Part Four - Chapter Five
Pulling out a chair at the beat up, wooden table in Karamatsu's kitchen, Todomatsu slumped down, opening up a book. In the kitchen, the priest was humming cheerfully while preparing a meal, as if the death of another child had never occurred.
"He forgets so easily," Todomatsu thought bitterly as he opened up the book, beginning to read. "I wonder if he even knows yet? He probably doesn't. It would be just like him to have been at that stupid church all morning long..."
"Todomatsu!" Karamatsu exclaimed in surprise as he turned around, a bottle of ketchup in his hand. Then, with a warm, welcoming smile, he added, "I'm so glad you've decided to join me with lunch today. It's been awhile."
"Yeah." Todomatsu's voice went monotone, his heart cold towards the priest. "I guess it has been."
"What have you been up to lately?" Karamatsu asked as he pulled a bottle of soy sauce from the faded pink (still filthy) refrigerator. It seemed as if the priest had no idea what he was cooking, considering he poured ketchup into the frying pan, as well as the entire bottle of soy sauce. Oh boy.
Todomatsu noticed that Karamatsu's hands were trembling as he dumped minced garlic and onions into the pan.
A smirk gradually creeped across the boy's face. He knew this silence between the two of them was creating some sort of angst within Karamatsu's heart. Perfect.
"You deserve it." Todomatsu continued to smirk. Karamatsu pushed around the contents of the pan with a wooden spoon, his shoulders slumping a little as Todomatsu refused to reply.
Instead of letting this shut him up, Karamatsu kept on talking to his child.
"Do you remember the day we first met?" Karamatsu asked, chuckling a little. "We were both a wreck. You had been abused at the orphanage you were in, and a kind woman brought you to me, wanting a better life for you. She said you were a rather special one. Even now, I continue to see why. You're such a smart boy, my little a Todomatsu. I'm so..."
"You can stop," Todomatsu hissed. "You just don't want me to commit suicide like the rest of the mental kids here, right? Well, sorry buddy. I'm not who you ever wanted in the first place. Unlike slaves of the church, like you, I have free will."
Slamming his book closed, Todomatsu pushed back from the table, dramatically causing his chair to fall to the nasty floor as he dashed to the attic.
In the middle of his escape, Todomatsu stopped running, yelling back again to his guardian. "By the way, I'm sure you'll be more interested in the new family in town. They have a little boy."
With those final words, Todomatsu irritatedly climbed up to the attic, slamming the door behind him.
"So I see..." Karamatsu laughed weakly, staring into his sizzling pan of garbage. "it seems as if I was never cut out for any of this...but perhaps, I should pay a visit to the new family tomorrow after church, once they are settled in."
~~~~ The next day ~~~~
Karamatsu, clutching his Bible to his chest, smiled kindly at the townsfolk passing on by.
Despite his nervousness, knowing a new child was in town, the priest still longed to do his very best. He had high hopes for this new child, whoever they were. He could almost feel the child screaming in his mind, "Father! FATHER KARAMATSU!" Then again, it could have also been a silly fantasy.
"My, my..." some of the townsfolk would utter, keeping their distance from the priest. "He's visiting the new family...?"
Upon his arrival at the new family's home, Karamatsu exhaled as he extended his hand out, reaching for the doorbell. But before he could do such, the door was thrown open, a young child pushing past the priest as he dodged a glass wine bottle. The bottle shattered on the ground as the child threw themselves into a bush, cowering in fear.
Karamatsu's eyes widened in shock as the child's father revealed himself. He was just as an alcoholic would be imagined: scraggly hair, a halfway buttoned up shirt, and a cigarette hanging from his mouth, as he clutched tightly to a bottle of beer.
"H-Hello, sir," Karamatsu bowed formally, showing the man as much respect as he could possibly muster. "I am the town's priest. Many call me Father K-Karamatsu..."
"As if I care!" the man bellowed, raising his arm, which held the beer bottle, above his head. Just as he was about to throw it, his wife approached from behind, smiling uneasily.
"Hello, Father Karamatsu," she bowed her head, her beautiful, sleek, brown hair tumbling over her shoulders majestically. "My son just ran out the door, I believe. I apologize if he caused you any sort of issues."
Karamatsu shook his head. "Oh no, no- it's fine! In fact, I was wondering if I could take custody of your child. You see-"
The bottle of beer brushed past the priest's ear as it shattered on the sidewalk below.
"Our family is none of your business!" the man hissed, spitting out his cigarette at Karamatsu. "So don't come here trying to convert us. We have no interest you your-"
Karamatsu stopped listening to the man as he began to spit out every curse under the sun.
"Oh dear..." the man's wife muttered, taking a few steps away from her husband. "My apologies, Father..."
"Please," Karamatsu begged, throwing his entire body to the ground, groveling. "Your son's life is in danger in this town! He needs to be watched at all times!"
"You think I care if that son of hers," the man jerked his head towards his wife, "is alive or dead?"
Karamatsu didn't respond, continuing to grovel.
"Oh, get up!" the man spat, kicking Karamatsu in the head. "I don't care what you do to anyone here. But don't you dare show up at my house ever again! Understand?"
Karamatsu didn't nod his head, knowing he would be unable to promise the man that. He could sense something was seriously off with this new family.
~ End of Part Four ~
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