TWELVE: How Can You Be So Stupid?
Dabi's face was like the hardest stone, and it made me flinch back.
"B..but..." I swallowed; taken aback by his sudden harshness. "...Mum and Dad are working...and I hate being alone..." The ravonette just shrugged and laid back down in his bed; arms up behind his head.
"So? Call that little elf kid...or that shark week guy. I don't care."
But...I thought you did...That's why I'm here...
"I...see...Well...I'll just...go, then..." I murmured; standing up and slowly walking towards the door. I had hoped that he'd change his mind before I reached it, but he didn't even turn his head. It hurt. Heaving a sigh, I turned the handle; yipping out like a startled puppy when I came face to face with a large, copper-haired being.
"Dabi, I swear to god, if you don't stop...Oh, is this the little pussycat I've heard so much about?!" I took a small step back and bowed politely; forcing a smile onto my face.
"(L/N) (F/N). Nice to meet you."
"Such a cutie! I'm Magne, sweetie, and the pleasure is all mine!" She smiled back at me with plump lips, and she peered over the top of my head at the grouchy villain. "Dabi, I hope you've been treating her well!" The man just grunted and rolled over to stare at the wall; making my shoulders slump dejectedly.
"I...should go..." I said quietly as I tried to slip past Magne. A sturdy hand grabbed my shoulder and stopped me in an instant.
"I think not! What you need is a girl's night! You, me and the little vampire brat!" I struggled a little as Magne threw me over her shoulder like a sack of sand; using my eyes to plead with Dabi as he glanced over his shoulder. There was hesitation in his gaze, but he simply just rolled back over and allowed me to be carted off.
I didn't know why I had been so concerned about Magne dragging me away. It had only been a few short hours, and I was already fitting right in with the mismatched pair.
"So, what's the go with you and Mr. Tall, Dark and Brooding?" Magne asked teasingly; her socked feet kicking around in the air as she laid on her stomach. I almost choked on the popcorn I was chewing and swallowed it down in a painful gulp.
"The go? We're just friends! He doesn't like me like that..." I explained a little too urgently.
"What?! But you're a catch, (N/N)!" Toga exclaimed; not bothering to look up from cleaning one of the many knives that were strewn across the creme bed sheets.
" of those fish that smacks the fisherman in the face and makes them hurl them back in the lake..." I chuckled sadly. "I'm annoying and I'm not all that I look like a grade schooler!" I wasn't wrong. My choices of outfits were cutesie and bright; not that I really minded.
"Personally, I think you're Dabi's secret type! God knows he's hopeless with the ladies." Magne snickered; rolling over onto her back.
"That's not what he told me..." I murmured as I thought back on how he had boasted of his past sexual encounters. The girls both burst into hysterics, and I had to lean away to avoid being sliced by Toga's bowie knife.
"Him?! Dab-Dab's a virgin if ever I saw one! He probably just wanted to make himself sound tough!" She cackled wildly.
"It was his turn to do the laundry the other day...You should have seen him handling our panties! He looked like he was about to explode!" Magne snorted; sitting up to clutch her stomach.
But...why did he lie about it?
"You like like him, don't you?!" I squeaked when I heard Toga's voice so close to my ear and scrambled back; almost off the edge of the bed.
"W..well...he saved my life...and he's really nice" I couldn't lie. I did find myself becoming more and more attracted to Dabi, so why deny it?
"But what about all those nasty burns? I mean, he isn't exactly what you'd call aesthetic..." Magne mused as she stood up and padded over to her wardrobe.
"They're part of him, though? It just shows he's had a tough time and needs some love..." I slapped my hand over my mouth the second my sentence tumbled out. Toga tackled me off the bed; thankfully throwing her knife in the opposite direction, and rolled around with me in her arms.
"YOU LOVE HIM! L! O! V! E!" She screeched, and I decided it was smarter to cover her mouth and not my own.
"Shhhh! I...I just like him, okay?! Love is a...strong word...I like you guys, just...shhh!" My face was hot, and I prayed that Dabi couldn't hear this ruckus from down the hall.
"You like me?! Wow, that's something I haven't heard before! Does that mean I can have some of your blood?!" Her eyes twinkled as she sat up on my stomach, and I felt like I couldn't refuse. I was already aware of her quirk, so I didn't mind as long as she didn't use my body for evil.
" long as it isn't too much..." I murmured; spluttering as she left up and raced out of the room.
"I'll be right back!" She cheered; disappearing from sight.
"You do realise she'll never quit asking you, now?" Magne sighed; returning from her wardrobe with a black hoodie. It had cerulean accents, and the sleeves looked moth-eaten and ragged.
"I don't mind...I like to help..." I said; lifting a brow. "What's that?"
"Oh, this?" The woman held up the hoodie and grinned mischievously. "Swiped it from Dabi's clean laundry." I yelped as she tossed it over my head; his unmistakable scent covering me completely.
"B..but...why?" I asked; peeling it away from my face.
"I was gonna try and sew up the tears...but I think he'd have an absolute stroke if you wore it." The bed creaked when she sat down; watching me hesitantly slip it on over my (F/C) top. It was several sizes too big, but it was the most comfortable thing I had ever worn. I couldn't fight back the slight heat that began to pool in my cheeks.
"I like it...but...he's mad at me..." I murmured; suddenly feeling down.
"Honey, he's a moody little shit. He's probably just taking out his frustrations with Tomura on you." Magne sighed before we both jumped when Toga burst back into the room with a small metal box and an empty jam jar.
"Pick a vein, any vein!" She all but screeched; coming to kneel in front of me. Unphased, I rolled up the ebony sleeve on my right arm and held it out for her.
"Remember...I have school not too much today, okay?" I reminded her calmly; feeling a little nervous only when she opened her box to pull out an IV cord and some strangely modified needle, along with a medical-grade tourniquet.
"Yeah yeah, I know..." She mumbled; tongue sticking out through her teeth as she began to set up. "Oh, Dabi was outside the door when I ran out. He was gone when I got back, though..."
"He what?!" I trailed off into a groan and tilted my head back as Toga fastened the tourniquet tightly around my upper arm; poking at the vein that raised against my skin. "He would've heard everything!"
"Good. Now he won't be an oblivious little fucker." Magne laughed; picking up an outdated magazine and leaning back into her pillows so she wouldn't have to watch the procedure.
"I dunno...he was just standing there. Maybe his eardrums are as burnt as his face?!" Toga giggled; flawlessly slipping the tip of the needle into my arm and beginning her task. I kept my eyes on the ceiling; not wanting to see my blood dripping into the jar, but I could definitely hear it. Feel it, too.
"He's definitely not deaf..." I mumbled; already beginning to feel a little light headed.
He's gonna hate me even more, now...
Toga just rambled on about this and that, and all the while I began to feel sicker. She'd definitely gone overboard with her blood collection, but she was so happy about it. I didn't want to ruin that.
"Toga...Cut it out. Seriously, you're gonna make her really sick..." Magne voiced out as soon as she peered up from her reading; discarding the crumpled magazine and sitting up. "Look at her! She's pale as all hell!l
"Nah, you're fine, right (N/N)?! Drip drop, almost to the top!~" She sang as she stared at the thick, crimson liquid that had already filled well over half the jar. I felt like I was going to pass out, but I managed to nod; a weak smile faltering.
"I'm f-"
"Get your fucking creepy-ass shit away from her..." I couldn't even muster up a jump as the door slammed open; revealing Dabi with a vicious scowl on his marred face.
"B..but it's almost done! Just a bit more!" The blonde whined; squeaking as he activated his quirk and set his own arms on fire. The vibrant blue made me wake up a little bit.
"Dabi...I'm fine...Chill out..." My voice was really betraying me at this point, and; even though I felt bad, I couldn't help but feel relieved once Toga removed the needle and replaced it with a rather large band aid.
"Thanks a bunch, (N/N)! You're my bestest friend!" Toga clapped and quickly screwed the lid on the jar; hugging it close to her chest. Dabi snarled at her as he approached; leaning down and picking me up under his arm like some oversized, fleshy football.
"I warned you, honey..." Magne sighed with a wave as I was carried out of the room and down the hall. I was far from comfortable, but I didn't have the energy to fight it. I felt queasy and dead; wanting to just curl up and take a month-long cat nap.
"What the fuck were you thinking, you dumb fuck?" Dabi growled as he tossed me onto his bed; narrowing his eyes as I used whatever power I could muster to shuffle up to his pillow.
"She sounded so...excited about it..." I sighed; pulling up the neck of the hoodie so it covered my chin. The ravonette groaned loudly in exasperation; followed by a faint rustling. All of a sudden, I was pulled up to a sitting position right against his side. Before I could ask what he was doing, something rich and sweet was shoved into my mouth.
"You need to eat something so you don't know...fucking die..." Dabi mumbled; staring off in the opposite direction. I chewed quietly; stealing glances at his blemished jaw. He really was handsome, in my eyes, at least. Black hair wisped over his ears, and I wanted to reach out and touch it; to trace my fingers over the silver cuffs piercing his cartilage.
He's so...I can't even think of a word...captivating, maybe?
"Quit staring, Tenderfoot." I flinched back as a water bottle was shoved in my face. "Drink and lay down." Nodding, I did as he instructed; my head beginning to pound harder. I was definitely going to rethink my choices of becoming a blood donor.
"Th..thanks, Dabi..." I murmured; handing him the half-empty bottle and laying back down on his mattress. "I'm sorry if I made you mad at me..." My knees curled up to my chest and I buried my nose into his pillow; his sugary scent lulling the ache in my head just a smidgen.
"Look...I'm not...mad at you..." He sighed; dragging his crumpled duvet up and over my body. "But, I wanna get something straight..." I didn't like the tone of his voice, but I was willing to hear him out.
"Y..yeah?" Dabi moved to crouch by the edge of the bed; his face pretty close to where mine peeked out from under the covers.
"I don't need love." He said sternly; ocean eyes considerably softer than his voice. "Liking me is a really dumb thing to do." I was basically a ball now; knees pressing to my chest and eyes trying to avoid the blue of his.
" eavesdropped..." I whimpered; my waterline stinging with tears of embarrassment. I wasn't usually one to get embarrassed very easily, but this was something I wasn't used to. I'd never admitted to liking anyone before, and the moment I went and did it, that exact person just had to be listening in.
"I didn't intend to...I just swung by to make sure that psycho wasn't gonna turn Buffalo Bill on your gullible ass..." He growled quietly; using the top of his finger to quickly flick away a strand of (H/C) hair from my face. "Just...don't go liking me. It's stupid, and messy, and just...Don't do it..." I don't know why, nor how I managed to muster up the energy, but I slowly reached out from under the covers. I brushed my index finger along the staples by the side of his mouth, and I only caught the hitch in his breath due to how close our faces were.
"Too late..." I sighed almost silently; swallowing as he pulled my hand away. His grip remained on my wrist; gentle, though incredibly hot. Conflict danced across his face as he tried to glare at me, but it was more like a sad gaze.
"You're an idiot..." He stood up and flicked off the lamp beside the bed; proceeding to crawl over to top of me and take his place between my back and the mildewed wall. "You're just gonna end up dead...or in tears..." He scoffed; his eye roll apparent. I could feel the chilled dribble of tears down my cheek now, but I was thankful that I was as silent as a mouse. I didn't want him to know I was crying over him. It was obvious that he had been hurt; to the point of building a wall so thick and so high that he even blocked parts of himself out.
"S..sorry..."! Don't stutter! He'll know you're crying, you big dummy!
"For fucks sake..." I froze as I felt his arm reach under the side of my neck and head and pull me close into his side; the thundering of his pulse matching the one drumming against my throat. "Why are you such a fucking baby, (Y/N)?"
My name spoken in his dark voice was something I never knew I had wanted, and I boldly twined my fingers through the gaps between his. He didn't hold mine back, but he didn't pull away, either.
"Who hurt you, Dabi..?" I whispered; closing my eyes and counting the short seconds between each breath he took. The silence that followed was long and cold, but I gripped onto consciousness to hear his answer, if it ever came. Slowly; cautiously, his fingers curled down to encase my hand, twitching ever so slightly against my (S/C) skin.
"Who hasn't..?" He finally responded; bitterness thickening the air of the room. I wanted to turn and face him, but I just couldn't. Between nerves and lethargy, I was just a motionless lump by his side.
"H..have I..?"
Please tell me I haven't...
Another silence fell upon us like a heavy, musty blanket, and I held my breath in wait. He shifted around stiffly; a small cough sounding as he made me feel nauseous from anticipation.
"Not yet..." He sounded so sure that it would happen; that it was inevitable, and I hated it. I pulled his hand closer to my face; planting a ghost of a kiss against his knuckles and making him flinch. His entire body flinched, as if it had been inflicted with searing pain.
"Never..." I promised; struggling to stay in the world of the conscious. The pillow is damp beneath me, and I was pretty sure the sleeve of his shirt was, too.
"Well, I know I'll hurt it up, Tenderfoot...Go back to your elf and shark..." Dabi; despite sounding so splenetic, pulled me closer. The speed of his heart was almost concerning, at this point.
"I'm...okay with that..." My voice was fading fast, but I had to at least get these last words out. He needed to hear them. "...I wanna see you smile...for real..."
"How can you be so..."
***Can I just say, I wanna sleep for a month and a half and I also wanna cry cuz I left my 707 body pillow at my mum's which is 8 hours away RIP***
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