Chapter dedicated to hidayarh_
"...And when you give it all to me, you give your all coz all that I give in return is cold, hard love..."
~Tory Lanez--- Cold, hard love
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Her eyes were focused outside the window as she leaned back on her seat. The view wasn't anything special as they were yet to take-off, just people boarding.
It was few seconds before they took-off when she heard a deep voice say irritatedly, "you're in my seat."
She was aware of that fact but she didn't care, he should take the other seat.
"No I'm not." She replied monotonous.
"This is why I hate flying commercial." She heard him mutter under his breath and she snapped her head towards him, her breath hitched in her throat... The man was breathtaking.
The sharp reply she had for him turned to a slight stutter, "ee...excuse me?"
He ignored her and settled down on the seat that was supposed to be hers. From her side eye she studied him, his somewhat bushy eyebrow was perfectly arched, his nose crooked but it didn't serve as a flaw and his lips, oh God! His lower lip was a shy shade of pink and it complimented his dark skin. His dark skin shone, like all those rich people glowing dark skin and his beards? the sideburns? Just wow.
He turned and almost caught her staring but she quickly averted her gaze to the magazine on her laps, she'd gotten it at the stand in front of the airport, she always got a magazine whenever she was travelling, she didn't like reading actually but magazines were different, the had juicy gossips and news about fashion and latest trends, now that was interesting.
But the man beside her was screaming, could someone please tell him to shut the hell up and why was he even having a conversation? Haven't they all been told to turn off their phones and similar gadgets?
He was having a video call and was on ear-piece, maybe that was why he hadn't realize he had shouted.
She took a peek at his laptop screen, some men in suits were huddled together around a big table and it seemed they were in a meeting. She was sure the man next to her was somewhat important, maybe that was why he'd complained about flying commercial.
"It's not a problem, he doesn't have to know. Didn't I say I'll handle it?" His tone was yet again irritated and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, bossy pretty much.
He listened in some more and his expresion was looking furious by the minute, she hoped he wouldn't scream and get the attention of any of the flight attendants, but maybe he should so they'd stop him from using his laptop ergo cease the screaming.
"We won't lose the contract and tell her to stop putting her nose in my business, dammit!"
She flinched at his shouting and she saw a few people give him distasteful glance.
Yanking the earpiece from his ear, "you are shouting."
He glared at her, "thank you, I almost didn't notice" He replied sarcastically.
"Well then stop it."
He put his earpiece back on and turned to the laptop screen, "sorry for that. Look guys, can we reschedule this? We'll talk more when I arrive, I did insist we have this meeting when I land and we'll all talk in person."
Amirah quit listening in and focus back on the magazine.
They arrived Lagos six minuted past 7pm, Amirah stood outside looking around for Muhammad. She dipped her hand into her handbag for her phone, why was he late? Was this how to impress her? By keeping her waiting?
She dialed his phone and it rang without answer.
Stupid fool! She cursed. The weather was slightly changing, it looked like it'll begin raining soon. Maybe she should just get a taxi.
She turned and saw the handsome man from the plane beside her, he had a rucksack on his back and one of his hand was behind him as if hiding something.
She rolled her eyes at him, "what do you want?"
"You seem stranded. A friend is picking me up, we could drop you off if you want."
She was taken aback, was this super-handsome man really asking to drop her off? She immediately recovered from her shock and mentally slapped herself, he could be a kidnapper or a pervert and the convo he had been having in the plane? A ruse so she wouldn't be suspicious of him. Ted Bundy had been handsome and he'd killed so many woman so...
"No thanks and I'm not stranded, my ride is just late."
"Okay by the way, my name..."
"I don't want to know your name." Amirah couldn't figure out why she was being rude to him, he was handsome and that should've been enough to cause an attraction. Okay! The attraction was there but so was the mistrust, this was Lagos and this was also the first time she'd be standing anywhere in Lagos on her own for this long, where was Muhammad?
"You're rude, do you know that?" His eyes were twinkling in amusement, he even looked finer under the orange street light.
"And you're bossy, scores settled."
"I don't remember bossing you around." He said raising an eyebrow at her.
"You told me to stand up from your seat." She said looking around for any sign of her husband.
"No. I said you are in my seat."
"Wait, why are you still here? I told you I don't need a ride, isn't that what you came to ask?"
"No, not really."
Her voice was laced with amusement, "did you come here to ask me out then?"
He smirked, "what if I did?"
"I'm married, I'm waiting for my husband. He's my ride."
He chuckled, "aren't you too young to be married?"
She felt insulted, "what does that mean?"
"I don't think you're that matured, how old are you by the way? Twenty? Twenty-one?"
She could only stare at him with her mouth open, he'd successfully left her speechless.
"My age is none of your business." She snapped at him, she sighed in relief when she caught sight of Muhammad's black car from afar heading towards her.
"Well I actually came to give you this, you dropped it earlier." He handed her her purse.
She felt her face redden in embarrassment as she collected it, "thank you." She murmured.
"It was nice meeting you." She watched him walk away towards a posh looking car, just as Muhammad packed in front of her. He came down and carried her box, dumping into the trunk. She stared shockingly at him as he went back into the car settling himself into the driver's side, he hadn't said anything to her talk more of apologizing for keeping her waiting.
She entered the car and flung her bag and purse angrily into the backseat as she settled herself beside him, fuming.
He didn't start the car, she watched as his hands grip the steering and he gritted his teeth. What was wrong with him?
"Who is the man you were talking to?"
She shook her head, she didn't even know he'd seen them. Was that the reason he was being like this, he looked funny as his face contorted into an angry one, she couldn't stop herself from comparing him to the man she'd met earlier. The man was definitely finer than her husband who was now looking like a replica of angry bird, she almost giggled.
"No-one of your concern."
"He is my concern if my wife had been talking to him!"
"Why are you shouting?" She screamed at him.
"Who is he Amirah? Just answer me!" He hit his fist angrily on the dashboard. She froze at his reaction and for a split second excitement coursed through her, gone was the gentle, ever apologetic Muhammad now replaced by this jealous, impulsive man, she shivered in excitement and a new form of attraction formed but soon all that feeling was replaced by anger.
"Don't shout at me." She stretched and grabbed her purse from the backseat and slapped his shoulder with it, "I dropped this and he returned it."
With that she got down from the car and began walking into the busy street, she had no idea where she was going.
"Where are you going?" She heard Muhammad ask closely behind her.
"Away from you." She replied.
"I'm sorry, that was wrong of me." She sighed, welcome back hubby.
"Can you stop apologizing everytime."
"Then what should I do?" She was still walking to only-God-knows-where and he was still following.
"I don't know, leave me alone." She knew she was being childish but she didn't care.
He finally stopped her by grabbing her hand, "Hey" he said softly, "let's go home."
It was something in his tone, in the way he looked at her that made her nod and follow him, they got into the car and he drove off.
"I made you dinner." He said after awhile.
"You've never cooked for me and besides, I never knew you could cook." She said looking at him in wonder.
"I can and I've never because whenever I plan to, somehow you just end up pissing me off."
Her laughter filled the car, "really?"
His lips turned upward in a smile, "yes."
He turned towards her briefly, "yes?"
"I know we're married and all but can we respect each others privacy, I don't like being questioned about my activities. I promise to do the same regarding you."
Soon enough the sound of rain hitting the car roof was the only noise heard, an amost quiet car ride was what Muhammad needed to sort his thoughts and wonder if it was too early for regrets.
Suprise! Double update because I totally missed my twice a week updating schedule for last week.
Anyways hope you enjoy this one and who's the new man, is that AbdulRahman😄
A mention of Ted Bundy because I'm obsessed with his story, there's a movie about it it's called Extremely wicked, shockingly evil and vile.
Please vote and comment, the title of the chapter is from my favorite Tory Lanez song.
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