All is fair in love and murder | Omar X Cody |
(This was requested, enjoy!)
Omar's POV:
'Hmmm. Assassin? Alrighty. This will be a walk in the park. Natalia is the murderer? Not this thot.' Omar thought. He walked past his cousin, Amani, and decided to talk to Natalia. "Hey, twin." Omar signaled for her to play along. Natalia just glanced at him and walked away. Omar was annoyed that she wouldn't respond. "Hey cuz!" Amani walked over to him. "Hey.." Omar wasn't in the mood. Amani showed a hurt expression. She suddenly came up with a sly grin. "You know what you need?" She said. "A friend!" Omar glared at her like that was an absolutely terrible idea. "I already have friends-" He grumbled as she shoved him into a crowd of people. He said excuse me so many times it started to feel like it wasn't a word.
He walked into one person and fell. "Are you okay?" They asked. "Yeah. I wasn't looking where I was going." Omar muttered. "No no no. I bumped into you." Omar looked at the person who was talking to him. He gazed into this stranger's eyes. "Hi I'm Cody." Cody said. "O-Omar." He mustered. "Hey Cody! Get back over here!" Yelled a girl with blonde hair. "Oh- ok. I'll see you later!" Cody said. Omar didn't want Cody to leave. He stood there in sad silence. "Hey cuz! Who was that you were talking to?" Asked Amani. "No-nobody." Omar said. "Ohhhhhh~" Amani teased. "Someone's got a crush on Mr. Used-to-be-a-ms~" Omar stood there confused for a second. Then it hit him, Cody was transgender. It reminded him of some of his friends. His friend Aphrodite was transgender, but she was male-to-female. So Cody was female-to-male. That was fine.
The lights flickered out. Everyone was screaming loudly, blocking out the fact something came over Omar. He felt like he had to kill to protect Cody. "Cody, come here! I'll protect you!" Omar said. As Cody walked over to him, trembling within the darkness while trying to follow the sound of his voice. As he stumbled over, Omar washed his hands and cleaned up the job.
"A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED!" An announcer announced. That blonde haired girl that yelled at Cody was shoved head first into the toilet. "VIOLA!" Screeched one of her friends. "Woah! Brutal!" Said Amani, standing next to Omar and Cody. Cody was still scared and was hugging onto Omar.
Omar checked his pocket because he felt something there. A muffin. Cody looked up at him, still hugging. "Thanks." He said.
A few minutes pass and nobody really says anything and they vote out Trey for no apparent reason. Omar sat on the couch with Cody.
Night happened once again. Apparently Cody was really tired and slept on him.
Omar opened his eyes. He was in some void. 'Where's Cody?' He thought. He noticed a head in the t.v. His eyes widen. "CODY!" He screamed. "CODY! DID NATALIA DO THIS TO YOU? I WILL AVENGE YO-" he woke up. "Stop screaming. I'm still here." Cody said as Omar rubbed his eyes. He rushed to hug Cody. "I- uh-" Cody was flustered. "Anyway, you think it's Natalia?" Asked Cody. "Ye-" Omar responded, but he was interrupted with a scream. "A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED!" The usual announcement. "A-Amani?" Cody looked at the the back of the bed. She was beheaded. Her journal said 'I'm the scout... if I die and you are reading this, I have some things to say. To Omar, survive for me cousin. To Cody, TREAT MY COUSIN WELL OR ELSE! Gg guys!' Everyone was shook. "I have something to say!" Omar announced. "THE MURDERER IS NATALIA!" Natalia looked at him. "Listen up you crazy psycho. You ruin everything. You will never get your happily ever after." Natalia promised. Natalia had the most votes.
"Is it over?" Asked Cody. "I don't think so." Omar said. The night blew over. "Omar you genius!" The 4 remaining players said. "I-it's me." He said. "Wh-what?!" Cody said. "It can't be! Tell me it isn't true!" Cody said. Omar had a crazed look in his eyes. "I've lost too much to have it all ruins by you four!" He said to the four others. He threw a knife at John's stomach. He bashed Minji's head on a table. Omar took his knife out and double killed Quinn and Cash. "O-Omar!" Cody looked scared. "I did this all for you. Nobody treats you like that." Cody covered his face, thinking that he was going to be killed. Instead, Omar handed him his hand. "Let's leave this place. I'm sorry for what you had to see, all I have to say is that I have to thank Amani or I wouldn't be able to have met you." Omar smiled. Cody just looked unsure. But he hugged Omar.
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