Actions Speak Louder than Words | Alec x Joshua |
The Joneses were popular siblings within the school. Sabrina Jones was a cheer captain and tutor. Vinny Jones was on student council. Mateo Jones was the artist behind the murals on the walls in the school. Elizabeth Jones hosted the best parties.
Alec Jones..? If you said his name to someone, they would most likely ask who that was. Alec wasn't that popular. His siblings over-shined him in most things, but he was fine with that. Being barely noticed had its upsides. He got more time to himself to work on homework.
Alec was working on some schoolwork when his siblings all sat by him. "Jeez, Alec, you are so lonely." Sabrina said. Alec looked up, sorta confused. "Go talk to someone for once. It's miserable seeing you like this." She insisted.
"No thanks." Alec shrugs. "Oh come on.." Vinny said. "Elizabeth and Mateo aren't social butterflies either, but they have some friends." This causes Mateo to glare at them and Elizabeth flips them off.
"Please??? You need friends, Alec. Go talk to someone. Go talk to someone-" Sabrina was starting to get annoying. "Go be social for once! You make us look bad by being a loner!-" Sabrina said.
"Lay off him, Sabrina." Someone suddenly said. Alec and Sabrina turn to see who said that. Blonde hair and grey jacket, you couldn't miss him. It was Joshua Blaze. From what Alec knew, he and Sabrina had an on and off friendship. Guess that's what happens when you are famous in the school.
"If he wants to have a quiet yet successful future, let him." Joshua said. "Mind your own business, Josh!" Sabrina said. "Follow your own advice." Joshua shot back. "Come on," he then grabbed his hand. "Let's go sit at my table. You don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want to."
He sits at Joshua's table, and somehow Joshua sparks up an interesting conversation. Over the next half hour, Alec had met a small group of kind and entertaining people. All of them were amazing... especially Joshua.
Alec went home and that night, he couldn't help but think about Joshua. Alec frowned. "Snap out of it.. you just met him. He's probably not gay..and even if he was, why would he.." He muttered until he fell asleep.
He walked drowsily through the halls until lunch. He sat down at Joshua's table. "Woah.. are you okay..?" Joshua asked. "I'm fine.." he murmurs, falling asleep. Alec then muttered without thinking. Seconds later, he woke up, from a tap.
"Uh... did you... mean that..?" Joshua's face was red. "Mean what?" Alec asked. "You were talking in your sleep.." Joshua explained. "You said..that.. you liked me..." as Joshua said that, Alec felt his face burn from embarrassment.
"NONONONONO- I PROMISE I DIDN'T-" Alec scrambled to explain. "I.. just don't want to lose our friendship. I'm sorry. And I apologize if you do not feel the same. I'll go back to the table-" He said, then stood up to leave.
Alec was stopped by Joshua grabbing his arm. "..Do you feel the same way...?" Joshua asked. Alec's eyes widened. "...huh..?" Alec asked. "...I like you, Alec." Joshua said. Alec didn't know how to reply. He realized that sometimes words aren't necessary, so he kissed Joshua.
Joshua was sputtering out nonsense for a good five minutes, completely flustered. Alec just smiled.
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