I have a box, quite hidden
Full of airy, gauzy things –
Shameless, happy smiling;
Angel-feather wings.
The box itself is metal,
A strong, unyielding steel.
It’s made to hide and capture,
To guard, not to reveal.
It sits inside a fortress
Built from chiselled stone.
The better to protect it,
The fortress stands alone.
I’m right to guard it fiercely;
These men who say they’re mine
Come waving their own banners,
And attack me in a line.
Their burnished, copper armour
Is brighter than the sun.
Their heavy, clanking footsteps
Turn robotic as they run.
But the stone is strong and lasting –
I fortify it more.
Against each clumsy sword-thrust,
I barricade each door.
But here you come, unheralded
No weapon in your hand;
Distracting with your missiles –
Invisible, you land.
I have no chance to block you
As you scale the slopes alone.
Your bare feet pad in silence,
Your standard is my own.
Now, at last, I see you
As you creep into this room –
And kneel before the steel-work,
All pale within the gloom.
You seem less man than boy-child
And girlish is your hair
As you kneel before the metal –
Caress it here and there.
I laugh to hide my horror –
Then anger takes its place.
I knock you down and lash you –
But can’t quite harm your face.
You smile at me and thank me,
And still there on your knees,
You squeeze my hand all gently
And murmur out a “please.”
The steel lock falls down rattling;
The lid flies open wide
And open to your vision
Are all the things inside.
I did not know how various
The things were hidden in there.
It made me gasp to see them
All open at last to air.
And yet, what did not follow
Was any pain or fear –
And no humiliation
In letting you get near.
I watched you pull out glitter
And streamers, full choirs, light.
Surprised myself by smiling,
All softened at the sight.
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