ch 2
"...dads?" virgil hesitantly swam into his fathers' main room, playing with his hands anxiously. Logan looked up expectantly, releasing his head from his hand. Surely he had a headache from his frustration. Patton gasped and swam up from his thrown, over to virgil and took him into a warm embrace.
"We were worried, son. You didn't make it to your own concert, kiddo."
Patton ran a hand through virgils hair, trying to soothe his anxieties, logan was obviously feeling indifferent about the situation and surely had something to say.
He cleared his throat and sat up in his thrown, crossing his arms authoritatively.
"Virgil. You will be watched by my assistant from now on until further notice. He will keep you in line and remind you of your duties as the prince of Atlantis."
"Logan-" patton attempted to calm the king, understanding his anger.
"Virgil needs to be kept in line." he snapped, almost glaring.
Anything logan says is final. Thats for sure. Virgil looked sympathetically to patton who kissed his forehead and sent him to bed. It made him feel the smallest of crumbs better by how empathetic patton was twords him. Logan besides patton seems like a cruel and merciless tyrant.
"Whats this?" patton muttered curiously to himself, licking his thumb in a parental way and rubbing off virgils dark eyeshadow.
Virgil hissed softly, batting his fathers hands away and quickly swam off to his bedroom, angsty as ever.
"Thomas?" virgil asked while brushing his hair in the mirror at his table in the room. The mirror was stained purple, clean and beautiful with details of carved swirls and pearls embedded in. Same with his brush and alot of things around here.
"Virgil." thomas smiled pleasantly, hovering by the bedroom door and looking around the room in a curious manner.
"Are you going to watch me sleep?" virge asked honestly, a brow raised. While placing the brush down, combing his bangs into his eyes with his fingers. The eyeshadow was wiped off with a cloth, and discarded. He swam over twords the bed gracefully, hands playing with his chipped nail polish.
"If need be." thomas responded softly, swimming over to virgils closet.
He has all sorts of crowns, embroidered in pearls and shells and braided seaweed of all sorts, with coral peices adding colors and points. There must've been hundreds.
"Which do you think looks best on you?"
It must've been a little past midnight when something hit him. Literally. A A shell sat on his lap, no bigger than his pinky finger. Absent of any creatures in it.
Virgil sat up in his bed, questionably holding the shell that was thrown at him. He looked around the room questionably, unsure of what exactly to think.
Until he spotted it...or, them. Joan. Joan was at an opening of his room. They were crouching around the wall, head peeked around and smiled mischeiviously, pointing.
Virgil looked over in the direction of their gesture and noticed thomas, asleep, sitting beside the door.
Virgil quietly swam over, offhandedly grabbing his eyeshadow. He quickly applied it, and combed his bangs into place.
They giggled and swam off together.
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