TWENTY TWO: Okay...It's Okay
"Oh, lord and mercy, you poor baby doll!" Magne announced her arrival as she raced over and began fussing over me; concern written all over her face. "Come here, sugar...Up we get..." I squeaked as she lifted me up with ease and placed me in a seated position on the gurney; giving her a gracious smile.
"Thanks, Magne..." I said tiredly; giving my shoulder a few rotations and wincing.
"I'm so sorry I took so long! That crusty little asshole only just told me to come!" She looked so guilty, and I hated it. Sure, I'd been in here for hours; I couldn't even tell how many, but it wasn't her fault.
"No, it's fine...I understand...He's a Dabi okay..?" I felt a little embarrassed to ask about him, but Magne perked up a little when he was mentioned.
"Lover boy? He's on guard duty...That firecracker we brought in really is a handful...Oh! I brought you some water and something to eat!" She handed me a slightly dented water bottle and a (F/F) poptart. "We...may have run out of food again..." Starved, I tore open the package and dug in; quickly chasing the stale confectionery with a guzzle of water.
"How are you holding up? The Pussycats aren't easy opponents...A..and what about the others..?" My (E/C) eyes scanned her over for any injuries, but she brushed me off with a chuckle.
"Honey, I'm fine! Just a few bruises! A few were left behind, though...Muscular, Moonfish and-"
"Mustard..." I whispered his name quietly; the plastic of the bottle buckling in my tightened grip. "I..I'm so sorry I couldn't protect him..."
"Oh, no no no no, sweetie! No crying!" Magne pulled me into her bosom; stroking my hair and rocking me back and forth with just a little too much force. "These things happen! You did your absolute best! He's young...he'll get a light sentence, I'm sure!"
Even so...I want him to come back...He's too young for Tartarus...
"You must be exhausted, love...Come on, lay down and sleep, for now. I'll be right here, so don't you worry your pretty little head!" She laid me down before I had a chance to object, and that's when I realised just how drained I really was.
"O..okay...Thanks, Magne...You're really kind..." I smiled at her softly, and she beamed back; her eyes looking so gentle peeking above her shades.
"You're such a precious little thing...Sleep well, honey. We'll get you home soon."
"-CRUSTY BALLSACK OUT OF HERE!" I jumped awake; Magne's bellowing startling me greatly. Sitting up, I realised she was standing in front of me protectively; Shigaraki and Spinner standing a few feet away.
"I've had enough of this. Just move out of the way..." The villain muttered; his nails raking across his flaking neck. "I make the rules."
"Touch one hair on her head and both Dabi and I will-" Magne started to retort, but then she was gone. Warped away by a familiar, swirling portal.
Oh crap...
"Wh..what are you gonna do..?" I asked; my voice trembling as I got to my feet. There was that smirk again, and I felt a chill rush down my spine.
"You see...I was thinking...I know you had that whole disguise thing going on...but was it enough? I believe it would be smarter to...rough you up a bit...send you off to the heroes...It would be a lot more entertaining, too!" He explained with a snicker; motioning to Spinner. "Just let him beat up on you a little and we won't have any problems! You'll do that for us, right?" My throat was drying out, but for some twisted reason, it made sense. It didn't really, but in that moment it did to me.
"I..." Swallowing, I met his crimson eyes. "...deserve it after what I did..."
I'm sorry, Hisoka...Mustard...I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you...
"Yo, boss...I don't exactly wanna beat up on her, man..." Spinner piped up; rubbing his forearm and kicking at the ground. "She's pretty cool, and-"
"Do it. I'll dispose of you if you don't." Shigaraki cut him off; intimidating him into approaching me slowly.
"I' fucking sorry, kid..." The reptilian murmured as he frowned at me; cracking his knuckles.
"It's okay, Spinner..." I smiled at him, and I could see the regret in his eyes as he threw that punch directly into my face. I was also feeling regret; for not standing up for myself. I knew I was too nice, but if it meant helping Dabi and his comrades, and if it meant that I could still live a normal life, I could deal with it. I cried out loudly as his boot continuously connected with my body as I curled up on the floor, and I avoided looking at Shigaraki at all costs. I knew he'd be enjoying it. Pain, suffering and violence were all things that sick little man adored.
"Louder...I want the little blond cunt to hear it...and the scarred freak..." He chortled; but as my beating went on, he just didn't seem satisfied.
Please...just end it, already..!
"Spinner...hold her up..." He ordered after an age, and the scaled villain; close to tears, tenderly lifted to my feet and held me upright. Shigaraki approached me; removing Father from his face and looking me dead in the bruised, bloodshot eyes. "I'm gonna give you a little reminder of whose side you're really on, (L/N) (Y/N)...If this won't make you scream, then you're stronger than I thought..." I realised what he was going to do once he began to lift the hem of my shirt, and I began thrashing around in Spinner's grip as much as my battered body could.
"! P..please! S..stop, Tomura! I'm b..begging you, don't..!" I shrieked; my mouth dripping with blood from my busted lip. There was no point in trying to stop him; I knew that, but it was all too real once he lined his fingers up between my breasts and my navel.
"You're one of the bad guys, now..." He whispered; pressing his hand down against my flesh.
There was no way that I couldn't be heard from the bar, let alone the street outside. His touch was quick, but the pain continued on for the longest time. I couldn't bear to look down; I didn't want to see the blood or decay that would permanently mark me. My screaming bounced off the walls, and I wanted to throw up. I wanted to cry for Dabi, but it was all over for me if I did that. I was wrecked; slumping against Spinner once I was finally able to breathe again, and Shigaraki placed Father back over his smug face.
"Come on. Bring her out. Maybe this will convince Bakugou that we aren't fucking around..." He walked off, and Spinner gulped before beginning to drag me after him by my limp, damaged arms.
"I'm so sorry..." He whispered grimly; refusing to meet my hollow gaze.
It felt like I was being dragged along for hours, but finally, we reached the bar.
"I thought I'd bring you a little present, hero! Coloured her ourselves, but I'm sure you heard all that..." Shigaraki gave Spinner a nod, and suddenly I was thrown into the middle of the room. The only sounds I could hear were monstrous grunts and the rattling of steel shackles, and I peered up weakly to look at Bakugou. His eyes were wild, and his struggling was strong enough to buckle his restraints. I couldn't manage to talk; to tell him that I'd be okay. I hated it. Next, my blurred vision locked onto Dabi. His expression was similar to Bakugou's, except more painful in every way. His jaw was clenched tight, and his ocean eyes flickered between me and his leader; fear switching to hatred, stuck on repeat.
I'm okay...It isn't your fault...
"Dabi...I believe Bakugou knows his place, here...Set him loose." Shigaraki ordered with a yawn; taking a seat beside Toga at the bar. The blonde was gawking at me; a mix of concern and excitement swirling around her puppy-dog features.
" it..." The stutter in Dabi's voice made my chest ache; more than it already had, but I couldn't look at him anymore. I couldn't risk Bakugou catching on.
"What?! Me?!" Twice jumped forward; contradictory to his words, and moved over to remove the restraints from the first year student. I watched silently as Bakugou rubbed his wrists; his lips twitching only seconds before he delivered a swift headbutt to Twice's chin. He proceeded to let out a fiery explosion into the room; right above me, before racing forward and scooping me up in his arms.
"Dammit, furry! You of all people had to get fucking kidnapped?!" He growled, but there was no acidity in his tone. Just fear.
"S..sorry..." I replied with a cough; cowering closer to his chest once I realised the blast had knocked Father clean off Shigaraki's withered face.
This is bad...
Bakugou began to mouth off to everyone; about their blabbering and their twisted ideals, but again my attention was on Dabi. He was braced; ready to fight, but not for the same reason everybody else was. Magne was also ready to jump in; sweat beading against her auburn brow.
"Stay back." I mouthed to him; pleading with him to listen. He looked shocked for a few solid seconds before giving me a ghost of a nod, and I breathed a short sigh of relief. Things were silent, now, and I knew from the twitching of Bakugou's muscles that he was preparing to fight a useless battle. I was about to speak up; to stop him, when the thick tension was broken by a knock at the door.
"Hello? I've got a pizza delivery here!"
***Ouch. This chapter dissapoints me more than I dissapoint my parents. Also I wanted Magne to have more time to shine because I want her to be my big sister***
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