Chapter 20
So, who knew wedding planning would be this though, eh. Four months of this crap. It has been such a hassle. Let me give you a rundown of what has happened so far.
Let me start off by saying that I have been doing most of the heavy lifting for this wedding. Everybody has been a help but, if we are being honest with ourselves, I am the one who is doing the most. When you are the daughter of the couple, who has a lot of time, energy, and a secret Pinterest board saved for this occasion just in case, you are suddenly the Maid of Honor. Even though no one asked! I was just somehow elected. Plus, do you think two fully fledged doctors have sufficient time to plan a wedding?
So, when this shindig was in the planning process, we were working with a company to help us plan out. But we ended up just ghosting them halfway through. They were becoming too controlling and wouldn't listen to the ideas we had, and when we told them it was 2 dudes tying the knot it- it was not pretty. We ended up taking matters into our own hands.
We had to have an emergency wedding planning committee meeting. It was about 7 at night and this is how serious the situation was: We brought out the big tub of ice cream. It was going to be a bit of a long night.
"So, what is first on the agenda?" Victor asked. Dad was not home yet, and it was kind of bothering Victor who was constantly looking over his shoulders towards the door. It's sad but cute.
"Uhm... What should we do about the date?" I asked.
"I thought we already decided that?" Joshua asked.
"Do you still want to keep the 23rd?" I asked.
"I mean it would be easier. Everything is kind of working around the 23 so changing it would be a lot of work."
Something was bugging me. Why does 23 have a ring to it? 23...23... Then it hit my right in my face.
"Your birthday! It's on the 24."
I looked over to my right and feel incredibly stupid. I totally forgot that Greyson's birthday was coming up.
"I am so sorry Greyson. I was so caught up in this I- I completely forgot." I slapped my forehead in stupidity and really just let myself go after me. How could I forget?
"It's okay. I didn't want to do anything either way," he said quietly. I knew what he was thinking.
This would be his second birthday after he stopped talking to his family. He will be turning 20 this year. He spent his 19th birthday on the couch downstairs. I heard Dad talking to him for a bit and everyone did come to hang out with him, but I knew, and heard, that he was crying into the late hours of the night. I was crying that night too. It wasn't the best of all birthdays to say the least. I wanted to be with him, but it was just too much.
"Then, Greyson, buddy, I don't want to take away your special day," Victor said.
"Dude, I get to eat cake, see my beautiful girlfriend all dolled up, and her parents are going to be away," him and Joshua shared a stupid smile. "Please, by all means, keep the date."
Victor all of a sudden became very serious. He leaned forward, looked like he would have killed someone- Greyson probably- and said in a very threatening manner "You pull any stunt on her and imma kill you!"
Victor did it in such a good, fatherly way Greyson directed his eyes to the floor and said "Yes, sir," quietly.
He was not done with his threat. "Take your arm off her and stop slouching!"
Greyson did as he was told. Victor did it with such perfection that I wonder if he had practice.
"Knock it off," I said to him. Victor smiled towards me and relaxed. Needless to say, Greyson did not even glance at me for the rest of the evening.
We kept on working for a long time. Dad came around 8, greeted by his fiancé, and we caught him up. We were working until the late hours of the night. So many things were almost kept the same, but a lot of work had to be done for it.
The first thing that was decided was that we would be having the ceremony in the backyard. The only reason being is that it would be too much to find another hall that would have availability and would be ready to work in such a short notice. Plus, it would be more personal and comfortable and intimate and blah blah blah. But the only downside to this change is that we have to call a lot of people, like the caterers and all those people, and tell them the change of address.
Another change made was the guest list. It went from about 80 people to about 30 people in a matter of 20 minutes. There was some gossip brought to the table, including from the hospital. It was nothing out of a medical drama, but it was still slightly jaw dropping. So that meant I also had to make some calls and make adjustments. We all are just glad none of the invitations have been sent out yet. Just what a waste of paper.
Other than that, a lot of things stayed the same. It would be too much then if we made a lot of changes, plus we put so much time and effort into them so then it would then. But we did add a lot of new ideas to the board.
We had the idea of a smash cake. A smash cake is actually for a kid's 1st birthday, but it is still a cute idea for a wedding. This is the cake where you can mess up and put on each other's faces. You see, you smash it into the person's face, hence the name. It would be, like, simple cake, that they can mess up. This would be fun to do and would look cute in pictures. We also added the idea of making little gift bag things. They would have small party favors, like the ones you would get at parties, but a bit more mature. (I hope that made sense).
When we were done, I took a Tylenol and knocked out. I had a feeling that it would be a while till I would sleep peacefully again.
So now with all the changes in mind I went into grind mode. I was literally riding a rollercoaster every day. And not those kiddie ones. The big ones that scare you and have big ups and downs with at least 1 loop. And let me tell you, the biggest loop was those wretched gift bags.
So, whenever I go shopping I usually take another person with me. There are two main reasons for this. The first reason is that I don't like being alone most of the time, especially outside. I get really paranoid. But the second, and biggest, reason is that I just don't use my head right in these situations. Let me explain.
Like I said before, a Bipolar person has two types of episodes: mania and depression. Depression episodes are dangerous, cause a person can inflict self-harm and can become suicidal and whatever, but a person experiencing mania is equally as dangerous. This is because they feel euphoric and imagine that they could do anything in the world - like pull off an Ethan Hunt and climb the Burj Khalifa. But once you get back to the normal bipolar people down here, one simple thing we all have done at least once is get really excited and overspend.
So here I am, a 5'4 naïve nugget, walking to the car with a few things to do today. I have to go to the alterer and to the mall. That's it. Two very simple things.
So, I go and start heading to the alterer. They had called the night before and said that there was a bit of a mix up and that they needed to measure me again. Don't want the dress to be ruined.
I got there and immediately they got me on the little box thing people stepped on and took my measurements again. This feels like the time of day a princess gets measured for their evening gowns. It is so awkward though. But in the end, we sorted out the little mix up. I even got to see all the clothes. No spoilers but we all will look bomb at the wedding!
I left and headed my way to the mall. This is where it all began.
So, I get in the car and start heading towards the mall. The driving conditions were ideal. There were no visibility problems and there were barely any people on the road. Unusual for a Tuesday afternoon but totally acceptable. I pulled up at the McDonalds and got fries and, get this, their ice cream wasn't broken! I got myself a McFlurry after a long time. Call me simple but I like things like that.
But I knew things were too good to be true.
I pulled up at the mall and prepared myself for the mayhem that is waiting inside. I had a couple of things to do. I had to go buy some makeup and get chocolates for those gift bags.
I fight my way across the sea of people and go to the candy shop on the second floor. This is a shop I usually avoid due to the fact that there are usually a bunch of little kids running around. I like kids usually, but these kids are hyper from all the chocolate, so they are just annoying to the max. I am so not ready for kids of my own anytime soon. I do not think I could handle my own stupidity with the energy of a 5-year-old.
So, my foot stepped over the threshold, and I am in Wonderland. All the employees seem dead looking, the kids are running around, the teens are laughing so shrilly, and there is just a haggle of people who are eating the chocolate and trying not to get caught. But, by the looks of it, the employees could care less. I even saw one guy who was on his shift eat a chocolate bar so openly. He watched the kids pass by and probably thought that he hated his life.
I was instructed very carefully not to get more than 2 pounds of chocolate. There were some other things we got that had to go in as well. So, with that in mind I started.
They were, coincidentally, playing "Gloria" by Van Morrison. Dad used to play this song on his way to work in that beat up 2002 Toyota Prius that he used to have. I knew every word of this song before I could really read. This was kind of my gateway song to music before the 2000s. You know, the good times. There is good music out today, but it just doesn't hit like how it used to. I bop my head to the beat and make my way through the store.
The first shelf I see is all the gummies. I look over all the peach rings and the sour worms and the original bears, but I can't grab them. Nothing else but chocolate. But with Dad not being here reciting why I shouldn't take a step in this store entirely in my ear like an annoying bee buzzing by my ear I nibble on some. They all taste good, but my bag is still empty.
Next is the taffy and all that coordinate with that. They are sitting there, in that hot millennium pink stand, with their wrappers being that not really clear packaging. So many bright colors too. Pink bubble gum and green apple and banana yellow and so many others. I hate banana yellow. It just tastes like plastic. I grab two or three of the green and move along.
Hard candies are next. I see all those rock candies and the pretty candies no one really eats because they are pretty but not delicious. I do see something like Jolly Ranchers and instantly my hand is in the bin. I don't eat any of them because there is a worker close by and I already have some taffy in my mouth, so I just pocket it. (Oh, Come on! Like you haven't done this either!)
I pass by all the gums with a sad heart. There is a bunch of gum, from bubble gum to peppermint, but they are all packaged and sealed up. I may take and munch on open things, but I don't stoop that low.
Finally, I reach the important stands. The chocolate. I lock my eyes on the target and move on.
The first stand has all the basics. They are like knockoffs of Hershey's, Reese's, KitKat, Twix, Butterfingers, and Snickers. They all had the descriptions of what each chocolate was, but you have to be really tapped out of society if you did not know what all these taste like. I immediately go for the Twix, the best chocolate bar in the world. And if you disagree with me, go jump off a bridge for all I care. This bar is the perfect combination of cookie and chocolate, plus you add the caramel and voilà you have heaven. And if I am being honest, I ate like 6 or 7 of these in a row.
"Excuse me, ma'am," a worker addressed me.
I swallowed the candy and said "Yes?"
"Look I don't care if you eat the chocolate, but you could be a little more discreet with it. I could seriously lose my job so just watch it will ya?"
"Sorry." I turned around and started doing what I actually came here for. I grabbed a huge bag and shoveled 2 or 3 scoops of each chocolate into the bag. I move over to the fruit flavored chocolates.
There was all the fruit in the world. Strawberry, orange, mango, coconut, raspberry, pineapple. All those chocolates adults and weird young people like. But you have to be the devil to like orange chocolate. Especially orange with dark chocolate. I mean blah! How gross. But there will be adults and weird young people at the wedding, so I scooped them into the bag.
I go back to the other chocolate stand and grab more Twix then go to the exotic chocolates (that is literally what the sign says for this stand). It has all the chocolates that have interesting ingredients, like whiskey or truffles. I pass over all the 21's and grab all the normal ones that I can legally purchase. They make you present an ID when buying some of those. I mean they don't have a lot of it in there but there is a decent amount to make you go lose your shoe at 12 PM.
I go back and instead grab a couple of Hershey's and begin munching on them. I don't know why but sometimes I forget the taste of regular milk chocolate. I guess it is because I eat it so many times with other ingredients it gets lost in the bunch. It is good on its own though.
I go over to the chocolate mixed with healthy foods. Cashews, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts. I don't really see what there is but just grab whatever and shove it into the bag. This is actually the 3rd bag I have filled up. I go back to the first stand and grab Reese. You know what, I think I have my top 3 favorite chocolates list in my mind: Obviously number 1 is Twix, number 2 is Reese, and Number 3 is Hershey's Cookies N' Cream.
And speaking of cookies and cream I get to the variety of chocolates. Dark chocolate, white chocolate, sea salt with caramel, semi-sweet, bittersweet. All those chocolates for the people who want a change in their chocolate but still love chocolate. I grab white chocolate and pop one in my mouth. This is when the sugar high really started- if you did not know white chocolate is sweeter than dark chocolate or milk chocolate and it is not advisable to eat a bunch of it. I grabbed all of these and completed my 4th bag.
Now that I think about it I didn't get enough peanut butter cups or Snickers. I grabbed another bag and went back to the first shelf and grabbed more of everything. I filled half a bag of regular milk chocolate. I mean people like originality. Now they were playing "Watermelon Sugar" by Harry Styles. Man 2019 was a fun time! In the back of my mind I am just thinking about what radio is playing. I just remember that being a good year. I go over to the gummies and eat some more.
I got out around 4 o'clock. The traffic was starting at this point. I was just wishing I would get home before rush hour. If you are stuck in the middle of the road during rush hour you are not reaching your destination for another 2 hours. It is super annoying because exactly at rush hour you get hungry and you're tired and if you travel with a group there is always one person who has to pee. Not to mention that the sun is setting so the golden hue is all over your car which is great for pictures but so annoying because it is in your eye.
Luckily I got home around 5. Everyone's car was parked so I was expecting a full house. It's funny how everyone spends more time at my house than their own. I mean it does kind of make sense, if you think about it.
I grab the bags, all of them heavier than I remembered, and head inside. I hear all the noise coming from the kitchen. Typical. I set the bags down and grabbed water from the fridge.
"Hey kiddo, where have you been?" Dad asked. He and Greyson were cooking tacos. There has been a lot more cooking than usual. It seems like a big appetite and burnout come as a side dish when wedding planning is the main course. I could smell all the spices in the air.
"The mall," I said as I took a seat.
"And look at you, sport! You came back here in one piece!" Dani said enthusiastically. The last time I went to the mall it was not fun. Long story short I felt suffocated and left in such a panic that I forgot to tell everyone I was stepping out. They spent 2 hours looking for me and somehow almost got jailed. I didn't ask but they told me anyway. We all laugh at that story even to this day.
"By the skin of my teeth," I said in my best Godfather impression. Greyson was walking by me and gave me a kiss on my head, but his eyes were telling a very different story. We smiled at each other and went back to what we were doing.
"What did you get?" Victor asked.
I pulled out the card and receipt from my purse and said "The chocolates for the bags and I needed somethings." I had looked around for a present for Greyson and found some things I had my eyes on. I did actually buy something but decided to not get everything yet.
I passed the card and receipt to Dad. I got something to snack on from the fridge and started to eat. I drank some water and asked "When is food going to be ready?"
"In about 30 minutes," Greyson said. "Hey Daisy, do you know where I can get cufflinks?"
"Try online. I'm not sure if you can get them in person."
"Or try a jewelry store," Dani said. "I think Alex got some from a place in Memorial."
"But I thought you already had some," Joshua said.
"None of them go with m-"
"Speak man!"
Victor was staring at Dad who was gaping at the receipt. Dad was apparently shocked by something. Greyson, who was curious, walked over to Dad and was reading the receipt over his shoulder. He read in a flash. His eyes were getting bigger as each second passed. The grape I was holding in midair was getting cold. I popped it in my mouth and said "Dad what happened?"
He looked at me and said in an accusing voice "You got 7 pounds of chocolate!"
My hand flew over to cover my mouth. 7 pounds! How much sugar did they put in those candies?
"7 pounds? You're joking, right?" I asked.
"Bring the bags," Dad told me.
I banged the bags on the counter. The THUMP sound the bag made was loud and made me look more guilty. Dad started pulling out each bag one at a time. At the end there were a total of 9 bags together. I do not remember grabbing this many bags but I remember grabbing way more candy. But as I shifted around in my seat I felt all the sharp jabs of plastic hit my sides.
"What happened?" Joshua said as he overlooked all the candy. His face was lit with excitement. It was like a new city erupted before us.
"I don't know," I said softly.
"Daisy, I told you not to go shopping by yourself." Dad said seriously. I know he is not mad about the money but about all the sugar that entered his home and the amount of food that could potentially be wasted. And that I forgot one of his rules.
"Dad I know but everyone else was busy!" I look towards everybody, hoping somebody would get my back. These backstabbers, instead of helping someone out, were trying to subdue their laughs. But I knew where everyone was weak.
I stared really hard at Joshua, telling him to start talking or he would pay for it later. I kept my gaze hard and intent. He tried to look away but failed. He instead tried to stare at me, pleading with me to look away. I would in normal circumstances but right now is a life or death situation. I have had my fair share of stress currently but Dad is becoming a total maniac. A groom-zilla if you will.
"I was helping Greyson move his furniture today!" he said abruptly. I knew he would crack soon. Dani is stronger than all of us combined and Greyson knows me better than I know myself. (It's actually true. Dad, during his Jeopardy phase, did this totally ridiculous thing for my birthday once where he made a whole game show about me and Greyson got the most points out of all of us.)
Dad looked at Greyson and Greyson said "I was, in fact, in my apartment."
"I was helping my mom out, I texted in the group chat yesterday."
"I was in ballroom class," Victor said. We all looked at him so confused. "What?"
"Since when did you take ballroom classes?" Dad asked.
"Since last week," he said normally.
"Why didn't you sign me up too?"
"Cause you said no," he let that last part tail off a bit. He didn't want to be caught too much in the crossfire so he turned his chair towards me and was drinking more water than necessary.
Dad looked at me, regaining his mean look. I noticed this spot on the counter that could use a serious scrub. I keep telling them to use a coaster...
"Daisy, you know the rules," Dad said.
"I know Dad. I am really sorry. How can I make it up?" I was readying to go skydiving to avoid a serious telling from him.
He thought about it and said "You are going to pay me the $300.000-" Three hundred dollars! "-and if you ever break the rules again I will seriously consider pulling your trip to Colorado."
The four of us made a plan to go to Colorado for Greyson's birthday. It took a lot of convincing on Dad's part to let us go, but with his fiancé's help we were able to do it. Dad trusts us but with this on my record I was walking on thin ice.
"Sorry Dad, I really am."
"I know you are kiddo but you know the rules."
"Yes, sir." He kissed my head and walked to his room with Victor behind him.
I let out a sigh and thought that couldn't have gone better. I am just glad he didn't ground me. It would be such a shame if I missed my own Dad's wedding because of some chocolate.
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