uh yeah so if the flicker characters were in class this is what would happen
John (Definitely The English Teacher): so that is why you shouldn't be like Vinny, any questions?
Someone that we totally don't know: Subscribe to Flamenco
John: shut up albert now we're gonna do a Kahoot losers
Vinny: fuck you im gonna win
John: It's on French
Jean-Claude: oh I won
John: who the hell is Cand
Vinny literally 5 seconds later: and i got sent home
John: who is "FlamingoOnYTSub🦩🦩🦩🦩🦩🦩🦩🦩🦩🦩🦩"
Albert: that's actually not me i signed in under the name "Raddy Chaddy is ur Daddy🦩"
Dan: my name is "amoogus 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎"
Austin: I'm cooler my name is "😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬"
John: ok im start
Question be like
How do you say supercalifragilisticexpialadocious in French
🟩 yes
Votes be like
Red❌: 4
Blue ❌: 17
Yellow ✅: 25
Green❌: 32
Leaderboard be like
Jojo - 1000
Ur puppy is hot (Prasiddhi) - 999
:D ( Lara) - 925
😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮📮👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬- 923
John: you know my life sucks when jojo and Austin are on the leaderboard
Question 2 be like
Which dude donated USA the Eiffel Tower
Red - Ur Mom
Blue: Emma Scaliber
Green: Anoth Erhuman
Yellow: No Body
Votes be like
Red (wrong): 2
Blue (wrong): 21
Green (wrong): 27
Yellow: (correct): 7
🥖 - 1984
Jojo - 1000
BaileyOnCocai - 1000
Ur puppy is hot - 999
(Literally 10 q later)
John: ok so for our leaderboard in 5th we have "amoogus 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎" with 5293 points and I have lost faith in humanity
John: in 4th we have "jose 🏳️🌈 ❤️ 😩" with 5482 points who is that
Joshua: me, Joshy ❤️
John: in 3rd place 🥉 we have....
RosalieIs_22kNoobzX with 5792
John: in 2nd place with 5793 beating Nikolai by one point is...
Kim-ly: yes i named myself kam-lier
John: and in first we have, ofc, "🥖" with 11179 points and a 12 q answer streak
Jean-Claude: ez
John: ok idiots now join this arsenal private server i wanna see y'all fight to the death https://web.roblox.com/games/286090429?privateServerLinkCode=69196343085891635675837427787440
Dan: wow I'm surprised that actually worked
Nikolai: shut up Rosalie ur just mad I killed you two times in a row
Jo: Cactus stop trying so hard ur not gonna win anything from this!!1!111!q!!11!
The leaderboard be like 2 minutes into the round
🥇 Cactus - 24 kills
🥈 Nikolai - 12 kills
🥉 56kDreamii - 9 kills
John: who is this gay 56k slender username
Alicia: im a baddieeeeee
John: stfu
Literally 30 seconds later
CaCtUs hAs WoN tHe RoUnD!q!11!!1!!!
2nd place Mikah with 18 kills: bro hwo do u win so fast
3rd place Nikolai with 17 kills: that's what i said
Cactus: i play this map a lot
(It's ironic cuz there is a good arsenal YouTuber named cactus)
John: ok idiots let's watch this English video now
The video: Vinny severely cussing out John
John: Lukey ur getting detention for suggesting this video
Lukey: anything for Vinny
Albert: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiimp
Reza: imagine simping
Jian: caught u in 4k
Elaina: pulls out a whole damn camera
Elaina: 🤨📸
Cactus: John can you end this game and start a new one on headshots only please i don't like Canals or Laser Tag. laser tag is so laggy and canals has horrible meshes everywhere
John: wait how many of y'all r still in the server
The server: the only person who left was Natalia and Albert stole the spot in the server that Natalia was in
John: wtf *shuts down the server*
Cactus has left the meeting
John: well he missed out on playing among us
Dan has left the meeting
Austin has left the meeting
John: have they ever heard of a jone
Charlie: ill invite them back
*they rejoin*
Austin: how much of this period do we have left
John: like 30 minutes
Jojo: can we play flicker it's a really cool Roblox game that's in development
Albert: there's like more evil than good in that game- well I guess that's how the world really works
John: sure I just got 5 private servers join up fags
This server: Jojo, Jo, Cactus, Nikolai, Rosalie, Bailey, Mikah, Aadiv, Adanna, Chidi, Viola, Kim-ly, Miguel, Alex, Reza
The game: loads in
so basically this happened
Jojo got: Qasim and Assassin
Jo got: Ally and Survivor
Cactus got: Alex and Survivor
Nikolai got: John and Spy
Rosalie got: Mason and Survivor
Bailey got: Carlos and Clown
Mikah got: Sabrina and Survivor
Aadiv got: Melodie and Witch
Adanna got: Alicia and Twin
Chidi got: Jackson and Survivor
Viola got: Kim-ly and Medic
Kim-ly got: Omar and Twin
Miguel got: Annie and Murderer
Alex got: Seungho and Survivor
Reza got: William and Detective
*meanwhile in the zoom call*
Bailey, who actually read the stuff in the description: what does Scout do jojo
Jojo: ok we have to go over some stuff. #1: you don't say that, #2 youre evil team, so now everybody's gonna vote you. #3: you bug someone every night and see who visited them
Ezra: why is my character named Ezra
Viola, yelling at the top of her lungs: MY CHARACTER IS NAMED KIM-LY PLEASE KILL ME
Kim-ly: L
*in game chat for this server*
Carlos: hiiiiii im bailey
Qasim, trying to not act like Jojo so they won't suspect it's him being smart: did Jojo name these characters after our class
Also Qasim: *sends Annie/Miguel a note saying "don't kill me i know ur murderer we are on the same team"
Ally: yeah, i also helped make this (I'm jo)
Mason: im Rosalie can someone kill Nikolai
John: no
Alex: I'm cactus but i think Alex might want this character
Kim-ly: kill me pls
Seungho: im jealous cactus
Alex: imao
flickity flickity
and then the lights come back on
John: i was witched what does that mean
Ally: you couldn't perform ur role ability last night
Mason died from the Murderer
Nikolai ### ### ### probably killed me
Ally: i would say it's John/Nikolai but he's witched so he isn't murderer for now
Seungho: Jojo said bailey was evil and Carlos said they were bailey so vote carlos
Carlos: i was kidding im jo
Ally: no ur not liar
Carlos had the most votes
Journal: :] im scot
Melodie: im gonna cheat on Natalia *proceeds to walk into Kim-ly's face*
Kim-ly: no stop
Sabrina: if i die its prob omar
flick flick
Sabrina died from the Murderer.... Shocker
Journal: omar looks sus....... ong they moved sus
Omar died from the Clown
Journal: im twin with Alicia
Alicia died from the Clown
Journal: im adanna im sorry for leaving you chidi 🥺 but it isn't that deep 😑 gay
Qasim: im psychic and it says in my journal "Annie is Good" "Jackson is Evil" i don't really get it
Ally: ok then let's vote Jackson
Jackson: wait but it says im good team Jojo prob just sucks at developing and it's a glitch
Ally: what does it say above good team
Jackson: surviver
Ally: well he spelled it wrong
Jackson had the most votes
Journal: 😚🤤😐🥴😚😧🧐😧🤒🤨🤩😦🤔😦😏😯🤗🤨👹🤨😴🤨😴🤨😴
Qasim: what does that mean
Ally: i guess he's evil then
William: well just saying melodie has been on my sus list twice in a row
Ally: are you detective?
William: yes
Ally: okay medic heal William and Qasim check Melodie and see if she's evil or good.
Qasim: ok
Ally:if all our info is true, then Mason is unknown, Carlos is Clown, Sabrina is unknown, Omar and Alicia were twins, Jackson was evil - probably witch or dark psychic, Annie is Good, Qasim is psychic, William is detective, John was witched, and I'm good. So the Murderer is either Alex, Melodie, Kim-ly, or Seungho
Melodie: cap
flick flick
William died from the Assassin
Journal: At least one of these players is evil: Kim-ly, Melodie, Omar. At least one of these players is evil: Melodie, Jackson, Qasim
Seungho died from the Murderer
Journal: im just a survivor! good luck good team!
Qasim: Melodie is good team
Ally: then that proves Jackson was evil, and Alex and Kim-ly are the assassin and the murderer!
Kim-ly: what!? you're lying! i am the medic liar
Ally: then Seungho could have lied in his journal and he was assassin. which would confirm Alex is the murderer!
Melodie: sends note to Qasim saying what? but im evil? why are you lying if ur good team!
Qasim: sends note to Melodie just trust
Melodie: dropped note saying ok i trust
Ally: Melodie don't trust anyone. it could be that person that you sent that to!
Qasim: wait ally how do we know it not u
Ally: because i am Survivor and if i was evil why would i help so much
Annie: but u could be a lier
Ally: but im not so vote Alex
Alex: jo ur being dumb this game, im survivor. so ur probably murderer, but if so well played
Alex had the most votes
Journal: e
*zoom call*
John: ok idiots we're done playing now
Amani: wait a minute our game is almost over there's 4 people left and the murderer is doing really good.
Jojo: yea my rounds almost done too even tho I'm dead (legit the biggest lie)
John: ok so u guys have 5 minutes left to finish
*back in game*
Time passes by
Ally: wow kim-ly lied
John: *exists in the corner*
Kim-ly: no
Qasim: I'm read John!
Ally: oh yeah! i forgot! John could be assassin and maybe that's why the game isn't over yet!
John: it says im spy but idk how the role works
Ally: copy and paste ur journal into chat
John: Annie was visited by Annie was visited by: Kim-ly William was visited by: Qasim
Ally: well then qasim is assassin and he lied!
flick flick
Kim-ly died from the Murderer
Journal: haha kim-ly imagine dying im the medic
Ally: i think Jackson was good now and Alex was witch, so this is what I think. Melodie is Murderer, Qasim is Assassin. Annie is a survivor, John ur spy and I'm survivor so vote Melodie right now
Qasim: it says im psychic liar it's u vote ally
Melodie: ok
Annie: i don't know how to play this it's confusing
Also Annie: pulling up the patch list/update list for 3.0
Ally had the most votes
Journal: g
Qasim: we win
Annie: but it says the game is still going
Qasim: Annie kill John. Melodie is on our team
John: wha
John died from the Murderer
Journal: Annie was visited by Annie was visited by: Kim-ly William was visited by: Qasim
The evil team has won because blah blah blah
how the servers ended be like
Server 1: Good team won, had only Ezra as Ezra (Psychic) and Veronica as Melodie (Survivor) left alive
Server 2: Evil team won, the Murderer aka Jian as Mike and Zahrah as Chidi (Medic) alive
Server 3: (this one) Evil team won, Miguel as Annie (Murd), Jojo as Qasim (Assassin), and Aadiv as Melodie (Witch)
Server 4: Good team won, Jackson as Adanna (Survivor) Marley as Viola (Clown) Mila as Bailey (Detective) and Natalia as Kiryomi (Survivor) all were alive
Server 5: Evil team won, Amani as Jo (Murderer) and Jordan as Moire (Dark Psychic) were left alive
John: ok we have 10 minutes left what do we do
Austin: can we watch a movie
John: ok
The movie: some educational dora movie
The whole class except Charlie has left the meeting
Charlie: ok im gonna go
John: that's fair
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