⚘ 1 ⚘
(h/c) = hair color
(s/c) = skin color
(e/c) = eye color
Day 1 ⚘ Final Selection Mountain ⚘
"The islands in the south are warm~ heads are all a-swoon-swoon, buncha fools~ NEXT VERSE- oh wait, I'm here!"
A girl was walking up the mountain with a forest of purple, glowing flowers. The girl's (h/c) locks flowed in the wind. Her (e/c) eyes scanned the area in awe as she glanced at the flowers known as wisteria. She stared at them in amazement. Her (s/c) skin glistened through the night.
"Awesome!" She marveled. Her name is Monkey D. Y/N, and she was on this mountain for a reason.
For a job.
The girl looked forward to see a gate. As she got closer, she saw some people gathered around. She blinked in confusion as she frowned at them all. Only like 5 stood out. What a boring crowd. At least, she stood out.
She was wearing a red haori with a jolly roger on them. She was wearing shorts with her sandals. No socks. It was like a law for her--no socks. She had a big basket on her back that basically stood out the most of her outfit.
How could she even move with that huge thing on?
And of course, who could forget her most important feature--her straw hat? It sat comfortably upon her head, her (h/c) locks laying behind it.
There were only four people who actually stood out to Y/N.
One boy had burgundy hair and red vibrant eyes. He was wearing a cloud styled top and had a fox mask on the side of his head. He's aura seemed warm.
Another boy had yellow hair. Like ACTUALLY. It wasn't blonde, it was absolutely yellow. His top had triangles on it. It was interesting.
A girl with brown hair had a butterfly hairpin, holding up her ponytail. Her outfit was pink--she looked so comfortable and serene.
The last one that caught her eye was a boy with black hair and a mohawk. He had a scar across his face and his presence just screamed anger issues.
Y/N grinned excitedly. She really hoped that they were interesting!
"Everyone." Two monotonous voices rang out, catching everyone's attention. Y/N's eyes shifted over to two little kids in the front. They were side by side. Y/N blinked in amazement as she noticed that they looked exactly the same other than their hair color and other small details. "We thank you for coming here tonight. To the Demon Slayer Corps Final Selection."
"There are demons imprisoned here on Mt. Fujikasane, captured alive by the Demon Slayer swordsmen, and unable to leave." The child with white hair told the crowd.
"That is because wisteria, which demons hate, bloom here year round from the bottom to halfway up the mountain." The kid with black hair added on.
Y/N squinted at the sky. She could've sworn she saw a bird. It looked yummy.
"However, there is no wisteria from this point on, and so demons abound. And they will no hesitate to eat you alive."
Are these flowers edible?
"You'll need to survive here for seven days in order to pass Final Selection."
Man, Y/N was STARVING.
"And now, be on your way." The two children bowed and people started to head through the gates right past them.
Y'know, except Y/N.
Y/N was trying to stuff her face with the nearby wisteria. But as soon as she swallowed it, she made a face.
"UGH!! This stuff is gross!" She frowned.
"Will you be making your way up the mountain?"
"Eh?" Y/N turned towards the two kids. "Why?"
"Your trial has begun."
The candidates had spread out through the forest and kept moving. Having thought up a plan of survival, they decided to sleep in the morning and move through the day. Everyone was cautiously moving through the forest, hoping that they would encounter not a single dem-
"The islands in the south are warm~ heads all a-swoon-swoon~ buncha fools~ Next verse!"
And then there's Y/N.
The carefree girl was marching through the forest, holding a stick in her hands as she sang her song loudly through the forest full of dangerous, life-threatening creatures.
And before you ask, no. She has no battle plan.
"The islands in the north are chilly~ heads all a brr-brr~ buncha fo- Eh?"
All of a sudden, a swift shadow came towards her direction. As it crashed down from above, Y/N quickly dodged it.
"Hahahah! Human flesh! How lucky am I!"
In front of the girl with a straw hat was a frightening creature. It's eyes and pale skin warned every sign of bloodlust. There were veins popping out at every body part. Just staring at the bloodthristy demon was enough to make a grown man piss his pants.
A normal person would quiver in fear.
"Heeeyyy!! Watch it, dude--you almost hit me!"
...And then there's Y/N.
"Huh? That was the idea, idiot!" The demon yelled.
"Eh? I didn't do anything to you! And why do you got your face all messed up like that?"
"Haaah?! What's wrong with my face?!"
"Do you mean the veins or the pale skin?"
"Shut up! You know what-"
"LET ME FINISH!" The demon growled, he had never met anyone who could infuriate him more in less than 20 seconds. Was she stupid? Or was it just an act? "I'm gonna have soo much fun ripping you apart!"
"Why is that fun-" But before anything else could be said, the demon launched itself at the girl again. Y/N easily dodged, jumping out of the way, hand on her hat, securing it's safety.
The girl's feet touched the ground and she looked down at the dent in the ground made by the demon. The crack marks laced the ground like a scar. That demon had enough strength to crack the ground?!
A normal person would run for their life.
...And then there's Y/N.
"A weirdo who can break the ground?! That's SOOO cool!!" The girl marveled. The demon just stared at her confused. She looked back up at the monster with a big grin on her face. "Wanna see what I can do too?"
The girl pulled out the sword on her hip and held it out. It, of course, wasn't hers. It belonged to her friend who wants to be the greatest swordsmen in the world. She stole it while he was sleeping. He probably won't notice until she gives it back.
This sword was special.
It wasn't your average everyday sword.
It was a nichirin sword.
The girl made her lips into a 'o' shape and breathed in and out, making a small whistle.
The girl thrusted her sword and it seemed to have stretched before the demon's eyes. She pulled her sword back and then swiftly sliced in a horizontal slice.
Before the demon could blink, his head rolled.
Black ashes flew from away from the demon's head. Its body fell to the floor and laid face down. The demon's decapitated head was on the ground, slowly fading away.
The girl sheathed her sword and turned away towards the faded away area.
"Shishishishi~! Did ya like that?"
"Another sweet little fox has come to me."
Kamado Tanjiro glared at the gigantic demon before him. The maroon haired boy stood protectively in front of another applicant, who was mortified at the sight before him. And ot be honest, who could blame him?
In front of the two males was a enormous demon. It's skin was a ashy shade and it's entire body was covered in thick hands. Veins stuck out all over it's body, it's red nails the shade of blood. It's deep voice sent shivers up their spines.
"Little fox cub, what year of Meiji is it now?" The demon asked Tanjiro, growing another hand.
"It's the Taisho Period now!" Tanjiro replied, his stance still stiff.
All of a sudden, the demon burst out in screaming and went into an angry fury, scraping his skin and beating the crap out of the ground like a mad man.
Tanjiro and the boy looked horrified.
Everyone's eyes turned over to a certain girl with a straw hat on her head.
Yep. Y/N.
"Would you keep it down?! My meat just got away thanks to you!!"
Sorry, what?
Y/N had been in the forest, dying of hunger, until she spotted a bunny. Desperate for food, Y/N had been chasing that creature through the forest. It stopped, but as soon as she was about to grab it, the hand demon went out screaming in anger, scaring the hell out of the rabbit.
And that's how Y/N lost her meat.
"A-Are you serious right now?! There's a huge demon in front of you and all you care about is meat?!" The boy behind Tanjiro yelled.
"Huh? What demon?" Y/N's eyes trailed over to the demon she was yelling at originally. The two mad eye contact.
A normal person would've sprinted away right then and there.
...And then there's Y/N.
A hand shot the way of the girl who had her mouth gaped open in shock. Tanjiro's breath hitched.
"Look out!"
Y/N jumped out of the way, dodging the attack. She landed near Tanjiro and the boy.
"Hey, random brat! So it's true? We're in the Taisho Period?!" The demon yelled at her. Y/N just looked at him and stuck her finger in her nose.
"I dunno."
"Yes, it's true! You know Urokodaki?" Tanjiro asked and answered.
"Of course I do--his the one who captured me here in the first place! That was 47 years ago."
"47 YEARS?! HOW OLD ARE YOU?!" Y/N screeched. Tanjiro looked at her in complete shock. Why was she focused on that right now.
"Don't pay attention to that! And also, that's rude!" Tanjiro scolded her.
"I still remember back when he was hunting demons!" The demon continued, ignoring the girl's outburst. "The Edo Period during the Keio era."
"Hunting demons? Edo Period?"
"You're lying! No demon has ever lived that long! The only demons in here should be the ones who've eaten the minimum of two or three humans! They die during Final Selection or they eat their own kind!"
"Eh? Hey, fox guy." Tanjiro turned to Y/N, who had tilted her head in confusion. "Is that a long time?"
"Yeah. Way before any of us were born." Tanjiro noted, averting his attention back to the demon.
"Interesting. I've survived all this time. Inside this wisteria prison, I've eaten at least fifty of you brats." Tanjiro's eyes widened in shock.
"Fifty people?" Tanjiro repeated, struggling to believe this.
"Eleven, twelve... thirteen..." His big, crusty hands pointed at Tanjiro, a bit of glee in his voice. "That makes you fourteen."
"What are you talking about?" Tanjiro asked, a slight chill flowed through his body. The demon giggled like a sadistic maniac.
"That's how many of Urokodaki's students I've eaten~" He laughed a little more. "I promised myself to kill every one of his students~!"
Tanjiro's eyes widened in absolute horror as his face paled. Y/N's eyes were shadowed by her hat as she listened closely, being silent.
"Let's see. The ones who particularly stand out to me... yes, definitely those two. Those two... That brat's hair was an unusual color, a peach color. He was the strongest. A scar by his mouth. The other one was a girl in a flowery kimono. She was small and lacking in strength, but she was awfully agile."
Deja vu hit Tanjiro like a ton of bricks. He knew those two. His friends. His friends were dead... and it was all this demon's fault. His breath hitched and his face contorted in fear.
"That mask." The demon pointed to the fox mask on Tanjiro's head. "I can tell by the fox mask."
The demon continued to completely tease and mock Tanjiro by describing the entire tale of his friend's death, how he killed them. With every single word, Tanjiro got angrier.
But he wasn't the only one.
Y/N was pissed off.
Her smile was gone and her eyes were covered. The loud, clutzy, giddy girl was gone. Anger and absolute annoyance was here now.
Nothing means more to Y/N then her friends. She didn't have to know the people he was talking about to see that they were close to the boy. If someone ever even hurt her friends, she wouldn't hesitate to beat their ass up on the spot.
Y/N looked up as Tanjiro rushed burgundy haired boy rushed forward out of pure adrenaline and started slicing the arms. He clearly was just in a rage.
It wasn't long before Tanjiro's side got punched and he was smashed into a tree, knocking him out. Y/N's eyes widened as she saw the demon head over to finish the boy off. She turned to see the boy Tanjiro was protecting running away.
"You coward!" She yelled at him.
"I don't wanna die!"
Y/N grimaced as she raced over to the two left, unsheathing her sword.
"There goes another one, hehehehe!!"
The demon's hand reached out for Tanjiro, ready to finish it. Y/N bit down on her teeth as raced over there.
She jumped and cut off the demon's arm with a swift slash. Just as it happened, Tanjiro snapped back into consciousness, just in time to see it happen. He looked surprised at the girl's actions. He didn't even know her, yet she was still going to help him.
She slid back over to Tanjiro, who stared at her in surprise.
"Huh? Oh-- yes?"
"Ready to beat this thing up?" Y/N asked. Tanjiro blinked for a moment, then focused.
"Right!" He shot back up, gripped his sword. "Let's go!"
The two leaped into action just as an array of arms fired their way. Y/N jumped as she sliced them away from Tanjiro. Despite her efforts, they respawned too fast.
"You can't defeat me by just slashing my arms! But then again, even that pink-haired brat couldn't even slice off my head!" Tanjiro growled.
"Hey! Stop bringing those two up!" Y/N yelled, gaining attention. "Who do you think you are anyway?! Killing someone's friends and students just to make someone suffer! That's no way to treat someone! If you had a problem with somebody, take it to their face, you coward! Don't you dare ever make fun of someone's friends in front of them, or I'll give you hell to pay!" She screamed, furiously.
Tanjiro's eyes widened at her as he noticed her shared anger. He smiled then firmed.
"I'll take the neck! Can you cover me?!" Tanjiro shouted over to her. Y/N nodded with a confident grin.
The two launched forward. Y/N sliced off as many arms as she could. She took a deep, sharp breath.
With a series of slashes, every moment an arm would grow it was cut over and over. There was no time to grow them. The demon began to sweat as the two started to overpower him. This girl wasn't supposed to be this fast and this boy wasn't supposed to be strong!
Tanjiro jumped as he got near the neck, ready to slice. No way was he going to miss. This was for his friends. This was for Sabito and Makomo.
With a mighty battle cry, Tanjiro had sliced off the head.
This demon was dead.
"That was... AWESOME!!"
Tanjiro turned his head slightly to see Y/N, extremely close to his face. Slight pink flushed his cheeks in embarrassment.
"The way you cut that demon! You were so quick and was like, BAM and WHOOSH and BOOYAH!!" She exclaimed, moving around and started to beat up air. "You were super cool out there!" Tanjiro smiled at her.
"Thanks! You were too! You were really quick and protected me really well! That was really brave of you!" The girl grinned with a giggle.
"Shishishishi~! I know!" She replied, soaking in the praise. "What's your name?"
"Oh!" He stood up. "I'm Kamado Tanjiro!"
"I'm Monkey D. Y/N!" She told him.
"Nice to meet you, Mon-"
"Just call me Y/N! Hey, Tanjiro, you got any meat? I'm dying here." The girl's mood suddenly dropped as she melted into a puddle on the floor.
"Uh... no. Wait, but Y/N-san? Where's your basket?" Tanjiro asked, his head tilting, his confused innocent face on.
"Eh? It's right h-" The girl turned to see her basket nowhere in sight.
"GAAAAHHHH!!!! THOSE GREEDY FOREST ANIMALS WILL EAT IT UP!! AH THIS IS BAD! BYETANJIROGOTTAGOSAVEMYMEATBYE!!" Y/N quickly screamed before dashing off into the woods, leaving a confused and surprised Tanjiro.
"Y-Y/N-san!" Tanjiro watched the girl's back as she ran away. He blinked.
What a curious girl.
He smiled.
She seemed nice though. He wished her luck.
"Please make it alive, Y/N-san..."
Don't worry, Tanjiro.
The only thing to worry about is the bear that's chowing down on her meat right now...
taisho era secret!
on the way here, Y/N had a lot of trouble getting to the mountain because of the meat. tons of wild animals would all come at her for some of the meat. so if you see a bunch of beat up animals on the way back home... you know why.
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