THREE: The Emptiness of Threats
“Didn't I just tell you not to fucking scream, you little shit?!” He hissed in a low voice; looking more confused than angry. I stepped towards him and balanced up on the tips of my toes; leaning in closer to his face. My (E/C) eyes grew even wider as realisation hit me.
“You're the one who pulled me out of the fire!” His expression turned into agitation as he turned away from me and started to inspect my room.
“Did I? Perhaps I did...not sure why, though…” He mumbled; flipping through my collection of children's books that sat upon the shelf above my desk. I was beyond excited; almost jumping up and down on the spot.
“You're my hero! Wow, I need to tell Fatgum! He wants to thank you and-”
“You really are stupid...aren't you, Tenderfoot?” He cut me off as he pulled out an old book of fairy tales. My shoulders slumped a little as he strolled casually over to my bed and flopped down; shoes and all, and began to flip through it.
“I..I'm not stupid! You're stupid for naming yourself after my coat!” I whined; folding my arms across my chest.
“Listen...uh...whatever your actual name is...this isn't some friendly little house call to reminisce about the good ol’ days...I guess you could say...I'm taking care of business…” He didn't spare me a glance as he scanned each page; licking a finger each time he went to turn. Cocking my head, I approached the bed and sat on the edge.
“Business? I don't follow…”
What business could he possibly have with me? Does he want a reward or something?
“Of course you don' let me make this crystal clear…” He shut the book and looked down at his nails. “ saw too much…” Just as I was about to question him further, his fingertips ignited. Wisps of dark smoke curled around his forearm, and a bright, flickering flame danced around on his hand.
Blue flame.
My throat grew dry, but I didn't react externally. My saviour had also been the cause of the chaos, and I didn't know what to think. Suddenly, my back was flat against the mattress, and Dabi held my throat with his unlit hand; threatening me with the small blaze in his other.
“If you're gonna kill least tell me why?” I asked; not a shred of terror in my calm voice. His ocean eyes searched mine for a few moments before a sarcastic smirk spread across his half-charred lips.
“You're literally moments away from a painful death and you're not even shaking? You're not even a little bit scared?” He asked; moving that blue flicker even closer to my nose. It was hot, and I began to sweat a little.
“No...I'm just curious...there has to be a reason why…”
Are you kidding?! I'm petrified!
“Why does there have to be a reason to kill? Hmm? Maybe I just like hearing those pitiful screams? Ever thought about that?” His flame grew closer, but his hold on my throat relaxed.
“No...because you're a good person. If you weren't, then why did you pull me out of there and let Fatgum know where I was?” Narrowing his eyes, he released my throat and clicked his tongue; the same click I had heard before I rushed into the warehouse blaze. He still straddled me; his slender frame looming over my body whilst he racked his brain.
“I've been asking myself that for the last few days…” He muttered; letting the fire fizzle out and running a steaming hand through his ebony mess. The scent of burning hair wasn't exactly pleasant, but I politely suffered through it. “Maybe I felt like I owed you know...for the jacket...and the name, I guess…” He sat back down on my legs and I propped myself up on my elbows; watching him try to figure himself out. He was thin; basically underweight, and I didn't like that one bit.
“Do you want something to eat?” I asked, and he snapped back to look at me in utter confusion.
“Are you seriously offering to feed a villain? One that's about to become your murderer?” There was a hint of a wavering laugh, but I just nodded.
“Well...yeah? You look hungry...and I honestly don't think you're gonna be able to kill me.” His eyes grew wide, and he faltered as I sat up; almost straight into his chest. It was like he was sitting in my lap; he basically was. “” There was a long silence, and Dabi looked like he was staring at some kind of Area 51 escapee with the way he just stares at me with a slack, patchwork jaw.
“Uh...right’o…” He murmured; shaking himself out of it and climbing off me. I jumped up and grabbed his arm to lead him downstairs and he flinched; hard. “What the fuck are you doing?” I quirked a brow as I dragged him along; for once taking the staircase only one step at a time.
“I'm gonna get you something to eat? Duh?”
“No. I mean...why are you touching me? On...that...of all places…” He stared at my hand which held onto his marred flesh. He appeared to be both uncomfortable and…
Is he...embarrassed?
“On what? Your arm?” I looked between my hand and his face; still smiling cheerfully. He opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it; his lips pursing as we finally reached the kitchen. I let go of him and opened the refrigerator. “So, what would you like? I can make some curry...or...hmm...we probably have the stuff to make burgers?” I glanced over my shoulder and saw him rubbing his arm; kind of like it was suffering pins and needles.
“Got any junk food?” He asked flatly; giving up on his stapled skin and leaning back against the island bench.
Ah...a man of culture, I see!
I pointed towards the top cupboard above the sink; using my other hand to signify that I was a bit too short to reach it without assistance.
“Go for long as you grab me a (F/Junk)!” He seemed to irk at my cheerfulness, but heaved a sigh as he walked over and opened the cupboard with ease.
He's so tall! I can't get up there without climbing into the sink! God send!
He just stared into the cupboard for a few moments before turning back to me.
“How the fuck aren't you a whale? Did you hold up a convenience store or some shit?” He asked rhetorically before returning to rummage around.
“When you work with the lord of pick up a habit or two when it comes to food…” I chuckled; waiting patiently as he grabbed out my (F/Junk) and some things for himself. I then led him out to the living room; plopping down on the sofa and motioning for him to join me. Of course, he sat as far away as possible; tossing my snack to me before literally incinerating the wrapper of a family-sized chocolate bar.
“Don't think this means I won't kill you…” He said quietly; his mouth already filled with the dairymilk goodness.
“Oh, please! You won't kill me. You've already had enough chances to prove it's just an empty threat!” I giggled; crossing my legs and shifting around to face him. He was already onto his second block of chocolate; just barely glancing in my direction.
“I will. And I'll take your candy stash, too.” He said nonchalantly, and I was only inches away in seconds. On hands and knees, I glared at him with the eyes of a hungry lion; ready to strike.
“You can threaten my life...but you can never threaten my sweets, you heathen!” I smiled at his reaction as he swallowed a lump of chocolate, and I settled in next to him. He certainly wasn't very impressed with my closeness.
“I see you've improved that quirk of yours…” He mused; smooshing the sticky wrapper against my cheek as he reached for his third. Unphased, I just pulled it off and nodded excitedly.
“Yep! I've got more than one animal for each day of the year now! I'd show you, but it still kinda hurts to use it, ya know? After nearly dying in your fire...” I rubbed the back of my neck and laughed.
“Any dinosaurs under your belt?” Dabi asked with a yawn.
“No...I can't seem to do reptiles...just mammals...sorry.”
That would be so cool, though!
“Anything dangerous, then..?” He seemed to understand how my quirk worked. It didn't matter if the animal was dead, alive, fossilised or just a single bone. If it held any of it's DNA, I could collect it.
“Well...lions, tigers...bears…”
“Oh my…” He smirked; finally giving me a bit of a playful side to lock onto. I giggled behind my hand and leant back into the cushions.
“I can turn into a Dire Wolf...which is pretty cool, too...but I can't stay in predator form for long…” I hummed; fiddling with the chocolate wrapper I had yet to discard.
“Too scary for you?” Dabi asked; kicking his feet up onto the coffee table.
“Nah...I discovered another downfall of my quirk is that if I spend too long as an animal, I start to kind of...inherit their's never permanent, unless I don't give myself a break from the certain, one time, in middle school, I had to take time off because I stayed as a tigress for too long...I almost ate the class hamster…” I cringed; remembering how my teacher had whacked me repeatedly with a rolled up newspaper.
“So that's why you're so fucking peppy all the time? Too much time as a puppy dog?” Dabi snorted; screwing up the third wrapper and shoving it into his pocket.
“Nope! I'm just a happy person!”
Okay...maybe I did spend countless hours as a puppy when I was growing up...but still! Happy person by nature!
“Such potential as a villain...pity you want to be a hero…” He said, as though he were deep in thought.
“I don't exactly want to be a hero...I seeing people smile. My parents suggested heroism...and then Fatgum took me under his wing...and it just...happened?” He was about to respond when he paused; staring at the front door for a moment before he stood up; stashing the two remaining blocks of chocolate in his jacket before turning to me.
“Time for me to go. Cheers for the chocolate.” Without thinking, I reached out and grabbed his sleeve before he had the chance to walk away.
“ should come hang out again sometime! You know...since you're obviously not gonna kill me…” I chuckled; feeling a tad flustered.
Oh boy, why do I feel so weird? Probably because I'm asking a villainous murderer to hang out...the one who killed...Aika…
“Are you asking me on a date?” He snickered; moving to stand between me and the coffee table. For once in my life, I was lost for words. My cheeks felt hot, all the way down to the back of my neck, and I found it difficult to swallow back the lump in my throat.
“D..don't jump to such conclusions! I meant as friends, dummy!” I retorted; squeaking as he dropped his upper half down over me. My head was trapped between two thin, yet strong looking arms, and again I tried to force back that cluster of nerves in my throat. His blemished face moved in close, and he nudged my (H/C) hair aside to breathe into my tingling ear.
“You couldn't handle a date with me, Tenderfoot…” He whispered in a husky, somewhat smokey voice; using a finger to wipe a smudge of chocolate he had made on my cheek when pushing his used wrapper against me. He basked in my flustered state for an extra long second before standing back up and heading towards the staircase; licking his fingertip. “By the way...I didn't know that kid was there until it was too late. I kill, but not without a purpose...I'll see you later.” With that, he was gone.
I knew he wasn't all bad...but...why didn't he use the front door?
I was about to trail after him when the front door burst open, and two large, drooling balls of fur came dashing towards me, along with the jangling of collars and keys.
“I'm home!~”
Oh...that's why…
“H..hey Dad! Hey Karma! Nagisa! I missed you two!” I giggled as I stroked their brindle coats. The pair of Kai Kens didn't hesitate to clamber up onto the sofa and begin sniffing me with cold, damp noses.
“Hey, you look flushed...are you feeling okay? Is your friend Amajiki here?” My father walked up to me and pressed his hand against my forehead.
Nope...just got up close and personal with a hot...literally hot...villain slash murderer!
“, I'm fine and dandy! Just tired.” I insisted; giving him a bright smile as he ruffled my hair. His eyes flickered down to the multiple candy wrappers on the table and he chortled.
“Hungry, too, I'm guessing?”
Dabi, you guts-ache!
“I'll see you later…”
Yeah...I really hope I do...I have so many questions..!
***First thing's first...yes, (Y/N) is a bit of a ditz, but a smart, happy-go-lucky one! I usually write angsty this time I wanted to give myself a challenge and write her (you!) as someone energetic and peppy! Also, you have my undying love if you can guess where I got the dog names from (*cough* AC *cough*) ***
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