. He took a bite out of the sandwich then handed it back to me. I settled down and decided to finish it. It was only a couple of bites left.
My phone started to ring. Victor was calling me.
I swallowed the bite I had and said gasped out a "Hey."
"Hey, Daisy, would you happen to know where Clay left his wallet? He can't find it."
"Umm... check the nightstand, second drawer. It should be in there."
I heard the frantic opening of the drawer and shifting of papers before the sigh of relief was expressed.
"Found it, thank you."
"Yeah, no problem."
I hung up and looked around. I barely had a chance to breathe before they said that we could start boarding. I ate the last bite then got up.
Greyson looked lost again. He was staring at the floor, only moving when the line did. I stood close to him holding his hand. Joshua took his bag from him and held it. Greyson let him take it. I don't think he realized that he took it though. Dani asked him "Greyson you okay?". He shook his head slightly then tuned out again.
I looked at the other two, worry written across my face. Dani stepped closer to me and whispered in my ear "Just let him be. He just needs some time."
We finally got to the front and almost had another mini heart attack again. It was my fault this time. I thought I had lost my boarding pass. A very amused Joshua had to point it out that it was in my hand this whole time, waving it frantically in the air.
We got on the plane and went to find our seats. Originally it was me, Dani, and Joshua in one row and Greyson in the next but because it was his birthday Joshua agreed to switch seats with him. But I could see the instant regret at this decision when he saw a woman with a baby sit on his left and a really tall guy sit on his right. This is about to be the worst plane ride for him.
Dad and I were texting while everyone else was getting situated. They were getting here at the airport. It was of them standing in lines and of getting their boarding passes and a bunch one of Victor being a dumdum just pointing at random things. I only turned off the phone when they made that announcement.
Dani has already knocked out and Joshua was helping the woman out. Greyson was fidgeting around in his seat. I put my hand on his knee to stop if from shaking. It still was though. He put his hand on top of my and left it at that.
Finally we started rolling, as in the plane was in motion. You know if you think about it a plane ride is sort of has a plot line. The safety video and the announcements are the exposition, the the take off is the rising action, the time in the air is the climax, the landing is the falling action, and the end of the ride is the end of the story. Every ride has a story to tell.
Ours wasn't so bad. We had some turbulence here and there but it could've been worse. Though there was one particular bump that did wake up the baby. I don't have any issues with kids but to be quite frank the last thing anyone wants on an airplane is a kid crying in pain; it seriously hurts their ears, you know, being this high up. When Joshua saw how tired the woman was he offered to care for the baby. He even managed to rock the baby back to sleep. He never looked this accomplished before in his life.
We landed around 6 in the morning. As we opened our windows we were greeted with the shining morning sun. As my eyes adjusted to the sudden appearance of light I began to see the snow outside. It was so beautiful and untouched, there wasn't a footprint anywhere in sight.
We got off the plane and stepped inside Denver International Airport. It was a beautiful work of art, if I do say so myself. We had to ask a bunch of people for directions and got lost 3 times. We eventually found the rental shop where we rented a car. Thank God there was no trouble. We walked in, showed them our reservation, signed the papers, and walked out. Usually this takes about 2 hours to do, and if the rental shop is outside the airport you're done for.
We got to the lot, all of us freezing cold, and found the car. A 2018 black Honda Civic. It was in good condition except some scratches on the bumper. We blasted the the heater and I could slowly start to feel my fingers again.
So we left the airport and got on the road. My God, Denver is beautiful. The snow also adds to its beauty. You know people who live up north complain all the time about snow but all I see is something so fresh and delicate and fun. I know one day we all are going to be soaked to the bone after playing in the snow.
As we kept on driving Greyson was starting to have trouble. The roads were extremely slippery. He couldn't keep the car in one lane. He got honked plenty of times which got to his head soon. Finally, after the third near death experience, he had to cave in and let Dani drive. She is the only one who has some experience driving on slippery roads. East Coast Kids, am I right.
Boulder was a little over an hour away with traffic. We made one stop to get something to eat. That thing ended up being Krispy Kreme. I knew a guy who used to work here but then decided a law degree would be more worth while. I mean who would turn down free food? Only a lawyer!
We finally got Boulder. It's more suburban than Denver. It feels like everyone here knows each other. There is people walking around the place and seem to be having a great time. The buildings here look like the buildings from Stars Hollow and around the corner there was apparently a silent film festival going on. Maybe I could catch a Valentino movie.
We pulled up at the cabin office around 8:10. I sent the picture of the reservation in the group chat. I don't know if it is just us or does everyone else makes a new group chat when they go on vacation to send pictures and important stuff. I decided to stay in the car; I still can't feel my toes after an hour. They agreed to leave me in the car after I promise not to run away.
They were gone for a really long time. After about 30 minutes did I finally get some news. Joshua called me and told me apparently that the reservation wasn't made even though it kind of was. We kept on talking to the receptionist to see if there was a mistake in their system. They put me on the phone with the receptionist and it couldn't have been more awkward. I forgot English for a while.
Dani was sent back to the car 10 minutes later. Trust me when I say that she isn't one of those people who call the manager just for fun and to be annoying. She just wants to solve the issue quickly rather than bicker all day, and that sometimes means bringing in higher authority and a fresh mind to the situation. I mean she isn't perfect, she does do unnecessary things at unnecessary times, but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Finally the issue got solved. As Greyson and Joshua were walking back to the car they were laughing their pants off. After they somewhat composed themselves apparently their sleep deprived selves thought that the manager looked like Vector from Minions. Oh yeah, they're stupid!
"You good?" Dani asked.
"Yeah," Greyson said as he tried to stop giggling. Trust me when I say that drinking coffee when you are sleepy is just prone to make you stupider.
We pulled up to the cabin. It looked exactly like how I pictured it to be. It looks woody and cozy and is perfect for nature. But a cabin is the cheaters of way of camping. As soon as you walk in welcome back to society! The air conditioning is in great condition and the TV has over 75 channels to choose from.
We walked in and the first thing I notice was this beautiful chandelier hanging over the dinner table. It was next to this big window which had a great view of the lake and from the right angle you could take a great picture of the entire scene. The living room was to the right, the kitchen was behind it, the laundry and mudroom was to our left behind this door, and the stairs were all the way in the back.
We were all too sleepy to eat or do anything. We just needed to hit a bed. Joshua and Dani went upstairs while Greyson and I went to the master bedroom.
The room was big and spacey, didn't have a lot of furniture. Just a bed and nightstands and a TV console. It looked like a hotel room but just wider. There was also a great view of the lake from this room. If it wasn't so cold we could've gone for a swim. I put my bags down and went to check out the bathroom. It was big, just like the room, and had a hot tub which I will definitely be taking a very hot bath in later.
I walk out of the restroom and Greyson is already in bed. I get in and put my head on his outstretched arm. I would say something to him but the right words weren't popping into my head right now. The silence is nice though.
"You feeling better?" is what I decided to say after a bit.
He turned to his side and and placed his lips on my forehead. One arm was under my head and the other was hugging me around the waist, pulling me closer to him.
"Thank you... for everything," he said.
I tried to figure out what he meant but my brain was too mushy to pick it apart. I sometimes just like to hear him talk gibberish though. It sounds nice. Though I did try to pick this one apart. I fell asleep trying though.
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