Chapter 22
I woke up at around 9:30 in the morning. The windows were letting the sunlight come in which hit me directly in the eyes. Not the way I imagined waking up this morning. I kind of wanted to wake up naturally so my mind would function clearly. Not to mention that this made me a bit annoyed; I sleep in complete darkness so having this much sun exposure this early in the morning was giving me a slight headache.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes for a good 5 minutes. It was like they forgot how to function properly. The edges were looking all fuzzy. My back also felt 50 years old. I stretched and it was like I was stuck on the 4th of July. Plus those dum dums who still blow them up on the 5th. God I am only 18 I am too young for this!
"Dad," I said sleepily.
"Hmm?" he was facing the other way, putting the pillow over his face and hugging it. I am surprised he was still asleep with all this sunlight. I kept on saying his name and shaking him until he spoke some recognizable human language.
"Dad, wake up!" I said once I started to get really irritated.
"5 more minutes!" He took the blanket and hid under it.
I ripped it off and said "You are getting married today you don't have 5 minutes."
He grunted something back to me which, despite not uttering a word, was offensive. I scoffed and got up. I went upstairs to wake up the other sleepyheads. You think you are allowed to sleep in today? I went to my room and saw Greyson, Joshua, and Dani crammed in there. I am guessing that Victor took the guest bedroom. I tried being as quiet as I could as I walked to the bathroom. Let me open my eyes all the way before I open anybody else's.
I finished my business then got out. I looked around the room and saw Dani sitting up, slightly crying. I sat down next to her and pulled her close to me.
"Another bad dream?" I asked.
She turned her head the other way and said "Yeah." I could hear her holding the tears in.
Dani has had nightmares every now and then. She says she has been having them since she was about 8 or 9. Every time she has a bad dream something bad always happens. Her mom says it's evil spirits, her dad says she got it from his side of the family, and Alex says her imagination is just too wild. She doesn't have them often but when she does she wakes up screaming bloody murder. The last time she had one her uncle had died. Even though we tried to persuade her that she had nothing to do with it she still believes it was her fault.
I could feel her forehead on my shoulder and it was dripping in sweat. I kissed the side of her head and said "Nothing bad is going to happen today, I promise." She wiped her eyes and went to use the restroom. That restroom is going to go through hell and back today.
I rubbed my eyes and went to wake up the other 2.
"Morning, sweetheart," Joshua said sleepily as I woke him up. He still had his eyes closed though- when I say Dani and I are identical I kind of literally mean it. He turned around and gave Greyson the biggest bear hug I have seen him give. Greyson was on his phone but looked up when Joshua hugged him.
"Morning, lovebug!" Greyson said enthusiastically. He grabbed Joshua's face and gave him a morning kiss. I must admit it woke him up better than I did. Joshua opened his eyes, was mildly shocked and backed up against the wall, but then smiled.
"Now that is the way I imagined waking up today!" He said as he sprung up. He walked over to the restroom, putting all of his confidence in 2 steps, and opened the restroom door. He was met with a small scream. He shut the door very fast and turned to face us. "Occupied," he said. He left the room leaving the 2 of us alone.
"Morning," Greyson finally said to me. I got under the blanket and put my arm around his waist. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close, and gave me a kiss on my head. His hands were so cold. I like the fan and a/c on but Greyson would literally go sleep in the snow if we got any.
"You excited?"
"Yeah. Is your dad up?"
"No, the guy won't wake up, but that's not what I meant," I said as I couldn't resist a smirk.
"What do you mean?" He asked. I traced circles on his stomach as I kept on staring at him until he took the hint. Then it finally hit him.
"Ohhh," He said as his smile grew bigger. It was a devilish one which can tell you he is thinking of things.
"Don't get too excited," I said as I got up. "You still got a wedding to go to and a flight to catch."
I was getting up but he brought me back down and kissed me. I kept on laughing and trying to get away but he just brought me back in.
"Okay, okay, I won't get too excited, but I can't make any promises when you get in that dress."
My eyes grew bigger and I couldn't fight the blush. God, I hate myself.
"I'm leaving," I said as I finally got the chance. I closed the door behind me and the snap sent shivers up my spine. It felt familiar. Really familiar...
I felt like crying. I felt like crying and hiding and wanting everything to stop all of a sudden. It hits you at weird times. It's always in your mind but when you see or hear or do anything that reminds you of it, even the most remote things, you can't help but be stuck in that moment. I slid down the wall and all those memories came flooding back to me. I pulled my legs close to me and dug my face into my knees. I didn't need this right now. I hate it. It was like this too when I was younger. When I used to go downtown and saw someone drinking and yelling I would get really scared. I haven't been on that side in a while. Dad says he feels like this too. He has a hard time seeing blood. Funny cause he is a doctor and all.
I heard someone coming up the stairs. I couldn't see who it was but they saw me. They sat next to me and put their arm around me.
"You know, you could just tell me you don't want us to get married instead of dying on us." It was Victor. He was moving the hair away from my face and holding me close while I cried harder into his shoulder. I remember one time, when I was in the hospital, Dad kept on getting text messages. He tried to turn off his phone but it kept on ringing. Victor, later on, said his hands typed more words that day than when he wrote a month worth of notes. He was always there, even if we didn't know it. And despite everything happening right now though I could see he was smiling and laughing.
I wiped my eyes and my mind. I looked at the spot next to Victor as though that was him. I didn't want to mention the elephant in the room, despite it always being there, but he had to know everything leading up to this point.
"Victor, I hope you know what you are getting into."
When he saw how serious I had become he did too. He was not as serious as I was but he was calmer. "I do," he simply put out.
"You really don't," I said as I wiped my eyes again.
"Then explain."
I took a deep breath and said "Dad had me when he was 15. His family stopped talking to him because of me- and they're right. I am such a mess and a problem. They aren't here today, nor were they there for his first wedding or when I was born or anything. And, Victor, that woman was... awful. Just pure disgusting. She used to hit me around the clock and goodness knows what she did to him. He was worse than me at times. But he left her and he has become so much happier since then. I just ask you one thing: If you two can't stay in love don't become another one of his mistakes. I don't think his heart could take it."
He took his arm off me and I hugged my knees tighter. Dad and I treat it weirdly. We know it is there, we really can't pretend it's not, but we just ignore it unless we have to. Victor sat up a bit straighter and looked at the trim on the opposite wall with such a strong stare. After a bit he looked at me and put on a small smile.
"Clay tells me things. Not everything, but he tells me things. His family will come around. I had issues with mine in the beginning. You knew I used to experiment with things when I was younger. But we figured it out in the end. I got the help I needed, and everything was back to schedule. And you are not a problem or a mess or anything else. If I didn't like you, why am I here, hugging you as you explain to me wrong information. Daisy, this is your disorder talking, not you. You are so wonderful and amazing and extraordinary. I am going to be so incredibly blessed and honored to call you my daughter.
"As for Lori-" I shuddered at the name "-she is gone. I don't like degrading people, but you are right: She is downright awful. And as long as I am around, I won't let her lay a word on you or him or anybody else. And lastly, for the other 'problem', I love him. I have managed to get it through his thick skull that I love him. With everything in the world and inside of me, I love him. If I had another 100 lives, I would choose to fall in love with him every single time because this has been the best time of my life."
Another person was coming up the stairs. Dad was on his phone, per usual, walking around like today isn't his wedding. He looked at us, shrugged his shoulders, then joined us on the floor.
"This was bound to happen today, isn't it?" he said with a great smile. It worked so handsomely with his face. I've recently wondered why he didn't used to use it before then the realization kind of hit hard.
I wiped my eyes with my shirt and said "Hey, it's bad luck."
"Aww, screw superstition." He leaned over to Victor, trying to give him a kiss. Victor, however, was trying to pull away, laughing all the while. Victor was shielding his face with his hands, but Dad was trying to move it away. They were laughing and shouting to each other to give up. It was gross but cute at the same time. They were just wrestling on the floor at this point. Victor eventually grabbed Dad into a fireman's hold and took him away.
"Save it for the honeymoon!" I yelled as they went downstairs. I went inside the room, quietly laughing to myself.
"Help me!" Greyson said, waving his arms in the air. I went over to pick him up.
"Good God, Greyson, you are as light as a feather!" I said as I picked him up with one finger. It literally felt like he weighed nothing. I couldn't deadlift any amount of weight, let alone carry a 5-pound dumbbell.
"That means the diet worked," he said as he hitched up his pants.
"What diet? You were already in good shape before," I said, fully worried.
He brought his mouth real close to my ear and whispered something he would never dare say out loud. It made the blush come back. We looked into each other's shocked eyes before Greyson pushed himself and I on the bed. He was tickling me, making me laugh my butt off before we gave up and went to go get ready.
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