TWENTY ONE: Not The Same
I was dragged out of the room the moment we returned; Dabi cussing me out as I snarled and kicked to the best of my ability. It hurt; not just my wound, but the knowledge of what we had just done. Bakugou's furious roars were echoing down the hall as we entered one of the back rooms; it appeared to be a makeshift infirmary with a shoddy gurney and anatomy posters plastering the mildewed walls.
"Change back." Dabi ordered firmly; almost throwing me onto the floor as I made a move to snap at his forearm again. Part of me didn't want to. I wanted to continue to use my quirk so reality wouldn't hit me so hard, but I knew I had already exceeded my predatory limit. Morphing back, I didn't dare look at him as I snatched my choker collar from my neck and looked at the timer; a fancy little addition Fatgum had suggested for my costume.
"Take your shirt off." My head snapped up as Dabi approached where I was crouched; a small first aid kit dangling from his hand. Baring my teeth, a guttural hiss escaped between the cracks whilst I fumbled too quickly to pull the contacts from my eyes.
"Frick off!" For a moment, the ravonette looked taken aback, but his expression quickly reverted back to boredom again.
"Calm down, Tenderfoot. You're injured and I need to get that fucking bullet out..." He explained with a roll of his cerulean eyes. I couldn't argue with him; I knew he was right, but the urge to tear a hole in his abdomen was still strong.
"Wh..whatever..." I muttered in defeat; carelessly pulling my shirt up and over my head. Normally, having anyone seeing me in my bra would have sent me into a fluster, but I couldn't care less. I was too busy trying to hold back my primal urges. Dabi was gentle; dabbing away blood and grit before he pulled out a frightfully large pair of tweezers.
"This'll probably hurt like a...I dunno, what would you say? A buttcheek on a stick..?" He chuckled a little, but there was no real amusement behind it. He then thought for a moment before standing up and beginning to undo his belt.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, you pervert?!" I snapped; heat growing in my cheeks as I instinctively leant back.
"To bite on, you idiot...Chill out. And I mean the belt, not my dick..." He sighed; handing it to me before sitting back down. "Y'know...I never thought I'd say this...but I think I prefer the ditsy, fluffy (Y/N) compared to this shitty attitude..." Glowering, I simply placed the belt between my teeth and motioned to my shoulder; signalling him to hurry up and get it over with.
If I thought the injury alone was painful, it had nothing on the feeling of steel prongs digging around in my flesh. When Dabi finally managed to find the bullet, I let out a pitiful whimper; my teeth crunching down upon the charred leather of his belt.
Hurry hurry hurry..!
Blood spurted out the gory hole once it was out; the metallic scent making me both nauseous and irritable. Tears streamed down my cheeks, much to my dismay, and I just wanted to go home.
"Oi, it's alright..." The second I saw Dabi's hand reaching for my face, I grabbed it in a flash. My nails dug into the marred skin of his wrist, and my (E/C) eyes burned into his.
"Do not touch me! Not after what you tried to do to Eijiro!" I spat venomously; right into his face, and he stiffened.
"You saw that, huh?" He mumbled; not making a move to free himself from my grip. "That was a clone...but yeah...I won't deny that even if it had been the real me, I would've probably pulled the same shit..." My blood was boiling, yet my tears were like ice.
"Why?! Why the fu...why the heck would you do that after I begged you to stay away from him?! I care about him, Dabi!" I didn't care if Bakugou could hear me from the bar at this point. I needed answers. I wanted to know why Dabi had done the one thing that would hurt me.
"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO FUCKING CARE ABOUT ME, (Y/N)!" He exploded in my face; the left side of his face beginning to crackle and let off thick, black smoke. The way his ocean eyes stared into mine made me realise something. Something important that hadn't clicked until now. Slowly, I let my hand slip down into his; making him freeze.
"I never said I didn't care about you...I do...but the way I care about you is different to how I care about Eijiro..." I murmured; avoiding his gaze and instead focussing on the large amount of blood oozing from my wound. "He's one of my best friends...and you're...more..."
You should know that by now...
Dabi stayed quiet for a while; staring down at our interlocked hands before coughing and pulling away.
"I swear to fuck, you're gonna drive me insane, you little shit..." He muttered; concern flashing across his face once he took notice of my shoulder. "Look, I'm gonna cauterise that...It's gonna a fucking bitch..."
"It's owe me (F/candy) when this is all over, yeah..?" I managed a weak smile, and he just sighed in return.
"Forgiving me just like that, huh? At least your bitchy side is easing up...Right...well, use the belt, then..." I did as I was told, and boy, did I regret being born for a good minute. Eyes squeezed shut, I tried to focus on anything else but the burning pain from his fingertips. A choked cry snuck past my lips, but before any other sounds came out, I was pulled into a warm, slightly awkward embrace. "S'okay, Tenderfoot...All done..." He murmured softly; his chin resting atop my matted (H/C) hair.
No more...
"Y..your boss is a butt..." I sniffled; arms curling around him.
"I come in to congratulate you on a job well done and find you badmouthing me..? That's not at all polite, now is it..?" Even Dabi flinched as that scratchy, shrill voice slithered into the room. Shigaraki stood in the doorway; a sick smirk barely visible from behind his severed hand.
"I..I didn't mean...I-"
"Talk to the little fucker yet?" Dabi stood up and stepped between us; fixing the coat of his outfit. Shigaraki paused for a moment before deciding to humour his attempt at diverting the topic.
"He tried to blow Twice's dick off, so we knocked him out...for now. A good concussion might keep him a bit more...docile..." He chuckled; creeping further into the room. "Kurogiri and I wanna talk to you about the assault...One of the others can stay with the girl." He looked over at me with his sharp carnelian eyes and I felt like I was two feet tall.
"C..could Magne please c..come..? I..I mean...i..if that's okay..?" I squeaked out; mouse-like in every way. I was surprised my quirk didn't decide to join in and give me mouse ears and a tail. Waving me off, Shigaraki turned to leave again with a slight shuffle in his step; red shoes scuffing the concrete.
"Sure...I guess I could give you that much for being so cooperative, hero...Oh, whoops...Guess I can't call you that anymore..." He snickered cruelly before pausing in the doorway; glancing out from behind Father. "You're not quite done yet...I'll be back later." With that, he left, and I found myself shaking like a leaf in a strong breeze.
Not...done..? But...I...I did everything I was told to...
"Oi..." I nearly squealed when Dabi dropped back down in front of me; face level with mine as he hunched over. "He gets a kick outta scaring ya, right? Get Magne to dress the wound and I'll be back as soon as I can...Just...wait for me, yeah..?" I nodded slowly; every part of me wanting to beg him to stay, but I knew he had to leave.
" not let them h..hurt me..? I..I mean...I-" He pressed a finger to my lips to shush me; his skin hot and dry to the touch after using his quirk.
"I'm not my father. Nobody I about gets hurt..." He whispered; leaning in and pressing a quick, ghostly kiss to my forehead before standing up and striding out of the room. Speechless, my hand flew up; tracing where his lips had met my head. No barricade of a palm or anything; a straight up kiss. The cold, dank room felt less sinister, now, and I curled up on the floor in wait; just as I had promised.
I trust you...I'm gonna be fine...I just have to wait...
*** ~Screams in Czechoslovakian~ I wanted to fit so much more into this but I think it would work better with the next chapter (which will hopefully only take a day or two). Anyway, I was messing around with my Shigaraki cosplay earlier and ended up blowing ash everywhere and I'm so done oof***
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